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The Concept of Affect Logic: An Integrative

Psycho-Socio-Biological Approach to
Understanding and Treatment of
Luc Ciompi

IN THIS ARTICLE, the psycho-socio-biologically integrative concept of af-

fect-logic, and its relevance for a comprehensive understanding and therapy of
schizophrenia, is briefly presented. This concept has been developed by the au-
thor over the past 20 years, on the basis of the literature, of clinical experience
and his own research into long-term evolution, rehabilitation, effects of milieu-
therapy. and nonlinear evolutionary dynamics of the illness. It postulates, basi-
cally, that fundamental affective states (or emotions, feelings, moods) are con-
tinuously and inseparably linked to all cognitive functioning (or "thinking" and
"logic" in a broad sense), and that affects have essential organizing and integrat-
ing effects on cognition. Schizophrenia is understood as an altered mode of
affective-cognitive interaction based, possibly, on disturbed (loosened) affec-
tive-cognitive connections. This hypothesis leads to: 1) an integrative psycho-
socio-biological model of long-term evolution of the illness; 2) a new under-
standing of psychopathological core phenomena such as ambivalence,
incoherence, and emotional flattening; 3) an innovative therapeutic approach
based on an emotion-relaxing milieu and style of care; and 4) the hypothesis
that schizophrenia could basically be an affective (and not a cognitive) disease,
of another kind than mania or melancholia, however.

Since the classical descriptions by them genetic, perinatal, and biochemical

Kraepelin (1896) and Bleuler (1911) of the factors, disturbed rearing conditions and
psychotic condition we now call schizo- confusing familial communication pat-
phrenia. this enigmatic disorder contin- terns, high expressed emotions, socio-
ues to represent one of the most puzzling economic and cultural conditions (refer-
unsolved problems in the whole field of ences see below) —no predominant single
medicine. Even though many biological, "cause" of the multitude of psychotic phe-
social, and psychological factors which in- nomena has so far been identified, nor
fluence its etiology and course have been has an adequate theoretical framework
detected during the last decades — among emerged which would convincingly link

Luc Ciompi, MD, is Professor of Psychiatry and former Director of the Social-Psychiatric University
Clinic of Berne, Switzerland. He has won several international scientific awards, among them the Stanley R.
Dean Award of the American College of Psychiatry, 1986. Address correspondence to Luc Ciompi, M.D.,
Prof. Em. of Psychiatry, Cita 6, La Cour, CH-1092 Belmont-sur Lausanne, Switzerland.
This paper is based on a lecture at the X Ith International Symposium for the Psychotherapy of Schizo-
phrenia, Washington DC, June 12-16, 1994

