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A. Sets of POPCOM Competencies

1. CORE COMPETENCIES – These competencies relate to POPCOM core values, vision-mission and organization thrusts particularly in
relation to the localization of POPDEV strategies. They apply to all positions in all their conduct as a public employee.

2. ORGANIZATIONAL COMPETENCIES – These competencies are required from most of positions to manage organization’s business
operations towards the localization of POPDEV strategies.

3. LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT COMPETENCIES – These are skills and competencies for efficient management of
organizational resources including people and for effective leadership in achieving program and organizational goals and expected
outcomes particularly within the context of POPDEV localization.

4. TECHNICAL AND SUPPORT COMPETENCIES – These pertains to the knowledge of methods, processes, procedures, and
techniques for conducting a specialized strategy, activity, roles and functions in view of devolution initiatives.

1. Analytical thinking and 6. Documentation and 13. Modeling Self-Mastery 18. Capacity development and training management
decision-making report preparation 14. Adapting and Leading (provinces and HUCs)
2. Client focus and 7. Effective Change 19. Communicating Population Data
responsiveness communication 15. Building Partnerships 20. Communication and Promotional Strategy Planning
3. Gender sensitivity 8. Effective teamwork and and Collaborative 21. Database and Information System Management
(technical competency) collaboration Networks 22. Development of SBCC Materials
4. Professionalism and 9. Facilitating group 16. Performance 23. Delivery of Quality Family Planning Services
integrity 10. Openness and Management and 24. Media Relations Management
5. Population and adaptability Coaching for Results 25. Monitoring and Evaluation
development (POPDEV) 11. Planning and 17. Thinking Strategically 26. Policy and Program Advocacy
program acumen organizing 27. Research
12. Working under pressure 28. Program/Project Development, Planning and
Budgeting (GAD Planning and Budgeting –

GRPopS/integration of POPDEV)
29. Program/Project Management
30. Research Development, Data Analysis and Management
31. Resource Generation and Mobilization
32. Family Planning Supply Chain Management




1. Analytical Thinking and The ability to examine or analyze in detail given ideas, concepts, information, situations and results of
Decision-making certain activity at the national and local levels to identify solutions or make appropriate decisions by
selecting appropriate courses of action to produce positive results.
2. Client Focus and The ability to respond and deliver appropriate services responsive to the needs and expectations of
Responsiveness regional and local clients or beneficiaries or stakeholders.
3. Gender Sensitivity The ability to recognize the differential perceptions, needs, roles, interests and characteristics between
men and women to foster substantive equality and equity in the workplace and community.
4. Professionalism and Integrity The ability to perform functions in an honest, professional and ethical manner guided by ethical
standards of public servant and organizational values, rules and regulations.
5. POPDEV Program Acumen The ability to articulate and contribute to the attainment of the population and development program
objectives and strategies at the national and local levels through the performance of assigned roles and

A.1. Competency Tables


Definition: The ability to examine or analyze in detail given ideas, concepts, information, situations and results of certain activity
and be able to identify solutions or make appropriate decisions to produce positive results.
BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)

Salary Grade SG 1-10 SG 11-17 SG 18-23 SG 24, 27, 30
Salary Grade SG 22 and 25
(REGIONAL): SG 3-8 SG 10-11 SG 15 -16 and 18
Core Description: Ability to recognize Ability to investigate, Ability to determine the Ability to create
problems or issues and gathers, and analyzes trends and patterns of the opportunities and decides
make decisions based on information to understand problems or issues and for the long-term
existing rules and the problem and recommend provides alternative
processes possible solutions solutions with anticipation
of the future
 Follows defined steps or  Consults or verifies with the  Conducts further analysis  Generates systemic
procedures or uses past immediate supervisor on of the situation or issue to solutions to problems to
experiences to address a possible solution of the identify options and reach prevent their recurrence
work problem or make a problems conclusions  Decides willingly, firmly
decision  Solves simple problems or  Determines the trends and and intelligently in difficult
 Identifies the constraints decision dilemmas by patterns of the problems or or ambiguous situations,
and address them within referring to available issues and provide when time is critical
their functions or refer references such as interpretations.
them to supervisors flowcharts, manuals  Recommends possible .
 Consults peers for  Breaks down complex courses of action based on
possible solutions or tasks into manageable in-depth data and
approaches to resolve or parts in a systematic way information analysis
address work issues to work on them and to
come up with


Definition: The ability to respond and deliver appropriate services responsive to the needs and expectations of the clients or
beneficiaries or stakeholders.
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade SG 1-10 SG 11-17 SG 18-23 SG 24-30
Salary Grade SG 3-8 SG 10-11 SG 15 -16 and 18 SG 22, 25
Core Description: Ability to deliver or provide Ability to deliver services Ability to identify and Ability to improve existing
the needed/required and seek client’s feedback recommend areas for systems for the delivery of
services by the clients for the enhancement of improvement in the delivery quality products and
within their tasks or services and products of products or in services that are compliant

functions responding efficiently to to client’s needs and
clients emerging needs requirements
Sample Behaviors:  Efficiently delivers  Consolidates and analyzes  Identifies and analyzes  Reviews existing systems
products or services to client’s feedback emerging client’s needs and institutes actions to
internal and external  Assesses delivery of and uses data to improve improve them towards
clients assigned to services and provides delivery mechanisms client satisfaction
him/her based on existing solutions to problems and  Recommends systemic  Creates a culture of client-
standards and gaps within their solutions to improve the focused and
procedures jurisdictions and functions delivery of products and responsiveness to client’s
 Informs clients on how to  Responds and resolves services within desired needs
access products and client’s more complicated quality
services client’s concerns to ensure  Responds and resolves
 Responds and solves satisfaction client’s concerns that may
client’s concerns within involve agency’s reputation
his/her level and refer to or standards
appropriate supervisor or
section if necessary


Definition: The ability to recognize the various perceptions, needs, roles, interests and characteristics across the entire gender
spectrum to foster substantive equality and equity in the workplace and community.
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade SG 1-10 SG 11-17 SG 18-23 SG 24-30
Salary Grade SG 3,6,8 SG 10,11,15,16 SG 18 SG 22, 25
Core Description: With functional knowledge With in-depth understanding Ability to analyze issues Ability to mainstream gender
and understanding of the and ability to identify and the underlying factors and development actions to
basic gender concepts existing gender issues in the or barriers to gender address promote gender
workplace equality and equity and to equality and equity in the
recommend actions to workplace and programs
address them
Sample Behaviors:  Knows and explains the  Comprehends and  Analyzes prevailing gender  Pursues gender and
basic gender concepts articulates emerging gender norms, behaviors and development
such as the difference issues such as stereotypes within the mainstreaming within the
between sex and gender, stereotyping, gender-bases organization and through organization and in the
gender roles, gender violence (e.g., sexual the programs and develops programs

issues and other harassment), discrimination and implements  Advocates and works with
concepts by reason of sex and other interventions to address other agencies in the
 Avoids actions that manifestations of gender them mainstreaming of gender in
perpetuate stereotyping issues and recommends  Serves as resource other development
and discrimination on the interventions to address persons on gender and initiatives
basis of gender them development concepts
 Leads in GAD planning and


Definition: The ability to perform functions in an honest, professional and ethical manner guided by ethical standards of public
servant and organizational values, rules and regulations.
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade- SG 1-10 SG 11-17 SG 18-23 SG 24-30
Salary Grade SG 22 and 25
(REGIONAL): SG 3-8 SG 10-11 SG 15 -16 and 18
Core Description: Ability to adhere to the Ability to demonstrate the Ability to act within the Ability to be promote a
ethical standards and organization’s Core Values ethical standards of public culture of transparency and
government code of as they relate to one’s own servant and discusses honesty in undertaking
conduct tasks and functions potential ethical problems internal and external
and wrong-doing with business of the organization
employees and responds
Sample Behaviors:  Adheres to the basics of  Performs functions  Recognizes and avoids  Upholds and promotes public
code of conduct and pursuant to the code of conflict between personal interest over and above
ethical standards of public conduct and ethical interest, values and beliefs personal interest at all times
officials and employees standards for public over professional  Serves as role model and
 Follows prescribed servant and the values of responsibilities inspires others in upholding
policies and guidelines set the organization  Guides, implements and the ethics and values of the
forth by the organization  Maintains transparency reinforces policies and organization
and CSC rules and and honesty in dealing internal guidelines in  Enhances systems and
regulations with internal and external strengthening the positive procedures to promote
 Practices honesty and clients values and ethics of the culture of accountability,
accountability in all areas  Confront an erring organization honesty and integrity
of works subordinate or expresses  Promotes transparency,  Creates a climate that

concern about actions by accountability and honesty relentlessly strives for
other staff or officials that at all times excellence
are not within the bounds  Recommends interventions  Reprimands or applies the
of ethical standards. to improve systems and appropriate sanctions to
 Able to maintain policies to promote integrity employees who fail to abide
professionalism in tensed and uphold the ethics and
situations values through due process


