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Impedance Page - 2-Winding Transformer

Positive and Zero Sequence Impedances

These are the positive and zero sequence impedances at the nominal tap setting, in percent, with the transformer MVA
and kV ratings as the base values. These values are subject to manufacturer tolerance limits and tap position.

For the (3) 1-phase transformer, the positive and zero sequence impedances are identical and calculated from the
phase-by-phase admittance matrix of the (3) 1-phase transformer.

ETAP models the transformers in the system using the positive and zero sequence impedances. ETAP takes the
voltage of the swing bus (a bus with a connected swing machine) as the base voltage. It then calculates the system
base voltages using the transformer turn ratio. If the transformer turn ratio matches the ratio of the base kVs of the
buses between which it is connected, but the actual numbers are not the same (e.g., the primary bus base kV is 13.8
and the secondary bus is 4.349 kV, while the transformer kV ratings are 13.2-4.16 kV), ETAP adjusts the nameplate
impedance to a new base with the following formula:

Zt, new = Zt, rated * (Transformer Rated kV/Bus Base kV)2

In some cases, when you have parallel transformers with different voltage ratings, introduce a fictitious tap setting so
that the calculated base voltage at the load side of the transformers will be the same value (refer to 2-Winding
Transformer kV rating).

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X/R and R/X Ratios

Enter the transformer X/R or R/X ratio. These values are used in ETAP to calculate the transformer winding
resistances and reactances from given percent impedances.

%X and %R
These values are calculated from the given percent impedances using X/R and R/X ratios. These values can also be
used to calculate the percent impedance as well as resistance and reactance ratios.

Typical Z and X/R and Typical X/R

Click the appropriate button to obtain the typical 2-winding transformer impedance together with X/R ratio, or X/R
ratio only. The typical impedance and X/R ratio data for ANSI 2-winding transformers are based on two sources:
American National Standard C57.12.10 and Industrial Power System Handbook by Beeman.

The Industrial Power System Handbook by Beeman (page 96) specifies typical data for transformers that has rating
not larger than 500 kVA and primary voltage not higher than 12.47 kV.

Typical Impedance for Transformer Less Than or Equal to 500 kVA:

Rating Group 1* +
Group 2
%Z X/R %Z X/R
kVA ≤ 5 2.3 0.88 2.8 0.77
5< kVA ≤ 25 2.3 1.13 2.3 1.00
25< kVA ≤ 50 2.6 1.69 2.4 1.54
50< kVA ≤ 100 2.6 1.92 3.7 2.92
100< kVA ≤ 167 4.0 3.45 3.7 3.60
167< kVA ≤ 500 4.8 4.70 5.2 5.10

* Group 1: Transformers with high voltage windings of less than or equal to 8.32 kV
+ Group 2: Transformers with high voltages of greater than 8.32 kV and less than or equal to 12.47 kV

American National Standard C57.12.10 specifies impedance values for transformers larger than 500 kVA.

Typical Impedance for Transformer More Than 500 kVA:

High Voltage Side Low Voltage Side Low Voltage Side ≥ 2.4 kV
< 2.4 kV Without LTC With LTC
kV ≤ 13.8 5.75** 5.5**
13.8 < kV ≤ 23 6.75 6.5 7.0
23 < kV ≤ 34.5 7.25 7.0 7.5
34.5 < kV ≤ 46 7.75 7.5 8.0
46 < kV ≤ 69 8.0 8.5
69 < kV ≤ 115 8.5 9.0
115 < kV ≤ 138 9.0 9.5
138 < kV ≤ 161 9.5 10.0
161 < kV ≤ (230) 10.0 10.5

** Self-cooled transformers with greater than 5000 kVA values are the same as those for 23 kV high voltage.

Typical X/R Ratios for Transformer More Than 500 kVA:

Rating X/R Rating X/R

MVA ≤ 1 5.790 8 < MVA ≤ 10 15.50
1 < MVA ≤ 2 7.098 10 < MVA ≤ 20 18.60
2 < MVA ≤ 3 10.67 20 < MVA ≤ 30 23.70
3 < MVA ≤ 4 11.41 30 < MVA ≤ 40 27.30
4 < MVA ≤ 5 12.14 40 < MVA ≤ 50 29.50
5 < MVA ≤ 6 12.85 50 < MVA ≤ 100 34.10
6 < MVA ≤ 7 13.55 100 < MVA ≤ 200 42.00

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7 < MVA ≤ 8 14.23 200 < MVA ≤ 1000 50.00

The typical impedance and X/R ratio data for IEC 2-winding transformers are based on IEC 60076-5 1994 and Areva
Ch.5 “Equivalent Circuits and Parameters of Power System Plant” listed in the table below:

Rating %Z X/R
MVA ≤ 0.63 4 1.5
0.63 < MVA ≤ 1.25 5 3.5
1.25 < MVA ≤ 3.15 6.25 6
3.15 < MVA ≤ 6.3 7.15 8.5
6.3 < MVA ≤ 12.5 8.35 13
12.5 < MVA ≤ 25 10 20
25 < MVA ≤ 200 12.5 45
200 < MVA 12.5 45

Z Variation
Use this field to enter transformer impedance variations with respect to the tap settings. If these values are not zero,
then the final 2-winding transformer impedance will be calculated based on the nominal tap impedance values
(entered for Positive and Zero Sequence Impedances, %Z fields), transformer primary and secondary winding tap
positions (from both the fixed tap and the LTC tap settings), and impedance variation at –5% tap and +5% tap. A
linear interpolation is used to calculate the final transformer impedance.

