Slam Poetry

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Bloodstained Land

The mountains loom over the horizon like knives cutting through the air, while the sun shines
brightly on the jagged slopes of the ice-capped mountains.
The birds chirp and the poppies bloom while a gun fires behind the vast mountain ranges and
the flower beds, only to hit a village.

Once a recluse and beautiful country, now turned into a ruthless warzone.
Soldiers forced to go to battle against their will, forced to fight a brother that has done no harm,
forced to invade and fight against poor villagers turned soldiers who have to sacrifice
themselves for the freedom of their people.

Conscripted men forced to take orders from a blood-thirsty officer, commander, general.
Forced to take commands from a man with grudges and who has no empathy but only a heart
with the desire for great riches.

They say we fight for freedom, we fight for the people, what freedom and freedom for who?
Freedom for the defence contractors that make enormous amounts of money from the suffering
and death of people on the other side of the world?
They say we are fighting terrorists and countries holding weapons of mass destruction?
Who are the terrorists, the people that live on their hard earned land?

What weapons of mass destruction?

They gives us medals and call us heroes but heroes for what reason?
For taking lives of men who fought for his country and people, for taking and destroying land
with history from many generations before?

Beautiful land destroyed for the prospect of money.

Women and children ripped from their homes like flowers ripped from the ground.
Houses bombed and demolished and left to rot.

Many beautiful countries bombed and mutilated. Afghanistan, Vietnam, Syria, and Chechnya.
People’s hopes and dreams destroyed like a wrecking ball demolishing an old house.
Many people’s lives changed forever.
All for what?
The distorted political agenda of an old man at the top who knows nothing of war and it’s

Minds and bodies of soldiers shattered like glass, smashed like hot brass
All after serving a country that you thought will care for you after.
Left broken, distraught, crippled in the wake of Vietnam only to go back to a country that is now
calling you a war criminal, a war mongerer, a murderer.
Left PTSD stricken after a gruesome and useless war in Iraq only to go back to your country
and find out that your country doesn’t care for you, doesn’t care for how you feel, doesn’t care
about who you are.
Left and buried in the dust as a broken man, soul permanently resting in this bloodstained land.

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