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Askari Cement Model High School Wah

Second Term Examination February 2020

Timings: __________ Subject: English A Date: ______________

Name: _______________ Class/Sec: 5 R/G Roll no: ___________

Section A B C Total
Obtained Marks
Maximum Marks 15 15 20 50

Invigilator Sign: ______________ Re-Checker Sign: ________________

OBJECTIVE (Part A): (15)

Q 1: Write the homophones for the following words. (4)

1. Feet ___________. 2. Pain _____________ 3. Site __________ 4. Sent __________

Q2: What are these anagrams? (4)

1. DED WING __________________ 2. GIRL HAS ___________________

3. SOUR PICE ________________. 4. FEED MORE ________________________

Q3: Match the columns. (4)

MP Limited
Sec. Second
VIP Member of Parliament
Ltd. Very important person

Q4: Make questions to get the following answer? (1.5*2=3)

1. He uses the shield as a mirror.


2. The sea was red with the blood of the serpent?


Askari Cement Model High School (Boys & Girls), ACET, ACL Wah
Final Term Examination February 2020

Timings: __________ Subject: English A Date:______________

Name: _______________ Class/Sec: 5 R/G Roll no: ___________


Q 1: Write down dictation words? /5

Q 2: Write down the meaning of following words? (Any five) /5

1. Seldom 2. Profession 3. Cunning. 4. Hideous 5. Burst. 6. Doubted

7. Intolerable

Q 3: Make sentences of following words? (Any five) /5

1. Pressed. 2. Available 3. Banquet 4. Hideous 5. Excited 6. Tucked into

7. Aptitude

Q 4: Answer the following questions? (Any Five) (2*5=10)

1. Why was stamp collecting so popular?

2. What kind of things do people collect?
3. What present did king polydectes ask his guests for, and then what did he ask Perseus
to get him?
4. What did Perseus feel when he saw the witches? why?
5. What kind of person was Bahlol?
6. Why was there no food in the house that day?
7. Which words used by Mr and Mrs Malik does the workman misinterpret? How does
he react?

Q 5: Write down the summary of the poem “The Skylark” /5

Q 6: Write the full forms of these abbreviations? (Any five) /5

1. Mr. 2. AD. 3. BCE 4. Kg 5. e.g. 6. Mrs.

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