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Tema 1 Istoricul scolile c.


1. Who is regarded as the father of scientific management?

a) H. Fayol
b) F.W.Taylor
c) E. Mayo
d) P. Drucher
e) H. Mintzberg

2. The Administrative school of management appearance is related to the name:

a) H. Fayol
b) F.W.Taylor
c) E. Mayo
d) P. Drucher
e) H. Mintzberg

3. The school of human relation appearance is related to the name:

a) H. Fayol
b) F.W.Taylor
c) E. Mayo
d) P. Drucher
e) H. Mintzberg

4. Who is considered the father of scientific management and introduce the idea about efficiency management?
a) H. Fayol
b) F.W.Taylor
c) E. Mayo
d) P. Drucher
e) H. Mintzberg

5. The book „The principles of scientific management” was published in 1911 by:
a) H. Fayol
b) F.W.Taylor
c) E. Mayo
d) P. Drucher
e) H. Mintzberg

6. This type of management consider that that leadership means to provide, organize, give orders, coordinate and
control based on some basic principles.
a) Systemic management
b) Administrative management
c) Bureaucratic management
d) Behavior management
e) Scientific management

7. This type of management focus on the needs and feelings of workers and the impact of social relations on groups.
a) Systemic management
b) Administrative management
c) Bureaucratic management
d) Behavior management
e) Scientific management

8. This type of management is focused on streamlining labor activity for effective management of the enterprise.
a) Systemic management
b) Administrative management
c) Bureaucratic management
d) Behavior management
e) Scientific management

9. This type of management supports the need for the management decision making models and quantitative
techniques and all elements of the organization (technical elements, economic, social, moral, behavioral, cultural,
a) Systemic management
b) Administrative management
c) Bureaucratic management
d) Behavior management
e) Scientific management

10. What is the definition of management given by Fayol?

a) To manage is to forecast and to plan, to organize, to command, to co-ordinate and to control.
b) To manage is to communicate and make decisions
c) To manage is to carry out activities related to human resource management
d) To manage is to forecast, to coordinate, to develop output, to control
e) To manage is to direct and give orders

c. multiplu
1. Taylor put the following ideas in the base of Work organization and management:
a) Science instead of traditional skills
b) Provide favorable conditions for work
c) Using the methods of studying personal relationships
d) Development of each worker to maximum productivity
e) Material factor - the most powerful motivator for working man

2. Administrative school characteristics are:

a) A description of management functions
b) Provide favorable conditions for work
c) Using the methods of studying personal relationships
d) Development of management principles
e) Work stimulation

3. Some of Fayol's principles are:

a) Division of Work
b) Authority
c) Initiative
d) Decentralization
e) Centralization

4. The Functions of management are:

a) To forecast and plan
b) To organize
c) To coordinate
d) To control
e) To exchange information

5. Some of Fayol's principles are:

a) Insufficient remuneration
b) Order
c) Equity
d) Esprit de corps
e) Decentralization

6. Choose the right statements about Behavioral Management Theory:

a) managers are key players in the organization
b) rules and regulations, laws and following the instructions are basic requirements in routing
c) manager’s major and authoritarian role determine organizational performance
d) to increase productivity is important relationship between management and workers
e) control style changes leading to the development of team spirit

7. Theory X and Theory Y are theories of human motivation created and developed by Douglas McGregor . Choose
the right statements for theory X:
a) Management assumes employees are inherently lazy and will avoid work if they can and that they inherently
dislike work
b) Management assumes employees may be ambitious and self-motivated and exercise self-control
c) Work for employees is as natural as play
d) Manager tends to believe that everything must end in blaming someone
e) Manager believes that, given the right conditions, most people will want to do well at work
8. Theory X and Theory Y are theories of human motivation created and developed by Douglas McGregor . Choose
the right statements for theory Y:
a) Management assumes employees are inherently lazy and will avoid work if they can and that they inherently
dislike work
b) Management assumes employees may be ambitious and self-motivated and exercise self-control
c) Work for employees is as natural as play
d) Manager tends to believe that everything must end in blaming someone
e) Manager believes that, given the right conditions, most people will want to do well at work.

