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The Monarch’s Handbook

For members of Western Winds

Preface.............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Kingdom and Park Offices ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Monarchy Offices .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Monarch...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Regent .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Champion..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Prime Minister/Chancellor .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Guildmaster of Reeves .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Other Offices ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Class Guildmasters .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
The Weaponmaster ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Reeve’s Guild ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Optional and Roleplay Offices .................................................................................................................................. 7
Captain of The Guard................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Royal Guard............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Court Herald ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Court Scribe................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Court Jester................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Events in the Kingdom ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Major Campouts ................................................................................................................................................ 8
1000 Stars.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Circles of Fate............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
DC Campout ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Omens.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Windchill ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Routine Kingdom/Park Events .............................................................................................................................. 10
Dragonmaster ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Weaponmaster .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Warmaster ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Midreign .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Coronation ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Month of the Crown ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Formalities ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Elections....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Prime Minister/Chancellor and Guildmaster of Reeve Elections..................................................................................................................................................... 11
Monarch, Regent and Champion Elections............................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Class Guildmaster Elections .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Althings....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Dues and Becoming MIGS ................................................................................................................................... 12
Appointing Missing Officers ................................................................................................................................. 12
Awards ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
Awards as per the Amtwiki .................................................................................................................................. 13
Order of the Crown .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Order of the Dragon ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Order of the Flame .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Order of the Garber................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Order of the Griffon ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Order of the Jovious................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Order of the Lion ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Order of the Mask................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Order of the Owl ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Order of the Rose ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Order of the Smith ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Order of the Warrior............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Order of the Zodiac................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Viridian Outlands Specific Awards .......................................................................................................................... 21
Order of the Facade.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Order of the Hunter ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Order of the Hydra ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Western Winds Specific Awards ............................................................................................................................ 22
Order of the Hardcore.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22
Order of the Whitewalker ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Types of Awards ............................................................................................................................................. 22
Standard Ladder Awards ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Non-Standard Ladder Awards.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Non Ladder Awards................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23
Non-Standard Awards........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Nobility , Masters, Knights and Paragons ......................................................................................................................... 24
Nobles ......................................................................................................................................................... 24
Masterhood ................................................................................................................................................... 25
Knights ........................................................................................................................................................ 25
Paragons ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
Companies and Households ........................................................................................................................................ 26
What are companies? .......................................................................................................................................... 26
How do I join a company?...................................................................................................................................... 26
What’s the big deal with companies anyways? .................................................................................................................. 26
What’s a Household? .......................................................................................................................................... 27
Kingdom Artifacts................................................................................................................................................ 27
Roran’s Mage Blade .......................................................................................................................................... 27
Axe of the Frost Warden ..................................................................................................................................... 27
Talisman of the Outlands ...................................................................................................................................... 28
Phial of the Western Winds ................................................................................................................................... 28
Cruet of Storm Haven......................................................................................................................................... 28
Hope, the Sword of Healing ................................................................................................................................... 29
Dassadirk ..................................................................................................................................................... 29
Hammer of Storms............................................................................................................................................ 29
The Magus’ Mind ............................................................................................................................................. 30
Helping Western Winds Grow .................................................................................................................................... 30
What Kind of Changes to Expect .............................................................................................................................. 30
Ideas for Promoting Park Growth ............................................................................................................................ 30
Player and Personal Growth .................................................................................................................................. 31
An Important Note on Events, Games, Classes and RP and How to Award Those That Run Them .......................................................................................... 31
The Power of Garbing Up ..................................................................................................................................... 32
Being an Example ............................................................................................................................................. 32
Other Resources and Reference Guides........................................................................................................................... 32
Sample Schedule for Western Winds ............................................................................................................................. 33
History of Western Winds Monarchy ............................................................................................................................ 34
This Monarch’s Handbook is designed to help both new and old monarchy members out. Inside you will
find a bunch of information related to running events, timelines, handing out awards, and a lot of stuff
in between. This is not a complete guide by any means, but it will definitely get you started along the
path of Monarchy. ing, and you are her primary caretaker. It is best to go into this fully prepared, and
this is your best start.
Kingdom and Park Offices
Someday you may find yourself in one of the offices of the Kingdom or a park, but that does not mean
you are alone! From running Arts and Sciences events (A&S) to running battlegames and making sure
people are signed in and following the rules of the game, you will find you have a lot of help from the
members of Viridian Outlands. There are two different types of office according to the Viridian Outlands
Corpora (Monarchy and Other Offices). These offices further break down into specific offices with tasks.

Monarchy Offices
This could be you! Monarchs are responsible for, quite literally, everything. When another office
member fails to do their task, or does it incorrectly, it is up to you to fix it. If you find yourself here, you
are going to be incredibly busy over the next six months as you delegate tasks out and make plans to
keep players interested in Amtgard as well as try to draw new players in.

The Regent is the Monarch’s right-hand person. They will be responsible for running the Midreign,
Crown Qualifications, Coronation and Dragonmaster events. They should be encouraging the Arts and
Sciences and actively attempting to get players involved in crafting. They may plan events at the park or
host A&S nights. The Regent is also capable of handing out certain awards.

The Champion is responsible for safety and for fun. They are to ensure that weapon checks are being
completed and that only safe weapons are used on the field. They will also grade armor so that players
know how many points of armor they have. A good Champion will be prepared with a weapon checker,
loaner weapons, and gear required to run the games to be played. Even more important, the Champion
should have a list of games to play! If they are lost, recommend Sir Gorin’s Book of War to them. It is
super handy.

Prime Minister/Chancellor
The often overlooked and oft overworked position of Prime Minister, or Chancellor at the park level.
This person is responsible for maintaining sign ins, waivers, financial statements and running most
elections and Althings. They collect dues and ensure money is being deposited into the Kingdom or park
level bank account. They keep track of what awards have been handed out and make sure they are
entered into the Amtgard Online Record Keeper (ORK 3).
Guildmaster of Reeves
This person is the lead authority of rules (apart from the Monarch) and as such, what they say goes.
They are responsible for encouraging players to reeve games and ensuring the reeves understand the
rules of the game and Amtgard. This person will want to keep a list of players who are Reeve qualified
handy to make searching for Reeve’s easier.

Other Offices
Class Guildmasters
Your class guildmasters are responsible for providing players level tests upon levelling up in their
respective class. This ensures that players know the rules of the game and the abilities of their class.
Each class guildmaster is also there to encourage players to reach for their Look the Part abilities by
either roleplaying their class/persona and/or obtaining garb that goes above and beyond the basic

The Weaponmaster
The Weaponmaster is the person who wins the Weaponmaster tournament. This person is considered
to be the most skilled overall fighter. Their duties are to assist the Champion as is needed, and to take
over for the Champion when the Champion is not present.

Reeve’s Guild
Members of the Reeve’s Guild are those players who have passed a Reeve’s test in the past six months
deeming them competent to reeve battle games and tournaments. These are the players the
Guildmaster of Reeves will want to look at when attempting to find people to reeve.

Optional and Roleplay Offices

Captain of The Guard
Optionally appointed by the Monarch, this person is responsible for leading the rest of the Royal Guard
and ensuring the Monarch does not get assassinated during events/feasts/roleplay scenarios.

Royal Guard
These members are responsible for the protection of the Monarch during events/feasts/roleplay
scenarios. They are appointed by the Captain of the Guard.
Court Herald
Optionally appointed by the Monarch, this person is responsible for announcements. Whether it is
announcing nobles entering an event or shouting out to get player attention at critical moments, this
person is the voice of the Monarch when they do not want to use their own.

Court Scribe
Optionally appointed by the Prime Minister or Chancellor, this person is responsible for taking the notes
the Prime Minister cannot or is unwilling to take. You will sometimes even see them doing sign ins! This
person could even be considered as a Prime Minister or Chancellor in training, and should be taken
under their wing and taught everything they can about the office.