158 PSYCHIATRY, Vol. 60, Summer 1997


the scattered pieces of biological and psy- In the concept of affect-logic which is to
chosocial knowledge together. be presented in this paper, these three bio-
A certain progress was made, however, logical-psychosocial mediators and their
when George Engel (1977) proposed his bi- interactions play a central role. Inte-
ological-psychosocial model of human grated into a comprehensive psycho-socio-
functioning. Other models specifically biological model of the psyche, with spe-
adapted to schizophrenia promoted an in- cial relevance to schizophrenia, they
tegration of biological and psychosocial provide an empirically grounded theoreti-
approaches – among them the informa- cal link between a wide range of phenom-
tion processing model (Chapman and ena on all three levels mentioned. The con-
Chapman 1973), the stimulus-window cept of affect logic was first proposed by
model (Wing 1975), the vulnerability this author in a book written in German
model (Zubin and Spring 1977), and the (Ciompi 1982, English translation 1988)
stress-diathesis-model (Gottesman and and further developed since (Ciompi 1986,
Shields 1978). Remaining mostly too gen- 1991a, b, 1994). It is based on empirical re-
eral or partial, and additive or summative search in long-term evolution, psycho-
rather than truly integrative, in the sense pathology, and rehabilitation of schizo-
of explaining how specific psychodynam- phrenia (Bleuler 1978; Tsuang, Woolson,
ical, sociodynamical, and biological fac- and Fleming 1979; Ciompi, Dauwalder,
tors actually interact, none of them and Ague 1979; Ciompi 1980, 1988b;
gained general recognition, with the ex- Huber, Gross, and Schuttler 1980; Har-
ception, perhaps, of Zubin's and Spring's ding et al. 1987a, 1987b; McGlashan 1988;
vulnerability model, which will be ad- Marneros et al. 1988), in therapeutic ef-
dressed below. fects of an emotionally relaxing therapeu-
During the last 10 to 15 years, the basic tic setting and style of care (Mosher and
knowledge on psychosocial-biological Menn 1978; Ciompi et al. 1992a, b, 1993a,
interactions has remarkably increased, b), and on a theoretical approach focused
however. At least three fundamental phe- on affective-cognitive interactions, which
nomena, or mechanisms, functioning as integrates central elements of Piaget's ge-
"psychosocial-biological mediators" (Ci- netic epistemiology (Piaget 1977a, b) with
ompi 1989) have been described. First is current psychoanalytical (Kernberg 1976,
the mechanism of neuroplasticity (the fact 1980, 1990), psychological (Zajonc 1980,
that activated synaptic connections are 1984; Lazarus 1982, 1991; Izard 1977,
neurophysiologically reinforced and den- 1993a, b) and biological (Derryberry and
dritic growth is stimulated by repeated Tucker 1992; McNeal 1993; Davis 1994)
action, whereas inactivated connections findings. The overall theoretical frame-
are weakened – a mechanism which is the work is system theoretic (Bertalanffy 1950;
neurophysiological basis of all learning Miller 1975), including current notions on
and memory, and provides a crucial com- self organization and nonlinear (chaostheo-
mon point of impact for both biological retical) dynamics of complex systems far
and psychosocial influences, cf. Haracz from equilibrium (Prigogine et al. 1983; Ha-
1984, Changeux and Konishi 1987). Sec- ken 1982, 1990; Ciompi 1996; Tschacher et
ond is the notion of stress, with its simul- al. 1992, 1996; Ciompi 1996).
taneously biological, intrapersonal, and In the following paper, the basic no-
interpersonal aspects (Seyle 1946, Levi tions of the concept of affect-logic will
1973). Third is the notion of affects, with first be briefly presented. Secondly, its re-
its simultaneous intrapersonal-subj ec- lations to schizophrenia will be outlined.
tive, social and biological points of im- Thirdly, some of its main practical impli-
pact, and its crucial organizing and integ- cations will be summarized.
rating effects on cognitive functions that
are explained below (Zajonc 1980, 1984; BASIC ELEMENTS OF AFFECT-LOGIC
Ciompi 1982/1988, 1991a; Lazarus 1982,
1991; Leventhal and Scherer 1987; Izard The term "affect-logic" is a not entirely
1977, 1993a). satisfactory transposition into English of

PSYCHIATRY, Vol. 60, Summer 1997 159


an appropriate German neologism mean- feeling, thinking and behaving" (or "affec-
ing, simultaneously and with equal tive-cognitive-behavioral systems of ref-
weight, "the logic of affectivity" and "the erence"), which eventually form the essen-
affectivity of logic." It points to the – cer- tial "building blocks" of the psyche, both
tainly not new but, we believe, in its far- on elementary and on complex levels. A
reaching consequences not yet adequately simple example is an acquired reflex of the
understood – central postulate that af- type "burnt children fear the fire" (a
fects (or feelings and emotions) on one German proverb), a complex one is a
side, and cognitive functions (or thinking transference reaction pattern in the psy-
and logic) on the other side, are continu- choanalytical sense (e.g. an anxious-ag-
ally and systematically interacting in all gressive behaviour against all father
normal and in most pathologic mental figures). Self-representations and object-
functions. Affects are operationally de- representations, as described by psycho-
fined as global psychosomatic states of analysts such as Jacobson (1965), Mahler
variable duration and degree of conscious- (1968), and Kernberg (1976, 1980), can
ness, with corresponding psychomotor thus be understood as complex supra-
and (perhaps) expressive behavior. As ordinated "feeling-thinking-behaving-pro-
even indifference, apathy, or the more re- grams" generated through action (which
laxed "neutral" mood of everyday behav- mainly corresponds, here, to interper-
ior correspond to a specific emotional sonal communication). Actually, the
"tuning" of body and mind, it is impossible whole psyche (or the "psychic apparatus",
not to be in a certain affective state. Cog- as Freud preferred to say) appears as a
nitions, on the other side, are defined as complex hierarchy of functionally inte-
the perception and further elaboration of grated affective-cognitive behavioral
sensory differences. And "logic," finally, is "programs," which represent a condensa-
understood in the general sense of "the tion of past action, and provide, simulta-
way cognitive elements are linked to- neously, the relevant basis for all future
gether" – a broad definition which con- perception and action in similar contexts.
duces to the notion of different kinds of The conceptualization of affect logic is
logics, or modes of cognitive functioning, strongly supported by basic neuroana-
in different affective states (see below). tomical and neurophysiological research.
According to the concept of affect logic, Recently detected rich ascending and de-
the enormous variety of normal and scending connections between limbic and
pathological mental phenomena can be paralimbic structures, which generate
understood, on a formal level, as the result and regulate emotions on the one hand,
of specific patterns of complementary in- and, neocortex, thalamus, and hypothala-
teractions between two fundamentally mus on the other hand, provide the neu-
different but obligatorily linked biological ronal basis for continuous interactions
systems. The first is a cognitive and ulti- between emotions, cognitions, sensori-
mately quantifying one, which is primar- motor activity, and hormonal tuning of
ily based on perception and on further pro- the whole body (Panksepp 1982, 1991;
cessing of sensory informations (that is Gainotti 1989; Derryberry and Tucker
differences). The second is an affective 1992; Le Doux 1993; McNeal 1993; Schore
and qualifying one which provides these 1994). Of particular interest is the discov-
cognitions (and the relations between ery of direct connections between thala-
them) with specific emotional connota- mus and amygdalae, allowing for emo-
tions, by linking them with different af- tional emergency reactions to sensory
fective states. Corresponding affective, inputs without previous high-level cogni-
cognitive, and behavioral elements are tive processing (LeDoux 1989, 1993). Dif-
systematically connected through repeti- ferent genetically rooted affect-organized
tive actions and experiences; they are in- neuronal systems, with operationally in-
tegrated into functional "programs for tegrated cognitive, affective, sensori-