9. School F. W. Taylor and A. Fayol show some differences. Compared with scientific management, administrative
a) Focus on workers, as an annex of the machine
b) Focus on rules and regulations, the laws and following the instructions
c) Focus on managers
d) Managers are key players in the organization
e) Managers perform functions

10. Scientific management and administrative management have the following similarities:
a) Division of labor, hierarchical organization
b) Focus on performance,
c) Neglect of informal or social relations within the organization or psychological aspects of labor
d) Emphasize the role of strong, authoritarian managers
e) Emphasis on interpersonal relations between management and workers

Tema Planificarea c. Simplu

1. Fundamental elements of planning are:
a) Objectives
b) Formulating actions to follow-strategy
c) Resources
d) Implementation
e) All are correct

2. This process increases the efficiency of an organization. It reduces the risks involved in modern business
activities. It facilitates proper coordination within an organization. It aids in organizing all available resources. It
gives right direction to the organization.
a) Communication
b) Planning
c) Delegation
d) Organization
e) Decision

3. A result of strategic planning is:

a) Operational Plan
b) Tactical Plan
c) Strategic Plan
d) Budget Plan
e) Current Plan

4. This type of plan is developed by high level managers for long term:
a) Operational Plan
b) Tactical Plan
c) Strategic Plan
d) Budget Plan
e) Current Plan

5. This type of plan is oriented towards daily activities, monthly, yearly, to be carried out to fulfill the strategic plan:
a) Operational Plan
b) Tactical Plan
c) Strategic Plan
d) Budget Plan
e) Current Plan
6. Its short exposure of core values and philosophy of the organization is the main cause of its existence:
a) Objectives
b) Strategy
c) Mission
d) Tactic
e) Plan

7. If the purpose of the strategic plan includes quantitative and qualitative elements then the organization has chosen
strategic alternative following:
a) Increase in restricted
b) Increase
c) Reduction and reorientation or liquidation
d) Combining
e) No correct versions

8. If the purpose of the strategic plan is established, based on the results correlated with inflation, then the
organization has chosen strategic alternative following:
a) Increase in restricted
b) Increase
c) Reduction and reorientation or liquidation
d) Combining
e) No correct versions

9. If strategic analysis includes regular assessment of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the
organization, when organization use:
a) SWOT analysis
b) PEST analysis
c) SMART analysis
d) Analytic method
e) All methods

10. To bring a successful organization must formulate goals satisfy the following requirements. Choose the incorrect
a) General and partial
b) Specific and measurable
c) Accessible and relevant
d) To not related to a time
e) No correct versions

c. Multiplu
1. The main features of strategic planning are:
a) is prepared by top management
b) is developed by by managers from medium level
c) is developed on a long-term
d) is defined in general terms
e) is drawn on a short term

2. The main features of tactical planning are:

a) is prepared by top management
b) is developed by managers from medium level
c) is developed on a long-term
d) is developed for strategy development
e) is drawn on a short term

3. Strategic planning stages of the process are:

a) developing mission
b) SWOT analysis and formulation of objectives
c) study and the choice of strategic alternatives
d) a description of the daily and monthly activities
e) develop and implement strategic plan

4. Strategic planning stages of the process are:

a) developing mission
b) SWOT analysis and establishing the objectives
c) study and the choice of strategic alternatives
d) a description of the daily and monthly activities
e) develop and implement strategic plan

5. Organization's mission statement must contain the following:

a) The purpose of the organization in terms of markets and technologies.
b) The external environment
c) The culture of the organization
d) Details of the general income of the organization
e) Time limits for achieving

6. Evaluation of the external environment of the organization - strategic planning step is performed by on three
a) Assessment of changes affecting the organization
b) Analysis of structural subdivisions constituting the organization
c) Determining risk factors
d) Determining factors are possibilities to achieve goals
e) The analysis of the official reports on the activities of the organization

7. In formulating the goals the company must satisfy the following requirements. The objective should be:
a) General and stable
b) Specific and Measurable
c) Accessible and Relevant
d) It is related to a time
e) Based on decision

8. Strategic alternatives "growth" is characterized by the fact that:

a) is used in industries with rapid growth
b) is one of the less risky methods
c) goals are set based on the previous results
d) long-term or short-term
e) can be quantitative or qualitative

9. The basic components of achieving the strategic plan are:

a) Strategy
b) Tactics
c) Policy
d) Procedures
e) Rules

10. Evaluation of the strategic plan can:

a) Appointment of persons responsible
b) Knowledge of the deadlines of the activities listed in the plan.
c) Periodic review of strategic planning
d) Updating and correction terms taken into account when planning
e) Anticipate potential problems by making corrections and adjustments

Tema Motivarea c . simplu

1. Who assumes that needs could be arranged according to their importance in a pyramid?
a) John Stacey Adams
b) Abraham Maslow
c) David McClelland
d) Frederick Irving Herzberg
e) Victor Vroom

2. Who created 2 factors theory?

a) John Stacey Adams
b) Abraham Maslow
c) David McClelland
d) Frederick Irving Herzberg
e) Victor Vroom
3. This researcher explains that the tension generated by the negative perception of inequity motivate people to work
towards restoring equity:
a) John Stacey Adams
b) Abraham Maslow
c) David McClelland
d) Frederick Irving Herzberg
e) Victor Vroom

4. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is characterized by following statements. Choose the right ones:
a) According to Maslow, people are motivated by unsatisfied needs.
b) The needs, listed from basic (lowest-earliest) to most complex (highest-latest) are as follows: Physiology , Safety,
Belongingness, Self-esteem and Self-actualization.
c) The person advances to the next level of needs only after the lower level need is at least minimally satisfied.
d) The higher-order need is self-esteem and self-actualization and lower-order needs are physiological, safety, and
e) All correct

5. Two-factor theory is characterized by following statements. Choose the right ones:

a) States that there are certain factors in the workplace that cause job satisfaction, while a separate set of factors
cause dissatisfaction.
b) Two-factor theory distinguishes between Motivators  and Hygiene factors.
c) Hygiene factors are needed to ensure an employee is not dissatisfied, but motivation factors are needed to
motivate an employee to higher performance.
d) It was developed by psychologist Frederick Herzberg.
e) All correct

6. Theory of expectations is characterized by following statements. Choose the right statements about this theory:
a) Hygiene factors are needed to ensure an employee is not dissatisfied, but motivation factors are needed to
motivate an employee to higher performance.
b) It was developed by psychologist Frederick Herzberg.
c) It was developed by psychologist Abraham Maslow.
d) Three components of Expectancy theory are Expectancy, Instrumentality, and Valence.
e) It was developed by psychologist David McClelland.

7. Equity theory says:

a) Is a theory that attempts to explain relational satisfaction in terms of perceptions of fair/unfair distributions of
resources within interpersonal relationships. 
b) It was developed by psychologist Frederick Herzberg.
c) It was developed by psychologist Abraham Maslow.
d) It was developed by psychologist David McClelland.
e) The needs, listed from basic (lowest-earliest) to most complex (highest-latest) are as follows: Physiology , Safety,
Belongingness, Self-esteem and Self-actualization.

8. Need theory says:

a) The needs, listed from basic (lowest-earliest) to most complex (highest-latest) are as follows: Physiology , Safety,
Belongingness, Self-esteem and Self-actualization.
b) Is a theory that attempts to explain relational satisfaction in terms of perceptions of fair/unfair distributions of
resources within interpersonal relationships . 
c) The needs, listed from basic (lowest-earliest) to most complex (highest-latest) are as follows: Physiology , Safety,
Belongingness, Self-esteem and Self-actualization.
d) People have 3 needs - power, achievement and affiliation.
e) Hygiene factors are needed to ensure an employee is not dissatisfied, but motivation factors are needed to
motivate an employee to higher performance.

9. Hygiene factors and Motivation factors are the base of this theory:
a) Need theory
b) Equity theory
c) Theory of expectations
d) Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
e) Two-factor theory

10. Power, success and relations are 3 needs people have according to:
a) Need theory
b) Equity theory
c) Theory of expectations
d) Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
e) Two-factor theory

C multiplu

1. Content theories of motivation are:

a) Need theory
b) Two-factor theory
c) Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
d) Theory of expectations
e) Theory of justice

2. Processional theories are:

a) Need theory
b) Two-factor theory
c) Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
d) Theory of expectations
e) Equity theory

3. According to Two-factor theory, choose the factors:

a) Hygiene
b) Power
c) Motivation
d) Social needs
e) Success

4. According to Need theory, choose the factors:

a) Hygiene
b) Power
c) Motivation
d) Achievement
e) Affiliation

5. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, choose the factors:

a) Power, achievement and affiliation.
b) The Lower-order needs are physiological, safety, and relation.
c) Hygiene and motivation.
d) Expectancy, instrumentality, and valence.
e) The higher-order need is self-esteem and self-actualization.

6. Content motivational theories try to answer the questions:

a) "What motivates people?"
b) "WHY people behave in a certain way?"
c) "How appear motivation?"
d) "What are the ways and the relationships between different stakeholders?"
e) "Where the motivation happens?"

7. Processional motivational theories try to answer the questions:

a) "What motivates people?"
b) "WHY people behave in a certain way?"
c) "How appear motivation?"
d) "What are the ways and the relationships between different stakeholders?"
e) "Where the motivation happens?"