Court Jester
Optionally appointed by the Regent, this person’s duty is simple. Bring joy and laughter to feasts. Bonus
points if they wear a full jester outfit!

Events in the Kingdom

Officers have six months to make magic happen! But that doesn’t mean they can do whatever they
want. We have a few events that need to happen at specific times, and these are detailed below.

Major Campouts
1000 Stars
Often abbreviated as Kstars, this is Stormhaven’s spring/early summer campout. It has been hosted at
many locations in Washington, often changing from year to year. The event focuses on a mix of class
games and tournaments. Kstars has, in recent years, also been held in conjunction with the Viridian
Outlands Summer Coronation, which has helped increase the campouts numbers. Members from
Canada, Northern Lights and Blackspire come together to show support for this event.

Circles of Fate
CoF as it is commonly called is Western Winds’ premiere summer event. It is always scheduled for a
minimum of four days and is held between the middle and the end of July. The event is typically held in
conjunction with Western Winds Coronation event and is one of the best events you can attend. There
is a large focus on battlegames and tournaments, while court and feast are quite the affair. RP, fantastic
decorations, music, and amazing food round out the weekend during this court session. Bids for next
years Circles of Fate event should open to the park members at the end of the current event, and last
for a period of one or two months. Wilton Park Hall is also pre-booked as a backup location like
Windchill, but again, the final decision is determined by the event autocrat.
DC Campout1
DC Campout is a Viridian Outlands summer event held at the Chewelah Meadows in the Colville National
Forest, typically in July or August. It is a multi day event that usually has a theme of some kind and
although tournaments have been held, it is mostly a battlegame and/or quest type event. The
campground is bare bones, but it makes up for the lack of amenities with its many trails and its beautiful
creeks spread throughout the site. Dragon’s Creek has been using this campground for well over seven
years, which has helped build a relationship with the site, allowing the event to be low cost to the point
where there wasn’t even a gate fee. Bids for DC Campout vary and are mostly organized by the land with
help from Dragon’s Creek veterans, as well as local support from members of Viridian Outlands,
Northern Lights and Blackspire.

Omens is Ominous Valley’s summer campout event. It is a mostly outdoors event located in the
Shuswap area right on the shore of the South Thompson River outside Chase, BC. Typically a three to
four-day event held sometime between mid to the end of August, Omens is considered to be one of the
more laid back events allowing plenty of time to hang out with friends. Typical activities at Omens
include a river float or hike up a mountain to check out the beautiful view while still focusing on all the
fun things of Amtgard such as battle games and quests. The Saturday afternoon and evening typically
see a tournament and feast held inside the Chief Atahm School gymnasium. Omens prides itself on
being different and unique every year. Previous years have seen themes such as the undead, an orc
theme and a martial skill learning session featuring One Grind Nation. Despite how Omens is held, it is
always a great time with friends!

Windchill is Western Winds’ winter campout event. It is mostly held indoors because while we may act
medieval, we still love the modern comforts of heat. It is a three to four-day event held sometime
between mid to the end of February. Bids for hosting the next Windchill open to Western Winds
members at the end of Windchill and is announced at court. These bids are typically accepted for a
period of one or two months before being voted upon. Wilton Park Hall is always be pre-booked as a
backup location and this should be verified and completed by the local monarch and chancellor.
Potential autocrats are still required to submit their bid with a cost, location of their choosing, and gate
fees. They may include more information such as schedule, feast menu, list of other crats and prizes
should they choose to, but it is not required.

Submitted by Warlord Miller Time and edited by Lord MaA Aeon ‘the Mountain’ Wulfsbane
Submitted by Rin Ozara and edited by Lord MaA Aeon ‘the Mountain’ Wulfsbane
Routine Kingdom/Park Events
For full details on how the following events are run, you will want to reference the Viridian Outlands

This event is held within the first two months of Coronation. It is a competition of the Arts and Sciences,
run by the newly elected Regent. The winner of this prestigious event is called the Dragonmaster for a
period of six months, or until a new Dragonmaster is declared.

The Weaponmaster tournament is also held within the first two months of Coronation, usually on the
same day as Dragonmaster. This is a competition of martial skill. It is run by the current Champion, and
they choose the weapon classes and format of the tournament. The winner of this tournament is
declared Weaponmaster until the next Weaponmaster tournament.

This event is not found in the Viridian Outlands Corpora as it is not a requirement. This tournament can
be held four months into your reign and is also run by the Champion. The Warmaster tournament is a
test of class battle skill, field awareness, leadership, and planning. The typical format is to play two
games of Warlord. The winner of each of the two rounds are declared as team captains. From there they
will make the best team they can for the chosen class game. The captain of the winning team is declared
the Warmaster until the next Warmaster tournament.

Midreign is held halfway between Coronations (three months into your reign) and is a celebration of the
newly elected Prime Minister/Chancellor and Guildmaster of Reeves. It usually involves a feast and
awards and is planned by the Regent. The Regent may plan the event alone, involve the entire Kingdom
in the planning or outsource the event via bids or appointed volunteers.

A celebration of you! Or it could be! But not just you. Your Regent and Champion as well. This event is
coordinated by the outgoing Regent and typically involves a feast. You can almost certainly count on
awards to go out. If they have not handed them out, this is the Monarch’s last chance to hand out the
single Order of the Flame, the Order of the Mask, and the Order of the Jovious for their term.
Month of the Crown
Month of the Crown is the four weeks leading up to Coronation and plays host to some very important
events. The first weekend is the date declarations for the following offices close: Monarch, Regent,
Champion and Class Guildmasters. The second weekend is Crown Qualifications. This is where the
Tournament of the Coronet and Cultural Events are held and are a requirement for aspiring officers to
enter to prove they both understand and value both the fighting and the arts and sciences. The third
weekend is when absentee votes open, while the fourth weekend is the official voting day. More
information on Crown Quals and Month of the Crown can be found in Section 9.0 of the Viridian
Outlands Corpora.

Here we will go over elections, Althings, dues and Members in Good Standing. The full processes for
these items can be found in the Viridian Outlands Corpora.

Elections for offices are held prior to Midreign and Coronation. Members that wish to vote in an election
other than Class Guildmasters must be a Member in Good Standing. Members who wish to run for any
of the Monarchy offices must also be Members in Good Standing. Declarations for offices can be opened
at any time a Monarch feels is necessary but are automatically opened two weeks prior to the date
declarations close.

Prime Minister/Chancellor and Guildmaster of Reeve

Members wishing to run for these offices must declare their intent to run no later than four weeks prior
to Midreign. This is considered the date declarations close for these two positions and is also the date
they must meet their Member in Good Standing status as well as complete the Reeve and Corpora Test.
This election is run by the Monarch and Regent.

Monarch, Regent and Champion Elections

Members wishing to run for these offices must declare their intent to run no later than the first week of
the Month of the Crown and must also meet the requirements of Members in Good Standing no later
than this date as well as complete the Reeve and Corpora Test. This election is run by the Prime
Minister/Chancellor and Guildmaster of Reeves.
Class Guildmaster Elections
Members wishing to run for these offices must declare their intent to run no later than the first week of
the Month of the Crown. This election is also run by the Prime Minister/Chancellor and Guildmaster of
Reeves and is held at the same time as Monarch, Regent and Champion Elections.

Althings are run by the Monarch and the Prime Minister/Chancellor. The Monarch schedules discussion
and voting items and the Prime Minister records the results. Items for discussion may be brought up at
any time, however a voting item must be announced four weeks prior to the Althing, or two weeks prior
to an emergency Althing. What constitutes an emergency? If a topic will affect the way the park or an
event will be run in a significant manner including legal and financial reasons, it can typically be
considered an emergency. Regular Althings are held once per month. Typically, only Members in Good
Standing may vote.