160 PSYCHIATRY, Vol. 60, Summer 1997


motor, and hormonal-vegetative compo- graph. In addition, as cognitive informa-

nents, have been identified, or are on the tion processing and affective components
way to being identified, during the last become increasingly observable (e.g. by
10-15 years; among them a so-called re- neuro-imaging or by spectralelectroence-
ward-system characterized by pleasant phalographic methods – see below), the
feelings (Routtenberg 1978), an anger- following seven hypotheses of increasing
aggression system, a fear-anxiety system, specificity may be proposed for further
and a panic system (Panksepp 1982, 1991; neurobiological and neuropsychological
Ploog 1989, 1992). These systems have research (Ciompi 1991a).
privileged relations to certain neurotrans-
mitters: the so-called reward-system to
• affective processes are always coupled
endorphine, the anxiety-panic system to
with cognitive processes, and vice versa
dopamine, the anger-aggressivity system
• different affective states correspond to
to noradrenaline, and the sadness-depres-
different functional states of the brain,
sion system to serotonine (Ploog 1989).
characterised by different modes of in-
The well known projections of the rele-
formation processing
vant neurotransmitter systems toward
• specific affects tend to be related to spe-
distant brain areas provide a functional
cific cognitive contents, and vice versa,
basis for the postulated far-reaching ef-
forming functional affective-cognitive
fects of emotions. By the already de-
scribed phenomenon of neuronal plastic-
• affects and their respective neurophysi-
ity, complex context-specific functional
ological equivalents are involved in the
circuits (or "programs") based on action –
storage of cognitive information
that is, experience–are generated through-
• affects and their respective neurophysi-
out life. Here, too, all the available evi-
ological equivalents are involved in the
dence (especially conditioned reflexes and
mobilization of stored cognitive infor-
other learning phenomena) speaks for the
assumption that relevant emotional com-
• in specific affective states, specific cog-
ponents (and corresponding humoral reac-
nitive contents tend to be mobilized
tions) are functionally associated with
• affects and their respective neurophysi-
context-specific cognitive and behavioral
ological equivalents are capable of in-
patterns. Other biological findings con-
tegrating extended neuronal systems
cerning emotion-dependent information
into operational entities which regulate
processing, learning, and memory, will be
context-specific feelings, thoughts, and
presented below. Furthermore, an ex-
tended body of evidence shows that endor-
phines, related to positive emotions be-
tween mother and child during early Affect-logic, furthermore, postulates
childhood, contribute to the maturation of that affects have not only major energiz-
limbo-frontal connections that are eventu- ing, that is, motivating and mobilizing, ef-
ally of paramount importance for binding fects on cognitions, as claimed by Piaget
patterns and social communication in (1981) and other authors, but also funda-
general (Schore 1994). These findings also mental organizing and integrating func-
support the idea, developed elsewhere (Ci- tions mediated through, at least, the fol-
ompi 1991a), that the hypothesis of an lowing five mechanisms (Ciompi 1989,
obligatory "emotional imprint" in cogni- 1991a; quite similar theses have recently
tive structures would furnish an explana- been advanced by Izard 1993b).
tion of practically all affective-cognitive Firstly, the focus of attention is contin-
interactions postulated by affect logic. uously conditioned by specific emotional
Among these are the systematic organiz- states. These have a decisive influence on
ing and integrating effects of emotions on selection and linkage of cognitive stimuli.
cognitions, presented in the next para- Affective-specific types of thinking and