Definition: The ability to articulate and contribute to the attainment of the population and development program objectives and
strategies through the performance of assigned roles and functions.
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade SG 1-10 SG 11-17 SG 18-23 SG 24-30
Salary Grade SG 6-8 SG 10-16 SG 18 SG 22-25
Core Description: Ability to articulate Ability to articulate more Ability to provide in-depth Ability to provide clear and
understanding of the basic substantive understanding of technical inputs on the coherent direction and
concepts and strategies of the population program population program thrust for the population
population program program in various level
Sample Behaviors:  Expresses understanding of  Renders technical inputs as  Makes sound judgements  Sets and institutionalizes
the basic concepts and resource persons in in operating the program program direction and
strategies of the POPDEV POPDEV program activities with internal staff and thrusts
program  Prepares technical external partners  Mobilizes internal
 Answers basic queries about documents related to the  Recommends strategies structures and external
the program program and adjusted actions and institutions to pursue and
 Acts and takes appropriate interventions to respond to advance the population
actions aligned with the emerging technical and program.
program in the immediate administrative concerns to  Adapts to emerging
and long-term advance the population contexts and environment
program including the threats and
 Facilitates planning, opportunities that may
designing and monitoring affect the program
of activities to ensure direction.
alignment to program  Makes immediate and
thrusts and direction. strategic decisions to
 Mentors and coach staff to maintain internal capacity
perform and deliver outputs and external support in the
in accordance with the delivery of the program.

program thrusts and



6. Documentation and Report The ability to develop, narrate or document an account of observed situations, events, activities, accomplishments
Preparation and other important information in clearly written form to provide status and information needed for more efficient
7. Effective Communication The ability to listen, respond and express or convey information and messages in verbal and written forms to
others to create understanding.
8. Effective Teamwork and The ability to work in cooperation with other individuals and makes valued contributions to the outputs of others to
Collaboration assist own team to achieve organizational outputs.
9. Facilitating Group The ability to help or facilitate a group in discussing and resolving issues, building understanding and learning and
in making decisions through dialogue and consultative process to increase the group’s effectiveness.
10.Openness and Adaptability The willingness and ability to adapt and adjust to changing environment or situation by embracing new ideas and
thoughts and engaging in continuous learning and dialogue to achieve organizational goal.
11.Planning and Organizing The ability to plan or establish an evidence-based and systematic course of action to accomplish set of objectives,
determine priorities and allocate resources.
12. Working Under Pressure The ability to work with sense of urgency and in organized manner while maintaining standard quality of work to
deliver outputs and priorities within timeline with minimal hazards to oneself, others and the environment.

B.1. Competency Tables


Definition: The ability to develop, narrate or document an account of observed situations, events, activities, accomplishments and other
important information in clearly written form to provide status and information needed for more efficient decision-making.
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade SG 6-10 SG 11-15 SG 18-23 SG 24-30
Salary Grade SG 3-8 SG 10-15 SG 18-22 SG -25
Core Description: Ability to gather and record Ability to document Ability to process and draw Ability to promote knowledge-
data accurately in prescribed proceedings, important conclusions and based decision-making
format/tool agreements and points recommendations from
during discussions data/information from
minutes and reports

Sample Behaviors:  Collects and records  Writes clearly, accurately  Ensures accuracy and  Uses data and information
needed data through and coherently in narrative coherence of reports and and documentations/
prescribed format or form proceedings (i.e., documentations proceedings in making
templates minutes of meeting) and  Processes data/information strategic and higher level of
 Takes note simple important agreement during into knowledge to aid decisions or course of
agreements and important discussions decision-making processes actions
points during discussions  Organizes, presents and  Designs and creates  Ensures integration and use
provides simple discussion mechanisms, templates and of data and information into
of data or information to tools for generating and a functional and efficient
provide status of activities reporting data for different knowledge management
needed for decision-making uses system


Definition: The ability to listen, respond and express or convey information and messages in verbal and written forms to others to create
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade SG 6-10 SG 11-15 SG 18-23 SG 24-30
Salary Grade SG 3-8 SG 10-15 SG 18-22 SG -25
Core Description: Ability to converse and Ability to effectively discuss Ability to communicate in Ability to clearly convey and
discuss with peers and and communicate in verbal verbal and written forms with motivate internal and
supervisors in ways that and written forms to all internal and external external stakeholders into
support transactional and levels of colleagues and stakeholders strategic and strategic and institutional
administrative activities external stakeholders for management-related concerns actions
program coordination
Sample Behaviors:  Listens to and understands  Interprets messages into  Explains complex ideas (i.e.,  Creates an environment
instructions and information simpler, understandable highly technical, policies, that encourages open
 Conveys key and simple manner (decoding) strategies, etc.) at a level communication among
messages to peers, clients  Clarifies and summarizes appropriate to the audience peers, staff, clients and
and supervisors effectively discussions, providing  Uses techniques such as other stakeholders to
 Participates in discussions, insights on underlying persuasion and reason to address communication
expresses clearly ideas, issues create or improve issues and align efforts to
views and opinions related to  Drafts technically and understanding and effective organizational goals
the topic grammatically sound support  Directs the manner by
written letters and  Devises improvements to which communication

correspondence communication systems and should flow and be
practices within and across exercised within the
teams in order to improve organization
clarity and reception of


Definition: The ability to work co-operatively with other individuals and makes valued contributions to the outputs of others in order to
assist own team to achieve organizational outputs.
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade SG 1-10 SG 11-15 SG 16-18 SG 19-24
Salary Grade SG 3-8 SG 10-15 SG 16-18 SG 19-22
Core Description: Ability to perform assigned Ability to work with a wide Ability to clarify roles, Creates and continually
tasks and roles as a team variety of different people on generate commitment and improves environment and
member different tasks and to mobilize collaboration among opportunities for team work
contribute in accomplishing team members and collaboration
team tasks
Sample Behaviors:  Knows and performs  Consciously performs tasks  Organizes institutional  Sets the environment and
individual tasks and to contribute to desired objectives and breaks them culture for teamwork and
deliverables team outputs into individual’s collaborative actions
 Participates in collaborative  Cooperates with other accountability  Acts on issues that affect
activities by sharing ideas, team members  Establishes arrangements productive working
comments and clarifications  Considers other person’s for collaboration, cooperation relationships and responds to
 Updates peers and superiors concerns and conflicting and mutual trust and respect it objectively
on work matters, consulting interests and arrives at a  Encourages collaboration  Encourages sharing of
or gathering input from consensus to reduce through the creation of experiences, knowledge and
colleagues when unsure discord structures such as best practices to facilitate
what to do  Handles challenging or committees, project teams, teamwork across functions.
tensed interpersonal and partnerships among  Displays tact and diplomacy
situations with diplomacy team members when interacting with people
and tact  Practices win-win approach from diverse backgrounds
in resolving differences
between or among co-
workers and arrives at
mutually beneficial and

agreeable solutions


Definition: The ability to help or facilitate a group in discussing and resolving issues, building understanding and learning and in making
decisions through dialogue and consultative process to increase the group’s effectiveness.
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade SG 9-10 SG 11-15 SG 16-18 SG 19-24
Salary Grade SG 6-10 SG 11-15 SG 16-18 SG 19-22
Core Description: Ability to express ideas to Ability to encourage Ability to build common Ability to increase group’s
contribute to the attainment of participation of participants understanding of the issue effectiveness through
group discussions to group discussions and build consensus towards dialogue and consultations
agreed actions
Sample Behaviors:  Makes everyone in the group  Sets objectives of the  Generates various  Sets the agenda for
comfortable, recognized and meeting or the gathering perspectives from the discussion and the culture
valued and encourages participants in relation to the for open dialogue
 Shows respect and participation from everyone agenda and synthesizes  Uses the various inputs
recognizes everyone’s ideas  Responds and clarifies them into consensus or from the participants to
and opinions basic issues and concerns  Responds to basic and instill ownership and
 Interacts with participants to from the participants to complex questions to clarify commitment for agreed
establish rapport level-off on concepts and and help participants to have actions and interventions
agenda relevant ideas and decisions  Summarizes and
 Effectively elicits ideas from processes ideas into
group members institutional agreement and
 Summarizes responses or arrangements towards a
ideas and organizes them collective action
into common categories to
establish similarities and
patterns needed to reach
consensus or agreements


