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Courses in:

ESIs Impact Model................................................................................3

Business Analysis Courses

Foundations of Business Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 How to Gather and Document User Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Process Modelling Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Use Case Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Logical Data Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Testing Techniques for Tracing and Validating Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Facilitation Techniques for Requirements Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Strategic Enterprise Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 CBAP Exam Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Core Project Management Courses

Managing Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Project Leadership, Management and Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Scheduling and Cost Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Contract Management Principles and Practices. . . . . . . . . 7 Quality for Project Managers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Risk Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Project Management Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Managing IT Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 IT Risk Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

IT Project Management Courses

Managing IT Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 IT Risk Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Agile Project Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Business Skills Course

Establishing a Business Mindset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 High Impact Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Budget and Financial Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Coaching and Mentoring for Improved Performance . . 36 Taking Charge of Organisational Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Project Management Elective

Agile Project Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Business Process Analysis, Innovation and Design . . . . . 14 Negotiation Skills for Project Managers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Writing Statements of Work: The Heart of Any Contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

ESIs e-Training .........................................................................................38

The George Washington University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Associates Certificate in Project Management . . . . . . . . 40 Associates Certificate in IT Project Management . . . . . . 40 Masters Certificate in Project Management . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Masters Certificate in Project Management with a Concentration in IT Project Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Masters Certificate in Programme Management . . . . . . 42 Associates Certificate in Business Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Masters Certificate in Business Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Courses for Experienced Project Managers

Programme Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Rapid Assessment and Recovery of Troubled Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Aligning Project Management with Organisational Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Prepare for Your Certification

PMP Exam Power Prep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 PMP Exam Preparation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 CBAP Exam Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Development Path................................................................................44 Your Route to Certification...............................................................46 Assessment Tools...................................................................................47 Indian Testimonials ...............................................................................48 Indian Clientele .......................................................................................50 MyESI ...........................................................................................................51

Study Tools and Publications..........................................................21

= available online via ESIs e-training

Imagine the Impact

Getting Started
For nearly 30 years, organisations have come to ESI seeking to build capabilities and enhance efficiencies at three levels of their organisation the enterprise, the operation and the individual. We can help you evaluate and address current strengths and opportunities for improvement in the following areas. Enterpriseexecutive sponsorship of initiatives in support of the organisations strategy, such as:

of Achieving Measurable Results

Operationthe structures, systems and processes that exist to efficiently execute the strategy of the organisation, such as: Individualbuilding capability and ensuring the proficiency of individuals who support the enterprise and its operations. This includes:

Project delivery systems: programme and

project management methodology, process and tools project management

Establishment of competency and

career paths strategies

Centres of excellence: business analysis and Project performance metrics: best practices,
lessons learned, benchmarking and measurement

Leadership development and communication Skill development: training,

coaching and mentoring

Enterprise analysis and architecture Ensuring return on assets Culture, environment and change management Portfolio management, strategic alignment, project selection and prioritisation

Application of knowledge and skills

Contract management performance: vendor

management, government contracting and compliance

Delivering Measurable Results

At ESI our number-one priority is to drive bottom-line results for our clients. How do we do that? We focus first on a comprehensive understanding of your baseline and create a road map to measurable results. This road map builds on current strengths and provides a plan to address opportunities for improvement. It will include three areas of activityAssess, Implement and Adopt, which create our Impact Model. Completing key deliverables within each of these activities, along with validation throughout, helps us provide the business justification that every client seeks: 1. Will my investment with ESI have a positive impact on this organisation? 2. How much impact will my investment have?

Assess To measure programme impact and the results of an investment, the clients baseline and current state must be under
A custom survey Interviews with key staff members Individual assessment tools

stood. A cross-functional team of our experts work to gain insight into your organisations best practices and unique challenges and an understanding of your distinct goals, cultures and methodologies. This establishes a road map to deliver your organisations measurable results. Some of the tools that support these activities include

Organisational assessment tools Skill gap and performance analysis of your employees, and the process, tools and infrastructure

Project assessments Methodology evaluations

Adopt ESI offers a range of tools and services designed to

ensure that processes and practices implemented on your road map translate into measurable results for the organisation. It is through adoption activities that the desired future state is achieved. These activities may include


Implement With a clear road

Recommendations for clients to drive results internally and support the adoption of improved business processes Application workshops to provide opportunities to learn while creating deliverables Knowledge transfer tools and approaches Individual or group coaching and mentoring services Change management Use of our interactive, proprietary learning platform, MyESI An online library of reference materials and tools available for real-time application

map and measurement tools in place to validate progress toward your future state, the programme is set up for successful implementation. Elements of your programme could include

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Training courses in project management, programme management, business analysis, contract management and business skills Workshops, seminars and webinars Consulting services aimed at practice and process improvement Building and deploying methodologies and standards Establishing and improving the effectiveness of centres of excellence

The Impact Model approach establishes clear baselines and a road map for improvement and validates programme results for the organisation. The positive impact our clients experience resonates for years to come.


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ESIs Flexible Impact Model

While some clients may choose to follow the Impact Model closely, it is important to note that ESI can deliver best-practice services and solutions in one activity without engaging in the others. Each activity drives value and results on its own; however, it is when they come together that clients can truly build talent and drive measurable results.

ESI can provide a road map to help your organisation achieve measurable results.


Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 24.0

Managing Projects
You will learn how to:
Use a systematic approach to defining projects Develop reliable plans to achieve the desired

this course is also available in e-training format

PMBOK Guide Knowledge Areas:

Project Integration Management Project Scope Management Project Quality Management Project Time Management Project Cost Management Project Risk Management Project Human Resource Management Project Procurement Management Project Communications Management

Knowledge of project management methodology is essential to a project managers ability to define, plan and manage projects predictably and efficiently. Planning and Managing Projects is designed to give you practical project management skills the skills necessary in todays dynamic environment for bringing products to market on time and with features that meet business objectives. In this fundamental three-day course, you will learn a step-by-step process for planning and managing projects of any size. You will focus on defining, organising, planning, tracking and managing a project. Through dynamic presentations, exercises and extensive laboratory work using actual projects, project managers will develop effective project management skills while generating immediately useful project information. By the end of the third day, you will have acquired handson experience in applying the new concepts and techniques to the planning and managing of projects. Solid methodology, powerful instructional design, customised solutions, flexible presentation, and highly knowledgeable project management experts with practical, relevant experience all combine to ensure the effectiveness and strong impact of Planning and Managing Projects.

Track, assess and communicate project status Apply project management techniques to your
next project

Introduction to Project Management
Definition of a project Project management methodology Project management and life cycles

Tracking and Managing the Project

Collect task status information Analyse variances Assess and implement adaptive actions Report project progress Close out the project

Defining and Organising the Project

Establish the project organisation Set project parameters Define roles and responsibilities Outline modes of communication Select common practices to follow Divide the project into manageable components Identify and analyse dependencies Estimate the project time line Assess resource requirements Identify and analyse risk Develop preventive and reactive contingency plans Transition to project tracking

Planning the Project

Register today +91 80 4114 1344

Project Leadership, Management and Communications

This interactive course provides a solid foundation in key leadership competencies and gives you the opportunity to transform your skills as a leader. As a participant, you will complete a self-assessment of your skills and master the basics of leadership competencies, such as setting direction, aligning people, motivating and inspiring, leading teams, communicating, building relationships, facilitating ethical conduct, negotiating and leading change. You will create and refine a personal leadership vision and work on strengthening your leadership competencies as you develop your personal Leadership Development Plan. You will learn how to empower yourself and other team members through more effective negotiation based on an understanding of the differences between competitive and collaborative negotiation approaches such as win/win negotiation processes.

For students interested in pursuing PMP certification, this course is recommended


Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 22.5

Project managers and business professionals who need to increase their leadership skills will find Project Leadership, Management and Communications extremely valuable as they master important skills to get the most from their most valuable project management resource their people!

You will learn how to:

Better lead project teams through more effective communication

Identify motivational value systems to improve

productivity and cooperation ethics in leadership

Recognise the role of business and personal Define predictable change stages and identify
tiation process appropriate leadership strategies for each stage

Utilise a powerful four-stage collaborative nego Create a leadership development plan to implement when you return to work

this course is also available in e-training format

Leadership and Management
What is leadership? The difference between leadership and management Assess your leadership competencies and development needs In light of the assessment, articulate your leadership vision and consider the best ways to realise it Processes for establishing direction, aligning people and motivating people to follow your vision Identify different leadership styles: tasking, encouraging, steering and entrusting

Ethics and Leadership

Define ethics and the link between ethics and trust The role of ethical behaviour and leadership The difference between personal and organisational ethics The effect of the triple constraint on ethics

PMBOK Guide Knowledge Areas:

Project Cost Management Project Time Management Project Risk Management Project Human Resource Management Project Communications Management

Negotiating Conflict
Major sources of conflict in project teams The five modes of handling conflict: forcing, smoothing, withdrawing, compromising and problem solving The difference between competitive negotiation and collaborative negotiation Conflict scenarios and strategies for initiating conflict resolution Power bases used in typical organisations How to plan and conduct collaborative negotiation

Leading Effective Teams

What is a team? The stages of team development: forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning Leading and maintaining effective and productive teams Evaluate team progress and coach team members as necessary

Leading Change
Your role in a changing organisation Predictable stages of adjusting to change Appropriate leadership strategies for each stage Developing a change management plan

Building Relationships
How individual differences affect your ability to lead Identify your motivational patterns using the Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) How to be more influential by understanding motivational patterns Using an understanding of individual differences to help you manage conflict more effectively

Strength Deployment Inventory and SDI are registered trademarks of Personal Strengths Publishing, Inc.

Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.

Register today +91 80 4114 1344


Course Information
Course Duration: 4 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 28.0

Scheduling and Cost Control

Develop effective measures for scheduling and controlling projects as you put the tools of project management to work. In this course you will focus on managing the constraints typical of many a project, such as limits on time, human resources, materials, budget and specifications. Discover proven ways to work within the identified constraints, without letting predefined limits curtail creativity or innovation. From the outset, you will get hands-on experience practising your skills in building project requirements and the work breakdown structure. You will learn a sound, logical framework for scheduling and controlling project activities. Master techniques for estimating, forecasting, budgeting, monitoring, controlling, analysing, and reporting costs and interpreting the meaning of earnedvalue data.

For students interested in pursuing PMP certification, this course is recommended

Participants in this course will receive ESIs Earned Valued Formula Finder*, which gives you all the information you need to determine cost, schedule, estimate at completion and estimate to complete values for your projects.

You will learn how to:

Use the work breakdown structure to develop
a network diagram

Calculate schedules using PERT/CPM Identify, assign and tabulate resource


Predict costs and work time using specific levels and estimate types variations

Plan for contingencies and anticipate Predict future project performance based on
historical data time

this course is also available in e-training format

Monitor changes and close out projects on

* free resource

PMBOK Guide Knowledge Areas:

Project Scope Management Project Time Management Project Cost Management Project Risk Management Project Procurement Management

Essential Background
Overview of the project management life cycle The triple constraint Planning tools Project requirements: a review The work breakdown structure: a review Challenges in scheduling and cost control Basic scheduling and network calculations Advanced precedence relationships and the critical path Alternative constraints Gantt and milestone charts

The Baseline
Establishing baselines Understanding types of baselines Time-phased distribution of costs Cumulative cost curves The process of control Identifying sources of change Screening change Updating the project plan Communicating change Causes of variances Establishing the data date for evaluation Controlling costs and schedule late in the project Components of the project audit Considerations in establishing a monitoring system Earned value Advanced earned-value forecasting tools Steps in completing the project Scope verification Contract closeout Administrative closure

Resource Allocation and Estimating

Using estimates for scheduling and cost control The basic rules of estimating Levels of estimating and estimate types Top-down vs. bottom-up Order of magnitude Budget Definitive Four estimating methodologies Identifying controllable costs Resource Material Direct Indirect Planning for risk with contingency Building the project resource pool Using resources to build estimates The responsibility matrix Time-controlled estimates Resource-limited estimates Scheduling Network scheduling Validating schedules Arrow diagrams and precedence diagrams

Managing Change within the Project

Evaluation and Forecasting

Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.

The Exit Strategy

Register today +91 80 4114 1344

Contract Management Principles and Practices

Project managers, contract managers and other professionals involved in the world of contracts must be able to work effectively together and with customers, contractors and subcontractors to accomplish key organisational objectives. The environment in which contracts are being developed is becoming increasingly complex and the use of contracted supplies and services throughout government and industry is rising. Get a solid understanding of the contracting process and create an advantage whether you are on the buyers or the sellers side. This course explores issues vital from the project managers perspective, highlighting key roles and responsibilities to give you greater influence over how work is performed. You will also discuss actions that can be taken to help ensure that contractors or subcontractors perform as required under the contract. Case studies, exercises and negotiation role-play maximise the learning experience. You will also receive a comprehensive course materials package, including unit-specific course materials. Effective contract negotiation and administration can ensure project success and can reduce risks and costs along the way. Discover the key to contracting in this practical course.


Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 22.5

You will learn how to:

Identify contract components and understand
the process from start to finish

Select the right contract type for your project Decipher contract legalise Choose the offer that will result in the best value
for the buyer

Agree on objectives, requirements, plans, and


Negotiate favourable terms and make revisions

to the contract

Apply the rules of contract interpretation in

project disputes

Administer contracts appropriately and know

when and how to terminate before or upon completion

this course is also available in e-training format

Understanding the Contract Management Process
Contract management definition Description and uses of contracts Buyer and seller perspectives Contract management and the PMBOK Guide Concept of agency Types of authority Privity of contract Contractor personnel Fixed-price Time and materials Cost-reimbursement Selecting contract types

PMBOK Guide Knowledge Areas:

Project Quality Management Project Risk Management Project Procurement Management

Pre-award Phase
Buyer Activities: plan purchases and acquisitions, plan contracting, request seller response Seller activities: presales, bid/no-bid decision, bid proposal preparation Understanding the PMBOK Guide

Teamwork: Roles and Responsibilities

Award Phase
Source selection process Selection criteria: management, technical, and price criteria Evaluation standards Evaluation procedures Negotiation objectives Negotiating a contract Tactics and counter tactics (buyers vs. sellers) Document agreement or walk away

Concepts and Principles of Contract Law

Mandatory elements of a legally enforceable contract Terms and conditions Remedies Interpreting contract provisions

Contracting Methods
Contracting methods: competitive and non-competitive Purchase cards, imprest funds or petty cash Sealed bidding, two-step sealed bidding, competitive negotiation and competitive proposals Reverse auctions Purchase agreements vs. contracts Single-source negotiation vs. sole-source negotiation

Contract Administration
Key contract administration policies Continued communication Tasks for buyers and sellers Contract analysis Performance and progress Records, files and documentation Managing change Resolving claims and disputes Termination

Developing Contract Pricing Agreements

Uncertainty and risk in contract pricing Categories and types of contracts Incentive

Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.

