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Hello, what is your name?

My name is David

How are you?

I'm fine, thank you

What is your first name?

My first name is Edwin

What is your nickname?

My nickname is Dav

How old are you?

I am twenty-two years old

What is your cell phone number?

My number is 0939970067

What is your email address?

My e-mail address is

What is your ID number?

My ID is 1751311521

Do you have any pets?

Yes, her name is Bonnie

How do you spell Bonnie?

It is B-O-N-N-N-I-E

Do you know where Andrés is?

Um! I don't know.

Oh, have you heard from Marcela?

Mmm, I think she's in the library.

Oh! And Malenie?

She's at the gym, I think she's going to be late.

Ummm, as usual.

Did you pick up your pencils?

Yes, I put them in my backpack.

And that umbrella?

That's my umbrella.
Look at that book on the floor?

Yes, it's Marcela's.

Can you put it on the teacher's desk?

Yes, right now.

And that watch, is it new?

Yes, my father bought it for me.

Oh, it's nice.

Shall we go to the park and play with the ball?

Yes, let's go to the park.

Shall we close the classroom?

Yes, let's close

Where do you live?

I live in Quito, in the neighborhood of San Isidro. My neighborhood is nice

David, who is your favorite singer?

My favorite singer is Dante, he is from Spain.

Is he really? My cousin's name is Daniel.

That's great! My grandfather's name is also Daniel.

How old is he?

He's seventy-six.

And you Edwin, what's your favorite singer?

I don't like listening to music. I like sports.

What is your favorite sport?

My favorite sport is soccer, it's very interesting.

Really? Who is your favorite player?

My favorite player is Messi. He is very skillful, fast and the best in the world.

Apart from soccer, what else do you like?

I like art

ohh, and what kind of art do you like?

art that is related to the abstract.

ohh, it's very interesting

and do you like books?

yes, I love fantasy books

Do your siblings study?

Yes, my brother and sister study in the mornings.

Ohhh, your sister, what does she study in the mornings?

She studies mathematics, and you, how many classes do you have a day?

I have classes five hours a day.

Well, I always watch sports TV. Do you watch a lot of sports on TV?

Well, I watch documentaries on TV.

Do your parents watch TV?

No, they read the newspaper.

I like it too, does your best friend race on the weekend?

A: No, he doesn't.

Do you eat with your family on Sundays?

Yes, we eat together on Sundays.

Are you from a large family?

Well, I have two brothers and a sister and how many hours do you spend with your

I spend five hours a week with my friends.

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