Definition: The ability and willingness to adapt and adjust to changing environment, circumstance or situation by exercising openness
and embracing new ideas and thoughts and engaging in continuous learning to achieve organizational goal
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)

Salary Grade SG 1-10 SG 11-17 SG 18-23 SG 24-30
Salary Grade SG 1-10 SG 11-17 SG 18-21 SG 22-25
Core Description: Ability to adjust means to Ability to recognize need to Ability to work through Creates an environment that
perform tasks based on adjust work and to initiate situations or issues involving encourages openness and
emerging contexts appropriate more responsive ambiguity or setbacks by capacity to introduce
actions systematically evaluating innovations and adaptability
options and establishing more to changing contexts to
strategic alternative actions achieve organization goals
Sample Behaviors:  Listens to others’ points of  Acknowledges that people  Listens to others’ ideas to  Creates an environment
view without bias and are entitled to their come up with original and that leads to openness and
judgement opinions, and accepts that new alternatives acceptance
 Adjusts ways of performing they are different  Thinks of new and different  Recognizes changing
tasks to make it more  Recognizes factors within ways of accomplishing tasks cient’s expectations and
responsive to emerging the environment and with his/her staff to adapt to responds quickly to new
environment assesses or anticipates its certain changes approaches and takes the
impact on current ways of  Generates and processes necessary steps to meet
doing things learning from implemented new standards
 Adjusts ways of performing adjustments and  Develops and implements
tasks to more effectively recommends long-term or systemic solutions to
respond to change systemic solutions to mitigate addressing unanticipated
risks and unanticipated risks


Definition The ability to plan or establish an evidence-based and systematic course of action to accomplish set of objectives, determine
priorities and allocate resources.
Salary Grade SG 1-10 SG 11-17 SG 18-23 SG 24-30
Salary Grade SG 6-8 SG 9-17 SG 18-21 SG 22-25
Core Description Ability to effectively organize Ability to determine and Ability to design and develop Ability to lead strategic
and perform assigned works organizes activities into tasks activities to deliver planning and direction
or tasks to facilitate accomplishment institutional objectives based setting in the development
of plans on analysis of relevant of strategies and
information and ensure interventions
implementation of plans

 Effectively participate in  Effectively conceptualizes  Develops plans, strategies  Sets overall direction and
routine planning activities and organizes activities into and targets and assigns framework for planning and
related to work tasks with consideration of work or goals to individuals Develops systems for
 Effectively organizes and the length and complexity of to effectively implement the evidence-based and
plans how to implement tasks, processes and plan. consultative mechanisms
assigned tasks based on projects.  Efficiently leads and  Facilitates generation of
available resources  Uses simple tools or methods explains to staff in ideas and establishes
 Keeps appropriate people to delineate tasks and assessing information and alternative courses of
informed about progress on identifies responsible staff, in determining action for integration for the
tasks/projects resources and timelines in corresponding course of overall program and
accordance to the plan. action to ensure that the operational direction.
 Effectively implements and plans and projects are in  Creates enabling
monitors the activities leading coherence with the environment and strategic
to the delivery of outputs in objectives. actions for the efficient
accordance to the objectives  Conducts constant review implementation of planned
of the plan/project. of plans, identifies issues, projects to office mandate,
 Ability to analyze multiple anticipates potential objectives and goals.
processes and systems difficulties, and adapts to  Evaluates and adapts to
simultaneously. changing context within emerging social, legal, and
which projects and political contexts that affect
activities are being the plan of the
implemented. organization.


Definition: The ability to work with sense of urgency and in organized manner while maintaining standard quality of work to deliver
outputs and priorities within timeline with minimal hazards to oneself, others, and the environment.
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade SG 1-10 SG 11-17 SG 18-23 SG 24-30
Salary Grade SG 6-9 SG 10-17 SG 18-21 SG 22-25
Core Description: Ability to deliver tasks within Ability to work at a higher Ability to systematically Ability to create enabling
set timelines and quality level, be it quality or speed, organize works and and learning work
standards to deliver quality outputs deliverables within the team environment for peak
despite the emerging to produce it on time and performance within given
pressure within his/her within standards timelines and quality
environment standards

 Knows the tasks and  Organizes and prioritizes  Organizes tasks effectively  Sets clear direction from
outputs that need to be urgent and important works in crisis, emergency or any which institutional and
delivered within given  Remains objective and situations with high external individual tasks are drawn
timeline focused even when under pressures  Reviews and institutes
 Works with minimum considerable pressure or in  Keeps negative emotions in office arrangements to
supervision crisis situations check even in highly charged enable sections and
 Seeks guidance from  Encourages critical feedback situations individuals to deliver the
supervisors in delivering from co-workers and  Converts negative tasks under given
considers these situations/atmosphere into pressures
the needed outputs
constructively helpful, positive and  Creates supportive and
 Produces/provides the
 Encourages others to productive settings responsive programs for
expected outputs when
response positively to  Retains an objective and individuals experiencing
under reasonable pressures and setbacks
problems and challenges at positive self-image even
pressure or in crisis work when receiving  Inspires the organization to
situations feedbacks/criticisms maintain a positive mindset
 Accepts inputs on how to amidst the challenges.
improve work from peers
and supervisors without
becoming hostile or
overly defensive



1. Modeling Self-Mastery The ability to recognize strengths and weaknesses, expresses self-esteem and control over decisions and
continuously improve oneself towards efficient and effective attainment of organizational goals.
2. Adapting and Leading Change The ability to engage and enable internal groups and external stakeholders to understand, accept or own and
commit to change agenda in consideration of evolving political, environmental, socioeconomic, technological, and
social contexts for the program and organization.
3. Building Partnerships and Networks The ability to build and maintain a network of reciprocal, high trust, synergistic working relationships within the
organization and across government, partners, stakeholders and relevant sectors to collectively achieve a
common goal.
4. Performance Management and The ability to create a high performing organizational culture that is purpose driven, results based, client focused
Coaching for Results and team oriented through effective and enabling coaching and mentoring.
5. Thinking Strategically The ability to see “the big picture,” create a shared vision, and to influence others to make decisions that enhance
the prospects for the organization's long-term success while maintaining short-term efficiency.

B.1. Competency Tables


Definition: The ability to recognize strengths and weaknesses, expresses self-esteem and control over decisions and continuously
improve oneself towards efficient and effective attainment of organizational goals.
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade: SG 18-19 SG 20-22 SG 23-24 SG 27, 30
Salary Grade SG 15 -16 SG 18 SG 22 SG 25
Core Description: Ability to articulate Ability to articulate Ability to demonstrate Ability to demonstrate a high
awareness and insightful consistently knowledge and consistently and firmly level of self-esteem, sense of
understanding of one’s acceptance of one’s established individual purpose, principles and values
strengths, attributes, principles, values and principles, values and and continuing actualization of
personalities, tendencies, purpose and applies them in purpose and continuously potentials and creates an
values and beliefs and the performance of develop self to effectively enabling environment for or
willingness to further individual roles and lead people guides staff to achieve their
discover one’s self functions potentials
Sample Behaviors:  Articulates a level of  Acts on actions and in all  Consistently makes  Exhibits high level of self-
understanding about self situations based on one’s decisions and actions esteem and self-acceptance
– strengths, tendencies, principles, values and based on personal while pursuing continuous

potentials purpose in consistent principles, values and self-learning
 Exhibits interest in self- manner. purpose and stands by  Expresses personal vision and
reflection and discovery  Articulates personal vision them amidst challenging engages staff towards an
 Displays openness to and purpose and aligns oppositions organizational shared vision
feedback and exerts effort them with that of the  Recognizes owns  Makes decisions based on
to improve self organization and works with strengths and weaknesses established principles and
 Expresses emotional staff for self-discovery and explores opportunities values that are aligned with
response to challenging  Exhibits ability to control to improve one’s self that of the organization and as
situations emotion during stressful  Exhibits control of a public servant
 Expresses and works on and challenging situations emotions and makes  Identifies and reflects on
individual vision and  Welcomes, accepts and rational decisions in existing mental models and
attainment of potentials works on feedback to challenging and tensed seek knowledge and actions
 Demonstrates individual improve one’s self situations to enhance those that
values and principles  Engages in activities that  Articulates existing mental contribute to self-mastery
aligned with aims to improve self- models to check its  Embraces errors and learns
organizational values knowledge and self-esteem. alignment with from them
 Expresses one’s self with organizational values.  Spouses and creates culture
esteem  Guides the team into self- and environment for a learning
discovery and organization
enhancement through
coaching and mentoring


