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What is Ecology?

- definitions (abiotic, ecosystem, population, community, etc...)


- tundra, boreal, deciduous, grassland, etc. (characteristics)

- freshwater (types of lakes, lake zones)
- marine biomes (coastal zone - intertidal, neritic)

Cycling of Matter in Ecosystems

- organic vs. inorganic

- carbon cycle (photosynthesis, respiration, decay, fossil fuel burning)
- nitrogen cycle (nitrogen fixation, denitrification)

Transfer of Energy

- definitions (autotrophs, food chain, primary consumers, etc...)

- food chain vs. food web

Roles in an Ecosystem

- niches, competition
- keystone, invasive, unique

Population Change

- population growth and change (birth rate, death rate, etc...)

- limits on growth (biotic potential, carry capacity, density factors, etc...)
- at risk species (extinct, extirpated, endangered, threatened, vulnerable)

Human Impact

- categories (habitat change, overexploitation, pollution, invasive, climate)

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