Dues and Becoming MIGS

Dues are an integral part of our Kingdom. It helps us purchase new items and keep printing awards for
members. Dues are $15.00 for a period of six months, or you can pay $250.00 and be dues paid for life!
Paying dues is one step of becoming a Member in Good Standing, or MIGS for short. The next step is to
have obtained a total of six attendances in Viridian Outlands in the past six months. Once you have
managed both, you are considered MIGS and may vote in elections, Althings and run for offices of

Appointing Missing Officers

Sometimes, no one wanted to run for an office and sometimes people are forced to step down from an
office. Having someone in these roles is key to a healthy park, so you want to make sure you always
have someone filling these roles. Should you find that one of the Monarchy Offices or the Class
Guildmasters is empty, you have the right to appoint a person into that position on a protem basis
should they meet the requirements of the office as outlined in the Corpora.

In Viridian Outlands, Duchies may hand out awards up to the seventh level, Baronies may hand out
awards up to the fifth level and Shires may hand out awards up to the third level before seeking
permission from the Kingdom. The following is a guideline of the awards Viridian Outlands hands out,
along with any custom awards regularly handed out in the Kingdom, taken directly from the Amtwiki
and local standards.
Awards as per the Amtwiki3
All criteria listed here are just that, 'suggested'. They are BY NO MEANS requirements. This handbook is
NOT intended to be a barrier between DESERVING individuals and their just rewards; rather, it is
intended as a guideline for groups to use for rewarding their populace. If it can be generally agreed that
a person deserves a certain award, even if they may not quite pass muster by the letter of this
handbook, then they should probably get the award anyway.

Order of the Crown

Given By: Monarch
Given For: Awarded for serving with excellence in office from the local level to the kingdom level.
Limitations: None, however a minimum of 10 of this order are required to qualify for Masterhood.
Belt Favor: Black belt favor with a gold border and gold diagonal mark across the bottom. Masterhood
will be denoted by a gold phoenix on a black background.
1st-3rd: Serve one term in an office at the Shire, Barony, Duchy, Principality or Kingdom Level
4th-5th: Serve two terms in an office at the Shire level, or one term at the Barony, Duchy, Principality or
Kingdom level.
6th: Serve two terms in an office at the Shire or Barony level, or one term at the Duchy, Principality or
Kingdom level.
7th-8th: Serve three terms in an office at the Shire level or two terms at the Barony level or one term at
the Duchy, Principality or Kingdom level.
9th: Serve three terms in an office at the Shire or Barony level or serve two terms at the Duchy level or
one term at the Principality or Kingdom level.
10th: Serve three terms in an office at the Shire or Barony level or two terms at the Duchy or Principality
level or one term at the Kingdom level.
Masterhood: Granted once all the criteria has been fulfilled and the Monarch feels that nothing else is
Note: Each increasing order's suggested criteria is in addition to the previous orders. Example, a first
order is granted for a first term in office while a second order is granted for the second term in office. A
tenth order could be granted for twenty-one terms at the Shire level, seventeen terms at the Barony
level, twelve terms at the Duchy level, eleven terms at the Principality level or ten terms at the Kingdom
level. Treat terms in office that go well above the standard call of duty as if two terms were served at
that level.

Most of the information in this section is copied word for word or is very similar to the wording found on the
Order of the Dragon
Given By: Monarch, Regent
Given For: Outstanding achievements in the arts and sciences.
Belt Favor: Green belt favor with a red border and red diagonal mark across the bottom. Masterhood
will be denoted by a gold phoenix on a green background.
1st: Entering and placing in an arts competition in at least one category. Comparable non-competition
work may also be considered.
2nd-4th: Sequentially previous Orders (1st) and entering and placing OVERALL in an arts competition
preferably with increasing ratios of wins to placings for the higher Orders. Comparable non-competition
work may also be considered.
5th-7th: Sequentially previous Orders (1st through 4th) and entering and placing OVERALL in an arts
competition at a minimum of the Duchy level. There should be at least one other competitor in each
category the candidate enters; i.e., it is preferable that there are no uncontested wins/placings. It is also
preferable that the candidate places higher in subsequent competitions for higher Orders of the Dragon.
Comparable non-competition work may also be considered.
8th-9th: Sequentially previous Orders (1st through 7th), and entering and placing OVERALL in an arts
competition at the Kingdom level. While it may not be a problem at this level of competition, it is still
preferable that there be no categories in which the candidate "competes" unopposed. As before, it is
preferable (but never necessary) to achieve more highly for subsequent Orders. As above, comparable
non-competition work may also be considered.
10th: Sequentially previous Orders (1st through 9th), and entering and winning OVERALL in at least one
Kingdom level arts competition. It is preferable that there be no categories in which the candidate
"competes" unopposed. As above, comparable non-competition work may also be considered.
Masterhood: Granted once all the criteria has been fulfilled and the Monarch feels that nothing else is

Order of the Flame

Given By: Monarch
Given For: given to a group of people (company, household, etc.) for outstanding contributions to
Limitations: only one may be given in each Monarch's reign.

Order of the Garber

Given By: Monarch, Regent
Given For: Making garb for oneself or others, whether it is court garb, field garb (tunics, pants, sashes,
monster garb, hats, gauntlets, cloaks, boots, pouches), needle work, banner construction, etc.
Limitations: None, however a minimum of 10 of this order are needed to qualify for Masterhood.
Belt Favor: Blue belt favor with a black border and black diagonal mark across the bottom. Masterhood
will be denoted by a gold phoenix on a blue background.
1st: For garbing themselves done happily and successfully.
2nd- 3rd: Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 1st Garber. For the clothing of new members of the
populace happily and successfully. May also be given for a novice attempt in their first resident garbing
competition that resulted in a placement in the top three in any category and achieving the minimum
required scores.
4th: Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 2nd through 3rd Garber. For the clothing of several new
members of the populace happily and successfully. May also be given for placing 1st through 3rd in
three or more categories and achieving the minimum required scores in their first garbing competition.
5th: Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 4th Garber. For the clothing of a high number members of
the populace or equivalent non- competitive work done happily and successfully. May also be given for
placing 1st-3rd overall in their first Resident Duchy or Barony garbing competition only where they
entered the minimum number of required categories and achieving the minimum required scores.
6th: Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 5th Garber. For the clothing of all a Baronial level quest's
characters or equivalent non- competitive work done happily and successfully. May also be given for
placing 3rd in their resident Kingdom Garbing Competition and 3rd overall in the garbing categories of
their Resident Kingdom Qualifications only where they entered the minimum number of required
categories and achieving the minimum required scores.
7th: Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 6th Garber. For the clothing of a high number of members of
the populace and self, all of a Ducal level quest's characters, or equivalent non-competitive work such as
accessories for the winners of a tournament. May also be given for placing 2nd in their resident Kingdom
Garbing Competition and 2nd in the overall garbing categories and achieving the minimum required
scores in their Resident Kingdom Qualifications only where both were entered with the minimum
number of required categories and achieving the minimum required scores.
8th: Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 7th Garber. For the successful clothing of a high number of
members of the populace and self, all of a Kingdom level quest's characters or equivalent non-
competitive work such as accessories for the winners of a tournament or gifts for visiting monarchs. May
also be given for placing 1st overall in resident Kingdom Garbing Competitions and 1st overall in the
Garbing category of their resident Kingdom Qualifications only where both were entered with the
minimum number of required categories and achieving the minimum required scores.
9th: Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 8th Garber. For the successful clothing of a high number of
members of the populace and self, all of a Kingdom level quest's characters or equivalent non-
competitive work such as accessories for the winners of a tournament or gifts for visiting monarchs. May
also be given for placing 1st in two resident Kingdom Garbing Competition and placing 1st overall in the
Garbing category in one resident Kingdom Qualifications only where both were entered with the
minimum number of required categories and achieving the minimum required scores.
10th: Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 9th Garber. One set of incredibly recreated garb for either
their household or other members of the populace that unquestionably improves the atmosphere of the
game. May also be given for placing 1st in two additional resident Kingdom Garbing Competitions and
placing 1st overall in two additional Resident Kingdom only where they entered the minimum number of
required categories, achieving the minimum required scores and fulfilling the criteria for their 9th
Garber. Placing 1st overall in one Inter- kingdom Olympiad where all the categories were entered and
achieving the minimum required scores could also grant this.
Masterhood: Granted once all the criteria has been fulfilled and the Monarch feels that nothing else is
Order of the Griffon
Given By: Monarch
Given For: Courage, chivalry and honor on the battlefield. This award is also one of the highest orders
given. It has been witnessed to be given for accepting defeat graciously, fighting with respect when
fighting a lesser opponent, and fighting for the Honor of your Kingdom, emphasizing on honor and
gracious defeat. This type of description takes the pressure off of winning and stresses honor instead. All
these combined and more can earn a Griffin.
Limitations: None, however a minimum of 10 of this order are needed to qualify for Masterhood.
Belt Favor: Violet belt favor with a white border and white diagonal mark across the bottom.
Masterhood will be denoted by a gold braid or ribbon down the middle.
1st: A new member showing honor on the battlefield (as described above) in a Battlegame or War.
2nd-10th: If a member has already earned their first Griffin it is preferable that subsequent displays be of
equivalent or greater magnitude act of Chivalry, Honor, and Courage that exceeds the previous one.
Masterhood: Granted once all the criteria has been fulfilled and the Monarch feels that nothing else is

