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Name:______________________________ Year & Section:____________________

I. Choose the letter of the correct answer from the choices then write it on the space before the number.
1. It is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create media.
a. Media
b. media literacy
c. Information literacy
d. technology literacy
2. These are acquired data for specific purpose.
a. Information b. media c. Technology d. literacy
3. It is the systematic application of one’s art or skill for a practical purpose.
a. Information b. media c. Technology d. literacy
4. This is the skill that allows a person to recognize when information is needed and how he will be able to
access, locate, evaluate and use it effectively.
a. Information literacy b. media literacy c. Technology literacy d. media and information literacy
5. It is the ability to acquire relevant information and use modern-day tools to get, manage and communicate
a. Information literacy b. media literacy c. Technology literacy d. media and information literacy
6. This refers to how a person is able to look for relevant information from various media with the help of
a. Information literacy b. media literacy c. Technology literacy d. media and information literacy
7. Examples of these are radio, television, newspaper and internet.
a. Media b. literacy c. Technology d. information
8. Characterize by conveying a message of information that is accurate, factual, and truthful
a. Fairness and objectivity b. truthfulness c. Empathy d. responsibility
9. This is being in another person’s shoes.
a. Sympathy b. responsibility c. Empathy d. integrity
10. Media practitioners are expected to show professionalism regardless of the situation they are in.
a. Responsibility and integrity b. fairness and objectivity c. Hard working d. truthfulness
11. When a message is transformed into an understandable sign and symbol system, the process is called?
a. encoding b. noise c. decoding d. interpretation
12. It is the ability to effectively and efficiently comprehend and use written symbols:
a. literacy b. alliteration c. illiteracy d.literature
13. Someone is behaving inappropriately on one of the sites you’re using. You should …..
a. tell the person off c. shut down your PC
b. just ignore whatever it is d. report to the moderator of the site
14. What is censorship?
a. When cyber bullying occurs.
b. When false and deceiving information is used to trick others.
c. When someone tries to influence the opinions or behaviors of others.
d. When information is suppressed or deleted to hinder freedom of speech.
15. An act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of an author.
a. copyrighting
b. plagiarism
c. net addiction
d. cyber bullying
16. Is it possible that different individual derives a different meaning from the message?
a. Yes, because he or she is coming from a different point of view and/or background.
b. Yes , because sometimes information is unclear.
c. Yes, because most of the time people don’t want
to understand.
d. Yes, because strategies in understanding were not introduced
17. All of the statements about traditional media are correct EXCEPT?
a. Media experience is limited.
c. Sense receptors are very specific.
b. Integrates all aspects of old media.
d. Existed before the advent of internet.
18. It is a form of electronic communication through which people create online communities.
a. Mass media . b. New Media c. Transmedia d. Social Media
19. A media and information literate individual is someone who:
a. thinks critically b. thinks irrationally
c. thinks unethically d. thinks immorally
20. What organization cites the importance of media and information literacy in the modern world?
a. UNESCO b. Media Quest Holdings c. Press Alliance d. Foundation for Media Alternatives
21. These are conventions, formats and symbols which indicate the meaning of media messages.
a. Media Education b. Media Literacy c. Media Convergence d. Media Languages
22. Which of the following is not included in considering information ACCURACY?
a. content must be grammatically correct
b. Sources and references must be cited.
c. Does tone and style implied properly.
d. Author’s name is easily visible.
23. How did facebook change our lives in a good way?
a. We care less about our privacy.
b. Facebook changed the definition of friend.
c. Facebook has created online jobs and opportunities.
d. Facebook created negative effects on culture as well as in society.
24. DZMM, DZBB, DZME, DZRH and RADYO PATROL are examples of?
a. Print media
b. Broadcast Media
c. Film
d. New Media
25. Video Games can also be considered as type of media . Why is it possible? It is ….
a. because it affects human behavior like social media did.
b. because it’s been a means in which people are entertained.
c. because video games has features that enable communication.
d. because Millenials must be in a trend.
26. When does someone get copyright protection?
a. When the author gets paid c. As soon as the work is created
b. When it is published with a © symbol d. When it is registered for copyright
27. How long in the U.S. does copyright last?
a. Forever, as long as someone holds the copyright c.70 years after it is created
b. A person's life plus 70 years after death
d. It depends on the type of registration that was bought
28. What happens to the work after the copyright time has passed?
a. It can be bought. c. There is no time-limit on copyright
b. The work must be destroyed. d. It goes into the public domain
29. Something must have the © sign to be copyrighted.
a. True, how else would you know if it was in the public domain or not?