Register today +91 80 4114 1344


Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 22.5

Quality for Project Managers

Quality for Project Managers applies quality principles to project management itself, as well as to the products and services resulting from projects. It brings to the forefront the essentials of project quality management and its vital link to business success, with a focus on the tools and essentials of effective quality management that work for your organisation, regardless of your industry. This course shows you how to integrate quality management concepts with project management practices to create a successful quality management programme to support your business success. You will learn about the philosophy and principles of quality management and learn how to translate these concepts into specific actions that are key to successful project quality efforts. The course presents a five-step model for successfully planning project quality, a five-step model for effectively assuring project quality and a qualitycontrol toolkit, all of which you can immediately apply to your work environment. With a strong emphasis on exercises, this course gives you the opportunity to apply quality strategies and skills to real-world scenarios. You will practice concepts, tools and techniques using modularised case studies that require immediate and direct application of skills learned.

The strategies of quality management and continuous improvement dovetail with project management concepts to increase your control over objectives, work and performance. Master these proven methods and discover how quality greatly contributes to and enhances project success.

You will learn how to:

Integrate project quality management into the
entire project life cycle quality management

Use five steps to plan effectively for project Use five steps to assess and improve your
organisations current quality capabilities to ensure that projects will meet specified quality standards sults using project quality control tools

Ensure customer satisfaction by monitoring re Apply project quality management tools and
techniques to real world project management situations

this course is also available in e-training format

PMBOK Guide Knowledge Areas:

Project Integration Management Project Quality Management Project Communications Management

Managing Project Quality
What is quality? Quality and the triple constraint What is project quality management? The evolution of quality Systems thinking The cost of quality Formal quality systems What is quality planning (QP)? QP inputs and tools and techniques Stakeholders and customers Project quality requirements Project quality standards Quality function deployment (QFD) QP outputs What is quality assurance (QA)? QA inputs and tools and techniques Developing QA activities Investigating QA capabilities Process improvement QA activities and the project quality management plan Quality audits Quality path vs. critical path QA and change control QA outputs

Controlling Project Quality

What is quality control (QC)? Major questions of QP, QA and QC QC inputs and tools and techniques The voice of the customer and the voice of the process Good enough approach Taguchis loss function Quantum innovation vs. continuous improvement Plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle Basic quality control toolkit QC activities and the project quality management plan QC outputs

Planning Project Quality

Putting Project Quality to Work

Assuring Project Quality Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.

Register today +91 80 4114 1344

Risk Management

For students interested in pursuing PMP certification, this course is recommended


Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 22.5

Project management is opportunity management. It is the ability to seize opportunities, minimise threats and achieve optimum results. Too often risk management is seen as reactive, or worse, unresponsive. Nothing could be further from the truth. During Risk Management, you will work through the proactive approach to threat and opportunity. This will be shaped by a clear understanding of the powerful nature of both qualitative and quantitative approaches to risk management. This course examines threat and opportunity from both a top-down and bottom-up perspective using ESIs proven eight-step risk management process which includes the PMI seven-step process. Using effective tools, including ESIs highly regarded risk assessment model, you will learn how to evaluate and respond to risk at the project and task levels.

Included in the course is a multi-part case study that takes you from a risk overview at the beginning of a project, through to the challenges of ongoing assessment, with a constant reassessment of the threats and opportunities throughout the duration of the project. Finish the course with new practices and insights to apply to your environment.

You will learn how to:

Use a practical, eight-step process to manage
project risk

Identify threats and opportunities and weigh

their relative value in your project

Control multiple risks using limited strategies Overcome psychological barriers to risk in
stakeholders and team members of your next project plan

Make risk and opportunity integral components this course is also available in e-training format

Introduction to Risk
Definition and characteristics of risk Elements and factors of risk Event (future occurrence) Probability (uncertainty) Impact (amount at stake) Types of risk Components of risk management Identification Quantification Response development Response control

Analysing and Prioritising Risk

Determining risk tolerances Analysing risks Establishing and evaluating profitability Risk-based financial tools and techniques Expected-value analysis Decision trees Prioritising risks

PMBOK Guide Knowledge Areas:

Project Time Management Project Cost Management Project Risk Management Project Procurement Management Project Communications Management

Risk Response Planning

Risk response strategies for opportunities and threats Risk acceptance Risk avoidance Risk mitigation Probability minimisation Impact minimisation Transference Establishing reserves

Risk Management Planning and Identifying Risk

Risk management planning Risk identification Idea generation tools and techniques

Analysis Fundamentals
Probability and impact Presenting risk Narrative Qualitative Quantitative Probability analysis

Execution, Evaluation and Update

Risk response monitoring and control Execute risk strategies Contingency plans and workarounds Risk evaluation Reassessing risk Risk documentation

Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.

Register today +91 80 4114 1344


Course Information
Course Duration: 4 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 28.0

Project Management Applications

Watch basic concepts come to life in this course, a comprehensive synthesis of core project management principles designed to reinforce skills learned throughout the core curriculum. Build on your new competencies and test your skills as you work in teams to complete an extensive, realistic, project case study. You will propose, plan and execute a full-scale project under typical organisational constraints. Follow your project through the life cycle, resolving issues of performance, scheduling and control as you address questions of leadership and management. Each team member will take a turn as project manager, defining objectives and performing tasks and producing deliverables critical to the projects success. As a course participant, you will receive a complimentary copy of ESIs Project Management Tools CD for your use following class. Confirm your mastery of the core principles of project management in this experiential course and gain the hands-on confidence to practice new skills in your organisation.

You will learn how to:

Select the level of staffing, resources and management support required for a project on project objectives structure

Assemble a project team and gain commitment Assign tasks based on work breakdown Estimate time and costs and present a project
plan to team members and stakeholders stage of the project and lessons learned

Create a project binder documenting each

this course is also available in e-training format

PMBOK Guide Knowledge Areas:

Project Integration Management Project Scope Management Project Quality Management Project Time Management Project Cost Management Project Risk Management Project Human Resource Management Project Procurement Management Project Communications Management

Team Building
Project assignment Organisational assessment: working with what you have Options assessment

Measuring performance Managing risk and uncertainty Reporting progress and following up Managing change and achieving project control Levelling resources Team: review, closeout and reassignment Project documentation and lessons learned Organisation Client sign-off, ownership and revenue enhancement

Preproposal Analysis and Planning

Analysing the market Assessing risk Building the team and reviewing roles Developing a plan to complete the proposal Evaluating the requirement Evaluating bid contracts Obtaining the teams commitment Writing the winning proposal Delegating to team members Managing time constraints


Proposal Kickoff and Preparation

Postaward Planning
Project kickoff meeting Detailed project planning

Negotiation/Agreement Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.
Four steps of prenegotiation preparation Negotiation performance Exploratory sessions Joint-gain resolution Postnegotiation activity Memoranda and documentation Communication

Reminder: This practice-based course integrates the knowledge, skills and competencies that are gained in the other ESI core project management courses. Having a foundation in industry standard project management practices is a vital component to your success in this course. Typically, this can be achieved by completing at least four ESI project management courses. Recommendation: Please bring a calculator to class. You may also find a laptop computer useful during this class. Participants in this course will receive ESIs Earned Value Formula Finder.


Register today +91 80 4114 1344

Managing IT Projects

For students interested in pursuing PMP certification, this course is recommended


Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 22.5

Todays IT projects present unique challenges to the project manager requiring coordination with many stakeholders and integration of multiple technological capabilities. Through Managing IT Projects, you will discover critical success factors and hidden risks inherent in IT projects, and will leave with an understanding of strategies and techniques developed in the field by experienced IT project managers. IT means different things to different people. This course addresses all areas of IT project management, such as: hardware, software, systems integration, communications and human resources. It addresses the role of the project manager and the project team at each phase of the project life cycle, helping you gain the foundation, basic experience, techniques and tools to manage each stage of your project. You will learn techniques to determine customer requirements, set goals tied directly to stakeholder needs, get the most from your project management team, and utilise project management tools to get work done on time and within budget.

By extending traditional project management concepts into the IT arena, this course will help you gain an understanding of the strategies and skills necessary to manage IT projects of any size.

You will learn how to:

Define the role of the IT project manager Develop a results-driven project management

Identify, interpret and manage the real project

requirements projects

Develop a focused project plan to manage IT Estimate IT project costs and schedules using
proven techniques to IT projects

Find solutions to problems specifically related

this course is also available in e-training format

Overview of IT Project Management
Definition and characteristics of IT project management Common reasons why IT projects fail Critical factors for IT project success The IT project life cycle and the activities of each lifecycle phase Project processes common to all projects

PMBOK Guide Knowledge Areas:

Design Phase
Describe the major activities of the preliminary and detailed design activities Identify typical content of the technical specification document Identify some design techniques use in developing the technical solution Describe make or buy decision methodology Project Integration Management Project Scope Management Project Quality Management Project Time Management Project Cost Management Project Human Resources Management Project Communications Management Project Procurement Management Project Risk Management

Concept Phase
Selecting and funding IT projects Identify key project stakeholders Describe the purpose and content of an IT business case Prepare a project charter

Construction Phase
Develop a project team to build and deliver the product Describe quality assurance activities, testing and audits Assess project performance Develop and use a change request methodology Develop risk response strategies

Requirements Phase
Identify and articulate customer requirements Distinguish between functional and technical requirements Use different methods for gathering requirements Develop a requirements traceability methodology

Delivery Phase
Describe the key activities of the delivery phase Describe four major product/system conversion strategies Understand the go-live transition responsibilities of the project manager Develop scope verification and customer acceptance strategies

Planning Phase
Identify the key components of the project plan and the planning process Construct a work breakdown structure showing all work components Build a project schedule Estimate duration, resources and costs Describe risk management planning and risk response planning Describe subsidiary management plans including communications, procurement, and quality

Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.

Register today +91 80 4114 1344



Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 22.5

IT Risk Management

The unique challenges of IT projects make it mandatory that an IT project manager be a skilled risk manager. Risk will always exist in IT projects given the need to deal with challenging requirements and expectations, complex and ever-changing technologies and business needs, and aggressive schedules and budgets to support business success. However, it is not inevitable that risk management will be an impossible task that will result in your being viewed as reactive, or worse, unresponsive. In IT Risk Management, you will learn to look at risk management as a way to seise opportunities, minimise threats and achieve optimum results. You will work through the proactive approach to threat and opportunitybased on a clear understanding of the powerful nature of both qualitative and quantitative approaches to risk management.

A multi-part case study takes you from a risk overview at the beginning of an IT project through the challenges of ongoing assessment and reassessment of threats and opportunities throughout the project. You will leave this course prepared to face the challenges and opportunities of risk management with new practices to apply in your environment and new insights on the implications and advantages of applying risk management well.

You will learn how to:

Use a practical, eight-step process to manage IT
project risk

Identify threats and opportunities and weigh

their relative value to your project mon IT project risks

Develop practical response strategies for com Overcome stakeholder and team member roadblocks to risk strategy implementation of your next IT project plan

this course is also available in e-training format

PMBOK Guide Knowledge Areas:

Project Time Management Project Cost Management Project Risk Management Project Communications Management Project Procurement Management

Using effective tools, including ESIs highly regarded risk assessment model, you will learn how to evaluate and respond to risk at the project and task levels. You will apply these tools from the course material to analyse and classify risks, determine how to establish an acceptable level of risk and develop a practical risk response plan.

Make risk and opportunity integral components

Introduction to Risk
Definition and characteristics of risk Elements and factors of risk Types of risk Components of risk management

Developing Risk Responses

Risk response strategies for opportunities and threats Risk acceptance, avoidance, transference and mitigation Establishing reserves

Risk Management Planning and Identifying Risk

Risk management planning Risk identification Idea generation tools and techniques

Risk Execution, Evaluation and Update

Risk response monitoring and control Execute risk strategies Contingency plans and workarounds Risk evaluation Reassessing risk Risk documentation

Analysis Fundamentals
Probability and impact Presenting risk Descriptive Qualitative Quantitative Probability Determining risk tolerances Analysing risks Establishing and evaluating profitability Risk-based financial tools and techniques Expected-value analysis Decision trees Probability analysis Risks vs. opportunities Prioritising risks

Analysing and Prioritising Risk

Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.

Reminder: Participants taking this course should not take Risk Management.


Register today +91 80 4114 1344

Agile Project Management


Course Information
Course Duration: 2 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 15.0

Today, global businesses want and need to be able to deliver products to the market faster. As new projects are selected by the organisation or management, it is important to determine whether a traditional or agile project management approach is appropriate. For a project to succeed, the organisation needs to support the process, customers need to be involved daily, teams need to be creative and self-disciplined, and project managers need to be able to facilitate and lead the team. Working in an agile environment means being able to quickly deliver the customers features on time and be able to respond to their needs by balancing flexibility and stability in this everchanging world. Agile Project Management will help you:

Through an integrated case-study, participants will have the opportunity to select a project for agile development and work through the life cycle of an agile project.

You will learn how to:

Select which projects are suitable for an agile

Determine the readiness of an organisation,

team, customer and project manager

Plan for risks Define user stories and how to elaborate and
define test cases to assure the customers requirement

Plan releases, estimate iterations by providing

Decide if your organisation is ready to accept Determine whether your customer will be an
active participant on a daily basis may have

story point estimates for each feature and determine the teams velocity burndown charts, iteration tables, agile earned value management and so on

estimates and status reports that are different from previous projects

Provide status reports to management through

Identify any shortcomings your global team Determine if your project managers have the
skills and characteristics needed to lead an agile project

Adapt changes based on the customers request

and effectively enhance the process to manage those changes terminated

Determine when a project should be

PMBOK Guide Knowledge Areas:

Project Scope Management Project Quality Management Project Time Management Project Cost Management Project Risk Management Project Human Resource Management Project Procurement Management Project Communications Management

Introduction to Agile Project Management
History of agile movement Agile manifesto Common myths about agile project management Characteristics of an agile project When not to use agile development Strengths and challenges of agile development Variants of agile methods

Building an Iteration
Iteration planning Estimating for an iteration Rough order of magnitude Velocity Story points Time box Delivery schedule Planning poker Managing risks Tracking iteration progress Daily standup meeting Iteration delta tables Burndown charts Progress reports Running test procedures Agile EVM

Traditional Approach vs. Agile Approach Developing the Agile Environment

Agile culture Management challenges to agile adoption Team challenges to agile adoption Stakeholder/customer challenges to agile adoption Agile approach to hybrid environments The agile project manager Agile approach to the requirement process User story development Release planning Prioritising feature for a release Iterations in releases

Envisioning the Agile Project

Managing Iteration Changes

Introducing change to an iterative process Integrating change into the product Balancing change Closing out an agile project Early termination of an agile project Project closeout retrospective

Reminder: Prior to taking this course, you should have acquired the background as taught in Managing Projects or Managing IT Projects.