Order of the Jovious

Given By: Monarch
Given For: Outstanding attitude, good sportsmanship that results in the positive growth of Amtgard
from a person that is quite socially adept and a lot of fun to be around, so that their personality and
attitude are more what one remembers. An example would be a water bearer who cannot fight but is
ready and willing to not only serve up water but also offer humor and goodwill to a fallen fighter.
Limitations: Only one may be given in each Monarch's reign
Belt favor: Copper with an embroidered jester's hat with black border and black diagonal mark across
the bottom. Masterhood will be denoted by a gold braid or ribbon down the middle with the
appropriate symbol embroidered on it.

Order of the Lion

Given By: Monarch, Regent
Given For: Excellence in statecraft and/or leadership. Such acts include but are not limited to founding
new chapters, aiding in and/or leading the recognition of an "official" chapter, aiding in and/or leading
the elevation of an existing group's status, aiding and/or leading arbitration of intergroup disputes.
Limitations: None, however a minimum of 10 of this order are needed to qualify for Masterhood.
Belt Favor: Purple belt favor with a brown border and diagonal mark across the bottom. Masterhood
will be denoted by a gold phoenix on a purple background.
1st through 2nd: Someone who has successfully displayed statecraft/leadership talents in their Shire that
warrants the attention of the Crown.
3rd Someone who has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and has achieved the criteria for the 1st-
2nd Lion and has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and successfully displayed
statecraft/leadership talents in their Barony or Shire that warrants the attention of the Crown.
4th through 5th: Someone who has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and has achieved the
criteria for the 3rd Lion and has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and successfully displayed
statecraft/leadership talents in their Duchy, Barony or Shire that warrants the attention of the Crown.
6th: Someone who has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and has achieved the criteria for the
4th-5th Lion and has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and successfully displayed
statecraft/leadership talents in their resident Kingdom, Principality, Duchy, Barony or Shire that
warrants the attention of the Crown.
7th-8th: Someone who has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and has achieved the criteria for the
6th Lion and has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and successfully displayed
statecraft/leadership talents in their Kingdom, Principality, Duchy, Barony or Shire that warrants the
attention of the Crown.
9th: Someone who has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and has achieved the criteria for the
7th-8th Lion and has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and successfully displayed
statecraft/leadership talents in an Inter-Kingdom event sponsored by their resident Kingdom.
10th: Someone who has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and has achieved the criteria for the
9th Lion and has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and successfully displayed
statecraft/leadership talents in an Inter-Kingdom event sponsored by their resident Kingdom.
Masterhood: Granted once all the criteria has been fulfilled and the Monarch feels that nothing else is

Order of the Mask

Given By: Monarch
Given For: Outstanding portrayal of persona, the Mask promotes the feel of Amtgard by rewarding
roleplay in a system that really doesn't encourage it.
Limitations: Only one may be given in each Monarch's reign
Belt Favor: Copper belt favor with the theatrical smiling and frowning masks embroidered on it and a
black border and black diagonal mark across the bottom. Masterhood will be denoted by a gold braid or
ribbon down the middle with the appropriate symbol embroidered on it.

Order of the Owl

Given By: Monarch, Regent
Given For: Outstanding achievements in the sciences such as Amtgard legal weapons and shields,
leather work, armour, siege weapons, furniture, camping equipment, feast gear, etc.
Limitations: None, however a minimum of 10 of this order are needed to qualify for Masterhood.
Belt Favor: Brown belt favor with a white border and white diagonal mark across the bottom.
Masterhood will be denoted by a gold phoenix on a brown background.
1st: For a novice attempt in their first resident science competition and placing in at least one category.
Comparable non-competition work as stated above may also be considered.
2nd-4th: For someone who already has achieved the criteria sequentially previous Orders (1st), and
entering and placing OVERALL in a sciences competition preferably with increasing ratios of wins to
place for the higher Orders. Comparable non-competition work as stated above may also be considered.
5th-7th: For someone who already has achieved the criteria for the sequentially previous Orders (1st-4th),
and entering and placing OVERALL in a sciences competition at a minimum of the Duchy level. As above,
there should be at least one other competitor in each category the candidate enters; i.e., it is preferable
that there are no uncontested wins/placings. It is also preferable that the candidate places higher in
subsequent competitions for higher Orders of the Owl. As above, comparable non-competition work
may also be considered.
8th-9th: For someone who already has achieved the criteria for sequentially previous Orders (1st through
7th), and entering and placing OVERALL in a sciences competition at the Kingdom level. While it may not
be a problem at this level of competition, it is still preferable that there be no categories in which the
candidate "competes" unopposed. As before, it is preferable (but never necessary) to achieve more
highly for subsequent Orders. As above, comparable non-competition work may also be considered.
10th: For someone who already has achieved the criteria for sequentially previous Orders (1st through
9th), and entering and winning OVERALL in at least one Kingdom level arts competition. It is preferable
that there be no categories in which the candidate "competes" unopposed. As above, comparable non-
competition work may also be considered.
Masterhood: Granted once all the criteria has been fulfilled and the Monarch feels that nothing else is

