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Grade/Subject: MUSIC 9
Levels of Performance
Total # of
Objectives / Learning
Topics No. of Days Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Test Items
(20 points)
30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 10%

Music of the List selected vocal and

Medieval instrumental music of 2 2,3,4 3
Period (700- Medieval, Renaissance
and Baroque period.
Define Medieval,
Renaissance and
Period (1400- 3 1 11,12,13 4
Baroque music to its
1600) historical and cultural
and Baroque background.
Period (1685- Explains the
1750) performance practice
(setting, composition,
role of composers/
4 5,6 9,10 19,20 6
performers, and
audience) during
Medieval, Renaissance
and Baroque period.

Discuss musical
elements of given
2 7,8 17,18 4
Medieval, Renaissance
and Baroque elements.

Elaborate other arts and 1 14 1

media that portray
Medieval, Renaissance
and Baroque elements.

Perform medieval
chant, troubadour song,
madrigal, chorale and
selections from oratorio 1 15,16 2
with correct pitch,
rhythm, expression and

Total 12 6 4 4 2 2 2 20
Grade/Subject: ART 9
Levels of Performance
Total # of
Objectives / Learning
Topics No. of Days Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Test Items
(20 points)
30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 10%

Western and Identify distinct

Classical Art characteristic of arts 1 1,2 2
Traditions during the different art
Name representative
3 3,4,5,6 4
artists from various art
Analyse art elements
and principles in the
production of work
1 11,12 2
following the style of a
western and classical

Explain on and derives

the mood, idea, or
2 8,9 15,16 3
message from selected

Elaborate the use or 3 7,10 17,18 4

function of artworks by
evaluating their
utilization and
combination of art
elements and principles.
Compare the
characteristics of
1 19,20 2
artworks produced in
the different art periods.

Create artworks guided

by techniques and
13,14 2
styles of Western
Classical art traditions.

Total 11 6 4 4 2 2 2 20
Levels of Performance
Total # of
Objectives / Learning
Topics No. of Days Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Test Items
(20 points)
30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 10%

Life Style and Undertakes physical

4 2,3,4,5,6 11 6
Weight activity and physical
Management/ fitness assessments.
Sports Identify eating habits
based on the Philippine 1 7,9 2
Food Pyramid/My Food
Analyse risk factors
(obesity, physical
inactivity, poor nutrition,
and smoking) for major
non communicable 1 1 1
diseases lifestyle-
related (e.g. diabetes,
heart disease, stroke,

Elaborate facts from

myths and
misinformation 1 8,10 2
associated with eating

Justify periodically one’s 1 12,13,14 3

progress towards the
fitness goals.

Performs appropriate
first aid for injuries and
emergency situations in
physical activity and 4 15,16 17,18 19,20 6
sports settings (e.g.
cramps, sprain, and
heat exhaustion).

Total 12 6 4 4 2 2 2 20
Grade/Subject: HEALTH 9
Levels of Performance
Total # of
Objectives / Learning
Topics No. of Days Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Test Items
(20 points)
30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 10%

Community Define a healthy 1 1,2 2

and community.
Environmental Describe a community
1 7 1
Health. and environmental
Discuss the nature of
4 3,4,5,6 15,16 6
environmental issues.

Explain how a health

environment positively
impacts the health of
people and 1 8 11 2
communities (less
disease, less health
care cost, etc.)

Analyse the effects of

environment issues on 2 9,10 17 3
people’s health.

Participates in 3 12,13,14 18 19,20 6

implementing an
environmental project
such as building and
maintaining a school
garden or conducting a
war on waste campaign
(depends on feasibility.

