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Port Said International Schools National Section Better Education for Future Generations

Name: ……………… ,G 6( ) , Date: / /2016, Ch (3)

1. Answer the following questions:

1. Why did Mr Craven hate the locked garden?
2. How did Dickon enjoy his life?
3. When was it allowed for Mary to go out of the house?

2.Who said this quotation to whom and why?

1. “Can you hear someone crying?”
2. “I’d like to see your cottage on the moor.”
3. “Your mother is so kind.”

4. “That’s exactly what you need to keep you busy.”

5. “You didn’t hear anything.”
6. “Now they can breathe.”

3.Complete the following sentences:

1- Mary wanted to see Martha’s ________________________and meet
2-Mary saw the _________________ on the ivy-covered wall. He flew
down to find a __________________and suddenly Mary saw
________________________________ .
3-The more Mary skipped, the ____________________________ . Her
___________________________ became red and her
_____________________face started to look pretty.
4-Mary saw the wind ________________ some of the ivy on the wall,
under the _____________________, she saw a ________________. She
tried _________________ in the ________________ and it turned it.
It was like __________________ because she was

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