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Representatives jesus C.

de Venecia jr, hum self nominated Nograles at the of the vvotings on

the motion to declared the speakers post vacant. The motion wins with one hundred seventy
one affirmatives voters 35 negstive votes and seventeen abtemstions.

The rep house early this

Mourning ananimously elected rep. Prospero Nograles of cebu as ites new speaker after

Approving a motion to declared the speaker ships vacant.

The house needs a majority of 121 to approved the motion.

Most of the congress minority opts not to participates in the bidd to unsit De venecia and

Morales ise elected at 12;55 am when he was nominated by De Venecia and it was
move and second deed that the nomination be close thus making her elections unanimous.

He is immediately sworn in buy Representative Pablo Garcia og Cebu city and he delivers his
rejection speeches.

To finally stopped this issue on the removal of JDV a new speaker be elected to kept the house
of reps working.

The voting on the motion to declare the speakership vacant comes after jdv Delivers a
sathing privileges speeches vs the Arroyo admission chiding the pres And her families for allege
involvements in a numbers of anomalies deals in govt. projects including pork barel fundings for
congress memberships.

Many of us are takings this rare opportunities to put a Mindanao politics leaders in the topmost
rung of the states leader ships rep Marc Douglas Cagas IC (Lakas-CMD, davao Del Sur) says.
Today I am interested in getting yours investments to the pjilipines The
Philippines offer of the best value for investment in Asia she tells a joint luncheon
forum hosted by the dubai cahamber of comerces and the Philippines business
delegation heeded by rep Ayala copr international container terminal Services in and
Aboitiz poer copr.

The pres. Cited the wonderfuls manpowers who are information – technology enabled
and eng speaking. more Importantly the country can be strategic hubb in the
south east Asian investors. May this invitations be fully acceptable to the other
peoples of the world like arabs.

Pres. Arroyo invited tops dubai businessmens to invest in the phils. Offers the best value
for money amongst neighbors economies.

What we need are businessmen in products like garments,

Furnitures fashion accessories these products in the Philippines produces quite wells
and the people of Dubai will be enjoying she says.

Mrs. Arroyo says the marketing the Philippines as an investment

havens is part of foreign policy which includes economics diplomatics diplomacy as she
stresses that this policy thrust is made up more crucial by current global uncertainties. A
team will be sent to the country soonest. Trade and sec. industry Peter Favil says.

Another fruits of the presidents trip to dubai is the signing of the memorandum of
understand between jasfa intl. a wholly subsidiary of DUBAI.

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