8. Motivational factors from two factors theory are:

a) Supervision
b) Working conditions
c) Achievement
d) Recognition
e) Job security

9. Theory of Expectations (or Expectancy theory) was developed by Victor Vroom. Choose 3 elements the theory is
based on:
a) The degree of satisfaction
b) Received result
c) Expectancy: Effort → Performance (E→P)
d) Instrumentality: Performance → Outcome (P→O)
e) Valence- V(R)

10. Hygiene factors from two factors theory are:

a) Supervision
b) Working conditions
c) Achievement
d) Recognition
e) Job security

Tema Comunicarea C, Simplu

1. The process of communication in management presents:

a) Gathering the information needed to establish the system – that is the firm's data bank
b) Providing managers with the information they need to perform their functions as possible
c) An informational exchange based on different managerial decisions
d) Developing a set of possible alternative solutions and choosing one alternative from among that set.
e) Using symbols: words, intonation, and gesture.

2. The process of collecting data presents:

a) Gathering the information needed to establish the system – that is the firm's data bank
b) Providing managers with the information they need to perform their functions as possible
c) An informational exchange based on different managerial decisions
d) Developing a set of possible alternative solutions and choosing one alternative from among that set
e) Using symbols: words, intonation and gesture.


4. A management information system function is:

a) gathering the information needed to establish the system – that is the firm's data bank
b) providing managers with the information they need to perform their functions as possible
c) an informational exchange based on different managerial decisions
d) developing a set of possible alternative solutions and choosing one alternative from among that set
e) Using symbols: words, intonation and gesture.

5. Nonverbal communication is:

a) Informal communication
b) Talking
c) Gesture, physiognomies
d) Discussions
e) Written form – letters, messages

6. Verbal communication is:

a) Talking, discussions, written form – letters, messages
b) Gesture
c) Physiognomies
d) Informal communication
e) Documents

7. It refers to communication from lower level managers to top level managers:

a) Downward communication
b) Upward communication
c) Horizontal or Lateral communication
d) Interactive communication
e) Formal communication
8. It refers to communication from top level managers to middle or lower level managers:
a) Downward communication
b) Upward communication
c) Horizontal or Lateral communication
d) Interactive communication
e) Formal communication

9. The process of codding is:

a) a gathering the information needed to establish the system – that is the firm's data bank
b) providing managers with the information they need to perform their functions as possible
c) an informational exchange based on different managerial decisions
d) developing a set of possible alternative solutions and choosing one alternative from among that set
e) Using symbols: words, intonation and gesture.

10. It proceeds in a horizontal manner and takes place among equals and at peer level:
a) Downward communication
b) Upward communication
c) Horizontal or Lateral communication
d) Interactive communication
e) Formal communication

C. multiplu
1. Stages of information exchange are
a) Launch the idea
b) Coding and transmission path selection
c) Transmission
d) Decoding
e) Dialogue

2. Participants of communicational process are:

a) Organization
b) A person, collecting and transferring information is its sender.
c) A person, receiving information from sender – recipient (receiver).
d) Method of communication – communicational channel
e) Information itself – message or report message.

3. Four Management Information System functions are:

a) To collect data
b) To store and update data
c) To process data into information
d) To present information to users
e) To present information to competitors only

4. What includes a typical business report?

a) An introduction
b) The body of report
c) The conclusions
d) The recommendations
e) Marketing plan

5. Barriers to effective human communication

a) Physical barriers
b) Attitudinal barriers
c) Ambiguity of words/phrases
d) Presentation of information
e) Organizational structure

6. Some forms of nonverbal communication include:

a) Eye contact
b) Gesture
c) Body language 
d) Writing
e) Facial expression 
7. The internal sources of information include:
a) company records
b) reports
c) conferences
d) meetings
e) financial publications

8. The External sources of information include:

a) financial publications
b) company reports
c) commercially provided information
d) government
e) trade grouping

9. Ways of perfecting interpersonal communication can be:

a) Setting the informational fluxes
b) Clarity and accuracy in expressing ideas
c) Use of communication pauses
d) The rate and rhythm of speech
e) Maintain formal contacts

10. Ways of perfecting organizational communication can be:

a) Setting the informational fluxes
b) Clarity and accuracy in expressing ideas
c) Use of communication pauses
d) The rate and rhythm of speech
e) Maintain formal contacts


1 temă Compliment simple

1. Management presents the ability:

a. to reach the aim of organization
b. to form demand
c. to form supply
d. to organize meeting
e. to decode symbols into words

2. Management uses labor intellect, motives people’s behaviour, so it may be called:

a. organization
b. art and science
b. system of economic relations
c. system of economic standards
d. philosofic theory

3. Management become popular as a kind of proffesional activity:

a. in the ancient history
b. in the middle ages
c. in the 20-21 ht century
e. in the 18 century
f. only in the last 10 years

