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Akfinni : Good morning, I’m Akfinni from the human resource departmen. I
will be your interviewer today. I hope that the interview will go well.
Laila : Good morning, Nice to meet you.
Here is my cv.
1. Akfinni : Great. Okey, let’s start. Please tell me about yourself
Laila : blablablabla
2. Akfinni : that's excellen. What do you think this position involves?
Laila : blablabla
3. Akfinni : Allright. Why do you want this job?
Laila : blablabla
4. Akfinni : Great, Can you tell me about your strengths?
Laila : blabla
5. Akfinni : Great, What about your weakness?
Laila : Blablabla
6. Akfinni : Allright. Next , Please Tell us about a time when things went wrong
and what you did to fix it.
Laila : Blablabla
7. Akfinni : How do you deal with conflict in the workplace?
Laila : Blablabla
8. Akfinni : Great. Give us an example of how you have worked as part of a
Laila : Blablabla
9. Akfinni : Allright. What has been your biggest accomplishment so far?
Laila : Blablabla
10. Akfinni : That’s excellent, congratulation. So, What are your goals? Where do
you see yourself in five years?
Laila : Blablabla
11. Akfinni : If you had absolute power in the whole tomorrow, what would be
the first thing you would do?
Laila : Blablabla
12. Akfinni : that’s good. What are your salary expectations?
Laila : Blablabla
13. Akfinni : Allright. And last Any questions for us?
Laila : Blablabla

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