Definition: The ability to engage and enable internal groups and external stakeholders to understand, accept or own and commit to
change agenda in consideration of evolving political, environmental, socioeconomic, technological, and social contexts for
the program and organization.
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade: SG 18 SG 22 SG 24 SG 27, 30
Salary Grade SG 15 SG 18 SG 22 SG 25
Core Description: Ability to recognize and Ability to initiate dialogue Ability to create environment Ability to communicate the
articulate the rationale and that encourages team that is conducive for reflective need for organizational
urgency of needed changes members to commit, own, dialogue and conversations change and inspires the
and cooperates to make it accept and contribute to the with internal and external organization to institute the
happen change stakeholders in recognizing needed change or new
and adapting to needed agenda

Sample Behaviors:  Alerts the unit/section to  Explains the need for  Constructs strategies, plans  Collaborates with
opportunities and issues change among staff and and programs to anticipate management teams to
relating to the organization colleagues and address changing position the organization in
 Collects useful information to  Listens to people’s priorities, emerging trends, seizing opportunities,
manage the change, expectations and concerns challenges and opportunities minimizing threats/risks
assesses people’s reception with respect to the change  Elicits support and and effectively meeting
and recommends process to build positive contributions of work teams future demands and
alternatives to make the relationships with team and other key stakeholders evolving needs of partners
change implementation more members, stakeholders to successfully implement and stakeholders
appropriate and clients. change initiatives.  Sets conditions for
 Adheres to applicable and  Identifies areas in which  Communicates the vision engagement in all change
stated or communicated one’s own capabilities and change agenda with processes, to facilitate
processes, policies and complement others in clarity, enthusiasm and partnership, secure
assigned work in the managing the change conviction to promote commitment and sense of
implementation of change process sustained and successful ownership for the change
 Documents new processes implementation of change agenda
and practices as a result of  Meets the challenges of  Allocates appropriate
the change agenda change on one’s role or resources to support and
team work and encourages implement change
and supports others to do  Creates conditions within
the same the organization that will
encourage others to meet
challenges of change and
commit to innovation and
continuous improvement in
work performance across
the organization


Definition: The ability to build and maintain a network of reciprocal, high trust, synergistic working relationships within the
organization and across government, partners, stakeholders and relevant sectors to collectively achieve a common goal.
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade SG 18-19 SG 20-22 SG 23-24 SG 27, 30
Salary Grade SG 15 -16 SG 18 SG 22 SG 25
Core Description: Ability to engage into Ability to move the Ability to facilitate dialogue Ability to create and sustain an
dialogue and discussions conversation from talking and discussions to create environment for dialogue and

with internal and external nice to reflective and synergy and consensus synergies towards a long-term
stakeholders to stimulate generative dialogue institutional arrangements and strategic mutual
open and trusting institutional arrangement
Sample Behaviors:  Monitors partnership  Consults and collaborates  Elevates discussion and  Sets the climate or culture as
arrangements to ensure with partners or dialogue into concrete well as standards, policies and
that the objectives of the stakeholders in the results or agreed guidelines for collaboration
partnership remain on development and institutional arrangements with team, partners or other
target implementation of shared and accountability/ stakeholders across
 Listens actively and goals and outputs ownership government and relevant
shares information and  Encourages everyone to  Uses knowledge and a sectors to achieve strategic
resources as appropriate engage into communication strong grasp of key issues priorities and shared goals.
to demonstrate openness or dialogue towards mutual in providing  Creates and sustains
 Participates during understanding recommendations to opportunities for dialogue and
dialogue and discussion  Responds to feedback from engage and achieve synergies towards a long-term
by providing own valuable members, partners or other positive outcomes among and strategic mutual
and relevant perspectives stakeholders members, partners or other institutional arrangement
on the agenda  Applies tact and diplomacy stakeholders  Navigates high risk, complex
 Participates and works in knowing what to say,  Maintains positive and or contentious situations
efficiently with partners in when and to whom and how productive working across the government and
the implementation of joint to communicate messages relationships with the team, relevant sectors using
initiatives or common in a way that will gain partners or other innovative influencing
objectives support stakeholders, despite strategies
 Presents potential solution diversity of ideas, attributes  Models the value and
to resolving issues at hand. or complexities  Coaches others in creating
 Resolves conflicts, and sustaining partnership
disagreements and and collaboration.
differing interests among
team members, partners or
stakeholders in a win-win


Definition: The ability to create a high performing organizational culture that is purpose driven, results based, client focused and team
oriented through effective and enabling coaching and mentoring.
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade: SG 18-19 SG 20-22 SG 23-24 SG 27, 30
Salary Grade SG 15 -16 SG 18 SG 22 SG 25

Core Description: Ability to create and Ability to use coaching tools Ability to enable and Ability to establish enabling
maintain a supportive and and techniques to help the empower staff in making culture and environment for
trusting working individual or team meet responsive decisions based peak performance through
environment to produce developmental and on their roles and effective coaching and
planned results performance goals capabilities mentoring
Sample Behaviors:  Provides timely, concrete,  Engages others from the  Adjusts style/stance from  Integrates the key principles
evidence-based and team to provide timely, directing to empowering, supporting a performance-
behavioral feedback concrete, evidence-based based on the capabilities based culture into the
during performance feedback to improve the and motivation of the organization-wide
management performance of staff, team employee, providing performance management
conversations or group. examples of behavior system, aligned with relevant
 Asks questions that help  Develops new/enhances consistent with goal civil service laws and rules
clarify and reflect on existing tools to get more achievement. and regulations.
goals, roles, issues and accurate and relevant data  Guides a coachee to  Creates the organizational
realities to enable that will help improve propose and choose conditions including policies
coachee realize doable individual or team performance improvement and guidelines necessary to
action to improve performance and reach solutions given the encourage and support
performance achievable and specific organizational goals, leadership and management
 Gives genuine workplace goals of an priorities, outcomes and teams to adopt and
acknowledgement of a employee. the coachee’s work consistently practice to
person’s qualities and  Uses coaching tools and context. achieve public service
feedback on techniques to help the  Tailor fits the coaching and performance standards.
developmental needs individual or team meet performance management  Enables the leadership and
 Communicates standards developmental and process/practice to the management teams (and self)
and expectations for performance goals. unique needs of the to effectively and consistently
mutual support and  Guides the employees to coachee, mentee or apply the principles,
respect and open and arrive at a course of action employee. processes and key practices
honest relationship. of their own choosing to  Practices non-judgmental of coaching (e.g. listening with
 Acknowledges mistakes reach his/her performance and facilitative actions (e.g. respect and empathy, asking
and learns from them goals for the division. empathetic listening, rich and high gain questions,
through self-reflection. asking rich and high gain encouraging mutual respect
questions). and support, etc.).


Definition: The ability to see “the big picture,” create a shared vision, and to influence others to make decisions that enhance the
prospects for the organization's long-term success while maintaining short-term efficiency.
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)

Salary Grade SG 18-19 SG 20-22 SG 23-24 SG 27, 30
Salary Grade SG 15 -16 SG 18 SG 22 SG 25
Core Description: Ability to describe how Ability to consider and Ability to map out causal Ability to set the strategic
each structure, process generate various interrelationships of certain direction of the organization
and program components perspectives and contexts actions and various sub- based on various prevailing
interrelate to the whole including own mental systems within the and emerging contexts, mental
organizational programs models in understanding the organization and the models and perspectives
and processes pros and cons of certain contexts in which it
situations operates
Sample Behaviors:  Articulates to others the  Communicates the  Explains the linkages and  Focuses on the impact of
vision, mission, values, alignment of the roles and interactions among various certain actions into the “bigger
objectives and purposes performance commitment of functional areas, systems picture” to make more
of the organization the Section or Office targets and processes of the strategic solutions
 Describes how different based on the organization’s organization/agency,  Aligns strategies and
divisions, sections or units vision, mission, values, including the interface with development plans to the
work together and how objectives and purposes clients, partners and other national development agenda
they contribute towards  Thinks “outside the box” by stakeholders. and whole of government
the attainment of shared coming up with innovative  Evaluates changes in the agenda
goals ideas and methods of doing operating environment and  Analyzes multi-dimensional
 Articulates prevailing and things applies knowledge when aspects and impacts of
emerging internal and  Uses appropriate resources exercising and emerging issues, future
external contexts or in accordance with the recommending sound trends, potential challenges
events and how this factor office work plan, judgement in identifying and opportunities and how
in within the program and organizational priorities and range of solutions or these can affect organization’s
organizational systems regulatory courses of action. systems, processes, people,
standards/procedures  Cultivates an open programs and services
 Triggers and encourages environment where staff  Negotiates the provision of
dialogue and consultative members feel free to do resources within the
process to generate various discuss different things and organization and with relevant
perspectives other than try out new and different bodies by identifying and
own ways of doing things. exploring potential sources of
 Gathers relevant  Synthesizes different additional resources
information to understand perspectives, views,  Provides quality judgement
the program and mental models and and strategic advice to senior
organizational processes to opinions into integrative leadership and relevant
have a deeper and broader action. government instrumentalities,
perspective based on analysis of the wider



