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GEN 005: The Contemporary World

Module #1 Student Activity Sheet

#Name: ____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Lesson Title: Introduction to Globalization
Students’ Activity Sheets
Learning Targets: At the end of the lesson, students should be
able to: References:

1. define globalization; https://examples.yourdictionary.c

2. determine the importance of globalization; om/examples-of-

3. describe the three factors of globalization. globalization.html

A. LESSON PREVIEW (2 minutes)


Which of the following did you observe happening in the world?

______ Globalization is a sign of the growth in the economy.

______ Technology contributed a lot in globalization.

______ Cultures were transmitted globally.

Supposed you checked any of the statements above, what made you believe that globalization helped
countries in the world improve the lives of their people? If you did not observe any of them, what did you
observe otherwise?

In this module, we will learn the importance of globalization and how globalization affects the whole world
in terms of economy, technology, and culture. We will also know the contributors that helped the world
developed toward globalization. Your ideas/opinions on the topic are significant to know if you are also
included as contributors to globalization.

By the way, please read the learning targets before you proceed to the succeeding activities. The learning
targets are your goals. Remember, you need to achieve your learning targets at the end of the lesson.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #1 Student Activity Sheet


Activity 1: Content Notes (13 mins)

I think you are now ready to start with our lesson for today. Now, let's move to the next set of activities. The
succeeding activities aim to develop your knowledge and understanding of the lesson.

Directions. In this activity, you need to read and underline or highlight keywords to keep in mind some
essential terms/words used in the presentation of the text.

What is globalization?

Globalization is growth on a worldwide scale. It is the process of integration and the international
influence of economies and cultures. It is an exchange of goods and an exchange of ideas and even
anti-terrorist protections.

What are the factors of globalization? What are the roles/contributions of these factors to
globalization? Some elements in globalization include economics, technology, and the blending of
cultures. These were the subjects of globalization all across nations.

Some factors of globalization are the following:

1. Globalization in Economics

Interdependence among international economies is a great starting point when seeking an

understanding of globalization. The more technology advances and the more transportation improves,
the more global outlets are revealed in different areas, such as reducing barriers to international
trades and reducing restrictions to movements of capital and investments. A greater number of goods
can be exchanged, and production methods can be improved. Here are some examples:

Multinational corporations operate on a global scale, with satellite offices and branches in numerous
locations. This means multinational companies can stay open virtually 24 hours a day and service
customers no matter where they're located.

Outsourcing can add to the economic development of a struggling country, bringing much-needed jobs
if a powerful organization can outsource its call center to a developing country, which creates a new
class of jobs for people who may not have had that opportunity otherwise.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #1 Student Activity Sheet

2. Globalization in the Blending of Cultures

New cultures are being transmitted when more people are traveling or exchanging goods. It is also
affected by open communication by internet, especially intermarriages coming from dating site meet-

While world economies benefit from globalization, the spread of new cultures is also affected. Christian
missionaries from Europe added to the globalization of Christianity. As they migrated from one country
to another, more and more people converted to a new spiritual way of living.

Improved travel facilitated the growth of globalization, as people moved for a better job or a better life.
Migrants also fled from danger or oppression. People can pack up all their belongings and have them
shipped anywhere in the world. Planes are faster, frequent, and, often, more affordable.

Food is another factor of globalization. Filipino or Korean food, for example, is certainly not only limited
to the Philippines or Korea. Instead, we can dine on Filipino and Korean delights in America, all across
Europe, and beyond.

3. Globalization in Technology

It's easy to argue that technology is a vehicle to globalization. Especially the use of internet, faster
mode of travel by air, land, and water, latest models of communication tools and medical equipment,
and life-saving drugs. The ability to access mountains of information online has opened countless
doors. Here are some examples of globalization, brought to us by the gift of technology:

Global news networks, like CNN, contribute to the spread of knowledge. Worldwide news is reported
almost instantly, if not via live broadcast, through continual updates to online news outlets.
Cell phones connect people all over the world like never before. There are many platforms through
which people can communicate too, including Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat,
Twitter, Hangout, etc.

Based on the factors that contributed to globalization, which was the major contributor to globalization?