PSYCHIATRY, Vol. 60, Summer 1997 161


"logic" in the above mentioned sense are mobilization and storage of memory mate-
therefore generated by different emo- rial, are continually directed and condi-
tional states. In addition to conventional tioned by specific underlying states with
forms of logic, which are linked to an aver- clear emotional connotations, e.g. inter-
age state of relaxation, there also exists a est, ambition, or competition. In all kinds
specific "fear-logic", "anger-logic", "sad- of defense mechanisms in the psychoana-
ness-logic", "happiness-logic", etc. lytic sense, too, affect specific organ-
Secondly, storage and remobilization of izational effects (selection, repression,
cognitive material is state-dependent for negation, projection, particular ways of
the same reasons. This is already obvious connecting cognitions, etc.) are at work.
(and largely exploited in advertising) in Fourth, coherence and continuity of
everyday experience. Cognitive informa- cognitive experience are created, both
tion without a specific emotional connota- cross-sectionally (synchronically) and
tion is hardly noticed nor stored, and over time (diachronically), by connecting
state-specific memories are remobilized in cognitive material having common affec-
corresponding moods. State-dependent tive qualities. This mechanism, too, has
learning and memory has actually been high survival value, because it increases
detected by spectral electroencephalo- the probability of activating context-
graphic research showing, for example, appropriate cognitions and behaviors, and
significantly different types of informa- eliminating inappropriate ones.
tion processing in the state of wake, sleep, Fifth, emotional factors also play an im-
dream, psychosis, trance, and drug- portant role in reorganizing cognitive ma-
induced states (Koukkou et al. 1983, terial on higher levels of abstraction, ac-
1986). Five different global cerebral cording to the concept of affect logic. In
states, corresponding to five so-called ba- Piaget's (1977a, b) phenomenon of "major-
sic emotions (interest, fear, aggressivity, izing equilibration," as he calls this pro-
sadness, and joy), have been made out by cess, it is obvious (although neglected by
the same method (Machleidt et al. 1989; Piaget himself) that unpleasant feelings
Machleidt 1992). Affect-specific memori- caused by contradictions or inconsistenc-
zation with integrative functions of af- ies furnish the needed energy for looking
fects has also been demonstrated by ex- for new solutions (a term with clear emo-
perimental work with drug-induced or tional connotations) which, when found,
hypnosis-induced emotions. Cognitively are immediately linked with pleasant feel-
very heterogenous events scattered over ings. More adequate (easier going, more
the whole life, but characterized by com- economical) thinking is pleasant because
mon affective connotations (such as it is tension-reducing. Eventually, differ-
shame, rage, or pleasure) were remem- ent cognitive elements characterized by
bered "en bloc" in corresponding emo- similar pleasant feelings are linked to-
tional states (Grof 1975). gether, and combined into cognitive struc-
Thirdly, an affect-specific cognitive hi- tures of progressively higher orders of
erarchy is generated by activating affect- abstraction (e.g. a new sequence of reason-
congruent cognitions and suppressing ing, a new theory, or overall hypothesis).
non-specific ones. In a fearful situation Thus, common pleasant and unpleasant
caused by a fire, for instance, all other cog- feelings literally guide and connect rele-
nitive stimuli and preoccupations, except vant cognitive elements and disconnect ir-
those directed on salvation, are elimi- relevant ones, and these initially intense
nated. It is obvious that this mechanism and quite conscious feelings (which are
has a high survival value. More subtle stored together with the corresponding
mechanisms of the same type are, how- cognitions) will eventually continue to
ever, also at work in less dramatic situa- manifest themselves in what Freud has
tions. Even in scientific work, for in- called "pleasure of function"– an often
stance, focalization of attention, as well as hardly conscious positive mood which ac-