Register today +91 80 4114 1344



Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 22.5

Business Process Analysis, Innovation and Design

To survive in the twenty-first century, organisations must become lean, flexible, innovative and customer-driven. To do this, most companies need to analyse and redesign core business processes. They must abandon old ideas about how organisations should be managed and rethink how to do things faster, better, cheaperor whether to do them at all. Business process analysis and design, can tremendously improve an organisations productivity, profitability, responsiveness and customer satisfaction. Learn practical techniques for designing critical processes in corporations, government agencies and nonprofit organisations at this valuable course. Get answers to fundamental questions about process innovation: what it is, what benefits it affords, and why it necessitates rethinking an organisations use of information technology and management control mechanisms. You will leave the course prepared to begin business process analysis and redesign with realistic expectations and sound strategies that provide a foundation for success.

You will learn how to:

Avoid the management dead zone lurking in
every process redesign project organisation

Facilitate a paradigm shift within your Set realistic stretch targets for the transition Evaluate the organisation cultures readiness for

Maintain a constancy of purpose despite declining morale and hostile attitudes in some stakeholders

Assess the effectiveness of current processes Reinvent effective processes for the future

PMBOK Guide Knowledge Areas:

Project Time Management Project Cost Management Project Risk Management Project Communications Management Project Procurement Management

Defining Business Process Innovation
A working definition A model for process invention A business process innovation road map Why organisations are stuck with worn and broken processes Six guidelines for success

Analysis and Evaluation of Current Systems and Processes

Assessing organisational readiness Mapping the existing processes Measuring hidden and visible process costs Process analysis tools Assumption busting Symptoms of process disease Cause-and-effect analysis Improve it, fix it or obliterate it? Picking low-hanging fruit

Learning by Looking Backward: A Historical View

The evolution of organisations, the revolution of productivity Deciding when to redesign a process Leaping the curve of process change Making the case for process innovation

Functional Process Diagnosis

Designing the Optimal Process

The return on investment (ROI) of process redesign Breaking away from the old process Templates for process reinvention Process design tools Developing the desired process Linking the new process to the customer Analysing the risk of change and the consequences of doing nothing Anticipating barriers and identifying accelerators Highlighting communication tactics and the rule of 50s

Process Analysis and Redesign as a Business Strategy

An enterprise model for change Analysing current change strategy Process measurements Process innovation value-added Establishing and prioritising customer requirements Strategic process capability

The Process-Centred Organisation: Leadership and Change Acceleration

The management dead zone The change acceleration model Process innovation and leadership styles Recruiting the process design team

Overcoming Resistance to Change

Making the benefits real Dealing with fear and anxiety Do not wrestle the crocodiles, drain the swamp Avoid common costly mistakes Celebrate success


Register today +91 80 4114 1344

Negotiation Skills for Project Managers

Negotiation is an invaluable skill for any project manager. Not only do you negotiate agreements with vendors and contractors, but also you must effectively negotiate with stakeholders, customers and team members throughout the life of a project. This highly interactive three-day experience covers the dynamics, processes and techniques of internal and external negotiation situations faced by project managers. Big on practice, this course provides participants with the opportunity to experience one-on-one negotiation. You will learn how to analyse your own and the other partys negotiation style, diffuse conflict and turn it into an advantage and negotiate more effectively. Learn how to negotiate for efficient cost and schedule performance and achieve successful results on time. You will receive coaching and feedback from the instructor and the other participants.


You will learn how to:
Strategise and prepare for contract

Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 22.5

Use proven techniques for conducting a negotiation session

Understand your strengths and use them to

your advantage at the negotiating table other party

Use 65 proven techniques for influencing the Maximise key listening and question-asking
skills that get you the information you need

Negotiation in the Project Environment
Stakeholder analysis Negotiating with key stakeholders Negotiation and the triple constraint Issues throughout the project life cycle Negotiating from positions Transformation of goals Destroying trust Need to win Emotional reaction

Collaborative Negotiation: Creating Win-Win by Exploring Differences

Clarifying interests Developing options Establishing criteria

PMBOK Guide Knowledge Areas:

Project Scope Management Project Human Resource Management Project Procurement Management Project Communications Management

Natural Tendencies in Negotiation

Negotiating Within the Team

Identifying interests Defining the process Determining roles

Negotiating Between Teams

Establishing an approach Monitoring the dialogue Clarifying all interests

Developing the Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)

Defining BATNA Determining the need to negotiate Strengthening the BATNA Using BATNA The other partys BATNA

Preparing to Negotiate Your Project

Analysing your situation Predicting the other partys situation

Dealing with Conflict in Negotiation

Insight from MBTI Sequence of strengths as conflict escalates

The Two Major Schools of Negotiation: Competitive and Collaborative Competitive Negotiation
Determining primary and secondary issues Establishing the maximum and minimum positions Defining the conflict range Assessing the negotiation range

Breakthrough Strategies to Get Past No

Managing emotional content Reframing vs. reacting Building a golden bridge Educating vs. escalating

Understanding and Developing Your Negotiation Style

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and communication style Personality preferences and style Temperament Theory and collaboration

Maintaining and Building Your New Skills

Personal Action Plan Other useful strategies for long-term gains

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and MBTI, are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust in the United States and other countries.

Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.

Register today +91 80 4114 1344



Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 18.0

Writing Statements of Work: The Heart of Any Contract

Widely considered the heart of the contract, the Statement of Work (SOW) is the foundation of the relationship between buyers and sellers. The purchase or sale of products and services can only be executed by skilfully creating the SOW document. This course is designed for practical use by requirements developers, in-house SOW team members and other project managers and contract managers whose responsibilities include properly identifying needs and turning them into quality contracts. It provides the information you need, including basic contract management concepts, to consistently develop and administer effective SOWs. This course employs challenging team exercises and case studies that will take you through the process of building a solid statement of work. You will learn how outsourcing needs emerge within companies and how these needs are eventually recognised and articulated. You will identify methods by which needs are analysed using proven tools to yield contract objectives that generate logic, flow and consistency in the resulting SOW. The skills learned in this practical course can be immediately applied by anyone involved in writing, negotiating, awarding or administering SOWs.

You will learn how to:

Identify the most common errors found in inappropriate, confusing or misconstrued narratives methods that will help you maintain consistently high quality in your SOW documents

Employ easy techniques and best practice Identify what a breach of contract entails

Assist others more effectively in critiquing SOWs

for quality, clarity and completeness

Utilise information on how the courts historically interpret disputes in contract language according to long-standing principles

The Basics of SOWs in Business
The role and importance of the SOW A well-written SOW The essential elements of a contract Addressing risk management in SOWs Basic concepts of agencyagent law Types of authority at your company or organisation Basic concepts in contract law

Creating the Narrative

Problems associated with poor writing and poor construction Guidelines for writing SOWs Locating errors in a draft SOW Drafting an actual SOW

Quality Assurance Through the Use of a SOW Master Checklist

The purpose/rationale of a SOW master checklist The use of the master checklist by the SOW writer

The Purpose of the SOW

Relationship between master contract and SOW Conflicts in contracts Contract interpretation guidelines Different approaches to SOWs Uncertainty and risk in contracting Categories and types of contracts

Standard Tools Used for Preparing Quality SOWs

Standard outline for a typical SOW Checklists for identifying typical problems of poor or complicated narratives Master checklist for the SOW writer Basic project management glossary Basic contract management glossary

A SOWs Concept Development

Needs and requirements evolution in SOW development Sources of requirements Initiating requirements identification Ensuring clarity of requirements Use of a requirements analysis checklist

Long-Term Issues for Quality SOWs

Ways to monitor SOWs and performance issues Responsibilities of team members Having a sound contract administration plan Post-award orientation Proactive problem resolution

The Use of a Requirements Definition

The work breakdown structures (WBS) relationship to requirements and the SOW Integral parts of the SOW format Outline for typical SOW Preparing an actual WBS


Register today +91 80 4114 1344

Programme Management


Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 22.5

Programme managers are, above all else, change agents. Their role has evolved in most organisations from that of managing multiple projects to implementing business strategy through an integrated portfolio of projects involving the management of multiple teams and executivelevel stakeholders. As such, the programme manager today requires a refined set of business and leadership skills that are vastly different from that of a project manager. Yet, being an effective programme manager generally requires a firm foothold in project management. To many, programme management is the next logical step in the career progression of one of the worlds fastest growing disciplines. This course includes an integrated case study that will provide you with the opportunity to walk through the entire life cycle of a programme while facing the types of realistic challenges you will surely encounter. You will learn tools and techniques for programme governance, effectively managing stakeholders and ensuring that your programme realises its benefits and strategic objectives. You will learn real-life best practices presented and facilitated by instructors who have been there, done that.

You will learn how to:

Increase the effectiveness of an organisations
approach to programme management to implement business strategy

Initiate and organise a large-scale programme Manage stakeholder relationships effectively Manage, execute and control a successful pro Establish and implement programme
gramme consisting of multiple, related projects governance to ensure consistent alignment with organisational strategy

Ensure the realisation of programme benefits

The Standard for Programme Management knowledge areas:

Project Integration Management Project Scope Management

Defining Programme Management
Portfolios vs. portfolio management Programmes vs. programme management Projects vs. project management

Programme Planning
Basic considerations Feasibility study Programme management plan Stakeholder management Programme architecture and benefits map Purpose and benefits Process control Process support Process Improvement Strategic goal alliance

Project Quality Management Project Time Management Project Cost Management Project Risk Management Project Human Resource Management Project Procurement Management Project Communications Management

Linking Programmes to Strategic Goals

Real-world examples Business case Programme Charter Methods

Programme Management Office

Programme Management Life Cycle

Purpose Stages Pre-programme set-up Programme set-up Establishing programme management and technical infrastructure Deliver the incremental benefits Closing the programme

The Programme Managers Role in Delivering the Benefits

Manage enterprise programmes and projects Manage change Provide support

Maintenance and Support Three Themes of Programme Management

Benefits management Programme governance Stakeholder management

Reporting Tools
Checking programme health through programme and project reviews

This course has been updated to reflect the PMBOK Guide Fourth Edition and the Standard for Programme Management Second Edition.

Register today +91 80 4114 1344



Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 22.5

Rapid Assessment and Recovery of Troubled Projects

If you are a project manager who is in the trenches every day, sooner or later you will be staring into the face of a troubled project. The project may be your own or may be one you have inherited. Knowing what to do when the time comes will be critical to your success. You will need to take action immediately with speed, accuracy, power, balance and focus. You will have little time to think about an approach or polish your skills. Rapid Assessment and Recovery of Troubled Projects demonstrates a proven process to project recovery. You will get everything you need (process, tools, techniques) to perform a rapid assessment of a project in trouble, develop a recovery plan and manage the transition to stabilisation. Active participation in the case study, designed to simulate the environment and feel of an actual troubled project, will enable you to build your skills in a meaningful way. This course is a must for experienced project managers who need to know what to do when the chips are down. Reminder: Participants should have a thorough understanding of scheduling and cost control and risk management before taking this course.

You will learn how to:

Structure and lead the effort to assess project
problems rapidly problems project

Determine the root causes of identified Develop a recovery plan for any troubled Provide leadership to turn the project around Identify and manage signs of trouble early in
a project

PMBOK Guide Knowledge Areas:

Project Integration Management Project Scope Management Project Quality Management Project Time Management Project Cost Management Project Risk Management Project Procurement Management Project Communications Management

Introduction to Assessment Methodology
Identifying the early warning signs of troubled projects The role of the assessment sponsor Overview of the Rapid Assessment Model

Developing the Stabilisation Plan

Stabilisation conceptual overview Recovery strategy options Developing a plan for stabilisation Addressing people, processes, products and timing

Planning the Assessment

The role of the charter in developing an assessment plan Bridging the gap between the project team and the assessment team Evaluating project history through critical documentation

Stabilising the Project

Steps to conduct stabilisation plan Techniques for prioritising threats, opportunities and problems Rebaselining the project plan Implementing project control metrics

Conducting the Assessment

Developing the interview strategy Using interviews to determine project reality Analysing and validating project data

Preventive Measures
Avoiding classic mistakes Establishing a plan for continuous improvement

Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.


Register today +91 80 4114 1344

Aligning Project Management with Organisational Change

Todays business climate is characterised by unprecedented changes in technology and globalisation, as well as by complex business relationships and the unrelenting drive for competitive success. In this highly stressful environment, it is essential for project managers to think and act strategically. How does an organisation formulate a strategy to achieve competitive success? How do projects contribute to the implementation of the organisations strategy? How should a project manager develop a project strategy that supports organisational strategic and business goals? Aligning Project Management with Organisational Strategy gives you an in-depth analysis of the process leading from business strategy formation to portfolio development to the project and project managers role. Learn how to link your project to the business strategy, apply and maintain alignment of the project strategy, and manage the expectations and interests of those who have a stake in the project outcome. Thought-provoking discussions and stimulating exercises highlight this dynamic, timely course. You will receive the book The Project Managers MBAHow to Translate Project Decisions into Business Success by Dennis J. Cohen and Robert J. Graham. In addition, you will learn how to use a project ranking tool that can be used within your organisation to prioritise strategic projects. This tool can help you, the project manager, ask the questions to understand how your project fits into your organisations strategic initiatives.


Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 22.5

You will learn how to:

Support top-level strategy formulation Link organisational strategy from business Ensure project credibility by aligning your
strategy to portfolio development to project implementation project with your organisations goals, objectives and strategies for your project

Create and implement an appropriate strategy Communicate your strategy to the project team,
the customer and other project stakeholders portfolio/project alignment

Manage stakeholder expectations to maintain

Organisational Strategy in Context
Strategy defined Strategy as a way to achieve organisational success Paradigm shifts and their impact how change influences strategy Forces for business change The impact of organisational constraints on strategy

PMBOK Guide Knowledge Areas:

Portfolio Set-up and Maintenance
Setting up a successful project portfolio Organisational influences of portfolios Generating potential portfolio projects Steps in selecting portfolio projects Integrating new projects into an existing portfolio Project performance and project gateway reviews The project filtering process

Project Integration Management Project Scope Management Project Risk Management Project Communications Management

Organisational Strategy: Approaches and Techniques

Strategy as a key to organisational success Elements of a successful strategy The relationship between strategy and achievability Strategy assessments Classic approaches and techniques for level-setting strategic thinking Towards setting up a culture of strategic thinking

Strategic Project Management

Strategic vs. classic project management Aligning projects with strategy The role of the project team The importance of managing change that affects strategic projects Anticipating and managing stakeholder expectations and resistance

Portfolio Management: Strategic Context

Defining a portfolio Identifying projects included in a portfolio The impact of portfolio management on strategy Challenges and benefits of portfolio management Influential roles in portfolio management

This course has been updated to reflect the PMBOK Guide Fourth Edition and the Standard for Programme Management Second Edition.

