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Step-by-step guide to UK registration and certification for merchant vessels joining parts I or IV of the UK register
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Step-by-step guide to UK registration and certification for merchant vessels joining parts I or IV of the UK register

Please find below a step by step guide to the procedures and documentation needed for ships applying to join Part I or IV of the UK Register. This is intended to be a helpful standard checklist to guide customers through the process.

Contact the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Registration Promotion and Marketing (RPM) Unit to obtain a copy of the ship registration pro forma requesting the information needed to run the vessel through our quality check to see if you qualify for UK registration. This pro forma can also be found on our website If RPM is content to accept the vessel onto the UK Register, arrangements will be made to assign you a Customer Service Manager to deal with the technical issues regarding the survey and inspection of vessels during the flag in process and a Customer Account Manager to act as your dedicated focal point of contact for administration and general policy matters for a seamless transfer of vessel(s) on to the UK register. Tel: + 44 (0) 23 8032 9197 Fax: + 44 (0) 23 8032 9447 Email: Registration Applications together with fees should be submitted to the Registry of Shipping and Seamen (RSS), MCA Cardiff, Anchor Court, Keen Road, Cardiff CF24 5JW.

The forms required for Part I and Part IV registration are as follows: Form MSF 4740 Application to Register a British Ship Form MSF 4740A Application to Register a ship of over 500gt Form MSF 4738 Application to Register a Bareboat Charter Ship Form MSF 4727 Declaration of Eligibility for a Merchant Ship Form MSF 4735 Declaration of Eligibility for a Bareboat Charter Ship Form MSF 4705 Bill of Sale Forms MSF 4733, MSF 4734, MSF 4739 Mortgage forms (where applicable) The Registry also require the following documentation: Certificate of Incorporation if the owner/charterer is a body corporate Certificate of Survey for Tonnage & Measurement International Tonnage Certificate (ITC69) Charter Party Agreement if the vessel is to be registered as a Bareboat Charter ship Faxed copy of Continuous Synopsis Record (ISPS) Relevant fee for current fees please see MSF 1222. On receipt of all of the required documentation, RSS will issue a Carving and Marking Note. Once the Official Number and Port of Registry have been marked on the ship, the carving and marking note should be signed by either Class or an MCA Surveyor and faxed to RSS. Once faxed; the original should be forwarded by post to RSS. Arrangements for the delivery of the UK Registration certificate should be agreed in advance with RSS in order to ensure a quick and secure service. RSS Contact details: A-L ships Tel: +44 (0) 02920 448840 Email: M-Z ships Tel: +44 (0) 2920 448841 Email: or Tel: +44 (0) 2920 448800 Email:

Step-by-step guide to UK registration and certification for merchant vessels joining parts I or IV of the UK register

Manning Application for a Safe Manning Document (SMD) should be made as soon as possible, but to avoid delays a minimum of two weeks prior to registration of the vessel is required. Submit an application for Safe Manning Document on Form MSF 4227. When completing the application refer to MSN 1767 for appropriate manning levels on merchant vessels or MGN 195 and MGN 156 for yachts. The following will also need to be enclosed with the application: A covering letter containing phone, fax and e-mail contact information, details of any sister ships on the UK flag, and confirmation of the date by when the SMD is required. A General Arrangement Plan (Not required for applications for where there are already sister ships on the UK flag). To enable the MCA to be assured that the proposed manning level is operationally viable and that hours of rest regulations are adhered to, we will require all applicants for Safe Manning Documents to provide us with a typical seven day voyage plan. An Excel spreadsheet will be emailed for completion after the initial assessment of the application, together with further information. Contact Seafarer Training and Certification Branch: Tel: +44 (0) 23 8032 9231 Email: Apply for Certificates of Equivalent Competency (CEC) Applications should be submitted to the CEC Team at this address: Seafarer Training and Certification Branch, Bay 1/20, Spring Place, 105 Commercial Road, Southampton SO15 1EG, United Kingdom. Quality Service Managers will be on hand to help you with your officer certification requirements. CECs are available to Merchant Navy and Fishing Vessel Officers who hold a Certificate of Competency (CoC) issued in accordance with the STCW 95 Amendment from a country whose standards of competency and training are considered to be equivalent to those of the UK. There are additional requirements such as proof of competency in English language and UK Legal and Administrative Processes (UKLAP). Full details of these requirements and how to make an application can be obtained from the CEC web page: Links to the current guidance and information notes can also be found on our webpage. Confirmation of Receipt of Application (CRA) A CRA enables an officer to serve on board a UK ship for up to three months without a full CEC. A CRA is only issued when we have received a complete CEC application from a shipping company. The application is assessed by the CEC Team and if requested, a CRA is faxed to the shipping company. Application Forms Application forms for CECs may be downloaded from the website. Each form has a unique identification number which allows the officer or shipping company to track the progress of an application online. CEC Team Contact Details: Tel: +44 (0)23 8032 9254 Fax: +44(0)23 8032 9252 Email: Website:

Step-by-step guide to UK registration and certification for merchant vessels joining parts I or IV of the UK register

