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My presentation attempts to make an analysis of the novel Jane Eyre from the perspective of

female Bildungsroman in three parts. Part One is about five symbolic locations of Jane Eyre's
development, such as Gateshead Hall, Lowood Institution, Thornfield Hall, Moor House and
Ferndean Manor. Part Two I will discuss about Jane Eyre's resistance and epiphany which can be
expressed in three major events - the red-room affair, Helen's death and secret of the mad
woman. Part three I want to mention the conductors of Jane Eyre's growth including positive
conductors,negative conductors and God. My presentation is expected to show the long and
painful process of Jane Eyre's development, to Analyze the relationship between Female's
Bildungsroman and orphans in Victorian Period.

1. Background
Jane Eyre’s background(时代背景)

Charlotte Bronte’s background(作者的介绍)


2. Analyzing the journey of Jane Eyre from innocence to maturity ( focus on main characters
and significant episodes)(地点和事件?)

Part one:Symbolic Locations of Jane Eyre’s Growth

①Locations of Jane Eyre’s Development:
Gateshead :Awareness of Rebellion
Lowood Institution: Expansion of Rebellion
Thornfield Hall: Resistance to Tradition
Moor House: Pleasure of self-maintenanc
Ferndean Manor: Fulfllment of Independence(ppt 上这一页放这个内容)

( 讲 的 内 容 )Jane Eyre, as a Bildungsroman, describes Jane Eyre's development from an

Inexperienced young girl to a mature lady with independent personality. This process goes
through five stages with distinct locations: (1) Jane's childhood at Gateshead Hall ,where she
begins to realize injustice and revolts; (2 ) her education at Lowood School,where she acquires
friends but also suffers; (3) her time as governess at Thornfield Hall,where she rebels against the
tradition and loves her wealthy employer, Edward Rochester;(4)her time with the Rivers family at
Moor House, where her cold clergyman-cousin St.John Rivers proposes to her and is confused:
and (5) her reunion with her beloved Rochester at Ferndean Manor.

Gateshead Hall:Awareness of Rebellion

The story of Jane Eyre begins from the year when the heroine was ten years old Jane Eyre's
parents passed away early. so she was kept in her wealthy uncle's house when she was just a
child. However. her uncle died soon. Her uncle's wife Mrs. Reed had no pity and was merciless.
Since then, as an orphan, Jane Eyre lived under the Reeds' oppression and was treated like a
servant or even less than a servant. All the people in the big house Gateshead looked down upon
her. Her childhood was quite miserable though she lived in a wealthy family, For example. Lloyd
who was called in for the servants while Mrs. Read always called a specialist for her and her
children examined Jane Eyre, who is“less than a servant”at Gateshead. What's more.Jane's
cousin.John Reed. four years older than her, insulted her:

“You have no business to take our book s, you are a dependant, mama says; you have no
money; your father lefi you none you ought to beg, and no live here
with gentlemen's children like us, and eat the same meals we do, and wear
clothes at our mama's expense.”(Bronte, 2022:7)

From the above, we can see that Jane had little human rights in front of them John did not
regard Jane as one of his family and even struck her and knocked her down for nothing. He was
young and inexperienced, however, he had been familiar with the patriarchal law about the rule
that he soon inherit property. He declared arrogantly:

“All the house belongs to me, or will do in a few years.”He excluded Jane Eyre an “outsider”
mercilessly. Jane lived in terrible fear of her "young master. Let us have a look at how terrible
situation Jane lived in.

"He bullied and punished me; not two or three times in the week, not once or twice in a day
but continually: every nerve I had feared him, and every morsel of flesh on my bones shrank
when he came near:”(Bronte,2022:6)

How terrible the situation is for a ten-year-old girl! Not until Jane was ten years old did she
rebel for the first time in her life. We can imagine that during the years before she was ten. she
had been obedient to John Reed all the time. However,little Jane Eyre was unbending and self-
conceited. So she turned to revolt against him, not to yield:

“Wicked and cruel boy!" "You are like a murderer-you are like a slaved-river- you are like the
Roman emperors!”(Bronte,2022:7)

Jane's rebellion against John was her first step to develop. She began to realize that she
couldn't live so because she was not the servant and that was unjust. However.the result was
disappointing. Mrs. Reed did not blame John at all and Instead she roughly and violently thrust
Jane back into the red-room where Mr.Reed died and locked her there, ignoring that she was
afraid and in agony. Mrs. Reed was so bad, so hard-hearted.