162 PSYCHIATRY, Vol. 60, Summer 1997


companies all easy going mental (and also vulnerability hypothesis. Secondly, it
psycho-motor) activities. On the other deepens the understanding of psycho-
hand, strongly unpleasant feelings (anger, pathologic core-phenomena such as am-
aggressiveness, sadness, or fear) are im- bivalence, incoherence, or emotional flat-
mediately activated when automatized tening. Thirdly, it generates new hypoth-
cognitive paradigm are suddenly ques- eses concerning the role of nonlinear dy-
tioned and disturbed by contradictory evi- namics in short-term and long-term evolu-
dence. tion of the illness. And finally, it leads to
All these affective-cognitive interac- innovative therapeutic approaches.
tions may be mutually reinforcing, i.e. cir- The psycho-socio-biological model of
cular. They are by no means observed long-term evolution of schizophrenia in
only on the individual level, but also on three phases (Ciompi 1982/1988a, 1988b)
the collective level. Affects are highly con- (cf. Fig. 1) integrates basic notions of af-
tagious, and thus create common global fect logic (especially the concept of inte-
patterns of feeling-thinking-behaving in grated feeling-thinking-behaving programs,
couples, groups, and even in whole na- generated through experience, but also
tions. Extreme examples are collective affected by genetic and other biological
hysteria, panic, aggressiveness, or enthu- factors, as basic "building-blocks" of the
siasm. Goal-directed common actions with- psyche) with essential findings of the re-
out common feelings are practically search in schizophrenia, especially with
impossible, and a common emotional "tun- the discovery of a great diversity of
ing" is the most important precondition long-term courses by recent longitudinal
for cognitively successful communication. studies (among them our own), and of nu-
Affects thus create coherence and conti- merous biological, psychosocial, and ther-
nuity of cognitive experience, not only on apeutic or rehabilitative factors which are
the individual level, but also on the social influencing these courses (see below).
level. Collective storage and mobilization During a first premorbid phase, which
of mnemonic material is also highly influ- lasts from conception until the outbreak
enced by basic emotions, as demonstrated of psychosis, interacting biological and
by the reactivation of emotionally loaded psychosocial factors known for increasing
collective memories (e.g. of injustices or the statistical risk of psychosis (heredity,
triumphs) by nationalistic groups in ap- perinatal traumata – cf. Gottesman and
propriate emotional states. Both on the in- Shields 1978; Kringlen 1986; Shapiro
dividual and on the social level, affects 1993; severe developmental discontinu-
have hence very similar mobilizing, ener- ities – cf. Mednick, Schulsinger, and
gizing, organizing, and integrating effects Schulsinger 1975; Parnas, Teasdale, and
on cognitive material. A somewhat simi- Schulsinger 1985; confusing communica-
lar thesis has already been advanced by tion patterns or other family-related fac-
Collins (1981). tors – see Singer et al. 1978; Tienari et al.
1985) create a specific vulnerability
(Zubin and Spring 1977; Ciompi 1982/
PSYCHOPATHOLOGIC IMPLICATIONS 1988; Nuechterlein and Dawson 1984). By
neural plasticity, all these influences are
Affect-logic has implications in several biologically encoded in the complex hier-
domains of psychopathology. Only those archy of feeling-thinking-behaving pro-
concerning schizophrenia shall be high- grams mentioned above. Biologically root-
lighted here. They include, mainly, the fol- ed neuropsychological deficiencies, as well
lowing four domains. Firstly, affect-logic as severe interpersonal-relational discon-
leads to a psycho-socio-biologically integ- tinuities and conflicting or confusing com-
rative model of long-term evolution of munications, obviously result in a lack of
schizophrenia in three phases which is clarity and operational stability/flexibil-
centered on a modified version of the ity – and hence in reduced functional per-

PSYCHIATRY, Vol. 60, Summer 1997 163


Biological Psychosocial
influences influences

Phase 1

premorbid vulnerability
(Information processing disorder)

