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airway emergencies (causes, patho, signs and

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1. ALLERGIC REACTION, Exaggerated response of immune 14. what are the signs and SOB, bloated, cyanotic,
ANAPHYLAXIS- what system leading to symptoms for Chronic Brochitis excessive coughing,
does it do? bronchoconstriction, increased clubbed fingers, rhonchi
vascular permeability, vasodilation "blue bloaters" -
and increased GI motility pneumonia risk
2. ARDS (Acute Reactive Affects gas exchange in the lungs. 15. what are the signs and SOB, thin build, pink skin
Airway Disease)- what A form of pulmonary edema that is symptoms for Emphysema color (polycythemia),
does it do? noncardiogenic. Caused by fluid pursed lips, clubbing of
accumulation in the interstitial fingers, barrel chest "Pink
space within the lungs. Results puffers" - pneumonia risk-
from increased vascular Cor pulmonale
permeability and decreased fluid
16. what are the signs and Fever, prolonged illness,
removal from lung tissue
symptoms for Pneumonia malaise, cough
3. ASTHMA- what does it Constriction of bronchioles and
17. what are the signs and Pulmonary edema,
do? increased immune response - leads
symptoms for Pulmonary Hypertension, SOB,
to poor ventilation
Edema/CHF rales/crackles,
4. Causes for Smoking, exposure to toxic diaphoresis, pale skin
18. what are the signs and Sudden onset of severe
symptoms for Pulmonary SOB and acute chest
5. CHRONIC Excessive mucous production by Embolism pain, lung sounds
BRONCHITIS- what goblet cells - leading to poor diminished or clear
does it do? ventilation and diffusion
19. what is an ALLERGIC Exposure to allergen
6. EMPHYSEMA- what Destruction of alveoli - leading to REACTION/ANAPHYLAXIS/what
does it do? poor diffusion of gases causes it?
7. PNEUMONIA- what Infection in lungs leading to 20. what is ARDS (Acute Reactive Many conditions can lead
does it do? fluid/mucous build-up in the lungs Airway Disease) to this including: burns,
- can begin in a small area and traumatic injury,
progress to larger area aspiration, drugs, high
altitude, near drowning,
8. PULMOARY EDEMA - Left side of the heart is an
pneumonia, sepsis,
CHF- what does it do? inefficient pump causing backup of
emboli, and other
fluid to the lungs
medical conditions.
9. PULMONARY Embolus in the pulmonary
21. what is ASTHMA Exposure to a "trigger" -
EMBOLISM- what does circulation limiting blood and
it do? oxygen flow to the lungs - leads
allergy, cat allergy)
to lack of diffusion of gases
22. what is chronic bronchitis? it is more of a ventilation
10. what are the signs and Dyspnea, gradual decline in
symptoms for Acute respiratory status, confusion
Renal Disease agitation. Crackles/rales, low pulse 23. what is emphysema? It is more of a respiratory
ox, tachycardia issue.
11. what are the signs and SOB, rash, itching, hives (urticarial), 24. what is PNEUMONIA Pulmonary infection by
symptoms for Allergic angioedema, cough, sneezing, bacteria, or virus
Reaction wheezing
25. what is PULMOARY EDEMA - Anything that causes
12. what are the signs and SOB, rash, itching, hives, Congestive Heart Failure(CHF) damage or dysfunction to
symptoms for angioedema, cough, sneezing, the left side of heart
Anaphlaxis? hypotension, diaphoresis, pale skin,
13. what are the signs and SOB, cough, wheezing
symptoms forAsthma
26. what is PULMONARY Recent surgery, prolonged immobilization, childbirth, birth control pills and smoking
EMBOLISM/what causes it?
27. what's the treatment plan for O2 - consider CPAP in severe cases, nitroglycerin 0.4mg SL initially followed by 0.8mg x 2 doses in
CHF severe cases, Nitro paste, Captopril 25 mg SL, Lasix .5 - 1.0 mg/kg, Morphine 0.1mg/kg - fluid
challenge and Dopamine in cases of hypotension (rare)
28. what's the treatment plan for O2, Albuterol 2.5 mg/Atrovent 500 mcg Nebulized (up to 2 times, but Albuterol only), or Terbutaline
Emphysema, Chronic .25mg IM or Epi 1:1000 .01mg/kg IM, Dexamethasone 10 mg IV/PO
Bronchitis and Asthma
29. what's the treatment plan for O2, IV get to hospital for antibiotics
30. what the treatment plan for Management of underlying cause, oxygen administration
Acute Reactive Disease
31. what the treatment plan for O2, EPI 1:1000 IM 0.1MG/KG UP TO 0.5MG SINGLE DOSE, (UP TO 3 DOSES), diphenhydramine 25
Allergic Reaction mg - 50 mg IM/IV, Albuterol 2.5mg/Atrovent 500 mcg nebulized, IV , EKG
32. what the treatment plan for consider fluid challenge 20 ml/kg IV fluid bolus, EPI 1:10,000 IV .01mg/kg up to 1 mg (up to 3 doses)
33. what the treatment plan for recognize, O2, IV, Rapid Transport
Pulmonary Embolism(PE)

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