4. The term management has appeared:

a. in France
b. in Izrael
c. in Germany
d. in the USA
e. in South Africa

5. One of the famous reprezentatives of human resources and social relations management is:
a. A.Mayo
b. A. Fayol
c. G. Minzberg
d. F. Taylor
e. all variants are incorrect

6. Non-scientific management is called:

a. Taylor period
b. before Taylor period
c. managemnt of human resources
d. scientific management
e. administrative management

7. Scientific management before the second World War is called:

a. Taylor period
b. before Taylor period
c. human resources management
d. management of A. Mayo
e. Mc Gregor management

8. Choose one interpersonal role (according to Minzberg):

a. the distributor of information
b. the distributor of of resources
c. negotiator
d. leader
e. businessman
1 temă Complexe
1. According to Minzberg, the following roles of manager are interpersonal:
a. top manager
b. leader
c. connecting link between all people in the organization
d. businessman
e. distributor of resources

2. According to Minzberg, the following roles of manager are informational:

a. businessman
b. corrector of disorders
c. the receiver of information
d. the distributor of information
e. the reprezentative of organisation

3. During the following principles of management choose those which belong to A. Fayol:
a) two chiefs
b) disorder in the organization
c) one direction
d) centralization
e) initiative

4. Corporative principle (spirit of corporation) among 14 principles of A. Fayol means the following:
a) to help people of your organization
b) to make order in the organization
c) to support your co-workers in the organization
d) to show initiative
e) to form one direction

5. Financial managers are working i the following areas:

a) material resources
b) financial resources
c) accounting
d) natural resources
e) money investments

6. Choose the characteristics of the PMS (public health system) managers:

a) he must be an engineer
b) he must be a doctor and professional in the field of management
c) he must be a philosofer
d) he must be able to put the aim of organization
e) he organizes the activity of medical institution

7. Human resources managers engage in the following activities:

a) elaboration of human resources programs
b) design training programs for workers
c) marketing and advertizing
d) financial operations
e) administrative leadership

Tema 2 Simple (7)

1. Group of people (at least two or more person), working together in order to acheve common aim, is called:
a) institution
b) corporation
c) system
d) organization
d) all variants are incorrect

2. Hierarchical structure is created by means of:

a) vertical division of labor
a) advertizing
b) horizontal division of labor
c) external factors of organisation
d) marketing

3. The internal environment of organization is represented by it’s internal resources. Choose one correct
a) suppliers
b) governement laws and rules
c) consumers
d) competitors
e) joals (aims)

4. Choose the main characteristic of beurocratic organization:

a) decentralization
b) delegation of powers is developed
c) matrix structure
d) a high level of centralization
e) all variants are incorrect

5. Direct external factors of medical organization may be different. Choose one correct variant:
a) structure of organization
b) people (staff)
c) consumers of medical services (patients)
d) scietific progress
e) economic crisis in the world

6. Handy culture models, wich is connected with the rational and beautiful organization, is called:
a) Zeus model
b) Dionysis model
c) Appolon model
d) Athena model
e) There is no correct answer
7. The principle of two parts in the cultural structure – visible and non-visible – is represented in the model
a) Handy
b) Darwing Ouchy
c) Yosimuri model
d) „Iceberg” model
e) Noiman model

Tema 2 Complexe (8)

1. Handy culture models include the following models:

a) the culture of power (Zeus)
b) Zesimuri model
c) role culture (Appoloun)
d) the culture of task (Athena)
e) the culture of Dionisys

2. Burocratic forms of structure are:

a) matrix structure
b) line structure
c) functional structure
d) brigade structure
e) mixed structure

3. Adoptive (organic) structure are:

a) line structure
b) functional
c) brigade (team) of workers
d) matrix structure
e) project team

4. Centralized organization are usually represented by the following forms of structures:

a) line structures
b) mixed structures
c) brigade structures
d) matrix structures
e) functional structures

5. Delegation is the following:

a) the act of distributing power from manager to subordinates
b) the act of distributing power from manager to manager
c) the act of transfering power from directo to workers
d) the act of accounting
e) the act of forming project team

6. Choose the correct affirmations about accountability (responsability):

a) it is obligation of manager to accomplish a task
b) it can not be delegated
c) it can be delegated to other people
d) it is the form of organizational culture
e) all is correct

7. Indirect external factors of organizational environment:

a) influence the organization directly
b) influence the organization indirectly
c) don’t influence the organization
d) it may be technical progress
e) it may be consumers (patients)

8. Internal factors of organization are:

a) competitors
b) consumers
c) joals
d) structure
e) functions (tasks)

Tema 3 Simple (25)

1. Choose the correct variant from the following:

a) it is after planing
b) it is concrete
c) it is before planing
d) it is imaginations about the past time
e) nothing is correct