Medical Certificates Obtain valid UK seafarer medical certificates or acceptable equivalents for anyone working in any capacity on board the ship: MSN 1793(M) Published List of Approved Medical Practitioners. List is issued annually and is kept updated at information-medical/mcga-dqs_st_shs_approved_docs_list.htm MSN 1788(M) Published List of Countries whose medical certificates are accepted as equivalent to the UKs. This list is kept updated at st_shs_seafarer_information-medical/dqs-shs-live_list-eqivmedcerts.htm MSN 1765 (M) Seafarer Medical Examinations System and Medical and Eyesight Standards MGN 219 (M) Seafarer Medical Examinations Guidelines for Maritime Employers and Manning Agencies Companies employing their own doctors, with a particular need for certificates to be issued in areas where there is little or no access to Approved doctors may apply to the MCA for approval of their own doctor to issue certificates for company employees only. Examination facilities must be shorebased as medical examinations are not permitted on board ship. For further information contact: Seafarer Medical Administration Section Tel: +44 (0) 23 8032 9249 Fax: +44 (0) 23 8032 9251 Email: seafarer.h& Crew Accommodation

Any vessel to be registered in the United Kingdom must comply with the United Kingdom Merchant Shipping (Crew Accommodation) Regulations 1997, Statutory Instrument (S.I 1997 No.1508) which implement the requirements of International Labour Organization Conventions 92 and 133 on crew accommodation. For a new build vessel intended to be registered on the United Kingdom register, the requirements of the Crew Accommodation Regulations should be taken into account at the design stage, and the vessel built to those requirements. A vessel re-registering to the United Kingdom register will however be required to undergo an inspection in accordance with ILO Convention which, amongst other things, will include an inspection of the crew accommodation to ascertain if it meets the requirements of the Crew Accommodation Regulations. Where it is not possible for a new build vessel, or a re-registered vessel, to meet the requirements of the Crew Accommodation Regulations, it will be necessary for the ship owner to apply, through their MCA Customer Service Manager, to Seafarer Health and Safety Branch of the MCA Headquarters for the issue of an exemption from the relevant provision of the Crew Accommodation Regulations. Such exemptions are not granted automatically and it will be necessary therefore for the ship owner to show good cause why compliance is not possible. Additionally the ship owner will need to produce approval from the relevant United Kingdom Officers and Ratings Unions confirming their agreement to the issue of such an exemption. Should a Crew Accommodation Exemption Certificate not be issued by Seafarer Health and Safety Branch of the MCA, the onus will be on the ship owner to correct any crew accommodation deficiencies before the vessel will be accepted onto the United Kingdom Register. Contact for more information: Peter Sara Seafarer Health & Safety Branch Tel: +44 (0)23 8032 9227 Fax: +44 (0)23 8032 9251 Email:

Step-by-step guide to UK registration and certification for merchant vessels joining parts I or IV of the UK register

Crew Agreements Make arrangements for an approved UK Crew Agreement (Pre-approved (ALC 1 (BSF) 1(d) plus attachments or ALC (NFD) 1(d)) or non standard version specially approved by MCA. MGN 148(M) provides more information. Contact for more information: CSM or Michael Lines Seafarer Health & Safety Branch Tel: +44 (0) 23 8032 9246 Fax: +44 (0) 23 8032 9251 Email: Obtain UK Lists of Crew (Outer Cover ALC 1. List of Crew who are signatories to the Crew Agreement ALC 1(a). List of crew exempt from requirement to sign a Crew Agreement ALC 1(b). List of Young Persons ALC 1(c) and copy of Crew Agreement sheet ALC 6. Obtain UK Official Log Books (Log 1 for all vessels and in addition Log 2 for passenger vessels only). Crew Agreement documentation and Log books are available from MCA Marine Offices or from MCAs distribution agent: EC Group Europa Park Magnet Road Grays, Essex RM20 4DN United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 845 603 2431 Fax: +44 (0) 1375 484 556 E-mail: Security The UK has split the operational oversight of the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code between two Department for Transport organisations. The Transport Security and Contingencies Directorate (TRANSEC) are responsible for passenger ships, and MCA is responsible for cargo ships. The UK has not delegated any of the ISPS Code functions to any Recognised Security Organisation therefore all approval and verification activities are undertaken by these organisations. Ship Security Plans (SSP) Each ship must submit for approval a SSP meeting the requirements of the ISPS Code and SOLAS XI-2, together with the UK Ship Security Instructions relevant to the ship type. The SSP is to be accompanied by the Ship Security Assessment. Copies of the relevant Ship Security Instructions can be obtained from: For cargo vessels (including high speed craft) of 500gt and upwards contact: Laura Cummins Tel: +44 (0) 23 8032 9319 Email: For passenger vessels (including high speed passenger craft) contact: TRANSEC Tel: +44 (0)20 7944 2844 Email:

Step-by-step guide to UK registration and certification for merchant vessels joining parts I or IV of the UK register