Order of the Rose

Given By: Monarch, Regent
Given For: Beneficial service to the club
Limitations: None, however a minimum of 10 of this order are needed to qualify for Masterhood.
Belt Favor: White belt favors with a red border and red diagonal mark across the bottom. Masterhood
will be denoted by a gold phoenix on a white background.
1st: Someone who has displayed service talents or equivalent competition criteria in their Barony or
Shire. Such as successfully completing an office for their group or for excellent role-playing that inspires
others to join in.
2nd: Someone who has displayed service talents or equivalent competition criteria in their Barony or
Shire and who already has achieved the criteria for the 1st Rose. Such as providing Water Bearer services
for their park successfully.
3rd: Someone who has displayed service talents or equivalent competition criteria in their Barony or
Shire and who already has achieved the criteria for the 2nd Rose. Such as making loaner garb or weapons
for their park successfully.
4th: Someone who has displayed service talents or equivalent competition criteria in their Duchy, Barony
or Shire and who already has achieved the criteria for the 3rd Rose. Such as writing a quest for their park,
or placing 3rd in a Rose competition in their resident Barony or Shire that has fulfilled the minimum
number of required categories and achieving the minimum required scores.
5th: Someone who has displayed service talents or equivalent competition criteria in their Duchy, Barony
or Shire and who already has achieved the criteria for the 4th Rose. Such as successfully organizing local
level qualifications for their park or placing 2nd in a Rose Competition criterion that has fulfilled the
minimum number of required categories and achieving the minimum required scores.
6th: Someone who has displayed service talents or equivalent competition criteria in their Kingdom,
Duchy, Barony or Shire and who already has achieved the criteria for the 5th Rose that warrants the
attention of the Crown. Such as making and donating banners or placing 1st in their resident Duchy level
or higher Rose Competition criterion that has fulfilled the minimum number of required categories and
achieving the minimum required scores. Volunteering their services selflessly for whatever purpose is
needed to better their resident Kingdom or Duchy.
7th: Someone who has displayed service talents or equivalent competition criteria in their Kingdom,
Duchy, Barony or Shire and who already has achieved the criteria for the 6th Rose that warrants the
attention of the Crown. Such as making and donating regalia and placing 1st in their resident Kingdom
level Rose Competition criterion that has fulfilled the minimum number of required categories and
achieving the minimum required scores. Volunteering their services selflessly for whatever purpose is
needed to better their resident Kingdom or Duchy.
8th: Someone who has displayed service talents or equivalent competition criteria in their Resident
Kingdom, Duchy, Barony or Shire and who already has achieved the criteria for the 7th Rose that
warrants the attention of the Crown. Such as doing drudge type work at a several kingdom level events
happily and selflessly. Volunteering their services selflessly for whatever purpose is needed to better
their resident Kingdom or Duchy.
9th: Someone who has displayed service talents or equivalent competition criteria in their Resident
Kingdom or Duchy, and who already has achieved the criteria for the 8th Rose that warrants the
attention of the Crown. Such as doing drudge type work at a several kingdom level events happily and
selflessly. Volunteering their services selflessly for whatever purpose is needed to better their resident
Kingdom or Duchy.
10th: Someone who has displayed service talents or equivalent competition criteria in their Resident
Kingdom and who already has achieved the criteria for the 9th Rose that warrants the attention of the
Crown. Such as creating a system that revolutionizes an aspect of Amtgard, donation of supplies,
research, time, space, and resources for the successful running of several Kingdom or Inter- Kingdom
level events, organizing efforts to better recognize Amtgard in the eyes of the surrounding community.
Masterhood: Granted once all the criteria has been fulfilled and the Monarch feels that nothing else is

Order of the Smith

Given By: Monarch, Regent
Given for: Running Amtgard events and workshops, teaching lessons, creating games, writeups.
Limitations: None, however a minimum of 10 of this order are needed to qualify for Masterhood.
Belt Favor: Grey belt favor with a black border and black diagonal mark across the bottom. Masterhood
will be denoted by a gold phoenix on a grey background.
1st: For running classes or quests in their Shire. All these must be done successfully.
2nd: For running classes, quests, local qualifications or feasts in their Duchy, Barony or Shire and fulfilling
the criteria for the 1st Smith. All these must be done successfully.
3rd: For running classes, quests, local qualifications in their Duchy, Barony or Shire and fulfilling the
criteria for the 2nd Smith. All these must be done successfully.
4th: For running demos, sponsoring competitions, classes, quests, local qualifications, and feasts in their
Duchy, Barony or Shire and fulfilling the criteria for the 3rd Smith. All these must be done successfully.
5th: Any combination of three or more of the following: running demos, sponsoring competitions,
classes, quests, local qualifications or feasts in their resident Kingdom, Duchy, Barony or Shire and
fulfilling the criteria for the 4th Smith. All these must be done successfully.
6th: Any combination of three or more of the following: running demos, sponsoring competitions,
classes, quests, local qualifications or feasts, in their resident Kingdom or Duchy and fulfilling the criteria
for the 5th Smith. All these must be done successfully.
7th: Any combination of four or more of the following: running demos, sponsoring competitions, classes,
quests, local qualifications or feasts, in their resident Kingdom or Duchy and fulfilling the criteria for the
6th Smith. All these must be done successfully.
8th: Any combination of five or more of the following: running demos, sponsoring competitions, classes,
quests, resident Kingdom qualifications or feasts, in their resident Kingdom or Duchy and fulfilling the
criteria for the 7th Smith. All these must be done successfully.
9th: For performing all or more of the following: running demos, sponsoring competitions, classes,
quests, local qualifications, feasts, in their resident Kingdom or Inter-Kingdom event sponsored by their
resident Kingdom and fulfilling the criteria for the 8th Smith. All these must be done successfully.
10th: For performing all or more of the following: running demos, sponsoring competitions, classes,
quests, local qualifications, feasts, running Inter-Kingdom events sponsored by their resident Kingdom
and fulfilling the criteria for the 9th Smith. All these must be done successfully.
Masterhood: Granted once all the criteria has been fulfilled and the Monarch feels that nothing else is

Order of the Warrior

Given By: Monarch
Given For: Fighting prowess.
Belt Favors: 1- Green Snake, 2- Blue Boar, 3- Red Mongoose, 4- Brown Bear, 5- Rust Hawk, 6- Grey Wolf,
7- Orange Tiger, 8- Black Panther, 9- Purple Dragon, 10- Yellow Phoenix (with a red border). Masterhood
will be denoted by a gold phoenix on a red background.
SPECIFIC Criteria:
1st: Granted for winning three consecutive matches in any tournament or for battlefield prowess.
2nd: Granted for winning five consecutive matches in any tournament or for battlefield prowess.
3rd: Granted for winning seven consecutive matches in any tournament or for battlefield prowess.
4th: Granted for winning nine consecutive matches in any tournament or for battlefield prowess.
5th: Granted for winning eleven consecutive matches in any tournament, or for taking at least 3rd overall
in a kingdom level tournament.
6th: Granted for winning thirteen consecutive matches in any tournament, or for placing at least 2nd
overall in a kingdom level tournament.
7th: Granted for winning fifteen consecutive matches in any tournament or placing 1st over all in a major
kingdom-level tournament.
8th: Granted for winning seventeen consecutive matches in any tournament or for winning a second
major kingdom level tournament.
9th: Granted for winning nineteen consecutive matches in any tournament or for winning a third major
kingdom-level tournament.
10th: Granted for winning twenty-one consecutive matches in a kingdom-level tournament or a fourth,
first place win in a major kingdom-level tournament.
Masterhood: Granted once all the criteria has been fulfilled and the Monarch feels that nothing else is
Note: A major kingdom-level tournament is defined as Weaponmaster, Warmaster, Tournament of the
Coronet, Olympiad, and/or an inter-kingdom event tournament. The level of competition and number of
entrants in all tournaments must be considered before handing out Orders of the Warrior above seven.
The difficulty of the tournament must warrant the level of order awarded.
Order of the Zodiac
Given By: Monarch
Given For: Outstanding contributions/donations to the park in any one month.
Limitations: Only one may be given each month.
Masterhood: Upon receiving an Order of the Zodiac for each of the 12 months.

Viridian Outlands Specific Awards

Order of the Facade
Given By: Monarch, Regent
Given For Excellent portrayal of persona or excellence in roleplay.
Limitations: none
Note: Order of the Façade (Portrayer) is a minor award in comparison to the Order of the Mask, and
Monarchs should keep this in mind.