2. At this stage the aims of organization are defined, it is called (as the function of management, it is after
a) planing
b) tactics
c) strategy
d) motivation
e) communication

3. How do you call detailed plan, based on prohnosys and wich takes into account perspectives for the
future for organization?
a) marketing
b) corporation
c) strategy (or strategic plan)
d) policy
e) there is no correct variant

4. If the aim of organization is profit and financial succes, we call this mission:
a) scientific
b) social
c) political
d) international
e) economic

5. If the aim of organization are new technologies and science, we call this:
a) social
b) economic
c) scientific
d) political
e) international

6. Call one important characteristic of aim of organization:

a) it must not be achievable
b) it must not be connected with other aims of organization
c) it must not be supported by others aims
d) it must be concrete and measured
e) it must be not concrete

7. What do we call „limited grow” in the learning of strategic alternatives?

a) establishing of goals from achieved results
b) planning more than last year
c) making down from last result, or liquidation
d) combination of all points
e) realization

8. What do we call „growth” in the learning of strategic alternatives?

a) we are planing less than last year
b) we are planing more than last year
c) we are not planing
d) establishing of goals from achieved results
e) nothing is correct
9. From the following functions of management choose one, which is connected with cheching up
a) motivation
b) planing
c) prognosys
d) control
e) nothing is correct

10. One from these functions is connected with stimulation of workers activity. Name it:
a) control
b) prognosys
c) motivation of people
d) planing
e) nothing is correct

11. This management function is before planning, created on the base of intuition. What is it?
a) prognosys (foreeasting)
b) motivation
c) control
d) organization
e) nothing is correct

12. The structure of organization is hierarchical – from chief to workers. We call this type of power
a) line power
b) apparate power
c) matrix power
d) strong power
13. Transferring by manager of tasks and powers to the other person is called:
a) mixed structure
b) delegation
c) evolution
d) revolution
e) responsibility

14. Manager has limited right to use the resourses of organization. This” limited right” is called:
a) combination
b) delegation
c) revolution
d) evolution
e) powers

15. Secretary for chief fulfills the following functions or powers:

a) matrix
b) project
c) apparate powers
d) line powers
e) nothing is correct

16. It isthe function of management and the process of provioling stimulation for workers to increase their
results. Name it:
a) planing
b) control
c) motivation
d) organization
e) liquidation

17. These theories of motivation are based on identification of internal motives or needs. They are called
a) processional theories
b) scientific theories
c) technologic theories
d) content theories of motivation
e) nothing is correct

18. Which motivation theory uses the system from five human needs as specific pyramide?
a) Mc-Cleland theory
b)Maslow theory
c) Herzberg theory
d) Theory of expectations
e) Fayol theory

19. Self-perfection and creativity, self-actualization is used in the theory of:

a) Herzberg theory
b) Mc-Cleland theory
c) Theory of justice
d) Porter-lower theory
e) Maslow theory

20. Two factors - hygiene and motivation-are used in the following motivation theory:
a) Expectation theory
b) Herzberg theory
c) Maslow theory
d) Porter and Lowler
e) Mc-Cleland

21. Power success, social relations – these are attributes of the motivational theory of:
a) Maslow
b) Mc-Cleland
c) Mc-Gregor
d) Porter-Lowler
e) Herzberg

22. „Labor costs – results – compensations – appearance - growth” – it is the idea of the following theory:
a) Maslow
b) Mc-Cleland
c) Herzberg
d) Expectation theory
e) Theory of justice

23. The process of evaluating and cheching up organizational activities is called:

a) motivation
b) performance
c) controling (control)
d) planing
e) prognosys

24. Choose up the correct requirement to control:

a) it must not be flexible
b) it must not be economical
c) it must not be directed to concrete result
d) it must be objective and good-willed
e) nothing is correct

25. In the end of activity must be the following type of control:

a) current control
b) resulting control
c) before hand control (preliminary)
d) labour control
e) material control

Tema 3 Complicate (25)

1. Chose corect variants from the following:

a) it is imaginations about the future time
b) it is not concrete
c) it is before planning
d) it is created on the base of intuition
e) it is concrete

2. These two functions are situated in the system of management functions as last ones. Name them:
a) prognosys
b) motivation
c) control
d) planning
e) organization

3. Key elements of strategic planning are:

a) motivation
b) control
c) aims
d) stages of planning
e) organization

4. Missions of organization may be:

a) economic
b) political
c) social
d) scientific
e) regresive

5. Characteristics of aim:
a) it is must be concrete
b) it is must be achievable
c) it is must not be achievable
d) it is must be supported by other aims
e) it is must not be supported by other aims