Reminder: Participants should have a basic understanding of project management before taking this course. It is assumed that attendees currently or will soon lead project managers, with or without a direct reporting relationship.

Register today +91 80 4114 1344



Course Information
Course Duration: 5 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 36.0

PMP Exam Power Prep

Immerse yourself in ESIs PMP Exam Power Prep and you will be well on your way to passing PMIs PMP certification exam. This course is for you if you have met PMIs requirements put forth in the PMP Credential Application. This intensive, five day course integrates in-depth topic reviews with morning instructor-led lecture and afternoon structured personal study time, including individual assistance from your PMP-certified instructor. You will thoroughly review exam trouble spots, use highly effective drills to accelerate your learning, receive invaluable test taking tips, and take and review practice exams. You will receive a comprehensive workbook, including drills and practice exams, as well as PMIs A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide). And, for on-the-go reinforcement, you will be given The Portable PMP Exam Prep: Conversations on Passing the PMP Exam CD set.

You will learn how to:

You want an in-depth topic review and structured study

You want to ensure exam success with five

power-packed days of preparation Credential Application

You have met the requirements on PMIs PMP

Take PMIs PMI certification exam within 60 days of the PMP Exam Power Prep course completion and we will stand behind your success. Should you fail to pass the exam on your first try, we will give you free access to the online version of our popular and effective PMP Exam Preparation course to support your additional focused preparation. (You must enrol within 30 days after having taken the PMP certification exam; you will be given standard course access.)

PMP Exam Preparation

Course Information
Course Duration: 5 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 15.0 Course code: BSJ

this course is also available in e-training format Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.

Improve your chances of passing the gruelling PMP certification exam on the first try with this well-proven and successful course. You will find out exactly what components of your project management background will be tested so you know where to focus your attention during the vital weeks of preparation. You will become familiar with the makeup and format of the exam itself, thanks to ESIs exclusive PMP Exam: Practice Test and Study Guide, featuring hundreds of multiplechoice questions and fully referenced answers. Plus, you will get a chance to explore the rationale behind answers with your instructor, a certified PMP. You will also receive an extensive collection of exam-preparation study materials, including PMIs A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) and ESIs popular and unique PMP Exam Challenge!600 questions on spiral-bound, fully tabbed flashcards. Learn from the project management experts at ESI how to make the most of your limited study time.

You will learn how to:

Reduce your study time by half by focusing only
on relevant exam topics

Use test taking strategies to help answer any

question correctly

Turn double negatives into simple statements


Register today +91 80 4114 1344


Business Analysis Terms: A Working Glossary
Glenn R. Brl
Over the past few decades, business analysis has steadily developed into a widely recognized global discipline. Now, more than ever, business analysts must communicate clearly and unambiguously, choosing words that need no further interpretation. This convenient reference will help you and your team establish a common business analysis language that conveys universally understood meaning and context. It contains more than 1,600 definitions, phrases and acronyms used in day-today business analysis that are essential to todays business analyst. (Published 2009, 220 pages) $29.95

Dictionary of Project Management Now Available Terms, in Kindle Third edition Format
J. LeRoy Ward, PMP, PgMP
The Dictionary of Project Management Terms is a valuable desk or briefcase reference that ensures project and program managers in every industry around the world are speaking the same language. The book contains 3,400 key terms, words, acronyms and phrases used in the day-to-day practice of project management. Along with traditional project management terms, it includes broader business terms to help seasoned managers and their successors navigate more easily the ubiquitous language of project-speak. (Published 2008, 512 pages) $39.95

CBAP Exam: Practice Test and Study Guide, Second edition

Glenn R. Brl
With this essential study guide, which has been updated to reflect the BABOK GuideVersion 2.0, you can prepare to pass the Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) certification exam. Youll have access to study hints, a list of exam topics and 40 multiple-choice questions from each of the six knowledge areas covered by the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) CBAP exam. Plus, youll be able to quiz yourself with two 150-question practice tests that are representative of the CBAP exam. With this proven, structured approach to studying, youll validate your knowledge and experience and familiarize yourself with key industry phrases and terminology. $39.95

The Complete Project Management Office Handbook, Second edition

Gerard M. Hill, PMP
This handbook offers a structured approach for developing critical project management capabilities through project management office (PMO) functionality. It describes 20 PMO functions that are crucial to defining and developing an effective approach to project oversight, control and support. (Published 2007, Auerbach Publications, 752 pages) $89.99

PgMP Exam: Practice Test and Study Guide, Second edition

J. LeRoy Ward, PMP, PgMP and Ginger Levin, D.P.A., PMP, PgMP
Are you ready to pass your Program Management Professional (PgMP) exam? With the help of essential book and CD, you will be. The book includes study hints, a list of major topics covered on the exam, 20 multiple-choice practice questions for each domain, a comprehensive answer key and a bibliographic reference for further study. Two challenging, 170-question practice tests, also delivered via CD to provide a real simulation of the PgMP exam, will give you an insiders look at the questions, phrases, terminology and sentence construction that youll encounter on the real exam. And, you can retake the tests as many times as youd like. This essential study tool was created with one goal in mind: helping you pass your exam and become PgMP certified. (Published 2009, 288 pages) $44.95

Risk Management: Concepts and Guidance, Fourth edition

Carl L. Pritchard, PMP
Gain a higher-level perspective on risk management. This fourth edition contains 35 tool-packed chapters focusing on a systematic approach to risk management. It highlights specific techniques to enhance organizational risk identification, assessment and management. (Published 2010, 448 pages) $58.95

For placing an order contact us by e-mail



PMP Exam Challenge! Fifth edition
J. LeRoy Ward, PMP, PgMP and Ginger Levin, D.P.A., PMP, PgMP
Heres a proven way to prepare for the PMP certification exam. This easy-to-use, flashcard-format book lets you quiz yourself on all nine of the project management knowledge areas and the professional and social responsibility domain. Thats a total of 600 questions, and each one includes references to the five project management process groups, which are the focus of the PMP exam. (Published 2009, 614 pages) $48.95

Save money when you buy the CD set and all three books!


Self-study package only

PMP Exam: Practice Test and Study Guide, Eighth edition

J. LeRoy Ward, PMP, PgMP and Ginger Levin, D.P.A., PMP, PgMP
This rigorous study guide provides 40 multiple-choice practice questions ineach of nine knowledge areas and the professional and social responsibility domain and a composite 200-question practice testintended to simulate the PMP exam. Youll also get fully referenced answers keyed to the five project management process groups, a complete bibliography and a study matrix to help youkey in on specific areas that require further study. (Published 2009, 400pages) $44.95

Save when you buy the set of PMP Exam Challenge! and PMP Exam: Practice Test and Study Guide $69.95

The Project Management Drill Book: A Self-Study Guide

Carl L. Pritchard, PMP
Gear up for the PMP certification exam! Learn project management one drill at a time. ESIs Project Management Drill Book provides a provocative way to challenge yourself with hundreds of project management practice drills. From earned value to expected value, from precedence diagrams to decision trees and from the WBS to professional responsibility, this data-packed volume builds your understanding of the language and confidence in the practice of project management. Multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank and true-or-false drills deepen your understanding of available project management tools and how to use them effectively. (Published 2003, 197 pages) $54.95

New edition!

The Portable PMP Exam Prep: Conversations on Passing the PMP Exam
Fourth edition (A three-volume set of nine CDs)

Carl L. Pritchard, PMP and J. LeRoy Ward, PMP, PgMP

This three-volume set of nine CDs addresses the nine areas of the project management body of knowledge and professional responsibility. Ward and Pritchards informative, engaging style is easy to listen to and you can take the CDs anywhere you go. Plus, there are sessions on preparing for the current exam and test-taking tips that ESI students have found indispensable. $109.95

PMP Exam Online Practice Test

This 200-question, Web-based practice test precisely follows the PMI PMP exam blueprint. Youll answer the same number of questions in each of the PMBOK Guide process areas as on the actual exam. You get exactly four hours to take

the exam, and the results are automatically scored, telling you the number of right and wrong answers in each of the process areas tested. Dont use the real exam as your first practice test. Reduce your anxiety and let ESI help you succeed. $39.95

Nuts and Bolts Series No. 1: How to Build a Work Breakdown StructureThe Cornerstone of Project Management, First edition
Carl L. Pritchard, PMP
While project managers are consistently expected to create the WBS as the cornerstone of their project plans, there are limited references on how to actually go about crafting one that works. The book provides readers with the different approaches to WBS construction, highlights the advantages and disadvantages of each of these approaches, and examines the implications of the different styles of WBS. (Published 1999, 56 pages) $25.00

Precedence Diagramming: Successful Scheduling in a Team Environment, Second edition

Carl L. Pritchard, PMP
By using precedence diagrams, project managers can clearly identify the sequence and interdependence of critical activities, clarify work processes and solidify team member roles and buy-in. This concise overview teaches you how to construct and interpret precedence diagramsthe most common model used in software programsand apply them to strengthen team commitment and project success. (Published 2002, 62 pages) $25.00

For placing an order contact us by e-mail


Foundations of Business Analysis


Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 21.0

At the projects earliest stages the business analyst is key to defining the requirements, as well as planning, defining and validating project scope. It is important to have an understanding of the breadth of knowledge that a business analyst brings to the project team when developing business solutions. This introductory course provides participants with a basic understanding of the benefits, functions and impact of this critical role. The target audience for this course includes those who are new to the business analyst role or those who supervise and/or work with business analysts. This course provides a special focus on the business analysis function as it relates to developing IT solutions, given that such an understanding is essential for project success. The course discusses the business analysis process as it is applied throughout a project, including the pre-project activities that comprise enterprise analysis. You will learn how a business analyst supports the project throughout the solution development life cycle, from establishing the solution vision and scope in the analysis phase to validating that requirements have been met in the testing phase.

After completing this course, you will understand why and when to involve the business analysis function.

You will learn how to:

Identify the roles and responsibilities of the
business analyst

Define requirements Explain the importance of managing risk Define the solution vision and scope Plan the requirements elicitation process Recognise the importance of analysing and
documenting requirements

Explain the role of modelling for documenting

and communicating requirements traceability

Perform requirements validation and

this course is also available in e-training format

BABOK Guide knowledge areas:

Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring Elicitation Enterprise Analysis

What is business analysis? Best practices in business analysis Benefits of business analysis

Planning and Eliciting Requirements

The Requirements Work Plan (RWP) Components of the RWP Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Elicitation techniques Preparing for change Analysing requirements Characteristics of effective requirements The Business Requirements Document (BRD) The BRD vs. the technical specifications document BRD validation techniques Modelling requirements AS-IS vs. TO-BE modelling Types of models Models and the BRD Validation and verification V-Model of testing Levels and types of testing The master test plan Test scenarios and test cases

Requirements Analysis Requirements Management and Communication Solution Assessment and Validation

The Role of the Business Analyst

The business analysis process BA role vs. project manager role The BA career path

Analysing and Documenting Requirements

Supporting the Project Portfolio

The project portfolio Strategic enterprise analysis Solution Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

PMBOK Guide Knowledge Areas:

Project Integration Management Project Scope Management Project Quality Management Project Communications Management

Developing the Solution Vision and Scope

Defining solution vision and scope Vision and scope report Conducting a visioning workshop Validating solution scope Traceability

Modelling Requirements

Assessing and Validating Requirements

Understanding Requirements and Business Rules

Functional, nonfunctional and implementation requirements Requirements vs. specifications Requirements vs. business rules Risk management and risk response strategies

Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.

Register today +91 80 4114 1344



Course Information
Course Duration: 4 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 28.0

How to Gather and Document User Requirements

Incomplete requirements are often cited as the number-one reason projects or systems fail. Accurately identifying requirements and staying on course from the beginning is key to success in todays business world. This how-to course introduces the roles of the business analyst as they relate to the elicitation, analysis and documentation of requirements. It familiarises participants with the core knowledge and skills required to identify and document user requirements. It also addresses how these requirements are managed throughout the project life cycle.

You will learn how to:

Explain the critical role of the business analyst
with respect to requirements elicitation and project management scope

Develop and validate a solution vision and Use appropriate modelling techniques Planning the requirements elicitation and
analysis to maximise efficiency and estimate the required effort for eliciting requirements at different points in the analysis cycle complete, coherent and organised requirements document

Determine the most appropriate technique(s) Analyse various kinds of requirements into a Build consensus to validate and finalise the

requirements in the business requirements document

this course is also available in e-training format

Introduction to Requirements Elicitation
Describing the business analysis process Requirements elicitation and the project life cycle Establishing the documentation to manage requirements

BABOK Guide knowledge areas:

Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring Elicitation Enterprise Analysis Requirements Analysis Requirements Management and Communication Solution Assessment and Validation

Requirements Elicitation
Explaining the iterative nature of requirements elicitation process Selecting and practising requirements elicitation techniques

Establishing Vision, Scope and Quality

Capturing solution vision and defining solution scope Creating high-level quality targets for a solution Explaining the relationship of vision and scope to quality

Developing the Business Requirements Document (BRD)

Writing a comprehensive BRD Describing how the requirements analysis process completes the BRD sections Applying technical writing techniques to requirements documentation Documenting requirements using use case models and activity diagrams

Modelling at the Enterprise Level

Describing the function of modelling Explaining how business rules drive requirements Creating basic business models for enterprise analysis

PMBOK Guide Knowledge Areas:

Project Integration Management Project Scope Management Project Quality Management Project Communications Management

Validating Requirements
Validating requirements documented in the BRD Selecting and applying consensus building techniques Obtaining formal approval to proceed Understanding the projects change control process

Developing the Requirements Work Plan

Building and executing a plan for requirements Building a work breakdown structure for the business analysis activities Identifying stakeholders and classifying users Identifying risks and planning risk responses

Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.


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Process Modelling Management


Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 21.0

The importance of the business analysts role in defining process requirements during the planning phases of a project continues to gain recognition across all industries. The business analyst, working in conjunction with the project manager, facilitates the solution of business challenges. However, when gathering requirements for a new or existing project, business analysts must be mindful that any project may require the development and redesign of accompanying processes that not only enhance the success of a project, but also increase the projects chance of meeting the organisations business goals. This highly interactive course provides participants the opportunity to perform the four phases of a process improvement project define, analyse, implement and control. Key deliverables and outputs are emphasised during each phase, as well as the importance of tying all outputs back to the business strategy. You will practice identifying and prioritising the processes that require improvement, as well as creating the documents needed to communicate these changes to the rest of the organisation. You will focus on the competencies necessary to perform workflow modelling to ensure you have the core tools required to document the processes.