Order of the Hunter

Given By: Monarch
Given For: Archery prowess
Limitations: Orders of the Hunter follow a regimented pattern for distribution.
SPECIFIC Criteria:
1st: Earned for showing archery prowess in combat or winning any archery tournament.
2nd: Awarded for showing higher than normal archery prowess in combat or winning a second
3rd: Awarded for showing exceptional archery prowess in combat containing 25+ people or placing in the
top 3 of a duchy or higher-level archery tournament.
4th: Awarded for showing exceptional and continued archery prowess in combat containing 25+ people
or placing 1st in a duchy or higher-level archery tournament.
5th: Awarded for exceptional archery prowess in combat containing 50+ people or for placing 3rd during a
KLE archery tournament.
6th: Awarded for exceptional and continued archery prowess in combat containing 50+ people or for
placing 2nd during a KLE archery tournament.
7th: Awarded for exceptional archery prowess in combat containing 100+ people or for placing 1st during
a KLE archery tournament.
8th: Awarded for displaying exceptional skill during multiple large (100+ players) scale combat events
(i.e. – Duchy, Kingdom level events/campouts), while standing out as exemplary or for winning a second
major kingdom level bracketed archery tournament.
9th: Awarded for displaying exceptional and continued skill during multiple large (100+ players) scale
combat events (i.e. – Kingdom level events/campouts), while standing out as exemplary or for winning a
third major kingdom level bracketed archery tournament.
10th: Awarded for displaying exceptional and continued skill during multiple large (150+ players) scale
combat events (i.e. – Kingdom level events/campouts), while standing out as exemplary or for winning a
fourth major kingdom level bracketed archery tournament.
Order of the Hydra
Given By: Monarch
Given For: Passing the Cultural Qualifications in the Crown Qualifications Event.
Belt Favor: Blackish-purple belt favor with a lavender border and diagonal marks across the bottom.
Masterhood will be denoted by a gold braid or ribbon down the middle.
Limitations: Each person may only receive one Hydra per Crown Qualifications Event.
SPECIFIC Criteria: Must participate and pass in both the Tournament of the Coronet and Cultural Events
portion of the Crown Qualifications Event.

Western Winds Specific Awards

Order of the Hardcore
Given By: Monarch
Given For: Being hardcore. Whether it’s having taken a ton of face shots, or been involved in a stunt, it’s
up to the Monarch to decide if the award is worthy or not.
SUGGESTED Criteria: Some players seem to take a lot more shots to the face or other sensitive areas
than others. Some players seem to play hard no matter what injury they sustain. And some players seem
to be able to make it to events no matter what the road conditions are or even after hitting a ditch.
These players are hardcore.

Order of the Whitewalker

Given By: Monarch
Given For: Showing up to field in the most brutal of cold conditions.
Note: There is no specific temperature or weather condition requirement as we don’t want to
encourage players to show up when the weather is dangerous. However, when they do show up we
want to acknowledge just how dedicated they are to the park.

Types of Awards
Standard Ladder Awards
Standard ladder awards meet the following requirements:
• They have a Masterhood title
• Are earned in succession, ie 1,2,3
• Each level shows progressive skill or skill worthy of the level
• Masterhood leads to Knighthood
The following awards are considered standard ladder awards:
• Order of the Crown
• Order of the Dragon
• Order of the Garber
• Order of the Lion
• Order of the Owl
• Order of the Rose
• Order of the Smith
• Order of the Warrior

Non-Standard Ladder Awards

Non-standard ladder awards meet the following requirements:
• They may or may not have a Masterhood title
• Are earned in succession, ie 1,2,3
• Each level shows progressive skill or skill worthy of the level
• Does not lead to Knighthood

The following awards are considered non standard ladder awards:

• Order of the Griffon
• Order of the Hunter

Non Ladder Awards

Non ladder awards meet the following criteria:
• No Masterhood title
• No need to hand out in succession, ie there is no such thing as a first flame or a second flame, it
is just handed out as Order of the Flame.
• Does not require progressive skill.

The following awards are considered non ladder awards:

• Order of the Flame
• Order of the Jovious
• Order of the Mask

Non-Standard Awards
Non-standard awards are awards that don’t fall in any of the other three categories. They are:
• Order of the Façade
o Does not have a Masterhood title
o Progressive skill not required
o Handed out in succession, ie 1,2,3
• Order of the Hydra
o Has a Masterhood title
o Progressive skill not required
o Handed out in succession, ie 1,2,3
• Order of the Hardcore
o Does not have a Masterhood title
o Progressive skill not required
o No need to hand out in succession
o Only recognized at Western Winds
• Order of the White Walker
o Does not have a Masterhood title
o Progressive skill not required
o No need to hand out in succession
o Only recognized at Western Winds

• Order of the Zodiac

o Has a Masterhood title
o Progressive skill not required
o Handed out as Months (ie, January, February, etc)
o Masterhood is upon collection of each month of the year

Nobility , Masters, Knights and Paragons

The pinnacle of Amtgardian success! Nobles are elevated peers, recognized for their success in the world
of Amtgard, be it through office, leadership, or service. Masters are those who have mastered their craft
and skill set, deemed to have nothing new left to learn. Knights are those members who have achieved
Masterhood in any of the four Standard Ladder Award Paths (Crown, Serpent, Sword and Flame), and
have now been recognized as pillars of the Kingdom, tasked with teaching the rest of the Kingdom their
skills, helping everyone grow. Paragons are those who have mastered specific classes in battle games.

Ranging from the lowly Lord/Lady title to the highest echelon of Grand Duchess/Duke, being a noble
means you have been recognized for your efforts to help your park and/or Kingdom grow. As such it
comes with benefits! You now get to wear a coronet and be addressed as a noble. A well ran event may
even introduce you using the Order of Precedence found in the Viridian Outlands Corpora. Nobles are
able to take Men and Women at Arms (MaA or WaA) as well as Pages. Men and Women at Arms can
typically be identified by a black belt with silver trim or a green belt. Pages have a reserved belt color of
yellow. You might be wondering what kind of Coronet and form of address you can expect based on
your ranking. There is not a specific requirement for Coronets in Viridian Outlands (wear what makes
you happy!), but the following is traditional, and will make it easier for others to know the correct form
of address for you:

• My Lord/My Lady
• Coronet with a single peak and no jewels
• My Lord/My Lady
• Coronet with a single peak and jewels on the band
• Your/His/Her Excellency
• Coronet with 6 peaks and pearls on each peak
• Your/His/Her Excellency
• Coronet with 12 peaks and pearls on each
• Your/His/Her Excellency
• Coronet with an embattled top
• Most Honorable
• Coronet decorated with strawberry leaves and pearls
• Your/His/Her Grace
• Coronet decorated with strawberry leaves
• Your/His/Her Grace
• Coronet decorated with alternating arches and peaks.
Grand Duke/ Grand Duchess:
• Your/His/Her Highness
• Coronet decorated with alternating crosses and fleur-de-lis
• Your/His/Her Majesty
• The Viridian Outlands Coronet

As per the Viridian Outlands Corpora, as Western Winds is a Duchy, the Monarch may out the
non noble titles of Esquire and Master and the noble titles of Lord/Lady and

A Master is exactly what it sounds like. A person who has mastered their craft, as defined for each
award listed in the awards section. These people are the best of the best, but unlike Knights, usually
haven’t moved onto teaching others their skill set yet. How should they be addressed? Simple. A person
who has achieved Masterhood in the Order of the Rose for example would be addressed as Master of
Roses or Master Rose.

Upon receiving a Masterhood in any of the Standard Ladder Awards, a player may become eligible for
Knighthood. Knights are easily recognizable by their white belt. This white belt is a reserved symbol,
often trimmed in the color of their path (silver for Sword, green for Serpent, gold for Crown and red for
Flame). The other reserved symbols for a Knight are their unadorned chain, a set of spurs and either a
black or white phoenix. Knights exist to help the Kingdom and it’s members grow as players, fighters,
crafters, leaders and helpers. They are full of advice, and are a great resource to new and old players
alike. Knights are typically members who have mastered their craft and are now teaching others their
skills. They will often take Squires (identified by their reserved belt color of red) as direct
teacher/student relationships. To address a Knight correctly, you would simply say “Sir” or “Dame”
followed by their persona. Example: Sir Dassureth or Sir Garth.