Total 12 6 4 4 2 2 2 20
Name: Year and Section:
Scores: Music Arts P. E. Health

DIRECTIONS: Multiple Choices: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of your answer in the
space before the number.
_______1. Known as the middle ages or Dark Ages.
a. Medieval c. Baroque
b. Renaissance d. Classical
_______2. A secular vocal music polyphonic music composition that originated from Italy.
a. Mass c. Polyphonic
b. Madrigal d. Neume Notation
_______3. A musical notation is a sign for one or group of successive musical pitches, predecessor
of modern notes.
a. Mass c. Polyphonic
b. Madrigal d. Neume Notation
_______4. A musical form of sacred musical composition that sets texts of the Eucharistic liturgy
into music.
a. Mass c. Polyphonic
b. Madrigal d. Neume Notation
_______5. What do you call the process of producing sound simultaneously?
a. Mass c. Polyphonic
b. Madrigal d. Neume Notation
_______6. He is the oldest secular composer whose literary and musical works include chansons
and poetic debates?
a. Adam de la Halle c. Thomas Morley
b. Giovanni Palestrina d. Johann Sebastian Bach
_______7. Gregorian Chant is a free-meter monophonic plainchant in the Medieval period. Which
element of music does free meter describe?
a. Form c. Melody
b. Harmony d. Rhythm
_______8. Imitation of voices in Renaissance music best describes this musical element.
a. Dynamics c. Melody
b. Form d. Texture
_______9. Which of the following talks about the work of Thomas Morley?
a. He was known for his composition for organ, orchestra, and oratorio.
b. Most of his madrigals are light and easy to sing with some aspects of italian style.
c. The greatest sacred music composers during the Renaissance period.
d. All of the above.
_______10. Which of the following talks about the work of Johann Sebastian Bach?
a. He was known for his composition for organ, orchestra, and oratorio.
b. Most of his madrigals are light and easy to sing with some aspects of italian style.
c. The greatest sacred music composers during the Renaissance period.
d. None of the above.
_______11. How is madrigal music sung?
a. Accompaniment c. Acapella
b. Imitation d. Melismatic
_______12. How did Renaissance music sing?
a. Accompaniment c. Acapella
b. Imitation d. Melismatic
_______13. How is mass music sung?
a. Accompaniment c. Acapella
b. Imitation d. Melismatic
_______14. How is Baroque music being sung?
a. Melodies sound elaborate and ornamental
b. Mostly polyphonic
c. Sung in acapella
d. Text may be syllabic
_______15. Music texture is how the tempo, melodic, and harmonic materials are combined in a
musical composition. Based on the picture below, which of them shows polyphony?

a. A c. C
b. B d. D
_______16. Based on the picture in item number 15. Which of them shows homophonic?
a. A c. C
b. B d. D
DIRECTIONS: Study the composition and identify the time signature.

a. c. 4
2/4 /4
b. 3/4 d. 6/8

c. 4
a. 2/4
b. 3/4
DIRECTIONS: Explain the meaning of the musical composition Le Jeu de Robin de Marion by Adam
de la Halle. (2 Points)


DIRECTIONS: Multiple Choices: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of your answer in the
space before the number.
_______1. Comfortable arrangement of things in art or maybe symmetry.
a. Balance c. Unity
b. Emphasis d. Color
_______2. The light reflected off objects, perceived in different hues depending on the wavelength.
a. Balance c. Unity
b. Emphasis d. Color
_______3. Cave of Lascaux was discovered by?
a. Josef Szombathy c. Howard Carter
b. Marcel Ravidat d. Thutmose
_______4. Who created the Queen Nefertiti Bust?
a. Josef Szombathy c. Howard Carter
b. Marcel Ravidat d. Thutmose
_______5. Who discovered the Sarcophagus of Tutankhamen?
a. Josef Szombathy c. Howard Carter
b. Marcel Ravidat d. Thutmose
_______6. Venus of Willendorf was found in Willendorf, Lower Austria by?
a. Josef Szombathy c. Howard Carter
b. Marcel Ravidat d. Thutmose
_______7. Which of the following talks about the Rose window from the North transept?
a. Gothic manuscript illustration which shows some realistic detail and naïve
b. Grand sculpted portals in the doorways of Worcester Cathedral.
c. Stained glass windows created to transform the vast stone interiors with warm
and glowing colour.
d. Circle standing stones considered as a temple where ceremonies were held.
_______8. What is the meaning of the Judgement of Paris?
a. Story from Greek mythology.
b. Mosaic of an Asian Queen with dark eyes and hair with fierce expression.
c. Madam Lisa
d. None of the Above
_______9. What is the meaning of The Empress Theodora?
a. Story from Greek mythology.
b. Mosaic of an Asian Queen with dark eyes and hair with fierce expression.
c. Madam Lisa
d. None of the Above
_______10. Which of the following talks about The Barberini Diptych?
a. Consisted of five ivory plaques fitted together.
b. Series of six tapestries created in the style of thousand flowers.
c. One of the most iconographically dense works of art in history.
d. Grand sculpted portals in the dorryways of Worcester.
_______11. What elements of art are used in The Discobolus?
a. Balance
b. Form
c. Color
d. Texture
_______12. What elements of art are used in the Cave of Lascaux?

a. Balance
b. Form
c. Color
d. Texture
_______13. Which of the following processes was used in creating Venus of Willendorf?
a. Carving c. Rendering
b. Painting d. Hatching
_______14. Which of the following processes was used in creating Boscotrecase, Pompeii?
a. Carving c. Rendering
b. Painting d. Hatching
_______15. Their paintings were believed to make the deceased's life a pleasant place, giving
importance to life after death and the preservation of the knowledge of the past.
a. Byzantine c. Greek
b. Egyptian d. Roman
_______16. Stained glass windows were created to transform the vast stone interior with warm and
glowing color. What is the local counterpart of the said Artwork in the Philippines?
a. Capiz lantern c. Pampanga’s Giant Lantern
b. Batak of Palawan d. Pinilian of Ilocano
DIRECTIONS: Study the different art works below and answer the following questions.