1. Communicating Population Data The ability to convey or communicate population-related data either in written or verbal means/format in a way that
it is fully understood and comprehended by the identified target audience to build awareness and/or to elicit
intended actions or behaviors towards the attainment of population management goals and objectives.
2. Communication and Promotional The ability to identify and analyze prevailing and emerging communication issues and efficiently reach target
Strategy Planning audiences using effective communication media, strategies and channels to improve their awareness and
knowledge to take appropriate actions towards improved policy environment and community support to population
3. Database and Information System The ability to identify and gather information needs and organize appropriate and efficient system and technology
Management for storing, encoding and processing of data and information for use in various decision-making processes and
4. Development, Production and The ability of planning, designing and producing communication strategies, approaches and methods that aim to
Dissemination of Social and increase the awareness and capacity of identified target to make informed decisions particularly on population-
Behavior Change Communication related concerns through print, audio, video, social media and other interactive platforms.
(SBCC) Materials
5. Delivery and Management of The ability to plan, organize, coordinate and provide leadership in a variety of health service settings to contribute
Primary Health Care Services to the attainment of identified health outcomes.
6. Delivery of Quality Family The ability to deliver or provide accurate family planning information and counseling to clients for them to decide
Planning Services on their preferred methods, assessment of the medical condition and needs of the clients, safe and quality family
planning commodities or services, management of complications and adverse reactions based on existing clinical
standards, referral services and follow-up of clients.
7. Media Relations Management The ability to work with media for the purpose of informing the public of the program’s advocacies and key
messages in a positive, consistent and credible manner.
8. Monitoring and Evaluation The ability to design and undertake systematic process of collecting, analyzing and using information to track the
progress of program interventions and organizational operations toward reaching its objectives and to guide
management decisions.
9. Policy and Program Advocacy The ability to persuade and generate support, budget, programs and strategic actions from executives, legislators
and decisionmakers in creating and improving the policy environment for the population management program.
10. Policy Research, Analysis and The ability to develop policy directions and options in addressing critical population issues/concerns at the national
Development and sub-national level based on in-depth situational and policy research and analysis.
11. Program/Project Development, The ability to identify and design strategic and specific interventions and efficiently allocated available resource
Planning and Budgeting based on in-depth analysis of the situation and based on existing government budgeting process.
12. Program/Project Management The ability to effectively manage the various aspects of a project and activities in order to achieve its objectives

and to produce its intended outcomes within the specified period, while ensuring optimum use of resources.
13. Research Development and The ability to identify research needs or agenda, design methodologies for gathering needed information, interpret
Management and analyze data and information, identify patterns and corresponding solutions and ensures efficient conduct of
all research activities to attain its objectives.
14. Resource Generation and The ability to identify, engage with relevant institutions and secure new and additional resources and to use
Mobilization existing resources more efficiently and optimally to support program strategies and organizational operations.
15. Family Planning Supply Chain The ability to actively and efficiently manage the supply chain activities that include sourcing, warehousing,
Management logistics distribution, information systems management to maximize value and achieve a sustainable supply of
family planning and other relevant commodities.

D.1. Competency Tables


Definition: The ability to convey or communicate population-related data either in written or verbal means/format in a way that it is
fully understood and comprehended by the identified target audience to build awareness and/or to elicit intended actions
or behaviors towards the attainment of population management goals and objectives.
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade SG 11 SG 15 SG 18-22 SG 24
Salary Grade SG -11 SG 15 SG 18 SG-22
Core Description: Ability to interpret and Ability to accurately Ability to discuss, present Ability to elicit desired
convey simple population- articulate population-related or convey population-data action from decision-makers
related data in her/his own data into a more with decision-makers and stakeholders in relation
words understandable and effective to the population data
Sample Behaviors:  Articulates basic  Packages population-  Ensures the coherence,  Elaborates existing
understanding of related data into a narrative accuracy and population policies and
population data into form using appropriate effectiveness of key strategies by responding
simple interpretations and media or presentations messages and the format accurately to complex
presentations (e.g., graphs, graphics, used with the population- questions and clarifications
 Constructs simple texts, audio, video, press related data based on on presented population
messages from available release, scripts, and other target audience and data to set overall policy
population-data into types of IEC or advocacy communication objectives  Creates opportunities to
various forms including materials).  Facilitates and ensures the engage stakeholders
concept notes, press  Checks the accuracy of the accurate development of including the media and

releases, policy briefs, population data as basis for communication materials decision-makers in
creative scripts or the key messages including training modules discussing population data
narratives, articles, and  Contributes in the and manual ensuring to elicit intended actions
other formats development of appropriate construction of (e.g., partnership, policy
communication materials key messages improvement, public
including training modules  Provides overall technical support, etc)
and manual ensuring guidance in the design and
appropriate construction of development of effective
key messages. communication strategies
and activities for conveying
population data towards
specific communication


Definition The ability to identify and analyze prevailing communication issues and efficiently reach target audiences using effective
communication media, strategies and channels to increase awareness and knowledge and to take appropriate actions
towards improved policy environment and community support to population outcomes.
Level BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade SG 11 SG 15 SG 18-22 SG 24
Salary Grade SG -11 SG 15 SG 18 SG-22
Core Description Ability to explain and Ability to identify and Ability to review, enhance Ability to provide overall
contribute to the different generate needed data/ and ensure the coherence of direction, policies and
steps of communication information and to facilitate communication and guidelines in the
planning the conduct of the various promotional strategies development or planning of
steps of communication identified in the plan communication and
planning and promotional promotional strategies
strategy development within the broader
framework of the population
and development program
Sample Behaviors  Articulates understanding  Conducts situational  Provides technical inputs in  Sets overall direction,
of basic population issues analysis to identify each step of the priorities and policies that
needing communication communication issues and communication planning guides the communication
interventions facilitates the setting up of process planning process including
 Accomplishes assigned desired behaviors or  Synthesizes inputs from its continual improvement
tasks in contribution to communication objectives various stakeholders and  Directs the adjustment of

the communication  Facilitates the participants in a coherent the communication plan
planning process development of core communication plan and strategies based on
 Performs basic messages for each target  Reviews and ensures the emerging contexts
identification of audience coherence of the various (political, socioeconomic,
communication issues,  Leads the identification of components of the draft demographic, etc.,).
analysis of the target innovative communication communication plan
audience, development of channel, media and  Continuously assess the
core messages and strategies effectiveness of
strategies using  Facilitates the communication strategies
appropriate channel and development of monitoring and recommends
media and evaluation framework appropriate interventions or
for to measure adjustments
implementation of
communication plan.


Definition: The ability to identify and gather information needs and organize appropriate and efficient system and technology for
storing, encoding and processing of data and information for use in various decision-making processes and activities.
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade SG 11 SG 15 SG 19 SG 24
Salary Grade SG-22
(REGIONAL): SG -11 SG 15 SG 18
Core Description: Ability to process, maintain Ability to initiate, contribute Ability to conceptualize and Ability to provide overall
and make basic analysis of and manage the design and oversee the development, direction, policies and
data using existing development of a database management and utilization guidelines in the
database and information and information system of database and information development of database
system based on information need system based on identified and information system
(for CO) data and information needs within the information needs
Ability to maintain, utilize or of the program and of the program and
troubleshoot and organization organization
recommend enhancement of
the database and information
system based in information
need (For RO)
Sample Behaviors:  Efficiently encodes, stores,  Assesses completeness and  Manages systems and  Sets the overall direction for
retrieves and process data accuracy of database and databases including data an integrated data and
using existing database information system and collection, editing and information system to

and information systems various outputs verification, database support decision-making
 Organizes the procedures  Recommends improvement security, availability, processes
that affect the database, and upgrading of existing recoverability and  Creates opportunities for the
such as back-up and database to make it more performance optimization promotion and utilization and
recovery procedures efficient for decision-making  Identifies complex continual improvement of
database problems and data and information
reviews related information systems to improve program
to develop and evaluate implementation
options and implement
 Facilitates
conceptualization, design,
development, pilot-testing,
installation and
maintenance of database
and information system