Paragons are members who have mastered a specific class from the Amtgard Rules of Play such as
Archer or Barbarian. The title of Paragon is awarded by the Kingdom Monarch and is a very prestigious
title. On the battlefield, you will be recognized by a silver trim on your class sash. People may be in fear
of your talents! They should be! You are exceptionally skilled at what you do. A Paragon isn’t just a force
to be reckoned with however. They are also excellent teachers, often taking an apprentice under them.
A Paragon’s apprentice can be recognized by a belt favor in the color of their Paragon’s class with a
silver trim.

Companies and Households

What are companies?
A company, or a fighting company is a group of like-minded individuals who agree to fight
together on the battle field. They often have a hierarchy or ranking system that determines
your position inside of that company. Some companies have a trial system to earn full
membership rights or even access to the company. Companies are like brotherhoods (or
sisterhoods), and they will rarely allow you to be a part of another company while in theirs.

How do I join a company?

Simply put? Ask. Some companies will only allow a person to join if the company asks a
member, but you won’t know until you ask. Not interested in joining a company, or just want to
start your own? No problem. Anyone can start a company. Talk to the Chancellor to get it
registered on the ORK, or register it yourself if you know how to use the ORK. Try to come up
with a name and heraldry! People will be much more interested in joining when there is a color
scheme that they can convert into garb or a heraldry they can proudly display.

What’s the big deal with companies anyways?

Company battles. Prove who is the best on the battlefield. Bragging rights. International events
often have company dedicated events and raids. Comradery. Most companies provide a
support system to their members, and help each other achieve goals.
What’s a Household?
household is like a company, but typically they aren’t fighters. They are a group of individuals
who have come together to support a common goal. These goals can be merit based, or in
support of an ideal, or perhaps even ironic or comedic based. The goal is up to the house to
decide. They also typically have requirements for entry into their family, and they usually have
a heraldry as well. You are almost always allowed to join more than one household. The
founder of a household is typically called a Lord or Lady of the household. This is different than
an actual title of nobility and doesn’t grant you the benefits of being a noble. Like a company, if
you want to join a household, just ask. The members will tell you how to join.

Kingdom Artifacts4
Some time ago, a competition was held to create relics for the then Principality of Viridian Outlands.
These relics all had stories attached to them.

Roran’s Mage Blade

Material: A blue flat blade short.
Effect: Counts as a free hand for the purpose of spellcasting.
Limits: Can only be wielded by magic classes.
Use: Always on while carried.
Creator: Roran Crushinberry
Story: Roran was a wandering scholar of magic, someone who studied it in all forms and applications. It
was a result of his study that he made his glowing blue mage-blade. So named due to its unique power
at channeling magic. Roran used this to help him fight foes with both his magic and an ordinary mace. It
was originally kept in his tomb but has since gone missing, many thinking the blade shared its master's
wanderlust, or that it was stolen by greedy battlemages.

Axe of the Frost Warden

Material: Short axe with a light blue cover or snowflake designs. Must have a red and white
enchantment strip tied to it, and 2 white enchantment strips on person for resistance to Frozen.
Effect: Bearer and this weapon are resistant to the Frozen State 2x/refresh (bearer must remove an
enchantment strip when a source would freeze them and declare resistant to Frozen). Bearer can cast
Shatter 2x/refresh (as per Shatter Incant).
Limits: Does not count towards the enchantment limit of the player. Resistance to Frozen does not resist
the Frozen State granted by Phoenix Tears, Troll Blood, or True Grit.
Use: Always on while carried.
Creator: Aeon Wulfsbane

Some of the stories have been edited from their original versions. This includes spelling and grammar errors, as
well as minor continuity or flow issues.
Story: In an Age past, the known world was attacked by Frost Demons. These Demons had the power to
freeze and shatter upon command. They terrorized the Viridian Outlands, threatening all strongholds
within it. A group of warriors seeking to destroy the Demons and restore peace to the land developed
weapons capable of using the Demon's magic against them. In a last ditch effort, they assembled a
mighty army called the Frost Wardens and faced off against the demons. The battle was fierce, a lot was
destroyed, and seemingly noone survived. A group of peasants searched the battlefield covered in ice
and the shattered remains of both demon and man alike to only find a boy carrying an axe laying
facedown in the ice covered field. This boy became the bearer of the last weapon of the Frost Wardens,
and that weapon has been passed down to worthy warriors in the Frost Warden tournament ever since,
just in case the Demons ever returned.

Talisman of the Outlands

Material: Leather talisman tooled with the VO heraldry on a Viridian Green string/rope/or chain.
Effect: Allows bearer the ability to be enchanted by other classes.
Limits: Barbarian only.
Use: Always on while worn around the neck.
Creator: Odereus Urungus
Story: Due to the vibrant magical energies that are derived within the flora and fauna life of the Viridian
Outlands, the Shaman Hauldr Odereus Urungus was able to tap into those energies to create a talisman
that allowed it to be focused on a single being that has been unable to tap into that power in the past.

Phial of the Western Winds

Material: Intricately designed plastic or foam bottle bearing the Western Winds heraldry (or partial
aspects thereof).
Effect: As per the spell “Throw”.
Limits: Unable to use with metamagic
Use: Held in free hand, 1/refresh, Charge x10.
Creator: Odereus Urungus
Story: The founder of the Western Winds was able to craft an item to harvest the winds that were
prevalent in his home. His purpose was to be able to share with others the power of the environment he
has had to struggle with to build up his domain.

Cruet of Storm Haven

Material: Intricately designed plastic or foam bottle bearing the Storm Haven heraldry (or partial
aspects thereof).
Effect: As per the spell “Call Lightning”.
Limits: Unable to use with metamagic.
Use: Held in free hand, 1/refresh, Charge x20.
Creator: Odereus Urungus
Story: Due to years of fighting in constant storms, the Circle of Regents were able to craft a device to
protect their citizens from impending lightning strikes. As an added aspect, Collegium of Casters was
able to take this harnessed energy and enabled a way to use it as a weapon against their enemies.
Hope, the Sword of Healing
Material: A white sword with a red cross and a white enchantment strip attached.
Effect: As per the spell “Heal”. Granted with the “Swift” metamagic.
Limits: Barbarians are unable to use this weapon. “Heal” spell only affects allies. Must use “Swift”
metamagic to use the “Heal” spell granted with this weapon.
Use: 3/refresh Charge X20
Creator: Locke Holmes
Story: Rumor has it the head Healer of the College of Healers forged this sword as he was tired of
stopping to heal his allies. It's a rather poetic weapon as you could cut some one in frustration to heal all
of their wounds but if used on an enemy it would kill them.

Material: A blue omni-long.
Effect: Is classified as a dagger for the purposes of weapon assignment.
Limits: None.
Use: Always on.
Creator: Roran Crushinberry
Story: This dagger generates a blade of light by conjuring the fighting spirit of those with the Dass name
throughout the Viridian Outlands. This allows it to be functionally as light as a Dagger but have the
reaching distance of a Longsword. It's been wielded by heroes of the past without the name of Dass but
they have always died on the battlefield in increasingly brutal ways, so some suspect the blade may be
cursed, and thus it's not sought after like many others.

Hammer of Storms
Material: Dagger shaped like a hammer, one yellow and one white enchantment strip attached.
Effect: As per the spell “Call Lightning”.
Limits: None.
Use: 1/refresh, Charge X20. Can cast “Call Lightning” without a free hand as long as this weapon is
Creator: Draco Kitty
Story: In the land of Stormhaven, which was known for its numerous large storms, there was a beast.
That beast loved to make the storms even worse by calling down lighting to scare the people of the land.
The people of the land growing tired of the beast hunted it down in a bloody battle that left many great
warriors dead. Upon inspecting the corpse of the beast, the survivors noticed it seemed to have flesh as
hard as metal. They began to forge the beast’s flesh into a hammer, and just as it weas completed,
lighting struck it. The crafters of the hammer found that they could call lighting with it. Years later, after
a great war in the land over it, the hammer was lost for what they thought would be forever.
The Magus’ Mind
Material: Flat blade dagger with a silver cover.
Effect: As per the meta magic “Experienced”.
Limits: Can only be used on a level 4 or lower Verbal ability.
Use: 1/game.
Creator: Roran Crushinberry
Story: Rand was a mage who had made many magical discoveries in his studies of ancient magic. He had
enchanted his dagger to help store his memories and experience with magic so that his knowledge could
someday be passed down to later generations. It has a history of being found in the company of Kings
and Queens as a source of knowledge.

