01b First Game

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Arrow Key Movement

Here is a copy of our project so far: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/730892156

What does the following code do? Try it out.

If you finish this, try getting arrow keys to move the character around the screen.

Let's make a game

Step 1: Get the character to move with arrow keys
Step 2: Create an enemy character that patrols up and down on the right side of the screen.
Step 3: Add some code to the cat sprite that makes it go back to beginning when it touches the

Step 4: Add a prize behind the enemy that the cat has to collect
***Make sure this code goes in the apple sprite (or prize)
Step 5: Placeholder…

Step 6: Change the backdrop to say "Game Over" when the cat runs out of lives
This code should be on the main character sprite

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