b. False, a work belongs to the creator whether or not there is a © symbol
30. What is fair use?
a. Paying the creator a fair price for the work
b. Using paid-for commercial products once and not sharing them
c. Limited copying or distribution of published works without the author's permission
d. Freeware that you obtain from the Internet
31. What are the four factors that determine if the use of copyrighted material falls under fair use?
a. Purpose, Content, Amount, and Market Effect
b. Purpose, Amount, Environment, and Market Effect
c. Substantiality, Use, Nature, and Market Effect
d. Purpose, Nature, Amount, and Market Effect
32. Non-profit and educational uses will generally weigh in favor of fair use as opposed to:
a. News Reporting b. Scientific Use
c. Commercial Use
d. Respective Uses
33. Understanding the difference between primary and secondary sources is important because...
a. different types of sources provide different kinds of information.
b. sometimes a primary source has a greater impact in a paper than a secondary source.
c. primary sources can often be biased and provide a skewed version of history, where secondary
sources usually remain neutral.
d. all of the above
34. What form of digital media uses file formats with the abbreviations JPEG, PNG and TIFF
a. Images b. Photographs c. Video d. Audio
35. With images, audio and video, what is the usual relationship between file size and media quality (There is
more than one correct answer.)
a. Smaller file = faster to download and better quality
c. Smaller file = faster to download but poorer quality
b. Bigger file = slower to download but better quality
d. Bigger file = slower to download and poorer quality
36. Which of the following online services does not enable the sharing of videos
a. SoundCloud b. Tumblr c. Flickr d. None of the above - they all support video.
37. Which of the following statements is false (There is more than one correct answer.)
a. Smartphones now have very high quality built in audio, video and photo capabilities. The results are
just as good as what can be obtained by using professional cameras and recording equipment.
b. If young people already have smartphones, they can be a handy way to generate photos, audio and
video quickly. The quality may not be great though.
c. The audio, video and photo quality of smartphones is so poor that they are not worth using for
research purposes.
d. Modern smartphones can produce still images of a reasonable quality. The quality of video and
audio they produce is less good, but this can be improved by using certain apps and add-on devices.
38. What do Audacity, Wavepad and GarageBand have in common?
a. They are all open source.
c. They are all used for audio editing and production.
b. They are all designed to work on mobile devices.
d. They are all free.
39. Which of the following video editing packages are available for the iPad (There is more than one correct
a. Final Cut Pro b. Avid Studio c. iMovie d. Adobe Premiere
40. What different audio-visual media can be embedded into Google maps
a. Only photographs. c. Photographs and video, but not audio.
b. Only video. d. Photographs, video and audio.
41. What are the key differences between YouTube and Vimeo (There is more than one correct answer.)
a. Vimeo is better quality than YouTube.
b. YouTube has more users than Vimeo.
c. It is easier to download videos from YouTube than Vimeo.
d. Vimeo allows you to upload longer videos than YouTube.
42. Refers to the conventions, formats, symbols and narrative structures which indicate to an audience the
meaning of media messages. Symbolically, the language of electronic media work in much the same way as
grammar works in print media.
a. Media Codes, Conventions, Languages and Messages
b. Media Literacy
c. Media Education
d. Media Convergence
43. Refers to materials, programs, applications and the like that teachers and students use to formulate new
information to aid learning through the use, analysis, evaluation and production of interactive and hands-on
a. Information b. Media Convergence c. Media Education d. Manipulative Information and
44. Refers to a theory that people receive and interpret media messages in the light of their own history,
experience and perspective so that different groups of people may interpret the same message in different
a. Internet Addiction b. Massive Open Online Course
c. Active audience d. Audience
45. Understanding and using mass media in either an assertive or non-assertive way, including an informed and
critical understanding of media, what techniques they employ and their effects. Also the ability to read,
analyze, evaluate and produce communication in a variety of media forms, e.g. television, print, radio,
computers etc. Another understanding of the term is the
a. Media Convergence b. Media Education c. Media and Information Literacy d. Media Literacy
46. Refers to virtual reality or interactive 3D and have a figurative appearance. Current examples range from 3D
printer, 3D films, holograms, etc.
a. Massive Open Online Course c. People Media
b. Three-Dimensional Technology d. New Media
47. Refers to content organized and distributed on digital platforms.
a. New Media b. People Media c. Media d. Netiquette
48. Refers to the abilities to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate, effectively use, and
communicate information in its various formats.
a. Information Literacy b. Internet c. Information d. Text Information and Media
49. Physical object used to communicate media messages.
a. People Media b. Netiquette c. Media d. Internet
50. A broad term that can cover data, knowledge derived from study, experience, or instruction, signals or
symbols. In the media world, information is often used to describe knowledge of specific events or situations
that has been gathered or received by communication, intelligence or news.
a. New (Information) Age c. Text Information and Media b. Information d. Information Literacy

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