Philippine Culture and Tourism Geography Midterm Examination TM PDF

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Midterm Examination

1. In line with the previous discussions, your task now is to conduct a case study that aims to create a
solution for the problem.
2. As an Individual output, you must read and analyze the article found on this document.
3. Develop a project to solve the problem identified in the article. Use the format below for your written
a. Background of the Study – summary of the case
b. Statement of the Problem – identified problem from the case
c. SWOT Analysis – identified strengths and weaknesses (internal factors) as well as opportunities
and threats (external factors) of the case
d. Alternative Courses of Action (ACA) – solutions to the problem
e. Recommendation – final recommendation as chosen from the ACA
4. Upload your written output Dropbox using this filename format: PhilCultureandTourGeo-
5. You will be graded based on the rubrics below.


Analysis of the
Insightful and thorough analysis of all the situations. 30
Well documented, reasoned, and pedagogically appropriate
comments on solutions, or proposals for solutions, to all the situations 40
in the case.
Links to Course
Excellent research into the situations with clearly documented links to
Readings and 30
class discussions.
Additional Research

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Central Visayas loses P35.5B in tourism revenue

CEBU CITY—Central Visayas has lost $713 million, or about P35.5 billion, in tourism revenue from foreign
arrivals due to quarantine restrictions and border closures brought about by the coronavirus disease

Efren Carreon, regional director of the National Economic and Development Authority (Neda), said the amount
of foregone income from January to June 2020 could have been higher had the agency computed the impact
of COVID-19 on domestic tourism. “One of the largest sectors in Central Visayas is our tourism industry. As we
all know, tourism is one of our major economic drivers,” Carreon said in a media interview.

In the first three months of 2020, Central Visayas could have earned $249 million, or roughly P12.5 billion, but
this was not realized after strict quarantine measures were imposed in March. The amount ballooned to
$464.8 (P23 billion) in the second quarter after travel bans were expanded to include nearly all destinations
abroad, Carreon said. Among the country’s favorite tourist destinations are found in Central Visayas, such as
Cebu and Bohol provinces, and Dumaguete City. At least 4.3 million foreign tourists visited the region in 2019,
an increase of 18 percent from 2018’s 3.6 million, Department of Tourism data showed.

Still on top of the list of foreign visitors in Central Visayas in 2019 are those coming from South Korea with
over 1.6 million, followed by China (762,583), Japan (548,627), United States (275,161), Taiwan (135,126),
Australia (78,464), United Kingdom (64,860), and Germany (59,786).

In Cebu province, foreign and domestic tourists were allowed back into the island starting August, but they
must meet stringent health requirements and register through a centralized online portal created by the Cebu
Provincial Tourism Task Force.

In an executive order issued on July 23, Gov. Gwendolyn Garcia required guests to wear province-issued radio
frequency identification (RFID) bracelets throughout their stay. The devices contain their email addresses and
social media accounts for quick and efficient contact tracing if needed. The tourists were allowed to engage in
such activities as whale shark watching, canyoneering, island hopping, snorkeling, diving, beach events,
sightseeing, and visits to cultural heritage sites and museums.

The tourism sector has yet to come up with an actual number of tourists who went to Cebu after restrictions
were eased. Carreon said the four tourism subsectors badly hit by the coronavirus crisis were accommodation,
restaurants, shopping and retail, and local transport.

Citing the Neda report, the official said establishments engaged in tourist accommodation lost around $99
million, followed by restaurants ($93 million), shopping and retail ($39 million), and local transport ($17.5
million). “This amount could have generated a lot of jobs and goods and services. And a lot of people could
have benefited with fresh money coming in from our foreign tourists,” Carreon said. INQ

Lifted and modified from:

Mayol, Ador Vincent. (December 7, 2020). Central Visayas loses P35.5B in tourism revenue. Retrieved on February 20, 2021

“Never do tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time.”
-Charles Dickens

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