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202 Protection of electricity distribution networks 9.11 Drawing relay settings The setting of distance relays can be represented in diagrams as time against reach in ohms for the item of equipment being protected. The reach clearly depends on the settings having been defined in accordance with the methodology set out in the previous text. It should be noted that the settings calculated using the equations are subject to two restrictions: ‘limitations for the particular relay, when the calculated value is excessively high and itis impossible to set the relay; + limitations for the load, when the value for the reach of zone 3 approaches the ‘maximum load point too closely. ‘When the first type of restriction applies, the reach is adjusted to the maximum available on the relay. Example 9.1: The following case study illustrates the procedure that should be followed to obtain the settings of a distance relay. Determining the settings is a well-defined process, provided that the criteria are correctly applied, but the actual implementation will vary, depending not only on each relay manufacturer but also con each type of relay For the case study, consider a distance relay installed at the Pance substation in the circuit to Juanchito substation in the system shown diagrammatically in Figure 9.34, which provides a schematic diagram of the impedances as seen by the relay. The numbers against each busbar correspond to those used in the short-circuit study, and shown in Figure 9.35. The CT and VT transformation ratios are 6005 and 1000/1, respectively. From the eriterion for setting zone 1, 2, = 0852;0-11 = 0.85(*) = 6.13/80.5" primary ohms and for zone 2, Za = Zi +05(1-% KZ In this ease the infeed constant is defined as Jc ten tls + hen ~ Toa Ki for a fault at busbar 11 From the short-circuit values in Figure 9.35, 1333.8/ ~ 85.54" +0-+5364.6/ ~ 85.88" + 449.91 — 86.34" 226-8555) In making this calculation, it should be noted that the values of current are referred to the receiving busbar. Distance protection 205 This gives 148.274 — 88.87 - 338/-037° 2112.6) 38e— 0.5 so that 1+ Ki = 4.38 Therefore, the setting for zone 2 is Zq = 7.21 /80.50° + (4.38 x 0.356/82.90°) = 8.77/80.93° primary ohms and the setting for zone 3 is Zs = Zion + (1+ K2)Zun-a1 + 0.25(1 + Ks)Zeanomes In this ease, the infeed constant K will be taken to be the same as K; since uunderreach on that section is not significant, This approach is common when determining zone 3 settings, For a fault on busbar 11, the infeed constant is defined as ky then tls tte Toit Thus, _2232.8/— 90.08" + 1333.8/ — 85.54" 4 $364.6/— 85.88 4 449.9/— 86.34" 2112.67 85.55" that is, 9376.72/ — 86.86" . 2 2112.62 — 85.5" 136 so that 14 Kp = S48/ 1.107 Therefore, the setting for zone 3 is Zs =7.21:80.50" + (5.444 ~ 1.10" x 8.07/68.71") 4+ (144440 1.36°)11.95:90° = 114,35/80.20° 206 Protection of electricity distribution networks ‘The relay settings, in primary ohms, can be summed up as follows: 2, = 6.132805" Zz =8.17:8093" Zs = 114.35:80.20° ‘The secondary ohms are calculated using the following expression: cm Bove = hoy vie In this ease, CTRIVTR = 120/1 000 ~ 0.12, and, therefore, Z: = 0.736 ©, 2, = 1.082 Q and 25 = 13.72 0. Starting unit settings ‘The starting unit is set by taking 50% of the maximum load impedance. Given that the power transferred from Pance to Juanchito is $= 30.4 + j13.2 MVA = 33,14 MVA, then, 2 (use F ~ 5575 7 399-03 primary ohms ~ 47.88 secondary ohms Residual compensation constant setting Ko= 37 where Ky ~ residual compensation factor 7 and Z = line positve- and zero-sequence impedances giving 36.95075.66" — 7.21/80:50" . ° WTA BOS0") 1am 6 Koala Time seting Time delay for zone 2 = 0.4 s ‘Time delay for zone 3 = 1.0.8 Load check The setting of the unit that determines the longest operating characteristic of the relay should be checked to make sure that it does not overlap the load zone. ‘The reach of the relay in the direction of the load is determined as follows: sin = 0.818 sin(@ — 30°) where the relay setting @ = 75" sing = 0.818 sin(45") Distance protection 207 that is, pa35.30° a= 180° — 8 - (6 30°) siving a = 99.66" so thatthe reach will be 7, — 9:55%a sin 99.66" _ 0.55(114.35)sin 99.667 * ina sins" 2, = 87.68 primary ohms The distance to the load point, expressed as a percentage, is 399.03 — 87.68 399.03 X 100% = 78.03% ‘Therefore, it is concluded that the setting is appropriate and does not require adjusting in reach as a result of the load. Determination of the effective cover In accordance with the calculated settings, in zone 2 the relay covers 50% of the line 11-9, However, itis important to determine the cover of this setting along the Juanchito-Yumbo 115-KV line (11-5) and, for this, the following expression is used: ‘The infeed constant K; at substation Juanchito (no. 11) is given by a thir + fist Tot for a fault on busbar 11 Since it is known that the angles of the infeed constants are close to zero, theit values can be calculated using magnitudes only: ky = 2232.84 1333.8 40+ 449.9 2112.6 = 190 Therefore, the effective cover along the Juanchito-Yumbo line is 877-721 % = Sa91T 1.90) 0.079 = 7.9% ‘As expected, the reach of zone 2 is less than $0% of the Juanchito-Yumbo line, since the shortest line is the Juanchito 115 to Juanchito 220 circuit. The reaches of the relays are given in Figure 9.36, 208 Protection of electricity