Verification of Ships Security System The security system of every ship on the UK register requires verification and will following successful completion be issued with appropriate certification. All applications for ISPS activities should be made to the Customer Service Manager using form MSF5100. Training Requirements for Company and Ship Security Officers The UK requires that Company and Ship Security Officers undergo training approved by MCA. In the case of multi-flag fleets, if the UK portion of a companys fleet is less than 50% in terms of vessel numbers other approved training is accepted for the Company Security Officer. For an updated list of approved training providers contact: Seafarer Training and Certification Branch Tel: +44 (0)23 8032 9231 Fax: +44 (0)23 8032 9252 Email: Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) Ships flagging into the UK will require issuing with an updated CSR document. This should be applied for on CSR form 2 to Registry of Shipping and Seamen, Anchor Court, Keen Road, Cardiff, CF24 5JW. Telephone; +44(0)29 20448800, Fax: +44 (0)29 20448820. A copy of this form 2 should also be sent to the previous Administration so they can issue their final CSR document. Radio Communications Apply for a Radio Licence. Application for a Radio Licence, form OF62, can be obtained via the MCA website or direct from the Ofcom website or from the Radio Licensing Centre by phone on: 08702 434433. For Merchant Ships a Fast Track service is available by faxing a completed application form together with credit card details to the MCAs Navigation Safety or Survey Branch Fax: + 44 (0) 23 8032 9204/ +44 (0) 23 8032 9104. Arrange with your shore based maintainer for all GMDSS equipment to be re-programmed with new MMSI numbers prior to survey. Application for Radio Survey to be made through Selex Communications. The Safety Radio Certificate will be issued based on existing certificate with same expiry dates however they will require confirmation by their local agent that EPIRB, DSC, SAT C has been reprogrammed with UK protocol/MMSI number. MGN 286 provides more information. Contact details: Tel: +44 (0)1245 275888 Fax: +44 (0)1245 275500 Email: Marine-surveys@selex-comms Arrange for EPIRB Mandatory Registration through MRCC Falmouth. MSN 1732 and MGN 286 provide more information. Contact details: Tel: +44 (0)1326 211569 Fax: +44 (0)1326 319260 Arrange decommissioning/recommisioning of all Satcom IDs with your airtime provider.

Step-by-step guide to UK registration and certification for merchant vessels joining parts I or IV of the UK register

International Safety Management Code The MCA has not delegated the ISM Code audit function to any Recognised Organisation therefore, with few exceptions; all Document of Compliance and Safety Management Certificate audits are conducted by the MCA itself. All applications for ISM should be made to the Customer Service Manager using form MSF5100. The following is general advice as all applications are considered on a case-by-case basis and receive individual attention. Novel situations will receive sympathetic consideration and a companys previous safety record taken into account. Document of Compliance (DOC) In the case of multi-flag fleets, if the UK portion of a companys fleet is less than 50% in terms of vessel numbers, a Letter of Acceptance of a non UK DOC may be issued. However, it should be noted that Letters of Acceptance will not be issued to companies that operate UK flag passenger ships. In such cases a UK DOC must be held and the company audited accordingly. Application for a Letter of Acceptance must be accompanied by copies of both the companys DOC and the latest initial, annual and/or renewal audit reports. Provided that the DOC is valid and that no significant non-conformities remain extant, a Letter of Acceptance may be issued. In the event that the UK flag proportion of a companys fleet is greater than 50% the companys safety management system will require auditing and following successful completion MCA will issue a DOC. If the company has more than one office, this audit will be conducted at the main premises from which the safety management system is managed. This is generally the location from which the Designated Person (DP) operates. Safety Management Certificate (SMC) Every ship on the UK register requires auditing and following successful completion will, provided that the company holds a valid DOC or Letter of Acceptance, be issued with a SMC. ISO 9001:2000 and ISO14001:2004 Certification To meet the growing demand for harmonised audits for ISM, ISO 9001 and ISO14001 we are, through MCA Quality Assurance, able to offer this service to customers. Inquiries regarding certifying your Quality Management System or Environmental Management System should be made to: Contact details: Mel Paddock Tel: +44 (0)23 8032 9192 Email: Other Documentation Apply for a Civil Liability Certificate from the Glasgow Marine Office (required for all ships carrying 2000 tonnes of oil or more as bunkers or cargo). Contact details: Irene Carrick Tel: +44 (0) 1475 553352 Fax: +44 (0) 1475 553357 Email:

Step-by-step guide to UK registration and certification for merchant vessels joining parts I or IV of the UK register

Survey Every ship must be surveyed before it can be registered. MCAs general policy is for this survey to be carried out by an MCA surveyor; however, under certain circumstances, arrangements can be made for this survey to be carried out by a class surveyor on behalf of the MCA. Apply for MCA Survey on Form MSF 5100 and submit required documents and plans to your Customer Service Manager through relevant Marine Office (e.g. copies of statutory certificates, plans and other documents as required). Arrange for supply of other UK documents (Oil Record Book, M-Notices, Code of Safe Working Practice). Your Customer Service Manager will be able to advise you on the required documents. The majority of forms and guidance notes listed in the checklist, further information on the Registration process and the MCA in general can be found on our website at If the document you need is not available on the website, please contact your CSM/CAM or the relevant section who will be happy to forward a hard copy.

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