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Money isn’t real
Money is invented by humans: an entirely artifi-
cial concept, it has no analogue in the natural
Money used to be linked to the value of gold
(The Gold Standard) but now it isn’t linked to
anything that might be considered to have in-
trinsic value.
In fact most currencies are legitimised only on
the basis that they are an acceptable way of
paying taxes.
Only 3% of the money in circulation in the UK
has been created by the government. The rest
is ‘lent into existence’ by banks.

This e-book is written and offered by Neil Crofts - coach, consultant and author. For more information
or to contact please visit Copyright © Neil Crofts 2008
Lending money into existence
97% of money in the UK is lent into existence.
It’s a similar figure in other countries.
When you buy a house with a loan, the lending
bank needs to back only 8% of the loan with
assets that they own. The rest is based on the
value of your property.
The money they lend you is ‘created’ by the
bank with a few keystrokes: it’s not sitting in
the vault. It then takes you many years of sweat
to repay with interest that ‘virtual’ money.
For some people, paying off their mortgage is
their life’s work. Of course, if the banks didn’t
lend individuals so much money for mortgages,
houses would be a lot cheaper.
How does that make you feel?

This e-book is written and offered by Neil Crofts - coach, consultant and author. For more information
or to contact please visit Copyright © Neil Crofts 2008
Money is Energy
Another more authentic way to look at money
is as a convenient token for the exchange of
energy between people.
When I do some work for someone I exchange
some of my intellectual, emotional and/or
physical energy for some of their energy, usu-
ally in the form of money.
They will have exchanged some of their energy
with someone else to acquire the money and I
will probably go on to exchange it with some-
one else for goods or services that are created
with the energy of others.
It is a good system: a lot more convenient than
lugging goats around.

This e-book is written and offered by Neil Crofts - coach, consultant and author. For more information
or to contact please visit Copyright © Neil Crofts 2008
Energy is abundant
The great thing about seeing money as a way
to exchange energy is the enormous amount of
energy available.
The first law of conservation of energy states
that energy cannot be created or destroyed.
So... if money is an artificial invention to facili-
tate the exchange of energy... and energy can-
not be created or destroyed...
There can never be a shortage of money.
Where money looses it’s energy is when it is
used to exploit others or to gamble. Then it is
not being used for the exchange of energy, but
to control or distract.

This e-book is written and offered by Neil Crofts - coach, consultant and author. For more information
or to contact please visit Copyright © Neil Crofts 2008
Money is Free
Different types of people have different ap-
proaches to money and energy. These different
approaches are independent of income and as-
sets; they are about what we do with what we
Many people feel they don’t have much choice
about what to do with their money. But if money
is just another form of energy, we can choose to
direct our energy elsewhere.
You can use money to distract yourself, to en-
slave yourself or to enrich yourself.
The choice is yours.

This e-book is written and offered by Neil Crofts - coach, consultant and author. For more information
or to contact please visit Copyright © Neil Crofts 2008
Poor Approach
The poor approach to money and energy is to
direct the energy towards distraction.
For example directing energy towards wide
screen TVs, alcohol (or other anaesthetics),
distracting holidays (usually involving lots of
alcohol), buying everything new, souvenirs,
ornaments and so on.
Directing energy towards things that distract
you from your situation means that the situation
is unlikely to improve.

This e-book is written and offered by Neil Crofts - coach, consultant and author. For more information
or to contact please visit Copyright © Neil Crofts 2008
Ordinary Approach
The ordinary approach to money and energy is
to direct it towards “ego props” or “lifestyle
products” that make us feel important. What
these have in common is that they cost far more
in terms of money and energy than they return.
Typically these might include: highly mortgaged
houses, expensive cars, boats and planes, trophy
holidays, premium brands, expensive divorces
and so on.
It’s also perfectly ordinary to take on huge debts
or seek enormous salaries to acquire these
badges of lifestyle. We end up dependent on our
income and forced to stay in jobs that we may
find destructive and unfulfilling.

