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Huyonhuyon High School

Huyonhuyon, Tigaon, Camarines Sur

"Effect of Social Media to the Modification of Filipino Language to Huyonhuyon High School Students,
S/Y 2019-2020"

Survey Questionnaire

Direction: Encircle the meaning of the following words.

1. Kudos a. Good luck b. Congratulations c. Farewell

2. Lodi a. Idol b. Loading c. Awesome

3. Walwal a. Too long b. Very drunk c. Too much sleep

4. Charot a. Boisterous b. Lying c. Joking/Kidding

5. Wafu a. Handsome b. Ugly c. Overflow

6. Gumon a. Addicted b. Formal c. Gone

7. Agamahan a. Breakfast b. Region c. Religion

8. Batlag a. Bike b. Car c. Truck

9. Anluwage a. Carpenter b. Engineer c. Architect

10. Banoy a. Crow b. Pigeon c. Eagle

Directions: Answer the question honestly

What type of social media do you always use? Facebook__ Twitter__ Youtube__ If others, specify__

What is your reason of using social media? Communication__ Educational__ Entertainment__

What language do you always use in social media? English__ Filipino__ Taglish__

How many hours do you use in Social media 1-3 hrs.__ 4-6 hrs.__ 7-9 hrs.__ 10 hrs. & above__

Do you still write the correct spelling of a word? Always__ Sometimes__ Rarely__

Are you aware of having a new Filipino word in social media? Yes__ No__

Do you use millenial words in social media? Always__ Sometimes__ Never__

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