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Topic 3– Exercise 3

Question 1

Based on the output of a harmonic analyser, it has been determined that a nonlinear load has a RMS
fundamental current of 70A. It also has 30A, 15A, 8A, and 3A for the third, fifth, seventh and ninth
harmonic currents respectively. The instrument used has been programmed to present the resulting
data in amperes rather than in percentages. Based on the given information, determine the following;
(a) The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) quantifies harmonics based on the
rms value of fundamental. Determine the individual harmonic distortion for the third, fifth,
seventh and ninth harmonic currents in percentages.
(b) The amount of the total harmonic distortion for current THDI.
(c) The true power factor if the displacement power factor is 0.85 and total harmonic distortion
for voltage, THDV is 2%.

Question 2
A 4.16 kV three-phase feeder is supplying a purely resistive load of 5400 kVA. It has been
determined that there are 300 V of zero sequence third harmonic and 250 V of negative-sequence fifth
harmonic. Determine the following:
(a)The total voltage distortion
(b)Is the THD below the IEEE Std 519-1992 for the 4.16 kV distribution system?

Question 3

According to ANSI 368 Std., telephone interference from 4.16 kV distribution systems is unlikely to
occur when the I.T index is below 10000. Consider the load given in Question 2; determine the
(a) The I1, I3, and I5 current in amps
(b) The I.T1, I.T3, and I.T5 indices
(c) The total I.T index
(d) Is the total I.T index less than ANSI 368 Std limit
(e) The total TIF index

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