% Variation @ -5% Tap

Use this field to enter transformer impedance variation at –5% tap position, in percent of the transformer impedance at
nominal tap position. This value is used to adjust the transformer impedance due to either the primary and secondary
winding tap changes.

Zt at –5% Tap = (Zt at Nominal Tap) * (100 + % Variation @ –5% Tap)/100

% Variation @ +5% Tap

Use this field to enter transformer impedance variation at +5% tap position; in percent of the transformer impedance at
nominal tap position. This value is used to adjust the transformer impedance due to either the primary and secondary
winding tap changes.

Zt at +5% Tap = (Zt at Nominal Tap) * (100 + % Variation @ +5% Tap)/100

These fields are used to display the %Z at -5% Tap and +5% Tap calculated by % Variation @ -5% Tap and %
Variation @ +5% Tap correspondingly. These fields are editable and can also be used to calculate % Variation @ -5%
Tap and % Variation @ +5% Tap by the same formula that is used to calculate %Z based on % Variations.

Z Tolerance
Enter the transformer impedance tolerance as a percentage of the nominal value in this field. This value should be zero
for an existing transformer with a known impedance value. For a new transformer with a designated impedance value
this should be the impedance tolerance range specified by the manufacturer. The value of the tolerance must be

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entered as a positive value and ETAP will automatically use the positive or negative value, which will result in a
conservative solution.

Negative Positive
Load Flow X
Short-Circuit X
Motor Starting X
Transient Stability X
Harmonics X
Optimal Power Flow X

For instance, if 7.5% tolerance is specified, ETAP will use +7.5% tolerance for load flow, motor starting, dynamic
stability, and harmonic calculations, while using -7.5% for short-circuit calculations.

No Load Test Data

Enter the transformer impedance no load test data for positive sequence and zero sequence. If there is a buried delta
winding, the test data of the zero sequence will be substituted by the test data of the zero sequence impedance between
the windings. Please refer to Chapter 20.4 Calculation method - Modeling of Transformers section to see how the
transformer is modeled for no load test data.

Positive/zero sequence no load current in percentage of Full Load Ampere of the transformer.

Positive/zero sequence no load power loss in kW.

Positive/zero sequence shunt conductance in percentage.

Positive/zero sequence shunt susceptance in percentage.

Buried Delta Winding

Enter buried delta winding data in the page.

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Buried delta winding rated voltage in kV.

Buried delta winding rating in MVA or KVA.

Max. MVA
Buried delta winding maximum rating in MVA.

Z(ohms) - P
Zero-sequence impedance from the primary winding to the buried delta winding.

Z(ohms) - S
Zero-sequence impedance from the secondary winding to the buried delta winding.

Z(ohms) - PS
Zero-sequence impedance from the primary winding to the secondary and the buried delta windings.

Zero-sequence impedance in percentage based on the MVA base and the rated voltage of the first winding.

Zero-sequence impedance from X over R ratio.

MVA Base
Zero-sequence impedance MVA base.

Single Phase Rating Page

Individual single-phase transformer ratings and impedances can be entered in this page. When this page is available,
the voltages and power ratings in the rating page and impedances in the impedance page of the equivalent 3-phase
transformer are display only and calculated from the 3 single-phase transformer parameters.

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Rated MVA
The power ratings of the equivalent 3-phase transformer are the smallest MVA among the 3 single-phase transformer
multiplied by 3 for each class. The 1st and 2nd stage power ratings are display only or editable based on the selected
option of Per Standard or User-Defined in the 3-phase transformer rating page.

This displays the primary winding and secondary winding full load amperes corresponding to the smallest and the
largest power ratings for each single-phase transformer.

Enter primary and secondary line-to-neutral voltage ratings of each single-phase transformer in kilovolts.

Enter the positive sequence impedances at the nominal tap setting, in percent, with the transformer MVA and kV
ratings as the base values. Click the appropriate button to obtain the typical single phase 2-winding transformer
impedance together with X/R ratio, or X/R ratio only.

The impedance and X/R ratio of the equivalent 3-phase transformer are calculated from the 3 single-phase transformer
impedances and X/R ratios.

No load current in percentage of Full Load Ampere of the transformer.

No load power loss in kW.

2-Winding Transformer
Info Page
Rating Page

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Impedance Page
Tap Page
- Prim/Sec Fixed Tap
- Load Tap Changer
Grounding Page
Sizing Page
Protection Page
Harmonic Page
Reliability Page
Remarks Page
Comment Page

AC Elements Editor Overview

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