Work Immersion Portfolio 3 Lim Andrea

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Student Portfolio
Submitted to the Senior High School Department
My Messiah School of Cavite- Delas Alas Campus
General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for

Work Immersion, Academic Track
Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Strand

Andrea Mae D. Lim

SY. 2022
Name: Andrea Mae D. Lim
Grade Level & Strand: STEM 12
Subject Teacher: Miss Jemmarie B. Martinez

Week 11:

Duration and Place of Work Immersion


March 12, 2022 1:00pm – 5:00pm FEU CAVITE
March 19, 2022 1:00pm – 5:00pm FEU CAVITE


Sir Glen demonstrated the Adobe Photoshop Hotkeys or shortcuts for us to make our activities and
editing more convenient, as well as how to use it, in the first photo, and in the second picture, Sir Glen
discussed conceptual graphics and what they are. Finally, Sir Glen showed us how to create our own
conceptual graphics using a photo of our own.

March 19, 2022 (Saturday)

On Saturday, March 19th, we had our Immersion session once more. Sir Glen discussed dark photo
manipulation and photo editing, as well as the differences between the two. He also explained Conceptual
Graphics and what they signify. Finally, he discussed our activity and its overview, providing an example
for us to follow so that we could understand how to do our activity. He also demonstrated different brush
tools and designs that we could use in our own picture to make the activity look more appealing using
Adobe Photoshop and the tools provided.
Activity 2 Subject edit:

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