Later, Bessie, the servant, tried to persuade Jane to be grateful to Mrs. Reed.At least she was
her guardian who kept her, accommodated her, or Jane had to beg even to be starving to
death.In order to be accepted by her aunt, whose nature was to wound Jane rudely. Jane obeyed
carefully and strenuously attempted to please her But her efforts were still in vain and she was
treated even worse. Mrs.Reed tried her best to expel Jane out of Gateshead Hall and wanted to
send her to school.

When Mr.Brocklehurst,headmaster of the school, came to Gateshead Hall, Mrs Reed spread
rumors and told him that Jane was a liar. Jane was injured severely and she felt her aunt
was“sowing aversion and unkindness along her future path”(Bronte,2022:31).In Mr.Brocklehursts
eye, she was transformed“into an artful, noxious child”(Brontë,2022:31).Jane had a grudge
against Mrs. Reed and exposed her injustice directly:

"I am not deceitful:if I were, I should say I loved you; but I declare I do not love you:I dislike you
the worst of any body in the world except John Reed: and this book about the Liar; you may give
to your girl, Georgiana, for it is she who tells lies. and not I”(Bronte,2022:48)

From the above,we can see the second time of Jane's rebellion in Gateshead. She did not yield
to Mrs.Reed at all. She exposed her injustice directly. Before leaving Gateshead and coming to the
boarding School. Jane cursed her between her teeth:

I am glad you are no relation of mine. I will never call you aunt again as Long as I live I will
never come to see you when I am grown up; and if anyone asks me how I liked you, and how you
treated me, I will say the very thought of you makes me sick, and that you treated me with
miserable cruelty ”(Bronte,2022:34)

To some degree that was the hardest battle Jane fought and she gained the first
victory,which made her become stronger to develop. She had tasted something
vengeance for the first time though she was just a little girl of ten years old. Merciless
circumstance made her go through the terror of poverty and depression of society;
Under the Reed’s imperiousness and injustice. Jane Eyre did not surrender and sell out
On the contrary , she remained true to herself and revolted against their oppression.
But the process of fighting is really hard for a girl with lowly social status.

In Victorian England, a great stratification existed between upper classes and

lower ones.The upper classes refused to admit that the lower classes could not be
connected in any regular way with industrial or family life, and that their“ultimate
Standard of life is almost savage. both in its simplicity and in its excesses.”(Reader
Victorian England 1973) (在 ppt 上放这个内容)
A lack of adequate nutrition, medicinal care, and sanitary Resources also contributed to the
stigma attached to poor people. The diseases and malnutrition that ran rampant among the poor
caused“stunted physiques and pale countenances that caused not only economic division
between the classes, but also physical division as well.That was the reason why Mrs. Reed called
Dr. Lloyd, who usually cared for the servants,instead of a specialist to see Jane when she was ill.
There is no denying that at the beginning Jane's rebellion. she felt hesitated and did not want to
rebel but to endure and restrain. Even when she was locked in the red-room she doubted if she
was not right and begged Mrs. Reed's pardon. All these behaviors were the result of the fact that
Jane Eyre was penniless. In addition, after she accused and menaced Mrs. Reed before leaving
Gateshead, she just enjoyed her conqueror's solitude.Finally,she began to sense that she needed
to be saved from her blind fear of authority and be self-reliant or self-independent. She was
always thinking that why she was often bullied, why no one stopped John Reed’s cruelty and
why she had to live so.She was penniless and regarded as a dependant. Even she tried her utmost
to please others.She still got no sympathy and warmth. As a result, she hated them and felt it
unfair. She began to sense that if she wanted to have the equal rights with others, the only way is
to revolt.
Gateshead can be regarded as the authority, indifference, complexity in society In
Gateshead,Jane made her first declaration of independence. She will no longer be seen as a
secondary member of the Reed household. We preliminarily see Jane's Independent spirit from
her childhood and that marks the first step of her development.

