Class 4 English A 2020

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Askari Cement Model High School (Boys & Girls), ACET, ACL Wah

First Term Examination Nov 2020

Timings: __________ Subject: English A Date: ______________

Name: _______________ Class/Sec: 4 R/G Roll no: ___________

Section A B C Total
Obtained Marks
Maximum Marks 15 15 20 50

Invigilator Sign: ______________ Re-Checker Sign: ________________

OBJECTIVE (Part A) : (15)

Q1. Match the persons to the descriptions of what they do. /5

Police officer Shopkeeper Holy King/queen Washer

man/woman man/woman

1. A ________is a person who manages a store and sells items.

2. A _______ is a person who is very religious.

3. A _______is a person who washes clothes.

4. A _______is a person who rules a country.

5. A _______is a person who prevents crime and keeps order.

(b): Match the following. /5

This is the man Which helped me find the cave.
This is the map Who met me on the road.
This is the path Which I brought back to show you.
This is the dog Which took me to the cave.
This is the treasure That guarded the cave.

(c): Match adjectives in the column A with the nouns in the column B

As black as a wolf
As cold as night
As red as ice
As free as a rose
As hungry as a bird

Askari Cement Model High School (Boys & Girls), ACET, ACL Wah

First Term Examination Nov 2020

Timings: __________ Subject: English A Date:______________

Name: _______________ Class/Sec: 4 R/G Roll no: ___________

Q 1: Write down dictation words? /5

Q 2: Write down the meaning of following words? (Any five) /5

1. Vanish 2. Boast 3. Weary 4. Stupid 5. Bemused 6. Gasped 7. Lance

Q 3: Make sentences of following words? (Any five) /5

1. Allowed 2. Ambassador 3. Boast 4. Yanked 5. Determined 6. Method 7.


Q 4: Answer the following questions? (Any Five) (2*5=10)

1. Who came to see the variety entertainment?

2. What were the Russian nobles boasting about?
3. What did the Greek ambassador want from the prince?
4. When did DNP decide to have a haircut and why?
5. What was it that people marvelled at about DNP?
6. What were the villagers doing with penknives?
7. What were the men doing with the rope and the cup?
Q 5: Write down the central idea of poem “My Dove”? /5

Q 6: Reading /5

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