NetApp Setup Cheat Sheet

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NetApp Setup Cheat Sheet

This is getting a little closer to something I am happy with. I have tried to list both telnet(SSH) and FilerView for everything up to the volume level. I will fill in the rest later. After that, my next major update will be to add Systems Manager for each step. I am waiting on Systems Manager version 1.1 to be released before I update that piece. I have also noted where vifs will be changed to interface groups (ifgrp) in ONTAP8. Latest Revision Date: 10/28/2009 tested on ONTAP 7.3.1 Setting Up a Filer: 1. Check version and licenses (telnet) license to list y (telnet) license add (key) to add a license y (FilerView) Filer -> Manage Licenses 2. Setup Network Interfaces (set up single-mode and multi-mode vifs or ifgrps)
y y NOTE: You can't modiy a vif once it is created. I usually have to delete the vif and start over to modify it. This also means network service will go down on that port group! y (telent) ifconfig -a to list the interfaces y (telnet) ifconfig command to manage the interfaces y (telent) To manage vifs in ONTAP 7: vif command, in ONTAP 8: ifgrp y (telnet) You can also run setup, will probably require a reboot! y (FilerView) Network -> Manage Interfaces -> i.e. vif1a or vif1b 3. Enable SSH on the filer

(telnet) secureadmin setup ssh y (FilerView) Secure Admin ->SSH -> Configure -> Generate Keys -> OK -> Apply 4. Set Snap reserve on Aggr0 if not MetroCluster
y y The default for this is 5%. I have seen some set this to 0% if not using MetroCluster. I set it to 3% because I have seen issues if set to 0% and NetApp support likes at least a little reserve at this level for disaster recovery y (telnet) snap reserve -A aggr0 3 y (FilerView) I don't think this is possible from FilerView 5. Resize Vol0 y y y y

(telnet) vol size vol0 15g for 2000 series (20gb on 3000 series) (telnet) vol size vol0 to check (FilerView) Volumes -> Manage -> Click on vol0 Click Resize Storage

y Click Next -> Click Next -> Enter New Volume Size -> Next -> Commit -> Close 6. Iscsi & FCP status y

(telnet) iscsi status to check y (telnet) iscsi start to enable y (telnet) same commands for fcp y (FilerView) LUNs -> Enable/Disable ->Check Enable Box 7. NTP Setup (telnet) to list all time options: options timed y (telnet) options timed.servers,, enter your time servers for your site) y (telnet) options timed.proto ntp (if not already set to ntp) y (telent) options timed.log on (if you would like the updates to go to console and log) y (telnet) options timed.enable on y (FilerView) Filer -> Set Date/Time -> Modify Date/Time y Choose Time Zone -> Click Next y Choose Automatic -> Click Next y Change Protocol to ntp -> Click Next y Enter ntp servers (1&2) - or any other ntp server you have y Click Commit -> Click Close 8. Enable and Test Autosupport
y y

(telnet) to list all options: options autosupport (telnet) options autosupport.from (userid) - sets the userid autosupport is sent


(telnet) options autosupport.mailhost (host ip or name) y (telnet) options (user1,user1) y (telnet) options autosupport.enable on y (telnet) options.autosupport.doit test - generates a test autosupport y (FilerView) Filer -> Configure Autosupport y Change Autosupport enabled to Yes y Enter mailhosts y Enter To: fields -> Click Apply y Click Test Autosupport on the left -> Click Send Mail 9. Check Cluster Failover

(telnet) cf status Check Cluster Failover Status (telnet) cf partner - Lists the partner head

(telent) cf monitor more details on failover y (telnet) cf takeover - This will reboot the host you are taking over! y (telnet) cf giveback - when partner is ready to receive back y (FilerView) Cluster - Click the buttons! :) 10. Disk Commands (Assign Drives to Controller)
y y Typically I would assign the odd disks to the first controller and the evens to the second controller. I have also assigned the majority of drives to one controller and a minimum (3-4 drives) to the other controller to maximize capacity y (telnet) disk show n - show disks NOT owned y (telnet) disk show o (controller name) - show disks owned by a controller y (telnet) disk show v - show all disks owned and not owned y (telnet) disk assign (drive#) y (telnet) disk remove_ownership (drive#) (This is a priv set advanced command!) y (telent) disk zero spares y (FilerView) - I don't think this is possible from FilerView 11. Aggregate Commands (Assign Drives to Aggregate)

y In RAID-DP environments, if there are 2 hot spares, I often add one back in. You already have 2 drive failure with RAID-DP and this way you have one more drive capacity y (telnet) aggr status -v - shows status with volume information y (telnet) aggr status r - shows which drives are in the aggr already including raid groups y (telnet) aggr options (aggr) - shows all options for the aggr (raid groups, raid type, etc.) y (telnet) aggr show_space -m OR -g y (telnet) aggr add (aggr) d (drive#) y (FilerView) Aggregates -> Click on the aggregate y Click Show Raid to see existing disk configuration y Click Add Disks to add new disks and follow the wizard 12. Volume Commands (Create Volumes From Aggregates)