Definition: The ability of planning, designing and producing communication strategies, approaches and methods that aim to
increase the awareness and capacity of identified target to make informed decisions particularly on population-related
concerns through print, audio, video, social media and other interactive platforms.
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade SG 11 SG 15 SG 18-22 SG 24
Salary Grade SG -11 SG 15 SG 18 SG-22
Core Description: Ability to design, layout Ability to conceptualize the Ability to set the overall Ability to provide overall
and draft SBCC materials overall design, messages or framework, concept, key technical direction, policies
based on approved key contents and format of the messages, target audience, and guidelines in the
messages, contents and SBCC material based on in- communication objectives development of SBCC
format depth analysis of the and other important materials based on program
communication issues and components of the SBCC priorities, objectives and
target audience materials to guide its actual thrusts
Sample Behaviors:  Demonstrates basic skills  Identifies the data needed  Provides guideline or  Sets the contexts for which
in the development and for the situation and overall technical inputs for the SBCC materials are to
production of materials audience analysis the conceptualization and be prepared

 Conceptualizes design of  Analyzes data gathered as development and  Provides overall inputs on
materials for appropriate inputs to the development production of the SBCC the coherence, accuracy
type of audience/ and production of materials materials and effectiveness of the
stakeholders  Develops concept, story  Guides the identification of SBCC materials.
 Gathers data for pre-test board and/or script of the appropriate materials for  Directs interventions to
of materials given the IEC materials based on set intended stakeholders in improve the competencies
intended audience communication objectives specific type and formats of concerned staff in the
 Reviews the layout and  Reviews and enhances the development of effective
design of the IEC materials coherence, accuracy and SBCC materials
based on existing standards effectiveness of SBCC
and branding policy materials


Definition: The ability to plan, organize, coordinate and provide leadership in a variety of health service settings to contribute to the
attainment of identified primary healthcare outcomes.
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade SG 1-10 SG 11-15 SG 16-22 SG 24
Salary Grade SG 1-10 SG 11-15 SG 16-18 SG 22
Core Description: Ability to assist in the Ability to implement and Ability to plan, supervise, Ability to set overall
implementation and maintains operational coordinate and monitors direction, policies, protocols
maintenance of operational protocols, standards and clinic operations to ensure and operational standards
protocols, standards and plans to ensure delivery of delivery of quality health for the delivery of quality
plans to ensure delivery of quality health care services services health services through the
quality health care services health facility
Sample Behaviors:  Performs assigned tasks  Identifies health and safety  Assesses and develops  Reviews and assesses the
and responsibilities such issues and informs the health and safety policies operational plan for the
as but not limited to client appropriate authority to and procedures health facility based on
profiling, within set address them  Provides solutions to day- existing protocols and
standards and  Analyzes the current health to-day issues on health and organizational thrusts
performance measures and safety capabilities and safety that are escalated by  Responds to foreseeable
 Initiates efficient resources of the staff or other concerned health and safety threats
recording and organization and parties affecting the organization
maintenance/updating of recommends improvements  Coordinates and and surrounding
client information, and  Performs efficiently the communicates with the community by creating
other important instructions from physicians various components of teams and structures to
processes and and clinic administrator health systems within the minimize or eradicate

procedures  Manages and executes community to ensure effects
emergency drills and efficient referral services  Builds strong external
procedures to increase or and/or network of health partnership on health and
enhance the emergency care services safety matters beneficial to
readiness of individuals and  Plans for the various ensuring a healthy, safe
groups against potential operational aspects of the and secure environment for
health, safety and security health care management the organization and
situations systems surrounding community


Definition: The ability to deliver or provide accurate family planning information and counseling to clients for them to decide on
their preferred methods, assessment of the medical condition and needs of the clients, safe and quality family planning
commodities or services, management of complications and adverse reactions based on existing clinical standards,
referral services and follow-up of clients.
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade SG 6-11 SG 11-16 SG 17-22 SG 24
Salary Grade SG 6-11 SG 11-16 SG 17-18 SG 22
Core Description: Ability to provide basic Ability to provide family Ability to provide Ability to provide overall
family planning planning counseling, management of supervision in ensuring
information, initial assessment or diagnosis and complications and adverse quality of care in the delivery
assessment and follow-up referrals and appropriate FP reactions based on clinical of family planning services
services to clients commodities and services standards

Sample Behaviors:  Conducts initial  Completes documentation  Formulates guidelines for  Sets enabling conditions
assessment including and recording of all data continuous quality and mechanisms for the
checking of vital signs obtained from assessment improvement on current delivery of FP services in
(pulse, blood pressure, and care using standard systems and policies health facilities and
visual_ and triages) methods, forms and pertaining to delivery of FP communities as part of an
among clients protocols, while maintaining services in clinic and efficient FP program
 Provides and responds confidentiality of client outreach missions and  Establishes policies,
accurately to questions  Submits completely all recommends measures to guidelines and measures
pertaining to basic family clients’ charts and OPD maintain the quality of care to maintain and improve
planning information and case notes to the records for FP services the quality of information
education through IEC sections for proper  Trains or mentors FP and services provided to

materials or activities safekeeping service providers in clients particularly in
 Routinely follows up  Identifies correct diagnosis delivery of quality services marginalized communities
clients based on advice of of clients’ health condition  Provides or supervises the  Sets up and uses service
FP service provider by following institutional provision of comprehensive utilization indicators to
 Ensures availability of policies and regulations FP counseling, quality improve the FP program
medical supplies, regarding client care and family planning services particularly the delivery of
equipment, drugs and professional decorum while and management of services
medicines for patients making prudent decisions complications and adverse
use  Provide FP counseling and reactions based on clinical
demanded FP commodities standards
to help clients decide on the
type of services they want
based on existing clinical
 Refers clients to other
facilities if needed


Definition: The ability to work with media for the purpose of informing the public of the program’s advocacies and key messages in
a positive, consistent and credible manner.
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade SG 11 SG 15 SG 18-23 SG 24-30
Salary Grade SG-11 SG-15 SG 18-22 SG -25
Core Description: Ability to establish and Ability to prepare necessary Ability to conceptualize, Ability to efficiently and
maintain directory and media or press briefing plan and moderate media accurately convey messages
database of media materials and coordinates events or activities to to the public through the
personalities and outlets with the media for relevant promote program and media through media
and monitors media activities organizational advocacies interview or press release
Sample Behaviors:  Updates media  Establishes network/linkage  Identifies key and core  Communicates through
directory/database with different media outfits messages that serve as media as a representative
 Assists in creating  Formulates design and anchors of all of the organization during
communication materials review checklist of media communication materials media or public events or
(press releases, events and initiatives engagements
speeches, publications,  Drafts press  Ensures alignment of key  Manages media effectively
press kits) in statements/releases for messages from resource especially in cases of

implementing dissemination to various persons and those controversial issues to
communication initiatives media outfits published or picked-up by ensure proper publication
(PR or media events)  Pays attention to news, media with the of organization’s position
 Creates and maintains a situations, that may require organizational core on such issues
record of media projects careful handling in order to messages and advocacies  Institutionalizes process for
and materials in either maintain or safeguard the  Recommends proper the smooth operation of the
soft or hard copy(ies) image of the agency framing of messages to the media and public relations
 Creates or implements media to properly promote function
communication materials or organizational advocacies  Creates opportunities to
initiatives using appropriate  Reviews press articles and strengthen media relations
software/applications design of flow in the and optimize such
 Recommends conduct of media events partnership for the
improvements to the and other needed materials promotion of organizational
communication materials or advocacies