6. Call the steps of „learning of strategic alternatives”:

a) financial planning
b) limited growth
c) growth
d) cut or liquidation
e) combination between all points

7. Planing (of strategy) and realization:

8. Name the correct „stages of planning”:
a) missions
b) evaluation of external environment
c) learning of internal environment
d) strategic alternatives learning
e) realization

9. Choose correct variants – functions of management:

a) realization
b) prognozing
c) organizing
d) planning
e) motivation

10. There are two main groups of motivation theories, choose them:
a) revolutional theories
b) evolutional theories
c) scientific theories
d) content theories
e) processional theories

11. Content theories of motivation includes the following ones:

a) Mc-Cleland
b) Maslow
c) Herzberg
d) Porter and Lower
e) expectations (V.Vroom)

12. Processional theories of motivation includes the following:

a) expectations (V. Vroom)
b) Porter–Lower (mixed)
c) Theory of justice
d) Maslow
e) Herzberg

13. Name correct variants of content theories of motivation:

a) expectations
b) Porter and Lowler
c) Herzberg
d) Maslow
e) Mc-Cleland

14. Name correct variants of processional theories of motivation:

a) Herzberg
b) Maslow
c) theory of justice
d) mixed theory Porter-Lower
e) expectations theory

15. Herzberg theory uses two factors of motivation:

a) economic factors
b) scientific factors
c) hygiene factors
d) motivation factors
e) tachnologic factors

16. Mixed theory of motivation (Porter - Lowler) has the following elements, they are four:
a) programs
b) expensed efforts
c) perceptions
d) results
e) compensations

17. Theory of expectations uses the following principles:

a) labour costs
b) compensation
c) self appearance
d) growtg
e) supervision

18. „People compare their salary with compensations of their people” – this is idea of the following
theories of motivation:
a) theory of expectations
b) theory of justice (equity)
c) this theory is processional (second group)
d) Maslow theory
e) mixed theory

19. Maslow theory of motivation uses hierachy of needs. Coose this needs:
a) self-actualization, creativity
b) phyziological needs
c) safety, protection
d) respect
e) consultations

20. Mc-Cleland motivation theory includes the following elements:

a) psycological needs
b) physiological needs
c) power
d) success
e) relations

21. Choose correct variants of mixed motivation theory:

a) success
b) expensed efforts
c) perceptions
d) received result
e) compensations

22. Self-appearance and creativity may be found among the elements of the following two theories of
a) Mc-Cleland theory
b) Maslow theory
c) theory of expectation
d) Porter-Lower
e) Herzberg theory

23. There are 3 stager of control:

a) motivation
b) prognosys
c) establishing of standards
d) analysis of results
e) correction of mistakes

24. Classification of control includes:

a) before hand or preliminary control
b) spreading control
c) current control
d) final or resulting control
e) technological control

25. Call the requirements to manager’s control:

a) flexibility
b) objectiveness
c) economic character
d) it must be directed to concrete result
e) it must not be flexible

Tema 4 Simple (4)

1. An informational exchange, based on different managerial decissions, is called:

a) motivation
b) communication
c) planning
d) control
e) organization

2. Meetings inside the organizatio may be called:

a) internal communications
b) external communications
c) organization
d) planning
e) no correct variant
3. Public relations TV mass media made be called:
a) internal communication
b) external communication
c) prognozing
d) organization
e) no correct answer

4. In the communication may be barriers. If the miss-understanding of some words and phrazes takes place,
this is called:
a) semantic
b) orphographic
c) organizational
d) economic
e) scientific

Tema 4 Complicate (4)

1. Classification of communications: choose correct variants:

a) scientific communication
b) verbal communication
c) internal communication
d) external communication
e) non-verbal communication

2. Communication process consists of the following components:

a) sender
b) forming of idea
c) code, decode
d) recipient
e) organizer

3. There are four roles of manager in decission making process:

a) entrepreneur
b) specialist in correcting mistakes
c) distributor of resources
d) negotiator, specialist in agreements
e) businessman

4. Classification of decisions:
a) economic
b) planned and non-planed
c) intuitive
d) practical
e) rational

Tema 5 Simple

1. In the human resources management Hawtorne experiment showed thw following (choose one correct
a) people must organized
b) people must be motivated
c) economic relations are the most important
d) human and social relations, non-formal groups are the most important
e) no correct variant

2. Group of workers, created officially by administration, is called:

a) non-formal group
b) formal group
c) external group
d) internal group
e) there is no correct variant
3. This leader helds all power (authority) and responsibility in the organization. He is called:
a) liberal
b) democratic
c) authoritarian
d) laissez-faire
e) no correct variant