17-18.What is the use of The Colosseum during the Roman period?

DIRECTIONS: Compare and Contrast the characteristics of the different period.

Greek Gothic

Difference Similarities Difference


DIRECTIONS: Multiple Choices: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of your answer in the
space before the number.

_______1. What system in sports is used to maintain order and fairness in implementing rules?
a. Sports Officiating c. Sports Science
b. Sports Psychology d. Sports for Youth
_______2. Is the ability to perform physical activities without undue fatigue?
a. Physical Fitness c. Physical Health
b. Physical Wellness d. Physical Body
_______3. Which of the following physical fitness tests assess your body mass?
a. Speed Test c. Height Test
b. Weight Test d. BMI
_______4. A test for upper body shoulder girdle flexibility intended to parallel strength /endurance.
a. Sit and Reach c. 3 Minutes Step Test
b. Zipper Test d. Hexagon Agility Test
_______5. Which of the following tests measures the muscle strength of upper extremities?
a. Push-up c. 3 Minutes Step Test
b. Basic Plank d. Hexagon Agility Test
_______6. Which of the following tests measures the strength of abdominal muscle?
a. Push-up c. 3 Minutes Step Test
b. Basic Plank d. Hexagon Agility Test
_______7. Which locomotors movement refers to the series of walks executed quickly in any
direction wherein only one foot stays in the ground while the other is off the ground?
a. Jump c. Run
b. Step d. Walk
_______8. What benefits are there in eating a balanced diet?
a. Good Health
b. Good mood and energy
c. Improved health and reduced illness
d. All of the above
_______9. Which food groups should you have at least 5 portions of a day?
a. Meat, Fish and meat alternatives
b. Milk and Dairy
c. Fat
d. Fruit and Vegetables
_______10. How many glasses of water should you drink in a day?
a. 10-12 c. 6-8
b. 8-10 d. 4-6
_______11. What is an example of outdoor activity?
a. Playing Jack stone
b. Playing Volleyball
c. Playing Board Games
d. Playing Musical instruments
_______12. Which of the following talks about the spike in volleyball?
a. Offensive attack
b. Skill wherein the player deflects the ball from the opponent.
c. The individual act of obtaining the ball from a pass.
d. Overhand contact of the ball.
_______13. Which of the following talks about receiving in volleyball?
a. Offensive attack
b. Skill wherein the player deflects the ball from the opponent.
c. The individual act of obtaining the ball from a pass.
d. Overhand contact of the ball.
_______14. Arrange the order on how to block in volleyball.
I. Be ready at all times.
II. Stand with your feet shoulder-length apart square to the net.
III. Keep your knees bent.
IV. Keep your arms high.
V. Keep your palms facing the net.
VI. Stay a half arm’s length away from the net.
a. Ⅰ, ⅠⅠ, ⅠⅠⅠ, Ⅳ, V, VⅠ c. Ⅰ, ⅠⅠ, Ⅳ, V, VⅠ, ⅠⅠⅠ,
b. Ⅰ, ⅠⅠⅠ, Ⅳ, V, VⅠ, ⅠⅠ, d. Ⅰ, ⅠⅠ, ⅠⅠⅠ, V, VⅠ, Ⅳ
_______15. Mark is playing outside under the sun. Suddenly, he collapsed, and his blood pressure
rose because of heat exhaustion. What will you do first as his first aider?
a. Call an ambulance. c. Perform CPR immediately.
b. Elevate his legs and feet. d. Move him in a cool area.
_______16. Peter overstretched his muscle at the back when he forcibly spiked the ball. What must
be applied to avoid swelling and bruising?
a. Cold Compress c. Elevation
b. Compression d. Rest
_______17. If a volleyball team starts the match with six eligible players, but one is injured during
play, which of the following might happen?
a. A forfeit shall be declared.
b. Replace the injured player.
c. The match must stop.
d. The match should continue
_______18. Cael was rehearsing a social dance, suddenly he felt sweating and quick pulses due to
body overheating. Which of the following is the best treatment for heat exhaustion?
a. Give the person cold water to drink.
b. Lay the person down and elevate the legs and the feet slightly.
c. Loosen or remove the person's clothing.
d. Massage the cramping muscle gently.
_______19. When a basketball player commits a personal foul, what is the notification order for the
a. Notify the head coach, and then start the timer to replace the player who commits
a foul.
b. Notify the head coach and the player then, proceed to the game.
c. Notify the player, then, the head coach, and start the timer to replace the player.
d. Start the timer to replace the player, then notify the coach and the player.
_______20. How can you lose weight?
a. Engage in physical activity such as volleyball.
b. Know the number of calories you intake.
c. Design exercise program.
d. All of the above.


