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Subject Geography
Lesson No :1 Earth as a Planet

Answer the following

1. Explain Lithosphere, Hydrosphere and Atmosphere

2. What is the name given to the shape of the Earth and explain it?

3. What is photochemical process?

4. How is the Oxygen Cycle maintained on the Earth’s surface?

5. Explain Water Cycle and Heat Cycle.

6. What is the special feature of Moon.


1. We can see the planets in the sky even though they do not have their light.

2. Earth is a unique planet in our Solar System.

3. Earth and Moon are often called as double planet.

4. Give two reasons for life being not possible on moon.

Lesson No 2 : Latitudes and Longitudes

Answer the following

1. Write the significance of each of important five parallels of latitude

2. Write the importance of latitudes.

3. Write two features of each of the heat zones.

4. How are Great Circles useful?

5. How many time zones does Russia, Canada and USA have?

6. What are small circles and why are they called so?

a. State two characteristics of revolution of the Earth.

b. What is meant by Equinox? Give the dates of two equinoxes.

c. Give reasons: 1. We always see the sun rising in the East.

2. The speed of the rotation of the Earth is greater at the Equator than at the Arctic Circle.

3. The amount of heat received by the Earth varies.

d. Describe the two characteristics of rotation.

e. Draw and explain Winter solstice.

f. Explain Ferrell’s Law.

g. Distinguish between : 1. Perihelion and Aphelion

2. Summer solstice and Winter solstice.

Lesson No: 4 Earth’s Structure

a. Name the sources of information about forces operating inside the Earth.

b. In which part of the Earth is NIFE found? What it is composed of?

c. Distinguish between Moho Discontinuity and Gutenberg Discontinuity.

d. Describe the Mantle. State its two characteristics.

e. Describe with the help of a diagram the Interior of the Earth. one point each.

f. What are the consequence of the pressure and temperature in the interior of the Earth?

g. Give reasons: 1. The inner core is solid state.

2. Sial floats over Sima.


a. Describe the terms Geomorphology and Diastrophism.

b. Give reasons: I The study of landforms is of primary concern to the geographer.
Ii A mountain is an effective barrier.
iii. Alluvial plains have been cradle of civilization since earliest times.
c. What is a mountain? Explain the different types of mountains with suitable examples.
d. Distinguish between Anticline and Syncline
e. Briefly explain the significance of mountains and their effect on human life.
f. How does the elevation of the plateau affect agriculture?
g. Explain Plains and the different types of plains with suitable examples
h. How are the alluvial plains the most fertile plains of the world?
i. Distinguish between the advantages and disadvantages of plains
j. Make a neat mind map to summarize the lesson
Draw neat labeled diagrams of Fold mountains.


a. Define the terms: Rock ,Metamorphism
b. Distinguish between i. Rocks and minerals
ii. Basalt magma and Silicate magma
iii. Plutonic and Hypabyssal rocks
c. What are the continental parts of the Earth’s crust composed of?
d. Give reason: i. Extrusive igneous rocks have small crystals
ii. Sedimentary rocks are stratified rocks.
iii. Sandstone is the most familiar sedimentary rock
e. List the different types of Igneous rocks and sedimentary rocks
f. Explain the different causes of metamorphism
g. Name the different types of metamorphism with suitable examples.
h. Make a neat mind map to summarize the lesson.

i. Draw a neat labeled diagram of Rock cycle.

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