Phase 2

Phase 3

severe chronicity
residual states
complete remission

Figure 1
Three-phase-model of schizophrenia (Ciompi 1982/1988)

formances –in important affective-cog- sponds to acute psychotic decompensa-

nitive connections, such as those linking tion, increasing emotional tensions cre-
specific affects to parental images and ated by additional non-specific biological
self-image (object-representations and and/or psychosocial stressors (e.g. hor-
self-representations in the psychoanalyti- monal changings, drug abuse, or leaving
cal sense), to relevant peer-images, or to home, mating, child-birth, etc.) gradually
the representations of important environ- overtax this vulnerable coping system.
ments, activities, and technical objects. At a critical point of tension (which corre-
As will be further discussed below, the sponds to a typical bifurcation in chaos-
main characteristic of the schizophreno- theoretical terms, see below), overall pat-
genic vulnerability may therefore consist terns of affective-cognitive functioning
of a particular lability in affective-cogni- are, more or less suddenly, forced into a
tive connections, which crucially reduces radically different global regime, (e.g. a
information processing capacity, or stress paranoid, hebephreniform, or catatoni-
tolerance, with particularly negative con- form pattern) corresponding to psychosis.
sequences in the vital domains mentioned During the third phase, long-term evo-
above. lution – which is much more variable than
During the second phase, which corre- traditionally assumed – strikingly con-

164 PSYCHIATRY, Vol. 60, Summer 1997


gruent affective, cognitive, and behav- trast, highly restricted and leveled. Even
ioral changes toward restriction and other these apparently stable states–which
negative symptoms take place (which may be understood as biological and/or
speak again for the postulated affective- psychological counterregulations against
cognitive integration and will be analysed the painful lability of the acute phases–
in the next paragraph). According to our can, however, slowly change (intensify or
model, the great diversity of possible evo- vanish) in the long run. But recurrent
lutions observed between recurrent acute acute reactivations show that an underly-
relapses, continuous evolutions, and mild ing emotional-cognitive lability and over-
or severe, stable or unstable residual sensitivity remains present.
states, is mainly determined by variable On the basis of these clinical observa-
interactions between a great number of bi- tions, and the notion of organizing and in-
ological and psychosocial factors which tegrating effects of underlying affective
have been identified for influencing long- states, the hypothesis arises that the typi-
term course. Among these are interacting cally schizophrenic thinking disorders
genetic and environmental factors deter- could be related to a primarily affective
mining premorbid social adaptation, per- disorder, with secondary effects on cogni-
sonality structure, and vulnerability (Tie- tive functions, namely to the already
nari et al. 1985; Kringlen 1986; Ciompi et mentioned lability, or inconsistency, of af-
al. 1979; Ciompi 1980, 1988b; McGlashan fective-cognitive connections in acute con-
19881. familial communication patterns ditions, and a counterregulatory oversta-
(Singer et al. 1978) and "expressed emo- bility in chronic conditions. In other
tions . ' (Leff et al. 1982; Kavanagh 1992), words, not only melancholia and mania,
socio-economical and cultural conditions but schizophrenia as well, may actually be
(WHO 1979; Sartorius et al. 1987), institu- a basically affective rather than a cogni-
tional milieu and care system (Wing and tive disease. This idea is also supported
Brown 1970), and therapeutic and preven- by recent EEG-research focused on the
tive interventions. The concept of affect- role of emotions in schizophrenia, which
logic provides the theoretical framework shows the predominant role played by un-
for integrating all these seemingly hetero- derlying conscious or unconscious anxiety
geneous influences under one common de- (Machleidt, 1989, 1992), and by increasing
nominator: they all have their point of evidence for anatomical and functional de-
impact on the described feeling-thinking- fects in the limbic and paralimbic areas of
behaving programs, and therefore their schizophrenics (Bogerts 1985; Buchs-
neuronal substratum is modified, labi- baum 1990; Shapiro 1993; Davis 1994).
lized. or stabilized by the various influenc- Additional clinical evidence, such as cog-
ing factors. nitive-emotional lability, parathymia, and
Turning now to specific psychopatho- incoherence, manifesting itself mainly
logic manifestations, these organizing during the initial phases of the illness,
and integrating functions of affects on speaks for the same hypothesis. Already,
cognition contribute to explain the strik- Eugen Bleuler (1911) emphasized a partic-
ing parallelism which exists between af- ular loosening of affective-cognitive con-
fective and cognitive aspects in schizo- nections in schizophrenia, and this phe-
phrenic core-phenomena like ambivalence, nomenon could well represent a central
incoherence, or emotional flattening. In element of the still enigmatic schizophren-
ambivalence, for instance, both feelings ogenic vulnerability. Simultaneously, spe-
and thoughts (and behavior as well) be- cific differences between mania, depres-
come highly unstable and finally discon- sion, and schizophrenia thus become
tinuous. In chronic residual states charac- evident. In mania and melancholia, affec-
terized by negative symptoms such as tive-cognitive connections are not too
retreat, apathy, and emotional flattening, loose and unstable, but, on the contrary
both affectivity and cognition are, in con- (at least temporarily), too rigid and unilat-