4. This theory assumes that workers don’t like work and must be under strong control of chief:
a) theory “Y”
b) theory “X”
c) theory “Z”
d) theory “A”
e) no correct variant

Tema 5 Complicate

1. Choose three types of leadership:

a) revolutional
b) evolutional
c) authoritarian
d) liberal
e) democratic

2. Choose correct forms of power, they may be based on:

a) on force
b) on motivation
c) on charizma
d) on organization
e) on traditions

3. There are two main theories about styles of manager’s behaviour:

a) theoru “A”
b) theory ”B”
c) theory “X”
d) theory “Y”
e) no correct variants

4. “Human relations management” operates the following therms:

a) formal group of people
b) non-formal group of people
c) human relations and behaviour
d) leadership
e) revolution

Tema 6 Simple (4)

1. Engaging of workers (recruting) in organization is the activity of following:

a) financial management
b) human resources
c) material resources management
d) technological management
e) no correct variant

2. Planning of work places forecasting, job analysis are the parts of:
a) human resource management
b) theory “X”
c) theory “Y”
d) theory “Z”
e) no correct variant

3. The process of choosing of workers from engaged persons is called:

a) motivation
b) organization
c) cocontrolling
d) selection of personal
e) no correct variant
4. Process of design and planning of different needs in human resources is called in management:
a) engaging
b) selection
c) planning
d) motivation
e) no correct variant

Tema 6 Complicate (4)

1. There are four stages of forming of labor force in HRM (human resource management):
a) control
b) planning of needs in workers
c) engaging of workers
d) selection of workers
e) motivation, salaries
2. The are three methods of collecting information during selection of workers in human resources:
a) experience
b) centres of evaluation (tests)
c) conversations between manager and workers
d) controlling
e) planning

3. Classification of career:
a) outside or professional career
b) inside career
c) horizontal career
d) revolutional career
e) revolutional career

4. The periods of career movement:

a) evolutional period
b) preliminary period (before 25 years)
c) establishing period (before 30 years)
d) the period of promotion
the period of transfering

Tema 7 Simple (4)

1. Conflect of roles (inside one’s personality) is called:

a) horiyontal
b) vertical
c) mixed
d) intrapersonal
e) interpersonal

2. The consequences of this conflict are pozitive for organization:

a) disfunctional coflict
b) functional conflict
c) mixed conflict interpersonal conflict
d) no correct variant

3. Interests of persons and interests of organization may be different. This conflict is called:
a) functional conflict
b) disfunctional conflict
c) conflict of interests
d) horizontal conflict
e) no correct variant

4. This way of conflict resolution takes place when people are going half way towards cach other and find
common way, profitable to all sides of conflict:
a) it means to decline the conflict
b) it means to smooth the conflict
c) compromise
d) it means to enforce the conflict
e) no correct variant

Tema 7 Complexe (4)

1. Styles of conflict resolution:

a) compromise
b) declining
c) smoothing the conflict
d) solving the problem
e) organization of new conflict

2. The reasons of conflict in the organization:

a) resources are not limited
b) resources are limited
c) mutual dependence of tasks
d) mutual dependence of aims
e) difference in manners and leaders intentions

3. The symptoms of stress:

a) philosophical
b) economic
c) physical
d) psychological
e) behavioural

4. Classification of conflicts:
a) evolutional
b) intrapersonal
c) interpersonal
d) beteeen groups of people
e) functional conflict

Tema 8 (простые) (4)

1. The process transformation inside.

The organization is called in management:
a) organizational changes
b) conflict
c) regression
d) progression
e) no correct variant

2. The most radical changes, that lead to the full transformation of organization, are called:
a) routine or usual changes
b) radical changes
c) innovations
d) transformation
e) no correct variant

3. When people reject (refuse) the necessity of changes this type of changes resistance is called:
a) incompetence
b) competence
c) rejection
d) pessimism
e) indifference

4. New technologies and approaches in organization are called:

a) usual or routine changes
b) radical changes
c) innovations
d) transformations
e) no correct variant

Tema 8 (сложные) (4)

1. According to Mandy, there are the following types of organizational changes:

a) unusual changes
b) usual or routine changes
c) radical changes
d) innovations
e) transformations

2. According to the direction, changes may be:

a) strategic
b) operational
c) tactical
d) political
e) economical

3. Theories of changes are based on different approaches to change, name two main theories of changes:
a) democratic
b) autocratic
c) liberal
d) revolutional
e) evolutional

4. There are four several forums of changes resistance:

a) optimism
b) rejection of changes
c) incompetence
d) pessimism
e) indifference

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