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Template No.

Breakout Session :
Implementation During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Name: _________________________________
Designation: ___________________________
SDO: __________________________________
Region: ________________________________

Answer the following questions as indicated:

1. Rate the success of your JDVP Implementation during the COVID19

pandemic, in terms of the following:

Overall Implementation
1 2 3 4

Submission of Documentary Deliverables

1 2 3 4

Delivery of Learning Content

1 2 3 4

Learner Progress
1 2 3 4
**Note: 1 being unsuccessful and 4 being very successful

2. List down below the important criteria you think was most considered (in
your area), in selecting our TVI/HEI Partners during the pandemic.

a. ____________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________________________
d. ____________________________________________________________________
e. ____________________________________________________________________

3. In your abovementioned qualifications, which did you have the most

difficulty in complying with and why? If there was none, which has been
the most convenient for you?


4. What were the steps you took in order to ensure a suitable TRAINING
SCHEDULE for LBs during this time of pandemic?

a. ____________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________________________
d. ____________________________________________________________________
e. ____________________________________________________________________

5. What compromises/arrangements did you make for LB’s with regards to

the unavailability of National Certification Assessments during the

6. Which of the following modalities was/were utilized in your area during
the COVID19 (JDVP Implementation)?


Virtual Online Class – Synchronous

Virtual “Video Based” Learning Sessions – Asynchronous

Limited Face to Face - Traditional

Other Media: ____________________________________________________

7. Did you conduct Limited Face to Face classes during the COVID19
(JDVP Implementation)?

Yes No

If Yes, what steps did you have to take to make it possible? If No, do you
think it is actually possible to be done in your area? How?
8. Which of the following practices was considered and implemented for
learners during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Load/Data Allowances

Complete Training Videos through Online/Offline Drives

Free Assessment for Learners after the Pandemic

Provision (Free) Tools and Equipment for Learners

Lending of Gadgets/Technology

9. Which of the following challenges was greatly experienced in your area

during the COVID 19 pandemic?

Slow/No Internet Connection

Distribution of Consumables and Modules

Unavailability of Gadgets/Technology

Actual Skills Practice

Program Monitoring

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