distribution networks B.osewz1L0 = (oze oH ‘y. 9119/65 4 = (essary as! wacowszo1 w.ocrure = ‘BarL9780 16 apdunssy sof shojos worsoatoud aoursip fo yoooy 986 aandyy 222 Protection of electricity distribution networks aya 220 @ 3 ae 5 Distance protection 223 9.16 Exercises Exercise 9.1 Demonstrate that the operating characteristic of a mho relay, better known as an admittance relay, is a straight line in an admittance diagram. The crossing values of the line should be indicated in each one of the axes. Exercise 9.2 For the power system shown in Figure 9.51, calculate: ‘© the fault resistance, if the fault current is 200 A; the value of the residual compensation constant; the secondary impedance that the relay sees if itis used with a residual com- pensation constant equal to 1.0 (100%). ‘B.: The CT ratio is 80/1, and the VT ratio is 11 800/ V3 : 110/ V3. Exercise 9.3 For the power system shown in Figure 9.52, determine the reach in secondary ohms for zone 3 of the distance relay installed in the Juanchito substation, on the line that goes to Pance substation, Make a check of the proximity of the maximum load, Caleulate the infeed constants to cover the adjacent and remote lines, con- sidering the intermediate infeeds associated with busbar 7 only. rae 20 vanvo 220 DHT LS618EA auTo ana 20 reorrc-snoe ia) MSR 97044 so 28638 taf — =| 07-855 i] @)sasioa 20 — Lamy esta 2107 £87.60" kA, nee | 7/90 essa Figure 9.53 Fault current contribution for Exercise 9.3, 224 Protection of electricity distribution networks Note Transformation ratios of the CTs and VTs are 800/5 and 2.000/1, respectively, + Three-phase short-circuit values for a fault on busbar 7 are given in Figure 9.53; they correspond to line values (not per circuit). + Relay setting angle is 75° . aaa ea eS 336. Protection of electricity distribution networks Since Jy = 3/o for this fault, we have 22.3 $55.7) +B x 13.15) + 8.5 +124) _ Ze - = 793 +559 ‘The secondary ohms are CT ratio 80/1 Primary obms x FTES = (793 +389) x Trapper Tg ~ S84 + Solution to Exercise 9.3 ‘The system arrangements are shown in Figure A.24 for reference. ance 220 incite ° ssragazarrn [@ Yombo220 9 A Ancbicays Teaossra| zroscenss-a [Prrseesrssea[O'5 g asosaasi'a IO satvajina Bt [@ rane nis * giant of wo Figure 4.24 Power system for Exercise 9.3 ‘The operating zones for the distance relay located in the Juanchito substation fon the Pance line are Zone 1: Protects 85% of the Juanchito-Pance line. Zone 2: Protects 100% of the Juanchito-Pance plus $0% of the shortest adja- ccent line, which in this case is the Pance-Yumbo line. Zone 3: Protects 100% of the Juanchito-Pance line plus 100% of the longest adjacent line, which is the Pance-Alto Anchicayé line, plus 25% of the shortest remote line, ic. the Alto Anchicayé-Yumbo line. As it is required to calculate the reach, in secondary ohms, of zone 3, the infeed constants for both the longest adjacent line and the shortest remote line need to be calculated, using the impedances given in Figure A.24 Zs =Zyesecs ine + (1+ K2) Zines sce ine) +0.25(1 + K3)(Zshores remote ine) Solutions to exercises 337 where Zayseces ie ~ M1-AOL83.48° (Juanchito-Pance ine) Zing uct ine = 27.64182.45" (Pance-Alto Anchicayé tins) and ops rent ine = 27.84/82.48" (Alto Anchicayé-Yumbo line) Thus, Fonte Iron hon + far + 050-2) XK Try 050-9) From Figure 9.53, 127 87.96" + 1210.67/— 87.6" + 2446.772 86.18" + 0.5(1814.2/~ 86,59") O5(1B14.27- 86597) =6.44/—0.34" The calculation of the second infeed constant for the coverage of the shortest remote line, K, is similar to that for the first infeed constant for the longest adja cent line K; (calculated above), but it is now necessary to take into account the contribution of the generation at Alto Anchicaya. This contribution does not affect the coverage of the zone 3 relay on the Pance-Alto Anchicaya Line, but does on the remote Alto Anchicayé-Yumbo circuit Therefore, Foot ecaby way _ 2-1 + Frama + Fa + 0-5(lo-2) + Try O5(l-7) Ky The current contributions from the Alto Anchicayé substation that should be included in the above formula are not available for this exercise, However, Ky can be assumed to be equal to K;, $0 that the reach of Zs will be reduced by'a small amount that is not eritical since this zone acts as a remote back-up as mentioned in section 9.3 = A835" + {(1 + 6.442 — 0.34") x 27.64/82.45"} + {0.25(1 + 6.44/ — 0.34°) x 27.84/82.45°} = 268.82/82.21° primary ohms 338 Protection of electricity distribution networks The value of Zs in secondary ohms is CT ratio Vi ratio Zy = Primary ohms x > x (2 1) secot ohms sessamnar x (82) « (gig) ~215 nto It is necessary to make a check for the proximity of maximum load in order to verify that the maximum load impedance is never inside the characteristic of zone 3: 055 x Zs x sina sing — 30°) where From equation 9.40 B= sin {0.818 x sin(g a=210°-B-9 ‘The angle of the setting of the relay is g@=75"; therefore, 6 =35.34°, and @=210 ~ 35,34" — 75° =99,66°. Using these values in the equation for 0.55 x 268.82 x sin 99.66" singTs" — 3 = 206.13 primary ohms The maximum load impedance is __ (220x105 x Po 40x 10° = 1210 primary ohms ‘The check consists of verifying that 2-2 <0s For the double-circut line, Ze— Zs _ 1210 ~ 206.13 1210, = 04829 which is greater than 0.5. Therefore, the setting of the relay can be considered appropriate, and itis not necessary to reduce its reach,

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