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CIRCULAR NO: 35 DATE: 10/01/2023

Dear Parent
Greetings from PAIS!!

“The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics “ – Paul Halmos

Pallavi Aware International School in association with Institute for Promotion of

Mathematics is conducting the 27th All India Open Mathematics Scholarship
Examination for Grades II to IX .

Kindly find enclosed the details of the same:

Examination Date : April 23 , 2023

Mode of Examination for Final : Online

Mega-Final : Will be decided by IPM ( Institute for Promotion of Mathematics)

Eligibility : Students of Grades II to IX

Exam Fee : Rs 400

Last Date Registration : January 18, 2023.

Scholarships and Awards: Top 251 students from Grade II to VI each and top 150
students of Standard VII to IX each, will be awarded with one-time cash scholarship
(Total of Rs 10,00,0000 )

Certificate of Merit /Distinction/ Appreciation/Participation will be awarded to all the

students as per their performance.

1. Interested students are requested to confirm their participation along with the exam
fee on or before January 18, 2023 to their respective class teacher.
2. For more details about the examination, kindly visit

Warm Wishes
Radhicka Borgaonker
Principal PAIS

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