The Consequences of The Multiculturalism. Imigração

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Immigration is a very debated topic nowadays, its all over the world, and it was always present in

history. Basically it consists on the entry of foreigners into the country. These do it on the search of
better life conditions of life like work health, and education.

Its normal to see a family immigrating to another country, for a certain period of time, or maybe for
ever, but the point is, when we see basically an entire country Immigrating to another country for the
same reason, (in some cases family’s are running away from the war, in other cases people might just be
looking for a better life, better job opportunities), immigration becomes a problem because the country
who’s receiving them will face an enormous problem, there might not be “space enough” for everyone.
They will face problems on the labor market, since the immigrants will fill the vacancies, witch would be
for the residents of the country who are unemployed, thus creating a riotous of residents, and possibly
clashes between people.

Cases like these, where massive immigration becomes a problem, are more common today. For
example, between the United States of America and Mexico, its neighbouring country, where people
immigrate in search of better living conditions, and not always to traffic in narcotics. Another current
case is immigration in neighbouring South America, especially between Venezuela and Brazil, where
families go days and days to reach Brazil, feeling unemployment in Venezuela, in search of a job in Brazil.
And we still have the saddest situation in the waters of the Mediterranean in Europe, where Syrian
residents cross the Mediterranean for days without water or food to reach Europe, (facing even deadly
diseases during the travel), namely Italy and Spain, all because of the war.

With all this we conclude that immigration is a problem that is directly related to multiculturalism.
Multiculturalism assumes that there are better country’s (developed), and worst country’s (in
development). Therefore, we may also note that the differences between country’s can generate war, or
the bad conditions can generate a bad life condition in certain country, in other terms multiculturalism
might be the reason, that makes immigration a problem. In other hand, the people from a country in
development will immigrate to a developed one.

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