(telnet) vol status - shows all volumes and options y (telnet) vol create (volumename) -s none (aggr) (size) - create volume with no guarantee y (telnet) vol create (volumename) -s volume (aggr) (size) - create volume with volume guarantee y (telnet) vol size (volume) - check the volume size y (telnet) vol size (volume) (size) - set volume to new size y (telnet) vol autosize (volume) on - turn on volume autogrow, the volume will grow by default in 5% increments until 20% growth achieved by default

(telnet) vol autosize volume -m (new max size) -i (new increment amount) notice that even though the defaults are 20% max and 5% increments, if you change the value the new values have to be in space (MB or GB)! y (telnet) vol autosize (volume) - reports the current setting y (telnet) vol options (volume) - list the volume options y (telnet) vol options (volume) guarantee volume OR none - sets the volume guarantee to volume or none (telnet) vol options (volume) fractional_reserve (value) - sets fractional reserve to (value) but only works if volume guarantee is volume. y (telnet) vol options (volume) try_first snap_delete OR volume_grow - sets the value to which method a volume will use when it runs out of space. It will either grow the volume or delete snap shots. The defaults is to grow the volume.
y y

(FilerView) Too much here to list. Just click on volumes and poke around. The following aren't possible in FilerView that I can tell: volume autosize, volume try_first option, changing fractional reserve 13. Check and Modify Snapshot Settings as Needed per Volume
y y NOTE: Disable the snapshot schedule on the volume if SnapManager is protecting the volume y (telnet) vol options (volume) nosnap on - Turn off the SnapShot Schedule but leave the schedule in place. I do this to disable snapshots in favor of the following command y (telnet) snap sched (volume) 0 0 0 - Disable SnapShots by modifying the schedule. I like the first option better. y (telnet) snap reserve (volume) (#) - Sets the snap reserve to #% of the volume y (telnet) snap autodelete (volume) - shows the snapshot autodelete settings y (telnet) snap autodelete (volume) on - turns on snapshot autodelete (Check the settings! Too many default settings to list here!) y (FilerView) Too much here to list. Just click on Volumes -> Snapshots and poke around. The snap autodelete option is not possible in FilerView that I can tell. 14. Set DeDupe Settings per Volume

DELETE EXISTING SNAPSHOTS FIRST ON THE TARGET VOLUME! y Note: For the sis command you need the full volume path, /vol/vol0 for instance y (telnet) sis on (full volume path) - enables dedupe on that volume y (telnet) sis start (full volume path) - runs dedupe on that volume now y (telnet) df sh - To check space saving on DeDupe y (telnet) sis config and sis status to check settings y (telnet) sis config -s sun,mon-fri,sat@0,3-9,12 (full volume path) - The -s option allows you to change the schedule. You can list the days separated by commas or a range by dash, same with hours. y (FilerView) This is not possible in FilerView

15. Cifs setup (set up ntp first!) (telnet) cifs setup y OR (Filer View) CIFS -> Configure -> Setup Wizard 16. To Set-up a CIFS Share (Add Volume First!)

(Filer View) CIFS -> Shares -> Add y (Filer View) CIFS -> Shares -> Manage -> Change Access 17. NFS Setup (Add Volume First!)
y y

Need to Add NFS Export Permissions 18. LUN Setup (Add Volume First!)

Need more information here y (telnet) lun setup - wizard to create the lun and map the igroup all in one y (telnet) lun set reservation (full path to lun) enable OR disable - disable space reservation to thin provision the LUN y (Filer View) LUNS -> Add (Name Lun with aggr.LUN file convention) y Add an igroup and assign initiators y LUNS -> Manage -> No Maps Other Common Information Commands That I Still Need to Add and Document: Sysconfig snap reclaimable snap delta aggr show_space (aggr) -g shelfchk Wrfile /etc/hosts Rdfile /etc/hosts Rdfile /etc/rc rdfile /etc/messages Priv set advanced Led_on (drive#) (get nmber from disk show) (need priv set advanced first) (priv set) disk shm_stats (need to add deswizzle status command) sysstat statit (disk utilization) stats (performance data) reallocate measure or reallocate start to see raid groups: sysconfig -r OR aggr status -R fcstat device_map - command to show shelf layout

sysconfig -d interface alias process

storage show vif favor

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