Detailed Lesson Plan in House Keeping 5S

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Lesson Plan In TLE (Housekeeping)

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a.) Define the meaning of 5’s of good Housekeeping;
b.) Differentiate the 5’s from each other;
c.) Appreciate how they can be applied in their specific work areas and the benefits that can be
brought by practicing 5S;
d.) Practice cleanliness and orderliness in a house or in a working area.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: 5’s of Good House Keeping
Reference: Technology and Livelihood Education- Grade 8 (Housekeeping- Chapter 2)
First Edition, 2014, pages 57-60, Jesus B. Nazareno, and Internet,
Materials: Pictures, Laptop, Projector, Visual Aids
Values Integration: Cooperation And Cleanliness

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students Activity

A. Preparatory Activity
1. Prayer
2 Checking of Attendance
3. Review

Let’s have a review

What did you learned from the pass The different types of housekeeping ma’am
The Institutional and Domestic Housekeeping
Very Good! So what are they? Ma’am

4. Motivation
Picture Analysis (each group will present their group activity)
The students will be group into 2
groups. Each group will be giving a picture and
they will analyze and explain what they see about

Group 2

Ma’am I think it can cause an accident and you

Do you think class what are the advantages if you cannot work comfortable.
are well organize?
What are the problem that could be avoided by
implementing cleanliness procedure?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation of the Lesson
(the students will share their thoughts)
Base on the activity a while ago do you Ma’am I think the neatness and cleanliness
think class what is our lesson for today? Ma’am being organized to our things
Very good!
I think about the component of a good
What else? Is there any idea? housekeeping
Yes very well said

We already tackled the types of housekeeping and

now lesson is all about the 5-S of Good
Housekeeping and its terminologies.

2. Discussion
Let’s find out first the meaning of 5-S of good
(The student will raise their hand and they give
Can you please share your idea about 5-S of good their ideas)
(The students will read the meaning of 5’s in
Please read the meaning of the 5’s 5’s is a systematic and rational approach to
housekeeping, organize work areas, keep rules
and standards, and maintain the discipline needed
to do a good job.

All right, 5-S is a housekeeping practice by the

Japanese for a productive atmosphere at home and
work and has now become a popularized
housekeeping guide around the world. 5-S stand
for 5 Japanese words that constitute good
(the students will guess)
Can you guess the 5-s? (the students will read the Japanese and English
And, now let’s find out what are the 5’s? term in chorus)
SEIRI –-------- sort -
SEITON --------- set in order/systematize
SEISO --------- shine/sweep
SEIKETSU -------- standardize
SHITSUKE ------ - sustain/self discipline

Group Activity

The students will group into 3. Each group will

be assign to different activities and they will
present after 4-5 minutes preparation Each group will be given 3 minutes to present
their work
Group 1 will do the first S- SEIRI (sort
me) sort out the things in the box/table (the group 1 2 and, 3 will go in front and they will
Group 2 will do the second S- SEITON do the assigned activities)
(arrange me) arranging the things it should be A
place for everything and everything in its place.
Group 3 will do the 3rd S- SEISU (shine
(the students will answer)
Based on the activity a while ago what did you
(the group 1 will read the definition of Seiri)
Now, class let us find out the definition of SERI SEIRI (Sort)- This is the task of identifying
means sort. available files and materials and sorting out what
Group 1 Please read is necessary and what needs to dispose.

Seire from the English word sort/sorting it means

classifying, separating the unwanted and wanted
items or materials. It should be define what is
necessary, define what is unnecessary, and
remove what is unnecessary. (the students will answer)

Do you think class what are the problems that

may occur in your workplace that are due to the (the students will ask)
accumulation of unwanted items?

Did you understand class? Do you have any

question? (group 2 will read the meaning of Seiton)
SEITON (Set in Order/Systematized)- means
putting all necessary item in proper order and in
Okay, kindly read the next one lets have for the their proper places.
group 2 (SEITON)

The students will answer

The second S is Seiton it is arranging the
necessary item in the neat and systematic manner
so they can be easily retrieval for used and to
return after used.
A place for everything and everything in its place
what does it means? (group 3 will read the meaning of Seiso)

SEISO (Sweep/Shine)- Is an action to sweep your

The third S is Seiso. workplace thoroughly.
Okay, Group 3 kindly read the next one (SEISO)

Seiso is about cleaning the workplace thoroughly

by removing the dirt, soot, and dust. Clean (the students will answer)
everything and bring it back to good condition.

How often did you clean your classroom or your (the class will read in chorus)
SEIKETSU (Sanitized/Standardized)- Is a
The fourth S is Sheiketsu. condition where high standard of good
Okay, kindly read the next one housekeeping is maintained so that there is no
dust and rust anywhere.

The fourth S Seiketsu- Standardize

Making the first 3s a constant routine, this means
insuring that whatever cleanliness and orderliness
should maintained.

(the class will read in chorus)

SHITSUKE (Self-discipline/Sustain) – Is a
And the last S in 5-S is Shitsuki condition where all member practice the 4-S
Okay class please read the meaning spontaneously and willingly as a way of life and
doing them daily as a matter of habit.

Okay Very Good!

Discipline means doing things the way they are

supposed to be done, It is spontaneous practice of
5-S no need to be told, no need to be scolded no
need to be reminded to the task.

3. Application

Group Activity The class will be given 5 minutes preparation

The students will be group into 3. Each group They will present their work/activity
will have differentiated activity.
Group 1- Role Play they will do a short play.
They will demonstrate the consequences of not
following the 5-S
Group 2- Reporting Will list down at least 5
benefits you might experience from
implementing 5-S in your workplace. Explain
Group 3- Jingle/Poem they will make a simple
jingle or poem on how to motivate people to
practice 5-S.

The group will be graded by this criteria

Presentation/ Delivery ----400%
(the class will answer)
4. Generalization

Do you have a question class? (the class will share their thought)
What did you learn from this lesson today?

How do you apply 5s in your daily life cites a

situation? How this 5-S can change you daily

Very Good!
Learning the 5-S of good housekeeping make us
knowledgeable and disciplined in terms of good
quality product, improved your efficiency and
productivity, ensure safety and cleanliness,
maintain good control over the process, reduce
waste and saved on cost keeping everything on its
proper place.
How do you apply 5s in your daily life cites a
situation? How this 5-S can change you daily
habit ?

5. Valuing
Cooperation among members, working hard
towards and attaining desired goals, patience in
dealing group mates and sharing learned
knowledge and self-discipline.

IV. Evaluation

Identify the following. Write your answer on the

space provided.
___________1. Is a condition were high standard
of good housekeeping is maintained so that there
is no dust and rust anywhere?
___________2. This is the task of identifying
available files and materials and sorting out what
is necessary and what needs to be disposed.
___________3 .It means putting all necessary
item in proper order and in their proper place.
___________4. Is an action to sweep your
workplace thoroughly?
___________5. It is a systematized approach to
organize work areas, keep rules and standards,
and maintain the discipline needed to do a good

V. Assignment

1.) Define Room Status.

2. ) Identify status code use in checking room.

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