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INTRODUCTION OF STUDY1 . 1 I n t r o d u c t i o n As part of the academic requirement for completing MBA ( M a r k e t i n g ) M a s t e r o f Business Administration.

The students are required to under go for two (2) months of internship with an organization. The internship is to serve the purpose of acquainting thestudents with the practice of knowledge of the discipline of banking administration.This report is about National Bank of Pakistan. NBP was established in 1949 and sincethen, it has expended its network, becoming the largest commercial Bank of the country.It offers different products of services to its customers. Purpose of the Study The main purpose of the study in hand is together relevant i n f o r m a t i o n t o c o m p i l e internship report on National Bank of Pakistan.To observe, analyze and interpret the relevant data competently and in a useful manner. To work practically in an organization. To develop interpersonal communication. Scope of Study As an internee in National Bank of Pakistan the main focus of my study research was ongeneral banking procedures in one of the branches of NBP. These operations includeremittances, deposits, advances and foreign exchange.Similarly different aspects of overall of NBP are also covered in this report. Internship Report on NBP, Balakot branch Balakot 1

1.4 Objectives of the Study Discuss thorough study of National Bank of Pakistan. To understand the various operations and to equip with practical knowledge of theNational bank of Pakistan. 1.5 Limitation of The Study

Some thing is better than nothing. No matter how efficiently a study is conducted, itc a n n o t b e p e r f e c t i n a l l r e s p e c t s . T h i s s t u d y w a s c o n d u c t e d i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e objectives of the study. The study may not include broad explanations of facts and figuresdue to the nature of the study. Secondly , the limitation, which affects the study, is therestriction on mentioning every fact of the bank due to the problem of secrecy of thebank. In addition, the availability of required data was a problem as all the documentsand files are kept strictly under lock and key due to their strictly confidential nature.Thirdly, the problem of short time period also makes the analysis restricted as one cannotproperly understand and thus analyze all the operations of a bank just a very short time of eight weeks. 1.6 Benefit of The Study The study done will benefit the finance students in particular and banking students ingeneral because the financial analysis section of this report comprehensivelye n c o m p a s s e s a l l r e s p e c t s o f f i n a n c i a l a n a l y s i s . F u r t h e r m o r e , N B P B a l a k o t B r a n c h , Balakot may also benefit from the recommendations made at the end of the report. 1.7 Research Methodology The report is based on my two months internship program in National Bank of Pakistan.The methodology reported for collection of data is primary as well as secondary data.The biggest source of information is my personal observation while working with staff and having discussion with them. Formally arranged interviews and discussions alsohelped me in this regards. Internship Report on NBP, Balakot branch Balakot 2

Primary data:Primary data include, Personal observation and Interviews of The Staff Members Secondary data:Secondary data consist of Manuals, Journals, magazines, Annual Reports and Internet 1.8 Scheme of StudySECTION 1 Chapter 1: An introductory chapter that discuss the introduction of study of report, its Background,Purpose, Scope, Methodology, limitations and Scheme of the report. SECTION 11 Chapter2:

This chapter concludes brief history of banking in general, evolution of banking,Nationalization of banking in Pakistan, History of NBP, m i s s i o n s t a t e m e n t , a n d i t s objectives, functions of National Bank of Pakistan. Chapter3: In this chapter the services of NBP were discussed and the departmentation of NBP is explained as well as NBP Balakot Branch SECTION III Chapoter4: It tells about Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of i.e. SWOT analysis of NBP Internship Report on NBP, Balakot branch Balakot 3

Chapter5: It consists of comprehensive performance of NBP through past s e v e r a l y e a r s . R a t i o analysis and those parties that are interested in financial performance of Bank. SECTION IV Chapter 6: It covers the critical analysis of the bank. This chapter has been divided into four partsi.e. Problems at the Branch, Functional analysis, Administrative analysis, and PersonalManagement Analysis. Chapter 7: In this chapter recommendation for improvement on all aspects of the Bank are given. Chapter 8: Two implementation plans are given in this chapter. Mare Gare Car Financing Schemeand Need for Telephone Operator. Internship Report on NBP, Balakot branch Balakot 4

CHAPTER # 2EVOLUTION OF BANKS IN PAKISTAN2 . 1 I N T R O D U C T I O N There are different opinions that how the word Bank originated. Some of the authorsopinion that this word is derived from the word Bancus or

Banque, which means abench. The explanation of this origin is attributed to the fact that the Jews in Lombardtransacted the business of money exchange on benches in the market place; and when thebusiness failed, the people destroyed the bench. Incidentally the word Bankrupts saidto have evolved from this practice.Some of the authors are of opinion that the word Bank is derived from the Germanword back, which means joint stock fund. Later on when the German occupied major part of the Italy the word Back was italicized into Back.In fact human left the need of bank when it begins to realize the importance of money asa medium of exchange. Perhaps it where the Babylonian who developed banking systemas early as 2000 B.C. At that time temples were used as banks because of their prevalentrespect. During the rule of king Hamurabi (1788 1686 BC) the founder of BabyloniansE m p i r e , l o a n s w e r e s t a r t e d b e i n g g r a n t e d f o r i n t e r e s t . T h e b o r r o w e r h a s t o p r o v i d e guarantee or he had to pledge his goods or valuables. King Hamurabi drew up a codewherein he laid down standards rules for procedures for banking operations by templesand great landowners. Also in Greece, the temples were used as banks, where the peopledeposited their money and other valuables for safe custody and security. In Europe withthe revival of civilization (Renaissance) in the middle of twelve century, trade andcommerce started expanding and this development compelled the business community toborrow the money from the Hebrew moneylenders on high rates of interest and usury.Seeing the great demand, these moneylenders started organizing themselves and bank started up at the principle seaports of southern Europe. Soon Venice and Geneva becamethe most important money markets of the time and banking though different from its Internship Report on NBP, Balakot branch Balakot 5

present form, flourished. What we know as modern banking originated in the 14 th century in Barcelona. 2.2 Definitions of Bank "

A financial institution, which deals with money and credit. It acceptsDeposits from individuals, firms and companies at a lower rate of Interest and gives at higher rate of interest to those who need them .A financial establishment which uses money deposited by customers for investment, paysit out when required, makes loan at interest, exchanges currency, etc.J.W Gilbert in his principles and practice banking defines a banker in these words: A banker is dealer in capital or more properly, a dealer in money. He is intermediateparty between the borrower and the lender. He borrows of one and lends to another. Sir John Paged defines banker in these terms:That no person or body, corporate or otherwise, can be a banker who does not Take deposits accounts. Take current accounts, Issue and pay Cheques and Collect Cheques crossed and uncrossed for his customers The A m e r i c a n defined the term banker in a very broad sense as under: By banking, we mean the business of dealing in credits and by a Bank weinclude every person, firm or company having a place of b u s i n e s s w h e r e c r e d i t s a r e opened by deposits of collection of money or currency. Subjects to be paid or remitted onC h e q u e s o r o r d e r , m o n e y i s a d v a n c e d o r l o a n e d o n s t o c k s , b o n d s , b u l l i o n , b i l l o f exchange, promissory notes are received for discount or sale. Internship Report on NBP, Balakot branch Balakot 6

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