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a. What have you accomplished so far on your Capstone project? If nothing, why?

o I have made a dash skill when the player right click while they are holding
a stick it allows you to dash. Also, I made a system where player can buy
items like a shop. When players right click on the item at the shop the item
adds on to their inventory. I made a command that you can use in the game
the if you type /armor it gives you hamlet, chest plate, leggings and boots. I
also used Minecraft command to make skills which is easier to make than
using Java which children can do it easier.

b. What do you plan to accomplish by the end of this week? How will you hold
yourself accountable? 
o I want to work on other codes because I realized that my goal for this
program is to make lower grade students to get interested in programming
but there might be students who are not interested into playing Minecraft,
so I am planning to make 2x2 and 3x3 cube by using python. From this
student might get interested in what I am doing with codes. I have been
working on making cube since last week so I am almost done with my code
so it would not take long time to finish it.
c. Your needs, including time, space, materials, and personal contacts  
o I have enough time and my project only requires a computer and the
internet so there are not many materials that I need to create my capstone.  
d. What your interactions with your mentor(s) have been so far. If nothing, why?
What is your plan?  
o In first interaction we discussed about what should we make for the
Capstone project. At that time, I was interested in making skills by using
Minecraft command, so I wanted to make skills using plugin which requires
to use programming language called Java. For 3 weeks there was no special
interaction because my code worked well so I did not need help. However,
while I was making scoreboard my code did not work so I tried spending 5
days to solve the problem, but it still did not work so I messaged him, and he
said he is available on Tuesday.
e. Any obstacles you anticipate and your plan to overcome them  
o I have several problems with my code. The first problem is using
scoreboard. When the score reaches 100 the scoreboard should reset and count
again from 0 but I noticed that the code is not repeating so I thought that my
for loop was the problem. I used while loop, but it still did not work so I
rewrote the code, but it still did not work. I am planning to meet my mentor
today to fix this error.
Personal Awareness & Responsibility

 I am personally responsible, self-motivated, and can advocate myself.

As the last year of high school started, I had to focus more on academic courses to get into
computer engineering. My schedule became more intense if I have homework and test, 24
hours lacks. So, I started to manage time to increase my work efficiency. The first thing that I
recognized was that I waste about 4 hours a day doing nothing so at that time I did my
homework and studied. I used more time on my academics by reducing using time on watching
YouTube and playing video games. After doing this I had enough time to finish assignments.

 I can set goals, regulate my emotions, and persevere in difficult situations.

Last year my goal was to make $3000 and buy a new computer. As I gathered money, I realized
that I used my money more than I thought. My desire to buy Nintendo Switch almost prevented
me from achieving my goal but I regulated my emotions. In February, which took about 8
months, I finally bought my new computer which costs $2900.

 I understand my decisions and actions can affect me.

If it is not a significant decision I often act before I think. From this, I have wasted my time and
money. Before I knew well about technology, I wanted to buy a used Nintendo 3DS. At that
time, I did not have money, so I needed to find a cheap one. While I was scrolling down, I saw
Nintendo that costs about $70 so I bought it with no consideration. After a while, I realized that it
was too cheap and in the description that the right controller was broken. I messaged the seller,
but he did not respond. From then I try to think first before I buy or act.
Social Responsibility

 I can identify and appreciate different perspectives on issues and use and evaluate
strategies to resolve problems.
I love efficiency so if I solve problems I always focus on efficiency. The one way I solve
problems efficiently is to gather everyone’s ideas and combine ideas to solve problems. This
way there are many ways to solve the problem and we could have plan A and plan B. Also, if
one idea has a weakness another idea might cover the weakness.

 I value diversity, defend human rights, advocate for others, and act ethically in all my
interactions, including online.
To make people work efficiently the environment has to satisfy what people are needed. It might
be their rights or better service. Diversity is required to have a better society and I value

 I have a hard time having positive peer and intergenerational relationships.

My communication skill is the worst skill that I have. When I meet people who are not close to
me, I shut my mouth and never open it if it is not needed. I do not start, or lead communication
and I have a difficult time doing a group project or discussion. I am trying to communicate with
Critical Thinking

 I can analyze and critique my work and my learning.

I always think about what I did wrong and memorize it in my head and when I am in a similar
situation, I do not make the same mistake. I also do this with my strength. When I played a
game with my friends my team lost because of my mistake so I analyzed what I did wrong and
did not do the same act in the next round.

 I can assess my progress

I often assess my progress to make sure I am on a right track. Assessing myself through the
progress allows me to catch if there is missing part or errors. For example, when I am doing my
science lab, I assess myself through the progress that I am following the structure.

 I can’t ask good-quality questions, gather relevant information, and come up with well-
developed conclusions.
I often struggle with asking good-quality questions and coming up with a well-developed
conclusion. It takes me a significant amount of time to come up with questions and conclusions.
I am trying to develop my skills to come up with good-quality questions and well-developed
Creative Thinking

 I can use the environment around me, including others, and my unconscious mind to
generate new ideas
I often think of how I can generate new ideas using the environment around me. Last year I and
my friend made some music because we were too bored. I had a mic at my home, and I knew
how to mix and master it. By using the environment around me I came up with an idea that
solved the problem of being bored.

 I can persevere, and understand that failure can be productive

I always try not to repeat what I failed. Also, I love efficiency, so I believe that failing on the
same thing twice is not efficient. One time I broke my Nintendo while I was fixing it. It broke
because I did not remove the power cable, so it short-circuited. The next time I fixed my
Nintendo I removed the power cable.
 I can’t create new and unique ideas that may provide new perspectives that influence
how people think about topics
I lack creativity so it takes a significant amount of time to come up with a creative idea that
influences how people think about topics. I have to experience various perspectives and think
deeper to bring up the creative idea.

 I can listen, learn to contribute meaningfully to discussion and debate, consider different
perspectives, and build consensus.
I like to compare other different ideas that will solve the problem best. I listen to everyone’s
ideas and build consensus so that everyone agrees with the final choice. From this process,
discussion and debate are important because we could find weaknesses in my idea or other’s

 I can reflect on the processes of learning and share what I have learned.
Reflecting on the process of learning and sharing what I have learned allows me to see what I
am doing and what I have accomplished. While writing an essay I have reflected on myself to
see if I am doing okay on it. As I read through my essay, I found that I had a weak supporting
detail. By reflecting on myself I could do better on my essay.

 I can’t work with other students to plan, inquire, and solve problems.
I like working independently so when I am working with others, I have a hard time getting to
know other people in the group. It also prevents me from solving problems if I know no one in
the group. Asking questions to strangers is challenging for me. I am trying to communicate with
people to increase my work efficiency.
Personal & Cultural Identity
I understand what is important to me.
Understanding what is important to me allows me to work and develop on what I needed. I know
that I am interested in computers and science so in the future I might get a job or go to a
university that is related. Now I can focus on studying programming because I know what is
important to me.
I know my strength and what makes me unique.
Knowing my strength allows me to use my strength when it is needed. It benefits me if the
situation requires me to use my strength, and this makes others think that I am unique because
I can solve problems well.
I can’t define myself in terms of my relationship to others and to the world.
I have never thought of defining myself in terms of my relationship to others and to the world.
So, from now on I will think of how I can define myself in terms of my relationship to others and
to the world.

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