Definition The ability to design and undertake systematic process of collecting, analyzing and using information to track the
progress of program interventions and organizational operations toward reaching its objectives and to guide
management decisions.
Level BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade SG 11 SG 15 SG 18-23 SG 24-30
Salary Grade SG 11 SG 15 SG 18 SG 22-25
Core Description Ability to gather and Ability to interpret, Ability to conceptualize and Ability to use M&E data and
consolidate M&E data and summarize and analyze the develop results framework information, adopt and
Please kindly information using levels, trends, patterns and as basis for M&E system and direct appropriate actions to
check/review prescribed tools and gaps of program and project analyze generated data and enhance program planning
makes initial interpretation, implementation using the information, and and implementation
analysis and consolidated M&E data and recommends appropriate
recommendation information vis-à-vis the actions, strategies,
planned strategies interventions for program
enhancement based on the
Sample Behaviors  Articulates understanding  Articulates in-depth  Facilitates the development  Provides overall program
of the M&E concepts, understanding of M&E of results framework with direction as basis for the
indicators, tools and concepts, indicators, tools corresponding indicators for development of the results

processes and processes the various program framework
 Gathers and consolidates  Consolidates and processes components based on  Creates opportunities for
M&E baseline data and baseline data for the verified baseline data and the use of M&E data and
information through development of results the development and information for evidence-
existing tools including framework and verifies implementation of the M&E based decision-making
the application of data consistency, reliability and plan, strategies and systems processes
cleaning activities such quality  Formulates policy and  Adopts and uses an
as verification and  Processes data into useful program recommendations effective targeting and
checking of consistencies information showing levels, using processed M&E data objective-setting
of the information and trends, patterns, gaps and and information mechanisms based on a
prepares summary using issues and corresponding  Integrates M&E into the reliable M&E system to
reporting forms recommendations, knowledge management improve existing policy and
 Makes basic documents and processes system program interventions
interpretations in terms of information to address  Facilitates monitoring and  Builds the capabilities and
levels, patterns and implementation gaps evaluation meetings competencies of the
trends and comparisons  Prepares the monitoring including program and organization to establish
from planning standards plan and implementation of provides inputs in the results and implement an efficient
or program targets activities based on the of program evaluation, and monitoring and evaluation
approved results framework. assess existing M&E system system
 Manages and provides and recommends areas for
technical inputs in the improvement
conduct of program
evaluation of the monitoring
to stakeholders and tools for
program evaluation and


Definition: The ability to persuade and generate support, budget, programs and strategic actions from executives, legislators and
decision makers in creating and improving the policy environment for the population management program.
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade SG 11 SG 15 SG 18-23 SG 24-30
Salary Grade SG 11 SG 15 SG 18 SG 22-25
Core Description: Ability to prepare technical Ability to conduct situational Ability to develop, Ability to advocate and
information and materials and policy analysis to coordinate and implement promote the population
for advocacy activities as determine policy and budget advocacy plan and program with external

assigned issues and recommended strategies providing details partners and
policy actions from decision about the advocacy issue, decisionmakers and to
makers target audience, advocacy establish institutional
objectives and strategies arrangements for
and mechanisms to monitor partnership and program
success of advocacy implementation
Sample Behaviors:  Articulates understanding  Analyzes contexts and  Demonstrates in-depth  Leads advocacy initiatives
of concepts and situations for certain policy understanding of policy with principal decision-
strategies of advocacy as agenda to determine processes and makers as the
compared and needed policy actions programming and pursues representative of the
complementary to other  Prepares appropriate action to implement agency
communication strategies advocacy materials to advocacy strategies  Creates credible and
 Gathers and consolidates support advocacy activities  Liaises and establish persuasive connection and
needed information to  Recommends advocacy working relationship with relationship with
develop coherent and strategies based on the technical staff in legislative decisionmakers in
evidence-based analysis of the target and executive bodies recognizing the advocacy
advocacy agenda, audiences for the advocacy including with gatekeepers issue and taking desired or
objectives and activities of the decisionmakers to favorable action
appropriate advocacy  Demonstrates knowledge create opportunity for  Maintains credibility and
strategies on advocacy and lobbying and advocacy authority in pursuing
 Prepares advocacy programming processes at initiatives needed policy actions at all
materials (e.g., all levels to determine  Ensures the coherence and levels through evidence-
presentations, policy where advocacy can be accuracy of the advocacy based policy and program
briefs, primers, AVPs, pursued materials recommended solutions
etc.) as assigned  Provides technical support  Follow-up and coordinate  Builds, maintains and
 Gathers data to support during the actual advocacy agreements during mobilizes champions and
analysis of target activities advocacy activities other advocates in the
audience (e.g., position  Works with technical staff conduct of collective
on certain issues, of allies, other advocates advocacy initiatives
advocacies, gatekeepers, and champions in the  Creates the capabilities of
characteristics, etc.) conduct of advocacy staff and the agency to
activities undertake advocacy


Definition: The ability to develop policy directions and options in addressing critical population issues/concerns at the national and
sub-national level based on in-depth situational and policy research and analysis.

Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade SG 11 SG 15 SG 18-23 SG 24-30
Salary Grade SG 11 SG 15 SG 18 SG 22-25
Core Description: Ability to gather and Ability to analyze current Ability to finalize a coherent Ability to communicate and
consolidate information population outcomes or policy proposal based on engage into dialogue with
and knowledge needed for conditions, identifies gaps identified and analyzed stakeholders including
policy analysis and and prepares policy population policy issue and legislators and executives’
formulation as assigned recommendations through a facilitate policy dialogue specific policy options for
policy document among stakeholders emerging population issues
Sample Behaviors:  Demonstrates  Identifies emerging  Reviews and analyzes the  Sets the policy agenda and
understanding of existing population situation needing coherence, practicality, action for population
population policies and policy solutions effectiveness, feasibility program and strategies at
relevant policy issues  Develops concept notes, and potential impact of all levels
 Demonstrates terms of reference, and policy options or proposed  Articulates the broader
understanding of basic research design for policy solutions based on the context for policy changes
concepts of public policy research and analysis that results of the situational and recommendations
analysis and can inform policy and policy analysis  Engages stakeholders,
development development  Conducts scenario-based policy-makers and
 Gathers and consolidates  Demonstrates knowledge analysis to understand and decision-makers in policy
relevant population- about existing population prepare for the effect(s) or dialogue or discourse to
related and development policies and assesses or implication(s) of a advance policy agenda and
policies and indicators/ analyzes its gaps and proposed policy to generate desired policy
information for reference possible policy solutions or  Drafts policy instrument or response or actions
 Organizes relevant data enhancements document based on  Builds public and
and information for policy  Prepares policy briefs, recommendations or stakeholders’ support for
analysis and position papers, resolutions, results of the policy the establishment of
development presentations and technical analysis and research proposed policy measure
 Provides inputs to policy inputs for policy findings
analysis and development  Edits and finalizes draft
development exercises  Analyzes and discusses policy briefs, position
and documents emerging contexts (e.g., papers, resolutions,
 Provides inputs in the political, socioeconomic, presentations and technical
preparation of policy cultural, environmental, papers for policy
briefs and position papers technological and legal) that development to ensure
for policy development. can influence policy their comprehensiveness
 Documents and prepares development based on consolidated final
reports and inputs from  Facilitates the gathering of inputs

policy researches and information from various  Presents and discusses
consultations. stakeholders during policy proposed policy solutions
related initiatives and and options to stakeholders
summarizes them into  Integrates
useful knowledge for policy recommendations from
development. stakeholders in the policy
 Provides technical proposal
assistance to national,  Recommends policy
regional and local agencies changes or strategies
and stakeholders in based on emerging
population policy analysis contexts (e.g., political,
and development. socioeconomic, cultural,
technological and legal)
within the policy
 Recommends policy


Definition: The ability to effectively plan, design and manage the various aspects of a project or program to achieve its objectives
and to produce its intended outputs and outcomes within the specified period, while ensuring optimum use of resources.
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade SG 11 SG 15 SG 18-23 SG 24-30
Salary Grade SG 11 SG 15 SG 18 SG 22-25
Core Description: Ability to assist and Ability to organize, Ability to develop, plan, Ability to set overall
contribute in the implement, coordinate, monitor, assess plans, direction and guidance in
development and monitor and document the strategies and targets and the development and
implementation of activities and tasks leading to address emerging issues implementation of projects
approved programs and to the delivery of outputs and to ensure that project ensuring that these
projects objectives of the project as objectives are achieved contribute to the broader
per the approved plan program targets and
Sample Behaviors:  Actively participates in  Gathers and organizes  Analyzes data and  Provides overall direction,
the planning and tasking needed data for project information to determine standards and protocols for
for project design, budgeting, feasibility and effective and cost-efficient

implementation implementation and effectiveness of projects project identification,
 Gathers and provides assessment based on program design, budgeting or
information for efficient  Facilitates assessment of objectives and targets resource allocation,
budgeting and resource the project, identifies gaps  Prepares planning and implementation, monitoring
allocation and implements needed budgeting guidelines and evaluation
 Prepares and processes enhancement  Facilitates identification of  Creates and continually
the administrative and  Facilitates planning, strategic projects to improves project
technical documents and tasking, budgeting and address key population implementation systems
forms for project preparation of other issues and program and processes
planning, implementation, components of projects objective and targets  Adapts quickly to changing
monitoring and based on set project  Provides technical and situations and modifies
assessment objectives. administrative guidance project plans when
 Coordinates with project  Prepares and updates the and direction in the necessary
implementing units and work and financial plan and implementation of projects
individuals to facilitate other planning documents  Identifies metrics,
submission of required of the division/ section/unit standards of performance,
project reports based on overall program critical success factors and
 Submits monitoring thrusts and direction. key indicators to monitor
reports on the status of  Coordinates with internal and assess results
simple projects using staff and external partners  Puts in place fiscal control,
prescribed forms, on time in the implementation of resource management and
and with the detail various project tasks and quality control
specified. activities and ensure their mechanisms; keeps a tight
 Follows-up the project efficient implementation watch on performance
deliverables and  Prepares technical against costs, quality and
design/plan as contained documents including time, and acts promptly
in basic project concept notes, terms of and judiciously to keep to
documents reference, presentations the standards
 Works on given and other relevant
assignments with documents needed for
minimum supervision and project implementation
agreed standards and  Checks progress of work
outputs and coordinates with
involved parties to ensure
that deadlines are met
 Resolves emerging issues
in project implementation
within his/her authority and