Gateshead :Awareness of Rebellion

Lowood Institution: Expansion of Rebellion
Thornfield Hall: Resistance to Tradition
Moor House: Pleasure of self-maintenanc
Ferndean Manor: Fulfllment of Independence

②Jane Eyre's Resistance and Epiphany:

The Red-room Affair
Helen’s death
Mad Woman

Three conductors of Jane Eyre's Development

①Negative Conductors


First, I smiled to myself and felt elate; but this fierce pleasure subsided in me as fast
as did the accelerated throb of my pulses. A child cannot quarrel with its elders, sa I had
done; cannot give its furious feeling uncontrolled play, as I had given mine, without
experiencing afterwards the pang of remorse and the chill of reaction. A ridge of lighted
heath, alive, glancing, devouring, would have been a meet emblem of my mind when I
accused and menaced Mrs. Reed: the same ridge, black and blasted after the flames are
dead, would have represented as meetly my subsequent condition, when half-an-hour's
silence and reflection had shown me the madness of my conduct, and the dreariness of my
hated and hating position. (Bronte,2022:51)




②Positive Conductors
师坦普尔小姐也具简成长中一位重要的和极引路人 她“神态安送,风度庄重,谈叶文雅得


3. Definition of Female's Bildungsroman

Bildungsroman is a novel genre that narrates a hero or heroine's process of psychological
maturation and focuses on experiences and changes that accompanies the growth of the
character from youth to adulthood. "The term "Bildungsroman" was introduced to the critical
vocabulary by the German philosopher and sociologist Wilhelm Dilthey (1833-1941), who first
employed it in an 1870 biography of Friedrich Schleiermacher and then popularized it with the
success of his 1906 study Poetry and Experience" (Boes 231). To be a Bildungsroman, the hero or
heroine in a novel will experience certain forms of pain or loss that pulls him or her away from
either family or home and into the journey of desiring self-identity. At the end of the story the
hero or heroine finally succeeds in the society. The plot of Jane Eyre, written by Charlotte Brontë,
generally follows this form. The growth of the main character, Jane Eyre, is distinctively divided
into phases by places that she stayed at, starting from her tragic childhood to her final
destination as Mr. Rochester's mistress. The changes of emotions and maturation of identities as
Jane Eyre goes through her life provide evidence of a Bildungsroman.


Analyzing the relationship between Female's Bildungsroman and orphans in Victorian Period



妓。那个年代,英国合法当妓女的年龄,只有 12 岁,一直到 1885 年政府才把年龄提到到
16 岁。最近,英国媒体找到了一系列维多利亚时期英国孤儿们的悲惨照片,让人们从另一

这张照片摄于 1890 年代,小流浪汉们坐在肮脏的泥土中接受摄影师的照相。他们很多


1876 年,乞丐小女孩和一位老爷爷合影...

1890 年代,英国乡村街道上,三个流浪女孩在聊天,其中两个女孩连鞋子都没有....

1890 年代,一个女孩裹着毛毯在大街上睡觉,忍受着飞扬的尘土和脏泥地....
1849 年 6 月,一个拾荒者的女儿的照相....为了生存,女孩每天也要花大量时间去捡破烂...

1876 年的乞丐小女孩...
1876 年,一个孤女在街头紧握双手,神情焦虑....周围的,是调戏她的大人们...

1876 年,一对乞丐小姐妹在街头乞讨....
1871 年,一个雏妓。在照片的背面,摄影师写道:“她叫 Mary Simpson,是一个很常见的
10 岁或 11 岁的妓女。在过去的两年她一直被叫做 Berry 夫人。她的孩子已经四个月大了....”


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