You will also practice creating AS-IS and TO-BE process maps and learn the steps to conduct a gap and stakeholder analysis. Finally, you will develop the competencies required to create new process benchmarks and measurements for new processes. You will leave this course with the preparation necessary to perform your business analysis responsibilities within the process improvement process and to employ the required skills in accordance with sensitive cost, organisational and stakeholder requirements.

You will learn how to:

Describe the Process Modelling Management
(PMM) framework

Define key PMM terms and concepts Conduct major activities performed during each phase of PMM, including workflow modelling sponsibilities in PMM

Perform the business analysts role and re Apply PMM methodologies and techniques
specific to the business analysts role and responsibilities

BABOK Guide knowledge areas:

Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring Elicitation Requirements Analysis Requirements Management and Communication

Key PMM Terms and Concepts
Process modelling, process management, process improvement Process management activities Workflow modelling Key benefits of PMM Process improvement project (PIP) phases Business analysis roles and responsibilities Managing organisational change

Conducting the Implement Phase

Documenting, validating and confirming new goals and objectives Formulating measurements Designing the TO-BE process Updating risk, communications and change management plans

PMBOK Guide Knowledge Areas:

Project Integration Management Project Scope Management Project Quality Management Project Time Management Project Cost Management Project Risk Management Project Human Resource Management Project Procurement Management Project Communications Management

Conducting the Control Phase

Communicating findings Carrying out implementation plans Monitoring and controlling results

Conducting the Define Phase

Obtaining consensus on processes to be included in PIP Relating processes to business strategy Developing high-level plans for risk, communication and change management

Conducting the Analyse Phase

Conducting workflow modelling Creating swim lane diagrams Conducting value stream mapping Developing AS-IS process map Defining and gathering metrics Creating process benchmarks Performing gap analysis Performing root cause analysis Conducting stakeholder analysis Performing high-level cost-benefit analysis

Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.

Reminder: Prior to taking this course, you should have acquired the background as taught in How to Gather and Document User Requirements.

Register today +91 80 4114 1344



Course Information
Course Duration: 4 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 28.0

Use Case Modelling

As a fundamental component to identifying requirements for a new system, business analysts must be able to illustrate how actors, such as end users, stakeholders, or related systems, will be affected once the new system is implemented. This process, also known as Use Case Modelling, provides business analysts with a powerful tool for documenting functional requirements and the interactions between these requirements in a manner that can be easily communicated to designers, programmers, project managers and other project stakeholders. This course provides business analysts with the required competencies for creating use case diagrams and use case scenarios, which serve as a vehicle for eliciting, analysing, documenting and communicating functional requirements. You will practice creating use cases in the Unified Modelling Language (UML) to graphically represent the interactions between use cases and actors. To fully gain the benefits of UML, you will create use case diagrams through an object-oriented approach, which enables business analysts to sift through the complexity of a system by breaking it down into smaller units.

Take this course and you will gain more than just the lexicon required for use case and object oriented modelling. Through interactive exercises, you will practice writing the alternate/exception flows, arranging objects into properly named classes, and reading class diagrams. Most importantly, you will gain the ability to integrate use case modelling within the software development life cycle to ensure that project requirements are accurate, complete, and map to the objectives of the business.

You will learn how to:

Employ use cases to elicit, analyse, document
and communicate functional requirements for software create use case diagrams

Use the Unified Modelling Language (UML) to Determine when to employ use case modelling Prioritise use cases based on their importance to
the business and on technical considerations between use cases and objects using an object model

Describe ways to develop consistent vocabulary Analyse and document detailed requirements Read a class diagram

BABOK Guide knowledge areas:

Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring Elicitation Requirements Analysis Requirements Management and Communication Solution Assessment and Validation

Introduction to Use Case Modelling
Organising requirements with use cases Use case diagrams as a UML notation Organising the model with packages

Ensuring Use Case Quality

Employing quality assurance techniques Ensuring use cases are testable

PMBOK Guide knowledge areas:

Project Scope Management Project Quality Management Project Risk Management

Identifying and Describing Actors

Use case actors Business versus system actors Identifying actors Mapping stakeholders to actors Users versus actors

Prioritising Use Cases

Estimating project cost with use cases Employing prioritisation techniques

Introduction to Object Modelling

Use cases and object orientation (OO) Identifying objects and classes

Identifying and Describing Use Cases

Identifying use cases Writing a use case description Including preconditions, postconditions, assumptions and scenarios

Identifying and Describing Business Domain Objects

Assigning objects to classes Guidelines for describing business objects Describing operations, attributes and associations

Writing Use Case Scenarios

Identifying the main success scenario Identifying alternates and exceptions Indicating iteration

Advanced Use Case Modelling Techniques Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.
Diagramming an include relationship Diagramming an extend relationship Diagramming generalisation and specialisation Considering multiplicity

Reminder: Prior to taking this course, you should have acquired the background as taught in How to Gather and Document User Requirements and Process Modelling Management.


Register today +91 80 4114 1344

Logical Data Modelling


Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 21.0

The ability to communicate business processes and information needs is central to the success of any software development project. Explaining user needs is a major challenge as well as an opportunity. The business analyst who understands structured modelling has a distinct advantage in addressing and communicating requirements. The use of models can greatly increase all stakeholders understanding of a projects business rules and data management requirements. Logical Data Modelling explores business rules, policies and procedures and how they can be modelled effectively. Participants will learn entity relationship diagramming, super and sub-types, attributive and associative entities, and documenting data constraints. You will also learn how to create models without being limited by technology or organisational structure.

You will leave this course ready to communicate business and project requirements to project stakeholders using conceptual and logical data models. In short, you will be able to integrate multiple business units so that you understand the big picture of your organisation.

You will learn how to:

Create logical data models to define business
and project requirements

Explain the purpose, importance and uses of

logical data modelling in the requirements gathering process

Describe the elements of data-flow diagrams

and functional decomposition diagrams and their relationship to logical data models

Explain a logical data model to stakeholders Apply logical data modelling to the overall
software development life cycle and respond to business management issues

Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs) and Functional Decomposition Diagrams (FDDs)
Developing DFDs and FDDs Identifying the business area Modelling essential business processes (FDDs) Documenting data use in business processes (DFDs) Understanding their relationship to logical data models

Context-Level Data Flow Diagrams

Developing diagrams that represent processes, external agents and data flows Defining and naming diagram components Drawing divergent and convergent data flows Levelling the data flow diagram Avoiding common errors in diagramming

BABOK Guide knowledge areas:

Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring Elicitation Requirements Analysis Requirements Management and Communication

The Transition to OO/UML

Understanding the Unified Modelling Language (UML) Applying use case, class state and activity diagrams

Identifying and Describing the Conceptual Data Model

Naming entities, attributes and relationships Discovering and defining entities Analysing attributes Defining cardinality in relationships Understanding concatenated and surrogate unique identifiers Developing the detailed logical data model Identifying and applying entity types Modelling with subtypes and supertypes Understanding attributive and associative entities Understanding multivalued attributes Documenting the logical data model Analysing data using the CRUD matrix

Other Key Topics

Applying normalisation rules Understanding the physical data model Describing the functions and benefits of CASE tools Verifying and presenting models to increase project success

PMBOK Guide Knowledge Areas:

Project Integration Management Project Scope Management Project Quality Management Project Communications Management

The Logical Data Model

Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.

Register today +91 80 4114 1344



Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 21.0

Testing Techniques for Tracing and Validating Requirements

Do not underestimate the importance of testing! To ensure project success, planning and executing the testing process must begin as soon as the vision and scope for the solution takes shape. As the requirements for the solution are elicited, the business analyst and the test team develop and refine a master test plan. This plan incorporates test strategies to identify any defects in the requirements, solution, or corresponding documentation. In this interactive course, you will work to develop a master test plan under the guidance of an experienced instructor. You will also perform exercises designed to help you establish a risk-based and comprehensive master test strategy for a testing effort. These activities help the business analyst ensure that all requirements trace back to the business need. Reminder: Before taking this course, you should have acquired the background as taught in How to Gather and Document User Requirements and Use Case Modelling.

You will learn how to:

Recognise the role of the business analyst (BA)
in the testing process

Validate the business requirements


document (BRD) and analysis models

Verify that the solution conforms to the Communicate the importance of a testing

Determine what to test and trace those requirements throughout the solution development life cycle (SDLC)

Develop and execute a test plan Understand various testing techniques

this course is also available in e-training format

BABOK Guide knowledge areas:

Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring Elicitation Requirements Analysis Requirements Management and Communication Solution Assessment and Validation

By attending this course, you will develop the competencies required to create test cases and scenarios and to ensure proper test coverage according to the risk level. You will also learn about the different levels and types of testing commonly used in solution development today.

Introduction to Testing
Recognising the importance of testing Recognising the BA role in the testing process Differentiating between validation and verification Validating the business requirements document (BRD) and models Verifying the solution

Testing from the BA Perspective

Testing and assessing that business and user requirements are met Performing user testing and acceptance testing Conducting a satisfaction assessment Performing usability testing during unit, integration, system and user testing Conducting a pilot implementation test Managing and prioritising risk and developing risk response strategies

PMBOK Guide knowledge areas:

Project Integration Management Project Scope Management Project Quality Management Project Communications Management

The Testing Process

Identifying the IT strategy Identifying the testing life cycle Aligning the solution development life cycle (SDLC) and the testing life cycle Recognising the importance of test methodologies Employing traceability and defect analysis

Test Case Design Techniques

Developing test scenarios and test cases Converting use case scenarios to test scenarios Performing black box and glass box testing Ensuring test coverage is risk-driven Using test tools

Levels and Types of Testing

Using the V-model of testing Planning the different levels of testing Planning the different types of testing

Executing the Plan

Executing and updating the master test plan Managing changes to test strategies and business requirements Reviewing the acceptance test

The Master Test Strategy

Defining the master test strategy Identifying test goals Defining the test strategies for each level of testing Identifying the likelihood and impact of defects when developing the master test strategy Documenting the master test strategy

Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.

Planning Testing
Identifying the roles for developing the master test plan Documenting the components of the master test plan Compiling the master test plan Planning for changes in requirements, risk and quality


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Facilitation Techniques for Requirements Development

The business analyst spends a significant amount of time eliciting requirements. Yet, many business analysts lack formal training on this vital skill. A successful facilitation session results in requirements that you can begin to analyse and work with. Facilitation Techniques for Requirements Development focuses on teaching the facilitation skills necessary to elicit and analyse requirements on a project. In this highly interactive course, you will learn how to effectively help stakeholders define their needs and form these needs into quantifiable requirements through facilitation. As a facilitator, you will learn how to prepare for and conduct both face-to-face and remote group sessions. You will be exposed not only to several facilitator techniques such as brainstorming, JAD and focus groups, but you will also learn how to manage conflict in a session. Most importantly, you will have the opportunity to practice these skills in a safe environment with a trained facilitator to guide you through various activities. You will leave the class with the confidence to prepare for a session, including creating a facilitation plan, motivating a groups participation, building consensus, managing conflict, maintaining session focus and evaluating results for lessons learned.


Course Information
Course Duration: 2 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 15.0

You will learn how to:

Identify the use of facilitation in business

Explain the role and responsibilities of a business analysis facilitator

Plan a facilitation session Use the appropriate facilitation

techniques for a given session practices

Conduct a facilitation session using best Manage conflict during a session Identify facilitation opportunities in business

BABOK Guide knowledge areas:

Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring Elicitation

What is Facilitation?
Facilitation techniques and practices The facilitation process Decision solution assessment and validation Multi-voting Criteria-based grid Impact/effort grid

Requirements Analysis Requirements Management and Communication

BusinessAnalysisBodyof Knowledge(BABOK)
BABOK areas The business analysis process

Verification of the Facilitation Session Plan Facilitation Practices

Generating participation Neutrality Active listening Questioning Paraphrasing Using flip charts Maintain focus Intervention Feedback Summarising Synthesising ideas Prior to the session Starting the session Conducting the session Ending the session Argument vs. debate How to intervene Choices in resolving issues Working toward consensus

PMBOK Guide knowledge areas:

Project Scope Management Project Quality Management Project Risk Management Project Communications Management

Facilitating in Business Analysis

The role of the business analysis facilitator The responsibilities of the business analysis facilitator

Facilitation Session Preparation Considerations for Remote Sessions

Environmental Preparation During the session Wrapping up

Facilitation in Business Analysis is Iterative

Vision enterprise analysis Brainstorming Brainwriting/Crawford Slip Definition requirement elicitation Focus group Joint Application Design (JAD) Analysis requirements analysis and documentation Gap analysis Root-cause analysis Force-field analysis

Executing a Facilitation Session Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.

Facilitation Conflict Techniques

Business Analysis Facilitation Opportunities

Reminder: Prior to taking this course, you should have acquired the background as taught in How to Gather and Document User Requirements.

Register today +91 80 4114 1344



Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 21.0

Strategic Enterprise Analysis

Senior business analysts are increasingly involved in pre-project activities to ensure that solutions to business problems reflect the organisations business strategy. Through strategic enterprise analysis, the senior business analyst becomes a vital contributor to helping the organisation determine sound investments and enhance its project portfolio. These activities ensure the organisation can maximise the return on investment, minimise duplication of efforts across the organisation, and realign business operations to meet executive managements strategy. Strategic Enterprise Analysis is an advanced course designed to provide you with the knowledge you need to begin working as part of a strategic enterprise analysis team. In particular, the course covers the major activities of strategic enterprise analysis that must be conducted to study the enterprise architecture. These activities include analysing core competencies, performing customer value analysis, performing process management, examining the IT architecture, and evaluating the project portfolio. The course also examines the impact of service-oriented architecture (SOA) on the enterprise architecture. After completing this course, you will understand the steps for modelling the AS-IS and TO-BE enterprise architectures and how the TO-BE enterprise architecture contributes to the overall project portfolio. The steps for conducting an impact analysis, risk analysis and feasibility study are discussed to ensure that the business case for future investments traces back to the business strategy.

