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Drug War in the Philippines

The best thing that can ruin your life is a drug. It is the government`s most difficult issue
to date and our country's worst issue. We can stop drug abuse in this nation if we work together to
support President Duterte's campaign to root out drug dealers in the Philippines. Drug abuse can
ruin your own life, the lives of others, and the community to which you belong. The oplan tokhang
provides drug users with a second opportunity for a better life and then a fresh start. Duterte's war
on drugs campaign`s administration is a sound strategy and the president is engaged in active
campaigning. It is a more effective method of dealing with drug addiction as well as the crimes
associated with using illegal drugs. I support Duterte`s war on drugs campaign since it is the only
way to eliminate drug addiction and stop the production of illegal drugs. It's now The Duterte
administration's the illicit drug problem has slowly improved and will continue until the final day
of Duterte's will is today.
When the war on drugs first began, the extra-judicial killings were a common topic of
discussion on the acronym "EJK" for the archipelago. a survey made available by Social Weather
on April 20, 2017 It is not a true proof that the war on drugs has a bad sabotage to manage to kill
the unwanted or petty crimes and also that 73% of respondents are worried that they or someone
they know could be the victim of an extrajudicial killing. Beginning in early August 2016, the
leading television network in the nation, ABSCBN, reported that 603 people had died since
Duterte's May election. While more than 500,000 drug users turned themselves in to authorities,
more than 4,000 people were arrested. Human rights were violated during the Duterte
administration's war on drugs. purely due to the issue of extrajudicial killings that the PDEA and
police are carrying out crimes and violating the Human Rights due to obeying the President’s order
to murder those involved in drug use. It does mean that The Duterte administration's drug wars are
bad. It is in dire need of Duterte gave the directive to "walk your talk" in order to carry out the
mission of assassinating drug addicts who want during oplan tokhang, to combat the Police.
Because the police have a valid warrant for the arrest of the drug addicts and have carefully
instructed them to surrender, there has been no violation of human rights.
Given the current state of affairs, it may seem difficult to have a drug-free neighborhood
or community, but it is attainable as long as everyone contributes to the fight against drugs. Friends
and relatives of drug users or sellers should also be included in the war on drugs. This will reduce
drug-related crimes since without access to illegal substances, drug addicts won't get the highs or
hallucinations that lead them to commit crimes. They wouldn't have to steal either in order to
purchase drugs. Simply put, there won't be many users without the pushers.
Despite opposition from other countries to the Philippines' deadly anti-war on drugs, the bulk
of President Duterte's campaign, which killed thousands of primarily impoverished people, is still
supported by Filipinos. suspects in drugs. The SWS poll, which included 1,200 adult participants
from around the nation, discovered 78% of respondents indicated in March that they were happy
with the administration's performance in its campaign illicit drugs received a 43% very satisfied
rating, a 35% somewhat satisfied rating, a 10% unsure rating, and a 12% unsatisfied rating.
Although there so many against of the Duterte’s campaign on war on drugs, the majority of
Filipinos is still strong to support the campaign because it has a big changes to the country. It
lessens the drug related crimes. The big real evidence is that there are thousands of surrenderies of
drug addicts due because of the campaign of Duterte. Making a country and every barangay and
community are drug free. Government should improve the forces of Police during oplan tokhang
to easily resolve the drug addiction and help the surrenderies to start a new again. Duterte should
maintain this campaign on war on drugs to totally eliminate the illegal drugs.

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