Internet is a significant contributor to globalization, not only technologically but also in other areas,
like the cultural exchanges of art. Consider how we can enroll in online educational programs from
anywhere globally and access new information on virtually any topic.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #1 Student Activity Sheet

Activity 2: Check for Understanding (5 mins) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

I hope that activities on this part will help you achieve your learning targets. The next set of exercises will
help you deepen your understanding of the lesson.

Exercise 1: Fill out the blank boxes with your definition of globalization based on your notes. In the
second box, give the facts/ characteristics of globalization. In the 3 rd box, you can list down some
examples of globalization. In the 4th box, you can list down the non-examples of globalization.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #1 Student Activity Sheet

Exercise 2: Answer the question below in your own words.

Question: Among the three factors, which is more important: globalization in economics, globalization
on blending of cultures, or globalization in technology?




Exercise 3: Read the statements below, and answer if it is True or False. Write your answer on the space
provided for.

_____ 1. Globalization is a sign of growth in the economy.

_____ 2. Globalization is the result of localization.

_____ 3. Internet is a great factor of globalization

_____ 4. Jollibee is not a global product.

_____ 5. Technology is a great contributor to globalization.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1. What is the essential positive aspect of globalization?

Answer: Based on my readings, one of the essential aspects of globalization is developing information
services or modern communications. With the use of technology and modern communications, the global
circulation of information is carried out in real-time via Internet tele-information systems. So businesses
can easily transmit their transactions to their counterparts in other countries. They can easily do business
with them.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #1 Student Activity Sheet

Question 2: What is the negative aspect of globalization?

Answer: One article I have read says, “One of the negative aspects of globalization is the emergence of
global financial crises. It happened in 2008, wherein there was bankruptcy in one of the largest
investment banks in the world. Small banks merged with big banks so that they can maintain their
supremacy in the banking world.” With the merging or acquisition of these small banks it affected also
some productions or other factors from country to country looking for a cheaper workforce, and others
set up sales outlets in other countries. (Ex. Proctor and Gamble, the manufacturer of Colgate, soaps,
shampoo, etc.) They transferred their production of goods from the Philippines to other Asian countries
for a cheaper labor cost. Our economy is almost dependent on foreign aid, high import, low export, etc.

Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

Work Tracker

To end the session today, kindly answer the questions posted on the chart below to sum up your today’s
learning experience. I am hoping to get your honest answer.

What are the challenges/difficulties you encountered in learning this lesson? If none, which part of the topic
did you find interesting that helped you understand the concepts?


Question/s I want to ask my teacher about this module is/are:




Answer to Exercise 1– see TG.

A Rubric will be used in checking the answers to essay questions.

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GEN 005: The Contemporary World
Module #1 Student Activity Sheet

Exercise 3:
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
Scoring Rubric for Essay

4 3 2 1 0 SCORE

Content Write-up is Write-up is accurate Write-up is not Write-up is Questio

comprehensive, but not complete. completely stated. incomplete. Key ns are
(50%) accurate, and Key points are Key points are not points are lacking. not
complete. Key stated but not addressed and not It does not answer
ideas are clearly supported. Include supported. It does incorporate ed.
stated and some pertinent and not include information from
supported. Include detailed pertinent class discussions
pertinent and information from information from
detailed class discussions. class discussions.
information from
class discussions.

Organiz Well organized, Mostly clear and Inadequate Organization and Questio
ation developed, and easy to follow. organization. The structure draw ns are
easy to follow. Usually maintains structure of the away from the not
(30%) Maintains focus on focus but answer is not easy answer. Provides answer
the topic. occasionally to follow. Presents no information ed.
presents information that is that can be
information that is sometimes unclear. understood.
different from the

Spelling Grammar, spelling, Contain few Contain substantial Contain enough Questio
and punctuation, and distracting distracting distracting ns are
Gram- sentence structure problems. There problems. There grammar, spelling, not
mar have no errors. are one or two may be three to punctuation, and answer
errors in grammar, four errors in sentence structure ed.
(20%) spelling, grammar, spelling, problems to make
punctuation, and punctuation, and it substantially
sentence structure. sentence structure. incomprehensible


Teacher’s Signature: __________________

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