Reminder: Prior to taking this course, you should have acquired the background as taught in How to Gather and Document User Requirements, Process Modelling Management and Use Case Modelling

You will learn how to:

Identify core competencies for the organisation Model the AS-IS and TO-BE enterprise

Perform customer value analysis Plan for process management Manage the AS-IS and TO-BE IT
architectures architecture

Recognise the importance of service-oriented Manage the project portfolio Perform impact analyses, risk analyses and feasibility studies

Prepare the decision package

BABOK Guide knowledge areas:

Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring Elicitation Enterprise Analysis Requirements Analysis Requirements Management and Communication

PMBOK Guide Knowledge Areas:

Project Integration Management Project Scope Management Project Quality Management Project Communications Management

Introduction to Strategic Enterprise Analysis
Identifying components of the enterprise architecture Planning for business rules, data management and change management Identifying core competencies

IT Architecture
Create the IT architecture project plan Modelling the AS-IS and TO-BE IT architecture Ensuring the IT architecture supports the enterprise architecture Documenting the business case for the TO-BE IT architecture

Enterprise Architecture
Modelling the AS-IS and TO-BE enterprise architectures Performing an impact analysis and feasibility study Documenting the business case for the TO-BE enterprise architecture

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Ensuring SOA supports the enterprise architecture Defining requirements for SOA

Portfolio Management
Selecting projects to implement the TO-BE enterprise architecture Ensuring projects support the business strategy

Customer Value Analysis Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.
Performing customer value analysis Using customer value analysis to improve the enterprise architecture

Process Management
Creating a process improvement project plan in support of the TO-BE enterprise architecture Documenting the business case for new processes


Register today +91 80 4114 1344

CBAP Exam Preparation


Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 15.0

This unique e-training course is designed to improve your chances of passing the Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) certification exam on the first try. The demand for professionals with the CBAP certification is growing within industries across the globe as organizations struggle to create disciplined approaches for eliciting and managing requirements. To earn the CBAP credential offered by International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), you must demonstrate the required business analysis experience and pass a 3.5-hour, 150-question exam, covering all knowledge areas of IIBAs A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK Guide). You will find out exactly what you need to know and how to prepare yourself to fulfill the requirements for each BABOK Guide knowledge area, including the business analysis techniques identified in each area. You will become familiar with the makeup and format of the exam itself by answering practice questions within each lesson. You will get a chance to explore the rationale behind each answer with your instructor, a certified CBAP. In addition, after youve completed the lessons, youll have the opportunity to take real-life practice exams to put your skills to the test. As part of the course, you will be able to download ESIs BA Techniques Handbook, which is a stand-alone guide that describes in detail each of the business analysis techniques covered by the BABOK Guide. The BA Techniques Handbook explains the purpose of each technique, how the

technique can be used, and where it is referenced in the BABOK Guide. The Handbook will not only help you study for the exam, but can also be used to help you identify and select the appropriate techniques when conducting a business analysis effort. In the course, you will also have access to numerous other study aids and memorization drills that will further enhance your familiarity with the BABOK Guide. Note: This course can be applied toward the Masters Certificate in Business Analysis only. It cannot be applied toward any other certificate.

You will learn how to:

Recognize the types of questions on the CBAP

Coming soon!

CBAP Exam: Practice Test and Study Guide, Second Edition

Glenn R. Brl

Understand IIBAs perspective on how business

analysis is conducted

Discern which terms, concepts, tasks, tech-

niques and best practices require attention when studying the knowledge areas outlined in the BABOK Guide. concepts and approach used in the CBAP exam by taking practice exam questions not know the answer to an exam question preparation

With this essential study guide, which has been updated to reflect the BABOK GuideVersion 2.0, you can prepare to pass the Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) certification exam. USD $39.95

Gain confidence in your understanding of the

Determine what approach to use when you do Design the study approach best suited for your Discuss major themes and issues for each topic
area on the exam

BABOK Guide knowledge areas:

Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring Elicitation Requirements Management and Communication Enterprise Analysis Requirements Analysis Solution Assessment and Validation Underlying Competencies

Take advantage of online memorization drills to

reinforce key concepts

Studying for the Exam
The nature of the exam What to study How to study for the exam Prepare requirements package Communicate requirements

Enterprise Analysis
Define business need Assess capability gaps Determine solution approach Define solution scope and business case Prioritize and organize requirements Specify and model requirements Define assumptions and constraints Verify and validate requirements Assess proposed solution Allocate requirements Asses organizational readiness Define transition requirements Validate solution Evaluate solution performance

This course has been updated to reflect the BABOK GuideVersion 2.0. this course is only available in e-training format

Underlying Competencies Techniques

Finding techniques in the BABOK Guide The BA Techniques Handbook

Requirements Analysis

Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring

Plan business analysis approach Conduct stakeholder analysis Plan business analysis activities Plan business analysis communication Plan requirements management process Manage business analysis performance

Solution Assessment and Validation

Prepare and conduct elicitation activity Document and confirm elicitation results

Requirements Management and Communication

Manage solution scope and requirements Manage requirements traceability Maintain requirements for re-use

Study Aids
Drills and other study aids

Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.

Taking the CBAP Exam

Practical suggestions and test-taking strategies

Register today +91 80 4114 1344



Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 22.5

Establishing a Business Mindset

Expert knowledge is prized in todays business environment. Without it, businesses cannot compete in the global marketplace. But in todays business world, deep technical knowledge is not enoughespecially as you move up the ranks. Your technical knowledge must be complemented by business acumengeneral knowledge of the rules of engagement in business. This course helps professionals develop and apply holistic solutions to business issues. You will learn to leverage variables related to the business environment, business thinking, business interactions, and business outcomes for project, organisational, personal and professional success. The course allows you to practice analysing business situations and applying new skills to common business issues. You will also assess yourself against a set of core competencies to determine which skills you want to strengthen to support your professional development. And, youll create a plan to realise those goals. In Establishing a Business Mindset, you will discover the value and impact of business acumen and how you can apply it to achieve greater success. Youll learn to apply ESIs practical Mindset Model for interpreting different business situations, identifying goals, communicating effectively, and leveraging a variety of business influencers. Youll also be introduced to common metrics used to measure business success. Youll walk away with a firm grasp of what you must be aware of to be successful in business, as well as a plan for your professional development.

You will learn how to:

Apply business acumen to realise
professional and personal potential approaching current work and setting future goals organisation

Use ESIs Mindset Model as a framework for Enhance your contributions to the

Adapt to changing variables in a typical business environment

Grow your skills in alignment with your personal and professional goals

The Mindset Model
Strategic perspective Operational perspective Interpersonal perspective Personal perspective Influences within the Mindset Model The dynamic model Strategic influences Identify vision Determine your strategy Identify and analyse stakeholders Set goals and objectives

The Interpersonal Perspective

Interpersonal influences Structuring communications Communication and virtual teams Coaching and mentoring Giving and receiving feedback Effective learning Conflict and conflict management Cultural conflicts Personal influences Organisational culture Business etiquette and politics Linguistic considerations Gender, ethnicity and class roles Critical thinking Career track preferences

The Strategic Perspective

The Personal Perspective

The Operational Perspective

Operational influences ESIs Operational Framework (OPF) Products and services HR/training Marketing/Sales Customer service Supply Chain Management Finance/budgeting Basic change processes

Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.


Register today +91 80 4114 1344

High-Impact Communications


Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 22.5

Without communication skills, your technical capabilities simply are not worth as much as they could be. Even the best ideas, strategies and work plans must be effectively communicated to have value. In our information-overloaded business world, being heard and getting what you need is more challenging than ever. This course teaches techniques for creating high-impact, meaningful communication with coworkers, clients and stakeholders. Through practical exercises, group discussions and case studies, you will learn how to determine your own communication style, identify the communication styles of your audience and adapt your delivery accordingly. This course will provide hands-on practise in crafting persuasive messages, facilitating dialogue and making powerful communications. It will address common communication fallacies and ways to identify where a miscommunication has occurred. The course will also address issues related to communication in a virtual and global environment. You will walk away from the course firmly grounded in key communication techniques and possessing the additional tools necessary to apply these techniques to your work environment. You will also be able to implement standard communication planning processes to ensure that every communication is high-impact and well-structured.

You will learn how to:

Deliver persuasive communications that achieve
the outcomes you want

Adapt your communication style to the receivers style for greater impact groups

Work and dialogue more effectively in small Select the most appropriate medium and structure for high-impact communication high-impact communication maximum results

Implement techniques and strategies to create Plan your communications and meetings for

Communication Intelligence
ESIs Communication Model Communication factors Emotional awareness What is my communication style? Communication styles ESIs Communication Model ESIs Communication Planning Process Audience analysis Overcoming objections Content Audience Purpose Storytelling Visual aids Different learning styles Persuasive oral communication

Message Delivery
Preparation Rehearsing Q&A sessions Feedback Persuasive presentation skills Business meetings Trust Empathy Active listening Question types Dialogue (vs. discussion) Meeting facilitation

Planning Messages

Effective Meetings

Message Structure

Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.

Register today +91 80 4114 1344



Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 22.5

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Imagine if you could solve a problem once and it would go away. Or, if you could implement a solution that really works or seize upon opportunities before they pass you by. This course presents a structured approach for tackling problems, opportunities and decisions that will ultimately help you get better results whether you are innovating, managing crises or planning for the future. The course addresses the five types of critical thinking needed in business environments: strategic thinking, tactical thinking, analytical thinking, innovative thinking and implicative thinking. It also teaches a proven five-step process for responding to business problems and opportunities. Through exercises, youll practice using these different thinking approaches to achieve maximum results. Youll also have the opportunity to apply these concepts to a specific problem or opportunity from your own business environment, share newly learned approaches with classmates, and give and receive feedback on those approaches.

You will learn how to:

Employ different thinking approaches at different times to yield better results

Generate innovative responses to Analyse your own thinking style


business problems or opportunities

Think in the present to prepare for the future Determine the root cause of business problems and opportunities

Apply different types of thinking for improved

analysis and problem solving an optimal response

Predict possible responses accurately to select Design and execute appropriate action plans

ESIs Critical Thinking Model
Analytical thinking Strategic thinking Tactical thinking Innovative thinking Implicative thinking

Response Exploration
Tools and techniques for exploring new and unique responses Other innovative thinking approaches

Response Selection
Filtering Clustering Voting Capability and value analysis Response prioritisation matrix Decision trees Implications analysis Communicating the optimal response Gaining acceptance by stakeholders Managing expectations Saying no to high profile stakeholders Building an action plan Ensuring ownership and commitment

Problem/Opportunity Identification and Analysis

ESIs Problem/Opportunity Response Process Identification and analysis Environmental scan Response exploration Response selection Response implementation Active vs. passive problem/opportunity identification AS-IS vs. TO-BE Tools and techniques for problem/opportunity identification Process flowcharting Root cause analysis

Response Implementation

Environmental Scan
What is an environmental scan? Internal scan External scan Stakeholder scan Business architecture Your business processes/business rules

Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.


Register today +91 80 4114 1344

Budget and Financial Management


Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 22.5

In a global business environment, employees are increasingly tasked with responsibilities outside of their traditional job roles. Finance is the fastest growing area where senior managers are looking to department staff and leaders for insight, understanding and recommendations. Without understanding the fundamental links between budgets and finance, many struggle to show senior managers how their projects or departments contribute to the organisations bottom line. This course will help you understand the macro big picture and micro line item context and trends of financeas well as the mechanics of developing budgets. It will give you the necessary tools to make sound financial decisions for your business unit. Whether your goal is to stay on budget, increase overall cost-savings or meet specific profitability targets, real-world exercises will help you become familiar with standard financial documents, and use budget and estimating methods and tools more effectively. Specifically, youll review and discuss commonly used financial metrics to not only understand the numbers, but also to explore the not-so-obvious financial impacts of typical operating decisions and actionsfrom a project to organisational level.

After completing this course, youll know how to gather, compile and prioritise financial data to develop, execute and manage a budget. You will also be better able to communicate financial and budgetary information, have greater confidence in assessing finances, and participate more effectively in the business decision-making process. Recommendation: Please bring a calculator to class.

You will learn how to:

Utilise ESIs Mindset Model to understand how Ask the right questions to successfully create,
present, monitor and manage a budget finance and accounting influence management decisions

Negotiate for financial resources Communicate financial information and results

to stakeholders, executives, colleagues and project teams in financial reports

Correlate budget success with its presentation Recognise the relationships between primary
financial statement line items by calculating and examining relevant financial ratios

Strategic Focus and Drivers
Identifying and examining strategy Business trends Mergers and acquisitions Aggressive asset management Outsourcing Legislative and regulatory scrutiny Balanced scorecard

Budgeting Skills
Budgeting basics Budget cycles Budgeting processes: planning, approving, managing and reporting Budget elements Gather and categorise Prioritise Develop initial estimates Compile and total estimates Perform tradeoffs Finalise initial budget for approval

Managing Stakeholder Expectations

Identify and analyse stakeholders Getting buy-in

The Basics of Finance

Financial basics Accounting Costs, profits and profitability Financial statements Balance sheets Income statements Cash flow statements

Presenting a Budget for Approval

Communicating budgets to decision makers Negotiating for resources

Managing and Reporting Budget and Financial Results

Monitoring performance Variances Earned value technique Taking corrective action Budget reporting Closing out budgets Revenue recognition

Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.

Register today +91 80 4114 1344



Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 22.5

Coaching and Mentoring for Improved Performance

Do you find yourself with too little timeand with too few capable resourcesto do the work that needs to be done? Are resource or performance issues creating roadblocks to your or others success? Imagine if you could apply proven techniques to assign work successfullywith or without formal authorityand achieve the results you want with colleagues in the office, or around the world. This course teaches you how to apply a powerful behavioural model to improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of your coaching and mentoring with lasting results. Through practical exercises, group discussion and case studies, you will acquire the skills and tools you need to determine what work can be allocated and to whom based on current performance levels. Youll also learn how to assign that work with improved clarity and efficiency, establishing a strong foundation for success. As a participant, you will gain techniques for assigning work with the appropriate level of detail and guiding others progress on the work assigned with suitable style and frequency. Youll also learn how to evaluate results of the finished work and to provide focused feedback that helps improve or sustain performance in the future. During class, youll assess your own coaching style and learn how to leverage that style. You will learn how to more effectively handle the increasing challenges faced by coaches and managers in all types of organisations. Youll uncover the differences and similarities between coaching and mentoring, and begin to apply your newfound skills to realise the personal and organisational benefits of both. You will also have opportunities to assess and discuss your own real-life coaching issues in a practical, highly engaging and thought-provoking environment. You will leave this course with a structured approach for improving the performance of others and a cache of techniques that will make you a more effective coach and mentor.

You will learn how to:

Effectively assign and guide progress on work Evaluate and improve the current
performance of others cluding your own

Adopt techniques for evaluating impact, in Provide focused feedback to sustain or improve future performance

Handle difficult performance issues Use essential skills for getting better results in
coaching situations

Apply a structured coaching and

mentoring model to guide you through the coaching process

Why Coach?
Benefits of coaching Impact of coaching ESI Mindset Model Coaching Statement of Purpose Similarities and differences between coaching and mentoring

Preparing to Coach
Assessing personal coaching style Assessing learning styles Asking effective questions Setting expectations Creating a plan

Coaching and Mentoring Model

Determining the appropriate style Coaching styles Direct Advise Entrust Coaching actions Define and Assign Guide Evaluate

Aligning coaching style with performance level Defining and assigning tasks Guiding performance

Evaluating Results
Evaluating performance Assessing coachings impact on results Handling performance problems Providing effective feedback

Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.