Helping Western Winds Grow

As the Monarch of Western Winds, it is your duty to lead the park and help grow it, or at the very least
sustain it’s growth. This means you will want to come up with ideas that will keep drawing new
members in and also will keep long time members coming back. You will find that over time as people
grow and change the park and its dynamics will also change. You need to be aware of this change and
while it may be difficult to accept it, it is natural and needs to be promoted and nurtured. Western
Winds is yours for a short time only, and really, it truly belongs to the members of the park.

What Kind of Changes to Expect

Honestly, you can’t expect change. Change will come naturally and organically. Some members will
resist it and that’s ok. That’s a natural reaction. The biggest change will always be that of a fluctuating
roleplay versus stick jock environment. Sometimes you will have a majority of players that just want to
fight, while others want to quest and roleplay their personas. Another big change you may notice is a
group that is more into the social aspects versus the combat aspects of Amtgard. This is a change that
requires careful balance as too much standing around and chatting won’t keep people interested in
Amtgard, but too much combat and not enough time to socialize won’t allow players to really get to
know each other.

Ideas for Promoting Park Growth

How you help Western Winds grow will really depend on the members of the park and what they feel
comfortable doing. Here are some ideas to help you out:
• Barbeques- Everyone loves food, and nothing gathers people like the promise of food. Donation
based barbeques will help you offset the costs of hosting one while not forcing people to pay to
be present.
• Business Cards- Have a stack handy and give a bunch to members of your park. Hand them out
whenever you can!
• Conventions- Be on top of this! Conventions have always been a great way for us to recruit new
players. Have members show up in garb ready to explain the game. These conventions and Ren
Faires should never be forgotten about.
• Media- Invite news outlets out to do stories. Being in the news brings positive attention to the
group and garners interest.
• Social Media- Stay active on the Western Winds Facebook page and share important posts with
friends and family. Consider using Instagram to engage members.
• Promo Videos- These videos show the best parts of the game and help garner interest in
• Organize get togethers around the city in garb before and after field. Go for drinks, food,
gaming, movies. People who see you and are interested will ask what you do.

Player and Personal Growth

We all should encourage each other to grow in skill. This can be challenging because of our remote
location to the rest of the Amtgard world, but without growth, there will be stagnation and decay. You
will find that players start to drop the game when they see future growth as unachievable and you
yourself will begin to burn out. Players need to be recognized for their skill and contributions, and this
means you need to be on top of handing out awards. Once players start reaching the pinnacles of
success that their park can no longer hand out on its own, it is paramount that players be encouraged to
travel the world of Amtgard. This means they need to go to other parks and Kingdoms and attend events
there periodically to test and showcase their skill and/or Western Winds needs to be host to large
Kingdom Level Events that attract the attention of Knights and other players across Amtgard.

Fighter practice and A&S events will allow players to socialize and grow their skill at the same time.
Promote these events often. They tend to be informal but are full of lessons on how to better yourself
both as a fighter and a crafter while allowing you to get to know the members of your park on a
personal level.

An Important Note on Events, Games, Classes and RP and How to

Award Those That Run Them5
• A Lion is the correct award to hand out when the crat (the person running the event) is
organized in a way that they are meeting with the other staff and assigning duties and tasks to
people for the event to run smoothly. They handle the staff and volunteers but not all the
individual event details and errands themselves.
• A Rose is the correct award to hand out when the crat gets in and helps hands on with all
aspects of the event. They run many of the errands and tasks themselves and often have
volunteers help them directly.
• A Smith is the correct award to hand out when the crat organized the event with a theme, and
concentrates on the organizing of the event, games, classes and RP with scheduling and detailed

Most crats will fall into all three of these categories, but typically one style will stand out more than the

These notes were provided by Paul Raymond (Dassureth) via facebook comments and modified by Steve Leblanc
(Aeon Wulfsbane) for clarity and grammar.
The Power of Garbing Up
Promote garb. Garb has the ability to unify park and Kingdom members as a cohesive and structured
unit. Garb is the first thing that outsiders are going to notice. A field day full of people hitting each other
with foam weapons while dressed in medieval swords and sorcery type attire is more appealing than a
bunch of people in jeans and tshirts beating each other up with foam sticks. Players in garb will feel
much more at home with everyone else at the park and it’s a requirement of the rules!

Being an Example
As a member of Western Winds and quite possibly, its Monarchy, it is up to you to set an example. Be
humble and honor bound. Own your mistakes and learn from them. Be fair. Be courteous. Be
knowledgeable. That means research and learn about Amtgard and Western Winds. Be involved and be
present. While it may not seem like much, this will have a subtle but powerful impact on the populace.

Other Resources and Reference Guides

Below is a list of documents and reference guides you may also be interested in. If you are unsure where
to find these, ask a member of your Monarchy.
• The Viridian Outlands Corpora- the guideline to how we operate as a Kingdom
• Sir Gorin’s Book of War- A resource for battlegames and quests
• The Official Phoenix Ball ruleset- A popular battlegame sport
• The Amtgard Rules of Play- The official rules of the game
• The Dor X- The monster class rulebook
Sample Schedule for Western Winds
January February March April May June
5 2 2 6 4 1
Crown Quals Althing Althing Althing Althing Althing
Althing Vote on Warmaster
Windchill Bids
12 9 9 13 11 8
Absentee Absentee
Votes Votes

19 16 16 20 18 15
Crown Family Day Dragonmaster Midreign Declarations Open
Weaponmaster (Monarch, Regent,
Elections Long Weekend Declarations Open Elections Champion, Class
Windchill (Chancellor and Guildmasters)
26 23 23 27 25 22
Crown Midreign
30 29
Declarations Close Declarations
Windchill Bids
Close Close

July August September October November December

6 3 7 5 2 7
Crown Quals Althing Althing Althing Althing Althing
Althing Vote on Circles Warmaster
of Fate Bids
13 10 14 12 9 14
Absentee Animethon Dragonmaster Absentee Declarations Open
Weaponmaster (Monarch, Regent,
Votes Declarations Open Votes Champion, Class
(Chancellor and Guildmasters)
20 17 21 19 16 21
Crown Midreign
Elections Elections

27 24 28 26 23 28
Circles of Fate Declarations Midreign Declarations
Weekend Close Close
31 30
Circles of Fate
Bids Close
History of Western Winds Monarchy
This is a brief and incomplete history of the past members of Western Winds Monarchy. Elected officers
should be filled in with black ink and protem officers should be filled in with red ink.
Reign Monarch Regent Champion GMR Chancellor
2014 Enthos Dassureth Odereus Tristan Rootbear
2014 Odereus Paxton Dassureth Tristan Rootbear
2015 Dassureth Paxton Iggy ? Dassureth
2015 Paxton Dassureth Iggy ? Tristan
2016 Paxton Gilda Morrow ? Tristan
2016 Sej Gilda Morrow ? Dassureth
2017 Paxton Iggy ? Morrow Dassureth
2017 Aeon Paxton Sej Tristan Ramas
2018 Aeon Arduan Tristan Skrum Morrow
2018 Dassureth Ramas Tristan Arduan Morrow
2019 Arduan Ramas Tristan Torm Fanin
2019 Arduan Adelae Matthias Sej Fanin
(Winter) Adelae Tristan
2020 Tristan Adelae Dassureth Sej/Jack Fanin
(Summer) Golden Lion
2020 Tristan Paxton Heppin Jack Gregorious
Reign Monarch Regent Champion GMR Chancellor

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