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English 6 – Term II - Homework I

Good morning, dear students.

As I said during the class, here I send you the info/activities we need in order to have a
successful class during next week. I’m talking about:

1. Listening and transcribing the audio: the following link includes a dialogue between two
people. During two minutes, the say around 250 words. Please, listen to the audio and
WRITE every single thing they say. The better your transcription, the more you are going to
improve your listening skills. Try your best here.

2. Vocabulary (Phrasal Verbs): this is the easiest and most important one. Here you have a
list of 50 Phrasal Verbs, CHOOSE the 10 verbs you like the most and REALLY learn and
practice with them for the next class.

That’s it!
Kind regards.
Juan Camilo Vásquez Fonseca

Selina: Patrick? Is that you?

Patrick: Selina! Hello!
Selina: Well,
Patrick Eastwood. How have you been?
Patrick: Good. Great, actually. How you? I haven’t seen you for ... how long?
Selina: It’s been ages. At least fifteen years. Wow.
Patrick: Yeah. Wow.
Patrick and Selina: So, what are you doing here?
Selina: Sorry, you go first.
Patrick: OK. What are you doing here? I trough you’d moved to London.
Selina: I was in London for a couple of years. But it didn’t work out.
Patrick: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Are you ... OK?
Selina: I’m fine! The dream job wasn’t really a dream, you know? Um ... and London is
great but it’s so expensive. I mean, just the rent on a flat is ... uh … crazy expensived.
Patrick: I see. Selina: So, I came back. I’ve been back now for almost five months. Living
back home with Mom and Dad. Which is err ... interesting. Um ... but anyway, what about
Patrick: Me? Oh, nothing new. You know me – ‘Patrick the predictable’. I never left here.
Selina: Oh. And is that?
Patrick: Oh, I’m very happy. I’m married now. We’ve just celebrated our tenth anniversary.
Selina: No way! You? Married? To?
Patrick: I don’t think you know her. Her name’s Marigold. And we’ve got two kids.
They’re five and eight years old.
Selina: Married and with two kids? Wow!
Patrick: Don’t look so surprised!
Selina: No, no … I’m just amazed how time flies! I’m happy for you. I really am.
Patrick: Thanks. You should really come around to the house one day.
Selina: That would be great. Let’s swap numbers and

Answer back- replicar, contestar protestando

Ask out- invitar a salir 
Ask over- invitar a tu casa 

Back down - echarse para atrás en una decisión que provoca enfrentamiento
Back off - retirarse, alejarse, evitar
Back out - echarse para atrás porque se cambia de opinión
Blow up- explotar
Break into- entrar a robar
Bring up- plantear

Call off- cancelar
Cut down on - recortar, reducir, aminorar

Drop by - dejarse caer, visitar de forma inesperada

Figure out - explicarse
Fill out - cumplimentar
Find out - Enterarse

Give away - regalar
Give back - devolver
Get along - llevarse (bien o mal) con una persona
Get by - apañarse
Get over - recuperarse
Go on - continuar
Go over - repasar
Grow up - crecer

Hand in -entregar en mano
Hold up - retrasar 
Keep away - alejarse
Keep on  - continuar

Look for - buscar 
Look into- investigar
Leave out- dejar fuera, omitir 
Look over- examinar 
Look up- consultar (diccionario, lista) 

Make up - inventar
Make up - reconciliarse

Pass out - desmayarse
Pick out - escoger
Pick up - recoger
Point out - señalar, indicar
Put away - guardar, ahorrar, consumir
Put on - ponerse
Put out- apagar un fuego 

Rip off- timar, sablear, cobrar de más
Run across- encontrarse (tropezarse) con algo casualmente
Run into - encontrarse con alguien casualmente  
Run out - agotar existencias
Run over - atropellar algo o a alguien

Set up -montar, ensamblar, erigir, convocar
Sleep in - dormir hasta tarde
Stand out- sobresalir, destacar

Take after- parecerse
Take after- parecerse (otra manera de recordar) 
Take off - quitarse la ropa
Take off - despegar (un avión)
Talk into - convencer
Throw away - tirar a la basura
Throw up - vomitar
Turn down- rechazar, denegar
Turn down - bajar el volumen
Turn off - apagar
Turn up - subir el volumen
Try On - probarse ropa

Use up- Utilizar algo hasta gastarlo.

Wind up- acabar, terminar 
Wipe off- limpiar restregando
Work out - salir (resultar) algo bien, tener éxito algo
Work out - calcular, resolver
Work out - hacer ejercicio

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