Register today +91 80 4114 1344

Taking Charge of Organisational Change

Are you experiencing anxiety or uncertainty stemming from a merger, acquisition, outsourcing, plant or base closure, staffing change or some other organisation change? Too often, change initiatives fail because of poor planning, resistance to change, and lack of vision and communication. With constant change occurring in most organisations, a better understanding of how organisational changes come about, how they are planned, and the challenges inherent in the change process will facilitate smoother transitions and organisational effectiveness. This extremely interactive course provides an overarching approach for making change happen in organisations and helps participants embrace a mindset that welcomes organisational change. This course addresses how to assess whether change is necessary, as well as what needs to be changed and how to build a business case for a change. Based on that, you will explore how to develop and articulate a compelling vision and strategy for change. The course will teach you how to engage support for change from stakeholders, as well as how to develop a successful communication plan that is key to any successful change initiative. Particular emphasis is placed on the emotional reactions to change and how to help people support change. During class, you will work through real-life change scenarios and have the opportunity to plan for change and understand the impact of change from multiple perspectives. You will gain a better understanding of how you personally handle change and use strategies and tips to help others cope with change. You will come away from the course able to apply the framework, tools and approaches for leveraging the inevitable change that occurs every day in todays business environment.


Course Information
Course Duration: 3 days Professional Development Units (PDUs): 22.5

You will learn how to:

Become a change agent Leverage organisational change for positive

Help others deal with change Create a business case for an organisational

Consider other perspectives that impact change


Apply a framework to plan and lead organisational change

BABOK Guide knowledge areas:

Requirements Management and Communication Requirements Analysis Underlying Competencies

Change Defined
ESIs Mindset Model Effects of change Resistance to change Core values inventory Framework for change

Planning for Change

Creating the change team Communication plan Strategy for change Measures and milestones Articulating the case for change Changing business process Coaching and supporting the transition Helping others transition Preparing an implementation plan Sustaining organisational change Implementing the case for change

Being a Change Agent

Assessing personal strengths Identifying personal barriers Being inspired by change

Implementing Change

Need for Change

As is and to be gap analysis Deciding what needs to change Developing a business case for change Prioritising changes Engaging support Articulating a compelling vision Gaining sponsorship Assessing stakeholders Identifying key roles and responsibilities Process and plan a case for change

Organisational Readiness Test your knowledge before you attend class with our pre-course assessment and access targeted course content after you leave class. Make sure you create a FREE MyESI account when you register.

Register today +91 80 4114 1344




What are the benefits of e-training?
The convenience of being able to take the course at a time, pace and location that is convenient to you. E-training delivers the same quality of content as our classroom courses. Classes offer the opportunity to collaborate with the instructor and participants through online message boards and e-mail. There will be progress assessments throughout the course. Our new resource portal is now available! Ask our instructors a question online and be guaranteed a response in 24 hours.

What you need to start

You will need an up-to-date browser and an online connection.

Courses available in this format include:

Project Management Core Courses
Managing Projects Project Leadership, Management and Communications Scheduling and Cost Control Risk Management Contract Management Principles and Practices Quality for Project Managers Project Management Applications Managing IT Projects IT Risk Management

The format of the course

Interactive with real-life case studies. Through case studies and exercises you will be required to solve a series of project management challenges in each lesson. On average a course takes 30 hours to complete and must be completed within 42 days. There will be a final exam on the subject which will determine your success in conjunction with the case studies and exercises you complete in class.

Business Analysis
Foundations of Business Analysis How to Gather and Document User Requirements Testing Techniques for Tracing and Validating Requirements

Online Exam Preparation Courses and Tools

PMP Exam Preparation PMAppraise: A Knowledge and Skills Assessment BAAppraise: A Knowledge Appraisal PMP Exam Online Practice Test

To find out more about e-training or to sign up for a free e-training demo visit




Project Management: Associates Certificate
This certificate is valuable for those requiring a basic working knowledge of project management, and is a stepping stone to earning the Masters Certificate in Project Management.

Project Management: Masters Certificate with a Concentration in IT Project Management

This certificate program combines essential project management skills with a distinctly IT focused curricula, and is an ideal way to showcase your expertise and demonstrate your commitment to IT project excellence.

Project Management: Masters Certificate

This certificate program offers the widest range of project management course choices in the training industry and is designed for managers in all fields and professions. The program provides flexibility in building an outstanding skill-set as well as a common knowledge base that is essential for todays project managers.

Program Management: Masters Certificate

This certificate program offers a structured array of courses chosen from various ESI curricula to help strengthen your skills and develop the basis of knowledge required to manage programs successfully.

Stand Out With Professional Certificates from ESI and The George Washington University
Through professional certification you can arm yourself with the knowledge and skills to confidently complete increasingly demanding projects and build credibility that sets you apart as a leader. Backed by our academic partner, The George Washington University, ESI offers the most comprehensive project management, program management and business analysis coursework and certification available on the market. When you have completed ESI courses and corresponding ESI certificates, you will have attained an advanced level of knowledge that indicates readiness to achieve equivalent industry certifications.

IT Project Management: Associates Certificate

This certificate is appropriate for those needing a basic working knowledge of IT project management, and serves as a stepping stone toward completion of the Masters Certificate in Project Management with a Concentration in IT Project Management.

Business Analysis: Associates Certificate

This certificate shows the holder has acquired a working knowledge of the business analysis process as well as a great prequel to mastery of skills with the Masters Certificate in Business Analysis.

Business Analysis: Masters Certificate

This certificate program offers a wellrounded mastery of business analysis skills that prepares you to more effectively gather, analyse, document and validate accurate requirements in order to find the best solution to fit your organizations need.



ESIs Associates Certificates in Project Management and IT Project Management provide an introduction to project management and are appropriate for anyone who needs a basic working knowledge of the subject. Backed by our academic partner, The George Washington University, associates certificates are flexible programmes that can be customised to your specific needs.
At least one course must be taken from the following
Core and Elective Project Management courses in this catalogue


You must take the following introductory course
Managing Projects


You must take the following introductory course
Managing IT Projects


At least one course must be taken from the following

IT Project Management courses in this catalogue

Earning Your Certificate

The associates certificates complement the Project Management Institutes (PMI) Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) credential and begin to lay the groundwork for anyone seeking PMIs Project Management Professional (PMP) certification.

The remaining course may be taken from the following

IT Project Management, Business Skills and Business Analysis courses

Certificate Requirements
To earn either of these associates certificates, you must successfully complete three courses within two years. One (and only one) introductory course must be taken. The certificate paths on this page provide you a complete breakdown of the way you can plan your certifications. Although there is no order in which you must take the courses leading to an associates certificate, we recommend that you take the introductory course first to become familiar with basic project management terminology and principles. You must adhere to the restrictions on the course pages. Courses for Experienced Project Managers, workshops and the PMP Exam Review courses may not be applied to either associates certificate.

Upon successfully completing the required three courses, you will receive an Associates Certificate in Project Management awarded by ESI and The George Washington University.

NOTE: You may only apply each course to one associates certificate. However, all courses taken for the associates certificate may be applied toward a specific masters certificate requirement.

The remaining course may be taken from the following

Core and Elective Project Management, Business Skills and Business Analysis courses

Upon successfully completing the required three courses, you will receive an Associates Certificate in IT Project Management awarded by ESI and The George Washington University.

= available online via ESIs e-training = available online via ESIs Virtual Classroom




You may choose to start by taking
Managing Projects

Earning a Masters Certificate in Project Management is the ideal way to showcase your expertise and demonstrate your commitment to project excellence.


Take at least three of the following IT-related courses
Managing IT Projects IT Risk Management Agile Project Management Software Testing for Better Project Management Systems Integration Project Management How to Gather and Document User Requirements

Then take at least two of the following courses

Project Leadership, Management and Communications Scheduling and Cost Control

Risk Management Contract Management Principles and Practices Quality for Project Managers Project Management Applications

You may also take

You may apply up to four courses toward your masters certificate from the following: IT Project Management courses Project Management Elective courses Courses for Experienced Project Managers Business Analysis courses Business Skills courses (up to two) Contract Management courses PMP Exam Review courses (one)

Elective Course(s)

Upon successfully completing the required seven courses, you will receive a Masters Certificate in Project Management awarded by ESI and The George Washington University.

With ESI, you have the flexibility to choose between two masters certificates, allowing you to focus on the knowledge and skills specific to your individual needs Masters Certificate in Project Management Masters Certificate in Project Management with a Concentration in IT Project Management


Earning Your Masters Certificate in Project Management

This masters certificate programme offers the widest range of course choices in the training industry. The programme is designed for managers in all fields and professions and provides flexibility in building your skill set. You will gain a common base of knowledge and skills essential for todays project manager. All project management processes and knowledge areas found in the PMBOK Guide, which is considered the foundation of modern project management, are addressed in the core project management courses.

Then, take at least two project management courses

Project Leadership, Management and Communications Scheduling and Cost Control Contract Management Principles and Practices Quality for Project Managers

You may also take

You may apply up to two courses toward your masters certificate from the following: Project Management Elective courses Courses for Experienced Project Managers Business Analysis courses Business Skills courses (up to two) Contract Management courses PMP Exam Review courses (one)

Elective Course(s)

Certificate Requirements
To earn a Masters Certificate in Project Management, you must successfully complete seven courses within four years. The certificate paths on this page provide you a complete breakdown of the way you can plan your certifications. Courses may only be applied to one masters or professional certificate. Youmustadhere totherestrictionsonthecoursepages.

= available online via ESIs e-training = available online via ESIs Virtual Classroom

Upon successfully completing the required seven courses, you will receive a Masters Certificate in Project Management with a Concentration in IT Project Management awarded by ESI and The George Washington University.



The Program Management Development Path was created to meet the needs of the increasing number of professionals responsible for managing programs. The Masters Certificate in Program Management offers a structured array of courses chosen from various ESI curricula to help strengthen your skills and develop the basis of knowledge required to manage programs successfully. Backed by GW, this certificate is an excellent way to showcase your skills and set yourself apart as a leader.

You must take the following course
Program Management

Then take at least six of the following Courses for Experienced Project Managers
Unlocking the Power of Earned Value Management Requirements Management: A Key to Project Success Rapid Assessment and Recovery of Troubled Projects Leading Complex Projects Leading Project Managers Leading High-Performing Project Teams Aligning Project Management with Organizational Strategy

Earning Your Certificate

The Masters Certificate in Program Management curriculum, which is designed to be flexible and practical, is vital for anyone performing the duties of a program manager. The courses in the Program Management Development Path support the PMBOK Guide, the Project Management Institutes The Standard for Program Management, as well as other key business skill areas determined to be critical to successful program management.

Selected Business Analysis Courses Developing a Business Case New! New! Strategic Enterprise Analysis Core Business Skills Courses (limit one) Selected Project Management Elective Courses Business Process Analysis, Innovation and Design Negotiation Skills for Project Managers Writing Statements of Work: The Heart of Any Contract Updated! Selected Contract Management courses
Advanced Source Selection CPIC and the Exhibit 300 Applied Earned Value Management Managing Performance-Based Service Awards Subcontract Management in Government Contracting Administration of Commercial Contracts

Certificate Requirements
To obtain your Masters Certificate in Program Management, you must successfully complete seven courses within four years. Youmustcompletethe Program Managementcourseinordertobe eligibletoreceivethiscertificate.

Upon successfully completing the required seven courses, you will receive a Masters Certificate in Program Management awarded by ESI and The George Washington University.



You must take at least one of the following introductory courses
Foundations of Business Analysis and/or How to Gather and Document User Requirements*

Earning certificates in Business Analysis from ESI and GWU is an excellent way to build a solid foundation in requirements development and management, and demonstrate dedication to accurate, high-quality requirements and advancement within the business analysis profession.

You must take one or both of the following introductory courses
Foundations of Business Analysis and/or How to Gather and Document User Requirements*

Earning Your Certificate

The associates certificate shows you have a basic working knowledge of business analysis and the skills to more effectively manage requirements and the masters certificate teaches you how to more effectively elicit justifiable, verifiable and traceable requirements and manage them through the entire requirements process These certificates complement the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK Guide) and lays the groundwork for anyone seeking IIBAs Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) certification and exceed the best practices by integrating key principles and practices that can be applied on the job immediately.

At least one course must be taken from the following

Core Business Analysis courses in this catalogue

Then take at least four of the following

Process Modelling Management* Use Case Modelling* Logical Data Modelling* Testing Techniques for Tracing and Validating Requirements* Facilitation Techniques for Requirements Development Strategic Enterprise Analysis* Developing a Business Case CBAP Exam Preparation*
New! New! New!

The remaining course may be taken from the following

Elective Course

Managing Projects Managing IT Projects Project Leadership, Management

and Communications Negotiation Skills for Project Managers Agile Project Management Making Effective Presentations: Fundamentals Core Business Skills courses

Upon successfully completing the required three courses, you will receive an Associates Certificate in Business Analysis awarded by ESI and The George Washington University.

*This path is recommended for students preparing for the CBAP certification.

Certificate Requirements
To earn the Associates Certificate in Business Analysis, you must successfully complete three courses within two years. To earn a Masters Certificate in Business Analysis, you must successfully complete seven courses within four years. The certificate paths on this page provide you a complete breakdown of the way you can plan your certifications. Each course in the business analysis curriculum builds upon the skills learned in previous courses. We recommend you take the courses in the order shown on the certificate path to the right, although you may take your two electives at any time. Note: You may only apply each course to one associates certificate. However, all courses taken for the associates certificate may be applied toward a specific masters certificate requirement. You must adhere to the restriction on the course pages.

You may also apply up to two courses from the following:

Elective Course

Managing Projects Managing IT Projects Project Leadership, Management Negotiation Skills for Project Agile Project Management Making Effective Presentations: Business Skills courses
Upon successfully completing the required seven courses, you will receive a Masters Certificate in Business Analysis awarded by ESI and The George Washington University. *This path is recommended for students preparing for the CBAP certification. Fundamentals Managers and Communications

= available online via ESIs e-training

= available online via ESIs Virtual Classroom



Each course you take with ESI and The George Washington University (GWU) takes you one step closer to professional Academic or Industry Certification.


