Vayigash - Kids (Ages 10-12)

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Torah Portion: Vayigash meaning “and he came near” (Genesis 44:18 - 47:27)Key Text:
Topic: Joseph (Part 3): Joseph Forgives His Brothers Genesis 45:1-3
Sabbath School

Introduction: The eleventh reading from the book of Genesis is named

Vayigash, which means "and he came near." The title comes from the first
verse of the reading, which says, "Then Judah [came near] him" (Genesis
44:18). The portion begins with the dramatic unveiling of Joseph's true
identity and his reconciliation with his brothers. It then proceeds to tell the
story of the migration of Jacob's family to Egypt and the rest of the famine
years. This Torah portion begins to set the stage for the Egyptian captivity of
the sons of Jacob.

Hi Kids! Do you remember what happened to Joseph in the last lesson? The Pharaoh of
Egypt made Joseph the governor of Egypt after interpreting his dream about the upcoming
famine. Our story for today will be about how Joseph meets his brothers again and forgives

During the seven years that Egypt had plenty of harvests, Joseph gathered up as much grain
as they can and stored them. After the seven years of plenty, the seven years of famine began,
as Joseph had said to Pharaoh.

There was a famine in all lands. But there was food in Egypt. The people cried to Pharaoh for
food and the Pharaoh said to them that they should go to Joseph. Joseph opened all the
storehouses and sold grains to the Egyptians.

Because the famine was so severe, the peoples of other lands also came to Joseph in Egypt to
buy grains. Even Jacob, Joseph's father, who was in the land of Canaan heard the news that
there was grain for sale in Egypt. He told his sons to go down to Egypt and buy some food
there so that they may live and not die.

Joseph's ten brothers went to Egypt to buy grains. But Jacob did not let Benjamin go with
them for fear that Benjamin would be harmed just like Joseph. Benjamin is Joseph's real
brother; they have the same mother and father.

Torah Portion: Vayigash meaning “and he came near” (Genesis 44:18 - 47:27)
Topic: Joseph (Part 3): Joseph Forgives His Brothers

Now when Joseph's brothers came to Egypt to buy grains, they bowed before the governor
with their faces to the earth. Joseph immediately knew they were his brothers when he saw
them, but the brothers did not recognize Joseph.

Joseph Tests His Brothers

Joseph did not tell his brothers that he was Joseph because he wanted to test them. He acted
like a stranger toward them and spoke harshly to them. He asked, "Where do you come
from?" They said, "From the land of Canaan to buy food." But Joseph said ""You are spies!
You have come to see how defenseless the land is." But the brothers answered, "No, my lord;
your servants have come to buy food. We are sons of one man; we are honest men and are not

But Joseph said to them again, "No, you are spies." They answered, "We, your servants, are
twelve brothers, the sons of one father in the land of Canaan. The youngest is with our father,
and one is dead."

Joseph said to them, "I shall test you to prove that you are not spies. I will let one of you go
home to bring back your youngest brother here. Until then, the other brothers will stay in
prison." But Joseph did not do this. Instead after three days, Joseph said that only one brother
will stay in prison. The others will go home carrying grain for their families. If they come
back to Egypt with the youngest brother, only then will the brother in prison be set free.

After Joseph said this, his brothers said to one another, "It is because of our guilt with the
way we treated our brother that we are having this trouble now." The brothers did not know
that Joseph understood what they were talking about. Joseph turned away and wept.

Torah Portion: Vayigash meaning “and he came near” (Genesis 44:18 - 47:27)
Topic: Joseph (Part 3): Joseph Forgives His Brothers

Joseph's command was followed. In addition, he told his stewards to fill the brothers' sacks
with grain and put back their money in the sack.

When the brothers came home to Jacob in the land of Canaan, they told him everything that
had happened. They also said that they need to go back and bring their youngest brother to
Egypt to prove that they are not spies and to get back Simeon.

When they emptied their sacks and found the money in each sack, they became more afraid
and asked, "What is this that God has done to us?" Jacob did not allow them to go back to
Egypt and take Benjamin with them. He said he will die with sorrow if harm should also
come to Benjamin.

