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Define the following principles of law:

(Handwritten. Use Yellow Paper. Upload a readable picture of it in our group chat.)

1. Obligation
2. Contract
3. Freedom to contract
4. Nominate Contract
5. Innominate Contract
6. Mutuality of Contract
7. Relativity of Contract
8. Stipulation pour autrui
9. Consensual Contract
10. Real Contract
11. Solemn Contract
12. Preparation or negotiation of Contract
13. Perfection or birth of contract
14. Consummation or termination of contract
15. Option Contract
16. Option Money
17. Cause (causa) of contract
18. Lesion
19. Gratuitous Contract
20. Onerous Contract
21. Rescissible Contracts
22. Voidable Contracts
23. Unenforceable Contracts
24. Void or Inexistent contracts
25. Natural Obligations

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