ESIs Core Project Management Courses

Contract Management Principles and Practices Managing Projects Managing IT Projects Planning and Managing Projects Project Leadership, Management and Communications Project Planning Workshop Quality for Project Managers Risk Management Scheduling and Cost Control Simulation: Project Management Applications


Whether you are new or a seasoned professional, you will be able to find the development path that is most suited to your current needs. If you need more information on what development path is right for you and how ESIs courses and certificates are aligned with an industry certification, contact us at 91-80-41141344 or email us

Development Stages

ESI and The George Washington University (GW)



Associates Certificate in Project Management: 3 COURSES IN 2 YEARS

AND 2 Courses from Core and/or Elective ll

Managing Projects OR Managing IT Projects l


Masters Certificate in Project Management: 7 COURSES IN 4 YEARS

AND 4 Further Courses from ANY Course Section lllll

3 Courses from Core l

Masters Certificate in Business Analysis (PCBA): 7 COURSES IN 4 YEARS

Intermediate/ Advanced

5 Courses from Business Analysis l Outside the BA curriculum you may also take: Managing Projects l Managing IT Projects l Project Leadership, Management and Communications l Negotiation Skills for Project Managers or Agile Project Management l

Masters Certificate in Programme Management: 5 COURSES IN 4 YEARS


Includes: Business Process Analysis, Innovation and Design l Negotiation Skills for Project Managers l

AND 2 Courses from Business Skills l AND 2 Courses from Advanced l

Programme Management l

Advanced Masters Certificate in Project Management: 5 COURSES IN 4 YEARS

5 Courses from Advanced l Includes: Taking Charge of Organisational Change l


ESIs Elective Project Management Courses

Budget and Financial Management Business Process Analysis, Innovation and Design Establishing a Project Management Office Negotiation Skills for Project Managers PMP Exam Preparation PMP Exam Power Prep Systems Integration Project Management Writing Statements of Work

ESIs Advanced Project Management Courses

Agile Project Management Aligning Project Management with Organisational Strategy Leading Complex Projects Leading Project Managers Managing Global Projects Programme Management Rapid Assessment and Recovery of Troubled Projects Requirements Management

ESIs Business Analysis Courses

Facilitation Techniques for Requirements Development Foundations of Business Analysis How to Gather and Document User Requirements Logical Data Modelling Process Modelling Management Strategic Enterprise Analysis Testing Techniques for Tracing and Validating Requirements Use Case Modelling

ESIs Business Skills Courses

Budget and Financial Management Coaching and Mentoring for Improved Performance Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Establishing a Business Mindset High Impact Communication Taking Charge of Organisational Change

PMI Certification
Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM Certification)
Project Role: Contributes to project team Requirements: High school diploma/global equivalent, 1,500 hours experience AND 23 hours of project management training

IIBA Certification

Project Management Professional (PMP Certification)

Project Role: Leads and directs project teams Requirements: High school diploma/global equivalent, 5 years project management experience, 35 hours of project management education OR Bachelors degree/global equivalent, 3 years project management experience, 35 hours project management education

Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP Certification)

Project Role: Leads and directs business analysis focused project teams Requirements: 7,500 hours of business analysis work experience in the last 10 years (in BABOK Guide Knowledge areas) AND Demonstrated expertise in 4 of the 6 knowledge areas AND 21 hours or professional training in the last 4 years

Programme Management Professional (PgMP Certification)

Project Role: Achieves an organisational objective through defining and overseeing projects/programmes and resources Requirements: High school diploma/global equivalent, 4 years project management experience, 7 years programme management experience, OR Bachelors degree/global equivalent, 4 years project management experience, 4 years programme management experience


Please note that these are only indicative guidelines. You may have little or more experience than is shown here and still be eligible for one of these courses. All training suitability is looked at on an individual basis. Please call our course advisors for more information on 91-80-411413444.









Agile Project Management*




Advanced Intermediate Entry Level Beginners

Establishing a Project Management Office* Managing Global Projects* Programme Management Rapid Assessment and Recovery of Troubled Projects Requirements Management*

Advanced Masters Certificate in Project Management (ESI) PgMP Certification (PMI)

Aligning Project Management with Organisational Strategy* Leading Complex Projects* Leading Project Managers*

CBAP Exam Preparation* Strategic Enterprise Analysis Testing Techniques for Tracing and Validating Requirements



Budget and Financial Management* Budget and Financial Management* PMP Exam Power Prep PMP Exam Preparation* Project Management Applications* Systems Integration Project Management* Writing Statements of Work* Coaching and Mentoring for Improved Performance*



Critical Thinking and Problem Solving* Establishing a Business Mindset* Facilitation Techniques for Requirements Development High Impact Communications Negotiation Skills for Project Managers Taking Charge of Organisational Change

Logical Data Modelling Process Modelling Management Use Case Modelling

Masters Certificate in Project Management (ESI)



Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) Certification (IIBA) PMP Certification (PMI)

Contract Management Principles and Practices* Quality for Project Managers Risk Management Scheduling and Cost Control


Project Leadership, Management and Communications


Associates Certificate in Project Management (ESI) Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) (PMI)

Entry Level

Managing IT Projects Managing Projects* Planning and Managing Projects

Foundations of Business Analysis How to Gather and Document User Requirements




By measuring the existing knowledge and skill levels of an individual or team, learning can be readily targeted to employees needs, and therefore, can speed the development of job-related competencies. Your organisations business analysis and project teams are made up of a wide variety of team members who bring varying skill sets to the table. Knowing each persons grasp of standard business analysis methods, tools and techniques will give you a clear picture of potential training needs. With ESIs BAAppraise and PMAppraise, you can evaluate your employees business analysis training needs and then select the professional development programme that will yield the highest return for your training budget. Your own development needs and requirements for job performance are typically broken into three areas: knowledge and skills, abilities and behaviours. Knowledge and skills are elements that are taught in educational and training programmes and focus on the content areas of a job. Abilities, generally, are personal characteristics that are refined over time by the individuals actual performance of his or her job. Behaviours may be learned in a classroom setting, however, making them second nature usually takes time, practice and experience. ESIs PMAppraise/BAAppraise are complete assessment tools that: Measure knowledge of best practices, as well as the knowledge areas of the PMBOK Guide/BABOK Guide Compile a comprehensive group summary report that provides an overall picture of individuals and the group as a whole Provide recommendations for learning activities to help bridge knowledge gaps

Both the individual and group summary reports give you detailed information that: Summarises your individual or organisations results based on the best practices and the PMBOK Guide/BABOK Guide knowledge areas Compares your results against other professionals in the project management industry Prioritises group and individual learning needs based on the mappings to key project management topics

PMAppraise is a complete
assessment tool that:
Measures knowledge of project management best practices Compiles a comprehensive report that provides an overall picture of any knowledge gaps Offers an accompanying resource guide that recommends appropriate courses and books The convenient, online assessment consists of 80 multiple-choice questions that cover the nine knowledge areas of the PMBOK Guide plus the professional responsibility domain. The assessment takes about three hours to complete. After completion, the assessment is scored automatically and the results are sent to the individual. For 30 days after completing PMAppraise, you have online access to the report that shows all areas needing improvement. If a project team is completing the assessment a group summary report from ESI is available to provide a snapshot of a teams knowledge and skill performance.

BAAppraise is a tool that:

Measures knowledge of the eight competency areas as defined by the BA Competency Model. a. IT Fluency b. Eliciting Requirements c. Building the Business Requirements Document d. Business Process Reengineering e. Structured Analysis f. Object-Oriented Analysis g. Designing Testing Strategies h. User Support This convenient online assessment consists of 80 multiple choice questions that cover eight competency areas defined by the BA Competency Model. After completion, the assessment is scored automatically; the results are sent to the individual by email to be tested as part of a team. Group summary reports through provide an effective overview of a teams business analysis knowledge level.


We have engaged ESI on multiple skill improvement initiatives across the Project Management and Business Analyst communities at Virtusa. All programs were delivered exceeding expectations in terms of faculty, courseware and assessments. I would specially highlight the high quality of ESI course material covering key concepts, case studies and additional reading, well integrated with the course objectives.
Chrishan de Mel Associate Director - Process Virtusa (Pvt.) Ltd, Sri Lanka

The program forms the basic foundation layer for our incoming BA trainees. It has grounded our trainees into a well structured approach and intricacies of Business analysis as an essential Business Technology function. Since it is a foundation program, the future development and skill enhancement of BAs is heavily dependent on the skill base created through this program. The BAs have benefited greatly from this program and it reflects both in their professional approach to client engagements and also the appreciation received from clients on their activities and impact within the project teams.
Sanjay Kumar VP BFSI Solutions Name not to be disclosed An Indian IT organization

holistic approach employing the concepts of Business Analysis. The industry best practices were looked upon to derive necessary solution options and aptly apply the knowledge acquired on-the-job. Overall, excellent program for anyone starting out in Business Analysis area.
Nilesh Sagale Manager Business Change Allianz Cornhill, India

ESI has been a great training partner for RBS providing quality training programs on project Management and BA. ESI brings in resourceful faculties which builds trust in the customers.
Yogesh Balan Head Training Chennai Center Royal Bank of Scotland, India

The Foundation course in Business Analysis was very helpful in establishing sound foundation of domain skills within the team. The trainer had in-depth knowledge of the subject and made the workshop/sessions lively by giving examples from other organizations. Undergoing this program, the ACIS Business Change team was found reflecting a deeper understanding of business issues and demonstrated a more

It has been an absolute pleasure and a great experience in working with ESI India over the past one year. The course materials and speed of response ESI offers are of world class standards and the facilitators are simply best in class! We look forward to working with them in all our Project Management, Business Analysis and Leadership related training and development initiatives in the coming years
Nishat Husain Vice President, Enterprise Program Management Office (EPMO) Robi Axiata Ltd, , Bangladesh


It has been great working with ESI. The ESI team has been amazingly helpful in every matter; from the training content to the execution of the programs. I cannot say enough good things about the programs named Planning & Managing Projects and Negotiation Skills for Project Managers. It has been rated as one of the best project management training programmes our employees have attended so far. Both the programs were highly interactive programs with structure and impact, and equip individuals with solid techniques/skills that can be applied immediately to increase personal and organisational effectiveness. The programme-materials are of the highest quality and useful resources. I was personally and professionally inspired by the program. The sessions offered essential skills that are often the lost or missing foundation pieces that help drive personal and organisational success. The trainers also delivered the workshops with passion, energy and expertise. Their willingness to share examples and experiences from their personal life is a unique component that creates an environment where participants feel safe and willingly open up to each other.

I eagerly look forward to work with ESI in near future.

Ainee Islam Specialist, Enterprise Program Management Office, Robi Axiata Ltd, Bangladesh

During my tenure in Grameenphone as Head of Competence Services of CPMO, I had the opportunity to have ESI as Strategic partner to develop a pool of resources as Project Management Specialist. The best part of ESI, India was its top class Instructors with resourceful training materials. The sessions with ESI, India influenced the participants to go for PMP certification. As a result, Grameenphone were enriched with competent PMs and they are still leading the innovations in the industry. ESI is not a name of a training institute; it is a bridge between special knowledge and success. The services outside the training session are also praise worthy. ESI can be a strategic partner to any industry to develop their future leaders and get a real uplift.
Mohammad Zahirul Islam, PMP Ex Head of Project Management Office

We have worked with ESI for the past two years across India and China. It has been fantastic working with ESI. Two things companies look for in their training vendors are high quality content and trainer backed up by a great operations team. ESI has all of them and have delivered great quality consistently. I would recommend ESI anytime to anyone looking for great project management training.
Jayakanthan M ManagerLearning and Organisational Development VMware, India


Accenture Services Private India Allianz Cornhill -An Alliance Group Company Aircel Alstom Projects India Ltd ANZ IT INDIA AOL Online Asea Boveri Brown AXiata Telecom Axis Bank India BRAC Bank Ltd Cap Gemini Consulting CG Coreel India Pvt Ltd Cisco India Cognizant Technology Solutions ,India Credit Suisse India Deutsche Bank AGS Deutsche Bank Operations India Pvt Limited DHL Express India Pvt Ltd Engro Foods Ltd Essar Technoloy (India) Fidelity Business Services - India Ford IT Services India Ltd Grameenphone Ltd Hewitt Associates Hewlett Packard Honeywell HSBC IDBI Fortis India Pvt Ltd Iflex Solutions Limited Inautix India Ltd ING Vysya India ITC Infotech Ltd JPMorgan KPMG Mastek Ltd. Merrill Lynch Microsoft Corporation India Mobilink MTS India National Human Resources for Life Sciences Forum. NDS Nomura Services India Pvt Ltd Pepsico Pepsico India Pvt Ltd PMI India Ltd Punj Lloyd Qualcomm India RBS - India Royal Bank of Scotland SBI Life Insurance Sid Vin Core Technologies SLASSCOM Standard Chartered Bank Syngene International Limited Syntel Inc - India Target India TCS Eserve Telenor Pakistan Pvt Ltd Tetra Pak Thomson Reuters India TietoEnator Software Technologies Pvt Ltd United Health Group Virtusa Pvt Ltd VMWare Wipro Technologies name a few.

IIBA, the IIBA logo, Business Analysis Body of Knowledge and BABOK are registered trademarks owned by International Institute of Business Analysis. These trademarks are used with the express permission of International Institute of Business Analysis. CBAP is a registered certification mark owned by International Institute of Business Analysis. This certification mark is used with the express permission of International Institute of Business Analysis. Certified Business Analysis Professional is a trademark owned by International Institute of Business Analysis. This trademark is used with the express permission of International Institute of Business Analysis. Microsoft is a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. MyESI is a registered trademark owned by ESI International. PMI, PMP, CAPM, PgMP and PMBOK are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc. BA Appraise and PM Appraise are registered trademarks owned by ESI International, Inc.




MyESI is a new, online training portal designed to help you manage your training. Through MyESI you will have easy access to all of the information you need regarding your training.

Benchmarking and Reinforcing Knowledge

Pre- and post-course assessments are currently available for the following ESI courses: Foundations of Business Analysis How to Gather and Document User Requirements Process Modelling Management Use Case Modelling Logical Data Modelling Testing Techniques for Tracing and Validating Requirements Facilitation Techniques for Requirements Development Strategic Enterprise Analysis Managing Projects Managing IT Projects Project Leadership, Management and Communications Negotiation Skills for Project Managers

How do I sign up to MyESI?

Sign up today by visiting An automated e-mail will be sent to you just follow the links to register and set up your password online. If you have additional questions please call us on +91 80 4114 1344.

What can I do with MyESI?

Once you have registered online and set up your account you will be able to: Take a pre-course assessment to benchmark your existing knowledge. Do a post-course assessment to measure how much knowledge you have retained. Get information about future courses for which you are registered. Manage your development path by seeing which specific courses you have to complete to achieve your desired certification, including PDUs earned. Access templates and course materials for the courses you have taken. They will be available online for up to five years after you have taken the course.

Track your training history or create your training plan with MyESI, ESIs online training portal. Visit for more information and to sign-up.





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