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Peto P.O.
P.O. My My parents
parents are
Manggaraian but but my
my step
parents areare javanese.
javanese. II have
have just
just He is going to
In his
moved here
moved here in
in Jakarta.
Jakarta. And
And leave.
now ,, II study
study in
in this
this school.
school. place
Thank you.
Lihat Comment
Lihat Comment
Lihat Comment
What is the boy doing?
Where does Betran deliver his He is greeting
1 1 1 T introduction?
It is seven o`clock in the Good someone
2 1 1 T morning. Tomy will go to school. afternoon In his friend`s home
3 1 1 T He
Todaysaysis____ to hisThree
Saturday. parents.
days Good morning
4 1 1 T ago was ____ Friday Tuesday

Mitha : “I got a birthday present Bad luck

from my boyfriend yesteday!” How boring
5 1 1 T Magdalena : “-----“

“ Every radio station

broadcasted their songs…” The Koes Plus
6 1 1 T
word “their “ in thisSentence
refers to…

“ Koes Plus was well known as a

pop music group…” The word Favorite Popular
7 1 1 T
`well known~has the same
meaning with…
In a school
Where can you read the cafetaria In a schoolc party
8 1 1 T

According to the text, what AC

9 1 1 T should the employees turn off
each Saturday?

The writer’s
The content above basically talks trip to
10 1 1 T The writer’s first visit to Prambanan
about … Yogyakarta

The content is composed as a/an Recount Narrative

11 1 1 T

Tell past
12 1 1 T What is purpose of the text … Entertain readers
On Saturday
13 1 1 T When did they go home? On Friday evening
14 1 1 T When will Emilia get married? Friday Sunday
Soni must come at ___ if she
15 1 1 T 9 A.M 10 A.m.
doesn`t want to be late.

“ Will you come?”

16 1 1 T The above expression is included Invitation Introduction
into the expression of ___

What is the dress code of

17 1 1 T Formal Casual
Emilia`s wedding?
18 1 1 T Disagreement Suggestion

19 1 1 T Kicks Kicked
20 1 1 T postponed Was being postponed

Mela : Why do you prefer Surya

21 1 1 T Deptstore to others? Is sold Are sold
Noni : Because the items ____ at
a reasonable price.

Andrew: There’s no longer a rule

for the youth to enter military Was it
22 1 1 T service in Britain. Winnie : Really, abolishing Did it abolish
when ___ ?

Dita : When did the accident

happen? Have been Were being unloaded
23 1 1 T
Dini : When the goods ____ from unloaded
the truck.

If I come to If I came to Indonesia

24 1 1 T I will visit your hometown ____

I will watch
I would watch the
25 1 1 T If I had had free time ____ the movie movie together with
together with my friend
my friend

A. I will buy
that limited
26 1 1 T If I were you, ____ I would buy that limited edition camera
27 1 1 T What is the fact of “ If I were you. I am not you I were not you

Got payment
of $131
28 1 1 T What action did Ronaldo do for M million for his Signed new contract

Ronaldo was a
29 1 1 T We can learn from paragraph 3 th talented Ronaldo was a very energetic football pl
football player

Because he
30 1 1 T Why did he go to the drugstore ? went there Because he needed medicine

Because she
Because she lent it to
31 1 1 T Why did she borrow some money took out a
Because it was
32 1 1 T Why did you walk to work this mo a beautiful Because I didn’t have
plenty of time

Because she
was going to
give a report
33 1 1 T Why did Nancy go to the meeting Because she was at the

Because she
wanted to
take pictures
Because cameras was
34 1 1 T Why did she get a camera ?

35 1 1 T Which one creates Jellyfish’s light Ocean Stomachs and mouths

They don’t
have brain,
They glow when they
36 1 1 T Based on the text, we know that only
stomachs, and

Kinds of all
37 1 1 T What is the text about? really not fish Jellyfish

Clerk : Good morning. May I

help you? I want to
38 1 1 T Traveller : Hello, ____ reserve a I have no place to spend the night
Clerk : I see. A single? single room
Traveller : Yes, Please.

Naya: Mr. Mathews` dishes are Pastry chef

always delicious. His matcha
panna cotta is the best.
39 1 1 T Demi chef
Mevie: Indeed. He is a ___ in
a five star INAYA restaurant.
Let me

40 1 1 T I am a talented sales
He is introducing his
He is introducing himself. He is introducing his friend
In his classroom On the street At home
Good night Good day Good bye
Monday Thursday Wednesday.

I`m sorry, I forget Fantastic. That`s great.

I`ll always remeber that.

Musics Radio

Diligent Happines

In a company In a library
At harbor

Lamps Printers
Mobile phone

t to Prambanan The writer’s impression about the guide The writer’s experience at Yogya Kraton The writer’s impression abou

Report Anecdote

Describe the smugglers Report an event to the police Inform readers about events

On Thursday evening On Friday afternoon On Saturday evening

Saturday Monday Thursday

9 P.m. 10 P.m. 11 A.M

Asking opinion Giving opinion Offering help

Business Princess Fairy tale

Agreement Opinion Offer

Will kick Was kicking Was kicked

Has been
Will be postpone Has to be postponed

Were sold Been sold

Was sold

Was it abolished Was it to abolish To be abolished

Are being unloaded Will be unloaded Are unloaded

If I will come to indonesia If I would come to Indonesia If I would have come to Indon

I would have watched the movie together I would have been watching the movie tog I would not have had to go to

ted edition camera I will be buying that limited edition camer I would have bought that limited edition I would have been buying tha

I was not you I have not been you I have been being

Scored goals to Real Madrid Won FA Cup Championship Paid $12 million

energetic football pla Ronaldo gained his success by his early tee Ronaldo was a legendary young football pl Ronaldo became the younges

medicine Because it was the drugstore Because he was going to eat Because he was going to play

Because she lost his Because she got

Because she loved her classm
wallet scholarship
Because I wasn’t tired Because the fare for Because my boss needed me
OJEK is too cheap

Because she went to th Because she worked Because her mother asked he
meeting there along day

Because she received a Because she hated

Because she loved drawing.
birthday gift playing Tik Tok

Chemical reaction Salt water Fresh water

They live in the lake They are part of fish They are vertebrate animals

Some kinds of sea

Salt water animals animals Animals that live in warm & tr

end the night I’d like to reserve a room for tonight I am going to stay in your hotel please I look forward to waiting for

Head chef Sous chef Bone chef

How may I introduce my identity, Sir? My name is Doroteus Dogor. May I apply as a programme
is friend

meber that.



mpression about Borobudur


rs about events of the day





e come to Indonesia

ave had to go to watch the movie together with my friend

been buying that limited edition camera



me the youngest player in Manchester

as going to play MABAR GAME

oved her classmate

oss needed me being on time at workplace

mother asked her to buy meat

oved drawing.


ebrate animals

ive in warm & tropical seas

d to waiting for your Confirmation, please

as a programmer, Sir?

3 T
3 T
5 T
5 T

4 T

1 T

2 T

3 T

1 T

1 T

1 T

1 T

5 T

3 T

1 T

1 T

2 T
2 T

5 T

5 T

2 T

3 T

2 T

1 T

3 T

2 T

1 T

4 T

3 T

2 T

3 T
1 T

1 T

1 T

3 T

1 T

2 T

3 T

1 T
4 T

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