DIRECTIONS: Multiple Choices: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of your answer in the
space before the number.

_______1. It talks about everything that surrounds an individual-the air we breathe, the water we
drink and use.
a. Earth c. Community
b. Environment d. Nature
_______2. A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in
a. Earth c. Community
b. Environment d. Nature
_______3. What do you call the community health problems wherein occurrence of an illness is
clearly in excess of what is expected in a community or region?
a. Water Pollution
b. Oil Spill
c. Solid Waste
d. Food Sanitation and Safety
_______4. How many percent of freshwater or drinkable water?
a. 2% c. 4%
b. 3% d. 70%
_______5. Is the proper handling and keeping of food to avoid contamination.
a. Water Pollution
b. Oil Spill
c. Solid Waste
d. Food Sanitation and Safety
_______6. It is classified into two categories biodegradable and non-biodegradable?
a. Water Pollution
b. Oil Spill
c. Solid Waste
d. Food Sanitation and Safety
_______7. Which of the following talks about a healthy community?
a. Physically clean and safe.
b. It has a different and innovative economy.
c. Promotes social harmony.
d. Increasing access to healthy food
_______8. Which of the following has the positive effect of a healthy community?
a. Increasing physical activity and reducing injury.
b. Increasing access to healthy food.
c. Improving quality of air and water.
d. Strengthening social fabric of a community.
_______9. Which of the following is NOT the effect on people of flash floods?
a. Waterborne Diseases c. Loss of Life
b. Malnutrition d. Lung Irritation
_______10. Which of the following effects on people of illegal mining?
a. Skin itching and rashes c. Malnutrition
b. Waterborne Diseases d. Loss of Life
_______11. How can you ensure food safety? EXCEPT
a. Wash hands before and after handling food.
b. Separate raw meat from other food.
c. Cook to the right temperature.
d. All of the above
_______12. All are correct but which of the following is the best action to avoid deforestation?
a. Avoid cutting trees c. Use recycled products
b. Planting trees d. use less paper
_______13. Which of the following actions causes Coral Reef Degradation?
a. Agricultural Expansion
b. Solid and waste particles and certain gases that are suspended in the air.
c. Generating Power
d. Destructive Fishing
_______14. Which of the following actions causes air pollution?
a. Agricultural Expansion
b. Solid and waste particles and certain gases that are suspended in the air.
c. Generating Power
d. Destructive Fishing
_______15. Which of the following talks about oil spill?
a. Permanent removal of large areas of forest.
b. Removal of soil, sediment and rock.
c. Release of liquid petroleum to the environment.
d. Destructive Fishing
_______16. Which of the following talks about deforestation?
a. Permanent removal of large areas of forest.
b. Removal of soil, sediment and rock.
c. Release of liquid petroleum to the environment.
d. Destructive Fishing
_______17. You saw your classmate outside the school extorting money from the younger student?
How will you deal with this situation? What will you do?
a. I will tell the situation to the school guard.
b. I will report the matter to our teacher to prevent my classmate from doing
c. I will confront my classmate and tell him to stop what he is doing because it is
d. Nothing because I don’t want to be involved.
_______18. Which of the following is the contamination of water sources by substances which make
the water unusable for drinking, cooking, cleaning, swimming, and other activities?
a. Air pollution c. Deforestation
b. Land pollution d. Water pollution
_______19. One of the environmental health projects of Pampanga High School is to encourage
students to participate in an activity that advocates the provision of the Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act. Which of the following activities will you participate in?
a. Clean up Drive
b. Project 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
c. Gulayan sa Tahanan
d. Tree planting
_______20. Your best friend revealed to you that she is being molested by her uncle. How will you
deal with this revelation from your best friend? What will you do to help her?
a. I will convince her to report this to her family.
b. I will help her to tell this to her parents so that the incident will stop.
c. I will convince her to talk this matter to the proper authority.
d. Nothing because I don’t want to be involved.

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. - Matthew 6:33”

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