What Is Crisis

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What is crisis? – any event or period that will lead or may be lead to a sensitive and dangerous situation.

This are negative changes in human or environmental events especially when they take place
unexpectedly with a little or no warning.

There are different types of crisis that may arise Lerbinger categorized eight types of crises: natural
disaster, technological crisis, confrontation, malevolence, organizational misdeeds, workplace violence,
rumors, terrorist attacks / man-made disasters.

 Natural disaster - Natural disaster-related problems often involve environmental occurrences

like hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, floods, landslides, tsunamis, storms, and droughts
that put the environment, human life, and property at risk.
 Technological crisis- The main contributor to technological catastrophes is human application of
science and technology. Technological Accidents invariably occur when technology becomes
interconnected and complicated, and anything goes wrong in the system as a whole
(Technological breakdowns).
 Confrontation crisis - Conflicts arise when disgruntled people or groups battle with the
government, businesses, or other organizations and different interest groups to get their needs
and expectations accepted the typical kind boycotts are a form of confrontation crises, whereas
picketing, sit-ins, and ultimatums to those in obstructing or occupying structures, defying police
orders, and more
 Crisis of malevolence - When adversaries or mischievous individuals adopt criminal tactics, an
organization is faced with a malevolence dilemma methods or other extreme measures to
express animosity or resentment toward, or to seek revenge against gain from, a business,
nation, or economic system, maybe with the intent to destabilize or removing it, Examples of
crises include terrorism, kidnapping, tampering with products, espionage and cybercrime.

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