But the famine was so severe. When Jacob's household had eaten up all the grain, they had to
go back to Egypt. They finally convinced Jacob to let Benjamin go with them. Jacob also told
them to bring some fruits of the land as a present to the governor and twice as much money to
give back the money they found in their sacks.

Joseph was so happy when he saw Benjamin. He told the steward of his house to prepare a
meal for all of them. Simeon, the brother in prison, was also brought out to them. Joseph had
portions served to the brothers but Benjamin got five times more food as his brothers. All of
them enjoyed that night.

Josephs Tests His Brothers a Second Time

Afterward, Joseph gave the command to fill the sacks of his brothers with grain and to put his
silver cup and the money in the sack of the youngest. In the morning, Joseph's brothers left
the city but Joseph's steward pursued them after some time and looked for the silver cup in
their sacks.

The steward found the cup in Benjamin's sack and so all of them went back to Egypt. The
brothers threw themselves before Joseph on the ground. They said that all of them will be his
slaves. But Joseph said that only Benjamin shall be his slave and the others can go in peace.

Joseph Forgives His Brothers

But Judah begged the governor that instead of taking Benjamin as a slave, he would like to
take his place and be the slave. That is because he promised to bring back Benjamin to his
father. If Benjamin does not return, his father will die.

Torah Portion: Vayigash meaning “and he came near” (Genesis 44:18 - 47:27)
Topic: Joseph (Part 3): Joseph Forgives His Brothers

Then Joseph told all the people to leave the place except the brothers. He could not keep
himself from crying. Then he told his brothers that he is Joseph.

His brothers could not believe that he was Joseph and they felt too ashamed. But Joseph said
to his brothers, "I am Joseph, your brother, whom you sold into Egypt. Do not be afraid nor
angry with yourselves that you sold me here, because God sent me here to save your lives.
There will be five more years of famine. God made me like a father to Pharaoh and ruler over
all the land of Egypt so that all the lands can have food to eat.

Joseph wept, kissed and hugged his brothers. Then Joseph asked them to bring their father to
Egypt and all their families will live in the land of Goshen. They will have food there until
the famine is over. And so Jacob was reconciled with his son Joseph after being gone for a
long, long time.


1. What does it mean to forgive someone? Give some examples.

2. According to Ephesians 4:32, what is one way that we can mirror God?

Closing Prayer:
Father, we thank You for the example of Joseph’s brothers’ change of heart and for Joseph’s
example of forgiving them. We pray that You’ll help all of us to have hearts that are pure and
keep the attitudes that you want us to have. We also pray that You’ll help us to forgive other
people when they do wrong things to us. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Torah Portion: Vayigash meaning “and he came near” (Genesis 44:18 - 47:27)
Topic: Joseph (Part 3): Joseph Forgives His Brothers

1. What did Joseph do as governor of Egypt to prepare for the famine?



2. Did the dream of Pharaoh happen just as Joseph said? How?



3. Who came to buy food in Egypt?



4. Did Joseph recognize his brothers? What did he do? Why?



5. How did Joseph test his brothers to see if they have changed?



6. How did Joseph know his brothers have changed?



7. What did Joseph say to his brothers that show he has forgiven them?



8. Why do you think Joseph was able to forgive his brothers despite how bad they were?


First find all the words in the list. 5
Words can go in any direction and
share letters as well as cross over each
Torah Portion: Vayigash meaning “and he came near” (Genesis 44:18 - 47:27)
Topic: Joseph (Part 3): Joseph Forgives His Brothers

Benjamin Brothers Dreams

Famine Forgiveness Goshen
Israel Joseph Pharaoh
Reuben Simeon Spies

Once you find all the words. Copy the unused letters starting in the top left corner into the blanks to reveal the
hidden message.

___ ___    ___ ___ ___ ___   ___ ___ ___ 

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___   ___ ___   ___ ___ ___ 

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ,   ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___  

___ ___ ___ ___   ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ,   ___ ___ ___ ___   ___ ___  ___ ___   

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ,  ___ ___ ___  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___   ___ ___ ___.

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