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A project Submitted to Sir Naeem

Group Members :Syeda Nida Zainab,Fabiha Rehman,Haram Tanveer

Allah is almighty he enable me to prepare the marketing planning with the help of teacher a class
fellow and some closed friend. I thank to the writer of the book because I collected the material
from book
Table of Contents
Executive summary.....................................................................................................................................4
Company summary.....................................................................................................................................5
Goal and objectives....................................................................................................................................6
Market Analysis..........................................................................................................................................6
SWOT Analysis........................................................................................................................................6
Marketing Strategy.....................................................................................................................................8
Product strategy.....................................................................................................................................8
Price strategy..........................................................................................................................................8
Placement strategy.................................................................................................................................8
Promotion strategy.................................................................................................................................8

Financial strategies

Executive summary

Our business concept is very clear. we start a new chinnar dairy farm we will provide the pure
natural product of the customer its include pure milk yogurt butter lassi cheese and butter
ghee .These all product is the basic need of every one, but unfortunately many farm provide the
service but they do not give their customer to pure product .They provide single service just
milk ,we do not using any kind of medicines or injection for increasing the milk such as other
farm used injection to cow. Our basic purpose to provide the health product to the customer in
suitable price at their convenience .We provide this service door to door ,online application
apps ,customer can visit to farm, we take the responsibilities of all kind complain in our product
we always struggle to satisfied our customer from our product .Our customer can increased their
demand of any time ,as well as we give the opportunities to customer they can pay amount
according to their willingness (I. e ) day by day, weekly, monthly, they can send money on bank
account or any agent or direct by hand .Our target market ,business class, and economic class,
people. Customer can be demand more than two time in one day. Our product service will be
consistency in thirty day in month .In our first priority is will be milk .Our adopting price in
according to the quality and market rate, we provide the livestock animal such as lamb goat to
customer they can easily buy from us by the online application apps we provide them alive
animal or do slaughter animals in the event of Eid or marriage or any other event specially
contract to Shanwari , hotels.

Company summary
Name of the company Chinnar dairy farm we setup the new farm in sangjani Islamabad it is
near to Islamabad we can easily to provide the service to customer because here already many
farm which provide their service to the customer, in this place are many opportunities about
grazing of cow lamb and goat, moreover bosa and wheat khale choker and other thing are easily
available in here. We provide the product and service to customer which included pure milk
butter yogurt lassi cheese ,and butter ghee as well as lamb and goat service according to their
desire as they want such as alive or do slaughter form service become door to door , they can
visit to farm any time they can order any time they can complaint about product they can pay
payment day by day weekly or monthly. Area will be covered by 2kanal initial startup six cow
and by own hand service delivery

To provide the natural quality product which is affordable and accessible to everyone?
Awareness to customer about natural product, care the health of customer from immixture
product.To change the life of people to give the employment to the people. To earn suitable
profit spread business on national level.

Our product become included pure milk yogurt lassi butter cheese and butter ghee It will be
differentiation to competitor product.We take the complete responsibilities to our product and
service about any defect they can complain online application apps system. Moreover we
provide the buying and selling lamb, goat, and slaughter facilities

Goal and objectives

• Large quantity and quality production
• To achieved many customer
• To provide pure natural product
• To extent business in national level
• Recover our expense after one year
• Awareness to customer
• Care of health
• Opportunities to daily wages
• Engage life to business



Market Analysis
SWOT analysis of market about our product which is offer to market

SWOT Analysis

• Pure quality product

• Provide different natural products such as milk yogurt lassi cheese butter and butter ghee
• Online application app system
• Live stock system
• Buying and selling lamb goat and cow online and slaughter facilities
• Contract to specific hotel

• Lack of capital
• Lack of knowledge
• Lack of expertise
• Lack of machinery
• First time convince to customer

• Fresh natural product
• Consumer visit to farm
• Online selling and buying livestock
• Slaughter offered to customer fresh meat
• Transport service
• Selling on social media


• Competitor
• Natural disease and flood
• Initial risk
• Copyrighter • Customer

Key to success

• Pure natural product

• Online application apps
• Multiple product offer (I e) yogurt, butter ,lassi, cheese, butter ghee
• Sixteen hour service
• Customer visit to farm
• Lamb and goat buying and selling facilities
• Do slaughter facilities
• Suitable price
• Take all kind of responsibilities about our product

Marketing Strategy
Product strategy
Before enter the market first of all analysis the competitor product we search and check their
product quality , size style design then we make plane to bring a differentiate in product into a
market or consumer such as we will provide pure natural milk as well as yogurt butter cheese
lassie and butter ghee .customer will be satisfied in our product

Price strategy
We will use penetration strategies for our product. Appropriate price of the product according to
their quality .in first six month we will relaxation to the customer in price example in a market
rate will be 100 we give 98 .first six mote we will focus on quality and brining differentia in
product after six month we also focus the price we may be increased and decreased to the
customer desire

Placement strategy
We use direct marketing strategies when we will produce the product and direct sale to consumer
no any agent will include. The target market will be G 11 E11, Blue area university college and
school teacher class fellow and all friend these place is suitable for our pure natural
product ,after completing these sector then we will move to the other side of the market or
different sector

Promotion strategy

• Advertising o Print Media (pen

flax, broachers) o Social
Media(face book, whatsapp,
• Personal Selling o Door to door
marketing o Customer to
customer o Friends to friends
• Public Relation
• Direct Marketing o Online
Financial Plan

Total Cost of Cost of Cost of Cost of 5 Cost of Other Vehicles

capital land building other cow labor small expense
material expense

2500000 500000 1000000 200000 600000 120000 50000 30000

Possible profit will be generate 100000 per month

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