Definition: The ability to identify research needs or agenda, design methodologies for gathering needed information, interpret and
analyze data and information, identify patterns and corresponding solutions and ensures efficient conduct of all research
activities to attain its objectives.
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade SG 11 SG 15 SG 18-23 SG 24-30
Salary Grade SG 11 SG 15 SG 18 SG 22-25
Core Description: Ability to assist in the Ability to provide inputs in Ability to identify research Sets overall context for
conceptualization and the design of researches and agenda, research needs and agenda
conduct of simple research gather and analyze available and uses results of in
agenda and designs studies to determine setting program strategies
available knowledge about
population issues
Sample Behaviors:  Demonstrates  Facilitates the development  Provides technical direction  Creates an enabling
understanding and basic and implementation of the in the development of environment for the conduct
technical skills in research research agenda. research agenda. of scientific and systematic
development and analysis.  Assists in the preparation of  Prepares, reviews and research to ensure
 Properly identifies a a full-blown research design, finalizes and enhances evidence-based decision-
research problem and form terms of reference and other research design, terms of making processes.
hypothesis based on the relevant documents or reference and other relevant  Oversees, assesses and
information papers to undertake the documents to ensure its provides guidance on the
gathered/presented. research using appropriate. coherence. utilization of resources (e.g.
 Assists in the development vocabulary and writing style.  Demonstrates deep financial, personnel and
of a plan appropriate to the  Applies appropriate research understanding of existing time) required to complete a
research techniques/ methodologies in body of knowledge in relation proposed research.
methods/techniques to be the development of research to research agenda.  Utilizes research data and
used. initiatives in support of  Ensures that research plans, outputs as basis for setting
 Drafts or prepares concept program goals. techniques and strategies to program and organizational
note or basic research  Implements appropriate be employed are all based directions and in developing
design, terms of reference research methods/ on sound analysis of plans and strategies to
and other relevant techniques using controlled information. achieve the organizational
documents or papers to vocabulary/jargon and is able  Conducts preliminary policies, objectives and
undertake the research. to identify appropriate assessment of results to initiatives.
 Provides basic technical resources specific to the ascertain validity and  Sets an effective knowledge
inputs in the analysis of discipline or information, accuracy of information. management system where

gathered data and according to the research  Provides comprehensive and research is an integral part
information. plan. in-depth inputs on research to ensure continuous
 Articulates knowledge  Searches, reviews and outputs. generation of relevant and
about existing studies on summarizes findings from  Summarizes results of the useful resources for effective
certain research issues. existing literature on specific study and enhances policy and responsive decision-
 Manages efficiently research agenda. and program making processes.
contracts and deliverables  Drafts the write-up of the recommendations.
of a research project. study using appropriate  Coaches and mentors staff
research writing style. on the development, conduct
 Manages the contracts and and packaging of
deliverables of a research researches.
project efficiently.  Reviews and provides basic
 Summarizes and integrates technical inputs in the
the results of the study in enhancement of research
program planning, outputs.
implementation and


Definition: The ability to identify, engage with relevant institutions and secure new and additional resources and to use existing
resources more efficiently and optimally to support program strategies and organizational operations.
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade SG 11-14 SG 15-17 SG 18-23 SG 24-30
Salary Grade SG 11-14 SG 15-17 SG 18-21 SG 22-25
Core Description: Prepares technical Assists in identifying Supports and concretizes Sets overall context for
materials for the conduct possible resource generation resource generation and resource generation and
of resource generation and opportunities and aligns mobilization initiatives and mobilization to sustain and
mobilization activities organizational thrusts for facilitates the needed improve availability and
possible leveraging of resources for effective cost-efficiency of resource
resources into project implementation. allocation for programs and
proposals and other organizational operations
Sample Behaviors:  Articulates understanding  Analyzes need for resource  Demonstrates in-depth  Leads lobbying and
of concepts and strategies generation and mobilization understanding of budgeting leveraging initiatives with
of resource generation and (e.g., conduct of resource process within the national principals and decision-
mobilization. mapping). and local government levels makers of potential donors.

 Gathers and consolidates  Prepares appropriate to determine opportunities  Creates credible and
needed information materials to support for securing additional persuasive connection and
develop coherent and leveraging and negotiations funding. relationship with potentials
evidence-based advocacy with possible grantor or  Liaises and establish donors and partners in
agenda, objectives and donors. working relationship with recognizing the need for
appropriate advocacy  Recommends strategies technical staff from potential resources for a mutual or
strategies. based to pursue more sources of additional funding common agenda.
 Prepares technical effective resource generation including with gatekeepers of  Provides opportunities for
materials (e.g., and mobilization their principals to create the citapability-development
presentations, project  Demonstrates knowledge on opportunities for leveraging of the staff and the agency to
proposals, etc.) as advocacy and programming and cooperation. undertake resource
assigned. processes at all levels to  Ensures the coherence and generation and mobilization.
determine where advocacy accuracy of the needed
can be pursued. materials.
 Provides technical support  Follow-up, coordinate,
during the actual meetings monitor agreements during
with potential grantors or meetings with potential
source of additional funding donors.
support.  Ensures adherence to terms
 Gathers data to support of agreements in contracts
analysis of the viability of entered into (e.g. based on
generating resources from Generally Accepted
donor agencies (e.g., thrusts, Accounting and Auditing
priorities, patterns of grant Procedures).
provisions, funding cycles or
schedules, etc.).


Definition: The ability to efficiently manage the supply chain activities that include forecasting, sourcing, warehousing, logistics
distribution, information systems management to maximize value and achieve a sustainable supply of family planning
and other relevant commodities
Level: BASIC (Level 1) INTERMEDIATE (Level 2) ADVANCE (Level 3) SUPERIOR (Level 4)
Salary Grade SG 1-10 SG 11-17 SG 18-23 SG 24-30
Salary Grade SG 1-10 SG 11-17 SG 18-21 SG 22-25
Core Description: Ability to provide Ability to facilitate and Ability to supervise Ability to continually
administrative support in the organize forecasting or implementation or improve policy and

planning (forecasting), planning, sourcing, operation of efficient mechanisms for FP supply
sourcing or procurement, warehousing and delivery of systems, processes and chain management
warehousing, delivery and FP supplies and procedures for efficient FP
return of FP stocks and commodities supply chain management
Sample Behaviors:  Establishes and maintains  Supervises and directs  Guides the process of  Establishes and continually
updated inventory or warehousing, safekeeping forecasting of supplies improve the SCM systems
database of available repackaging, inspection, and commodities in and processes at the
stocks of FP commodities dispatching and delivering coordination with DOH national and regional levels
and ancillary supplies of supplies and and relevant agencies  Provides thrusts and
 Implements protocols for commodities  Develops and implements direction in the forecasting,
warehousing and  Supervises the protocols for efficient sourcing, delivery and
safekeeping of stocks and maintenance or inventory warehousing and other aspects of the SCM
inspection of commodities or database of available safekeeping of stocks and
and supplies. stocks of FP commodities commodities  Determines and addresses
 Prepares, consolidates and and ancillary supplies  Provides direction in the emerging policy-related
submits delivery and SCM  Reviews documents for the procurement of supplies concerns on the SCM
reports. procurement of supplies and commodities
 Facilitates repackaging, and commodities  Analyses SCM reports to
dispatching and delivery of  Summarizes and analyses improve systems and
supplies and commodities SCM reports and addresses emerging
based on distribution list addresses emerging issues.
and follows-up delivery concerns  Provides technical
 Coordinates with suppliers, assistance to regional
service providers, DOH and offices on SCM.
relevant agencies.


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