PSYCHIATRY, Vol. 60, Summer 1997 165

uc c '01\1131
era! in opposite directions. In mania, all cal point, are capable of provoking a non-
cognitive functions are rigidly connected linear shift to psychosis. Furthermore, at
to euphoric affects, and in melancholia to this unstable point of transition, formerly
depressed ones. Again, thinking and be- peripherical cognitive elements (e.g. sub- a
havior are also globally distorted in the liminal thoughts and perceptions, or occa- S
same direction. sional delusional phantasies) may begin
Finally, the proposed notion of the ener- to act as so-called order parameters (for-
gizing, organizing, and integrating func- merly marginal structural elements which z
tions of affects on cognitions, and their can suddenly become dominant) that a
importance in the generation of opera- eventually "enslave" (as Haken calls it) the
tional affective-cognitive systems of ref- overall dynamics of the evolving dynamic
erence, leads to an innovative chaostheo- system.
retical interpretation of the short-term Clinical phenomena at the beginning of
and long-term dynamics of schizophrenia. psychotic decompensations actually show
Chaos theory (and also its more recent de- close analogies to nonlinear processes, as
velopment, complexity theory) offers new described by chaos theory. Particularly
explanations for sudden nonlinear phase striking is the sudden switching of the
transitions, irregular short-term and overall feeling-thinking-behaving pat-
long-term evolutions, and big effects trig- terns toward a new global regime that we
gered by minimal causes (the so called call psychosis. The final switch to it may
"butterfly-effects") appearing under criti- occur under the influence of a minimal but
cal conditions in dynamic systems that critical input (e.g. a critical word, a
are driven far from equilibrium by a con- glimpse, a colored spot, a particular idea),
tinuous input of energy. At a critical which eventually "enslaves" the whole
point, a globally changed pattern of en- field of mental functioning. Rapid ("am-
ergy distribution may emerge (a new "at- bivalent") changes between opposite ways
tractor", or "dissipative structure" in the of feeling, thinking, and behaving may
sense of Prigogine and Stengers 1983). If correspond to typical so-called fluctua-
affects, with their energizing and simulta- tions, preceding bifurcations in chaosthe-
neously organizing and integrating ef- oretical terms. Other phenomena support-
fects on cognitive components, are consid- ing a chaos-theoretical interpretation are
ered as major energy vectors in mental the unforseeable ("chaotic") dynamical
and neuronal systems, then psychotic pat- patterns of short-term and long-term evo-
terns of functioning can be understood as lutions, reflecting psychotic exacerba-
globally modified patterns of energy dis- tions and remissions. Quite similar ideas
tribution – that is, affect distribution and have also been advanced by Globus et al.
affect organization – among available cog- (1993), closely similar evolutionary dy-
nitions, appearing at critical bifurcation namics to our observed long-term evolu-
points under the influence of gradual tion have been produced by an appropriate
overtaxation (Ciompi 1982/1988, 1991b, computer-model (Schiepek and Schoppek
1996). Such phase transitions are fa- 1992), and the first empirical and mathe-
voured, according to the chaostheoretical matical evidence for typically chaotic dy-
concept of synergetics proposed by Ha- namics in psychotic evolutions has been
ken (1982, 1990), by critical modifications detected by our research group (Ambuhl,
of so-called control parameters (basic con- Diinki, and Ciompi 1992; Tschacher et al.
ditions). Clinically, as well as theoreti- 1997; Ciompi 1996).
cally, it seems very likely that unspecific
emotional tensions (such as those created
in a vulnerable individual, e.g. by "high THERAPEUTIC CONSEQUENCES
expressed emotions", or by other psycho-
social or biological stressors) function in Details on a major practical application
mental systems as relevant control pa- of the proposed concepts, namely our now
rameters which, when modified to a criti- 13-year-long pilot-project, "Soteria Berne,"

166 PSYCHIATRY, Vol. 60, Summer 1997


nave already been presented at the last may basically be an affective disease of a
tt two International Symposia on the Psy- particular kind, and that the primary im-
chotherapy of Schizophrenia (Ciompi et pact of neuroleptics may be on the emo-
al_ 1992b. 1993a). Therefore, only some tion-regulating limbic-paralimbic system,
summarizing information concerning this with only secondary effects on cognitive
n project will be given here. One important functioning. This interpretation is further
r- consequence of the proposed hypotheses supported by a controlled study by Hodel
h concerning the fundamental organizing and Brenner (1996), where the basic emo-
.t and integrating functions of affects on tional atmosphere turned out to be more
e cognition is a new emphasis on the basic important for improving the cognitive
emotional atmosphere of therapeutic set- functions of schizophrenics than the spe-
tings. interpersonal approaches, and cific cognitive training methods.
,f treatment methods in general. Partly rep-
V licating — and also partly modifying— a
S first Soteria-House experience realized on CONCLUSIONS
ocher conceptual bases by Mosher and
Mean 11978) in San Francisco, we were ac- In summary, in affect-logic theory, the
tually able to show that, in a therapeutic psyche is understood as a complex hierar-
setting and style of care especially fo- chy of functionally integrated affective-
7 cused on anxiety reduction, emotional cognitive systems of reference (or feeling-
t reiaxation. interpersonal support, and thinking-behaving programs), generated
I protection from affective-cognitive over- through action, which store in their struc-
stimulation, psychotic symptoms can dis- ture relevant past experiences — among
appear within weeks, with no or only mini- them important interpersonal relations.
mal neuroleptic medication. Comparable Their neurophysiological substratum are
two-year results concerning psychopath- corresponding neuronal pathways, mod-
ology. relapse rate, working, and housing eled by neuronal plasticity. These "pro-
situation were obtained with three to five grams" function as a matrix for all further
times lower global doses of neuroleptics information processing and coping. Si-
than in a carefully matched control popu- multaneously, they are the essential point
lation treated with conventional methods of impact for both biological and environ-
Ciompi et al. 1993b). The significantly mental influences of all kind. As affects
more relaxed and supportive emotional at- play a primary role in mobilizing, organiz-
mosphere of the therapeutic environment ing, and integrating cognitive functions,
and style las measured by a German ver- both in normal and in pathologic condi-
sion of the Ward Atmosphere Scale by tions, schizophrenic thought disorganiza-
Moos. 1974) was interpreted as a crucial tion, in particular, could be a secondary
control parameter in the above mentioned effect of primary affective (limbic, para-
sense. favouring return to normal cogni- limbic, or limbo-frontal) disorders and ten-
tive functioning and respectively decreas- sions. The emotional quality of therapeu-
ing the probability of psychotic function- tic settings and proceedings may therefore
ing in vulnerable individuals, thanks to be an essential, but so far rather ne-
the favorable organizing and integrating glected, therapeutic variable.
effects of feelings of confidence, accep- By establishing a theoretical link be-
tance, and security which were systemati- tween a wide range of psychopathologic,
cally built up and stabilized over weeks psychodynamic, and neurobiologic phe-
and months. nomena relevant for schizophrenia which
The similarity of the therapeutic effects have not been sufficiently connected so
of neuroleptics and of a therapeutic set- far, the concept of affect logic leads to an
ting especially designed for emotional re- interactive psycho-socio-biological evolu-
laxation is an additional argument in tionary model of schizophrenia in three
favor of the hypothesis, based on the con- phases, to a new interpretation of the cen-
cept of affect logic, that schizophrenia tral but still enigmatic notion of schizo-

PSYCHIATRY, Vol. 60, Summer 1997 167


phrenic vulnerability, and to innovative number of testable hypotheses concern-

therapeutic approaches, with special em- ing its basic assumptions have been for-
phasis on the emotional atmosphere of mulated above (Ciompi 1991a).
therapeutic settings and methods. Fur- We conclude, finally, that the concepts
thermore, it generates a chaos-theoretical of affect logic seem capable of furnishing
hypothesis of the underlying evolutionary a useful theoretical framework for further
dynamics of the illness that conduces to a research, both in affective-cognitive inter-
new dynamic understanding of pathoge- actions, and in the interactions between
netic processes with interesting therapeu- biological, psychological, and social vari-
tic (and also preventive) consequences. A ables in schizophrenia.


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