This e-book is written and offered by Neil Crofts - coach, consultant and author. For more information
or to contact please visit Copyright © Neil Crofts 2008
Wealthy Approach
The wealthy approach to energy and money is
to direct what we have towards things that
provide more energy and money. To invest in
businesses, property or projects that enrich us
further, financially and emotionally.
If you want to be wealthy, focus your financial
and personal energy on enrichment. Develop
yourself as a person, your confidence and clarity.
Use available financial resources to create value
for others rather than to distract, entertain or
prop up your ego.
Justify all spending of time or money by its
potential for enrichment.

This e-book is written and offered by Neil Crofts - coach, consultant and author. For more information
or to contact please visit Copyright © Neil Crofts 2008
Attracting Wealth
What is your favourite food?
Go with me on this.....
What does it taste like? What does it smell like?
What is the texture and what are the colours?
We love our favourite food because of the in-
tensity of the experience. It tastes great, it smells
great, we like the texture and the colours.
Write down exactly what it is you like about it.

This e-book is written and offered by Neil Crofts - coach, consultant and author. For more information
or to contact please visit Copyright © Neil Crofts 2008
Boiled rice
OK, now contrast your favourite food with a
plate of boiled rice.
Boiled rice is plain. It is inoffensive. We don’t dis-
like boiled rice - but we don’t love it either.
You can choose to live your life as a plate of
boiled rice to avoid offending people.
Or you can choose to be a fully flavoured dish…
you won’t be to everyone’s taste, but enough
will love you.
Hold that thought…

This e-book is written and offered by Neil Crofts - coach, consultant and author. For more information
or to contact please visit Copyright © Neil Crofts 2008
Money is Love
We direct our energy towards what we fear
and what we love.
For example we might buy some new clothes,
either because we love them or because we
fear dressing inappropriately - or a combination
of the two.
When a politician says there is not enough
money to pay for high quality school meals,
what they are really saying is that they do not
love the children’s nutrition or fear the conse-
quences enough.
There is rarely a shortage of money for wars,
because there is rarely a shortage of fear in that

This e-book is written and offered by Neil Crofts - coach, consultant and author. For more information
or to contact please visit Copyright © Neil Crofts 2008
Attracting love
So if we want to attract more money we need to
either be more frightening or more lovable.
Assuming you prefer love to fear, the way to
achieve that is to be more true to yourself: full
flavour, full colour, full intensity, full experience,
full time.
And not to play the plate of boiled rice, to avoid
offending others.
The more we are ourselves, the more we attract
love and, with it, energy. Some of that energy will
be in the form of money.

This e-book is written and offered by Neil Crofts - coach, consultant and author. For more information
or to contact please visit Copyright © Neil Crofts 2008
Life lessons
One of the core messages we receive during our
education is that we are not competent to
evaluate ourselves. Evaluation is done by some-
one in authority; remotely and preferably with a
red pen.
This is both disempowering and untrue.
In fact the only person truly capable of evaluating
you is you. Only you know how hard you tried,
how honest you were and what you are capable
This form of external evaluation or appraisal of-
ten continues into the work place. It directs our
attention to improving our weak points.
We are encouraged to use our energy to polish
up the areas that are not great.

This e-book is written and offered by Neil Crofts - coach, consultant and author. For more information
or to contact please visit Copyright © Neil Crofts 2008
Build your brand
Although it runs contrary to our culture, your
energy would be far better channelled into doing
what you’re good at!
Anyone who succeeds in sport, business,
entertainment or anything else succeeds by
doing what they are great at.
You already have a range of valuable talents.
Building on these will be far more enriching than
trying to improve weak points.
Your own ‘brand’ is based on your unique set of
strengths. Use your energy to be the best you
can be at whatever you are already great at and
project that as your ‘brand’.

This e-book is written and offered by Neil Crofts - coach, consultant and author. For more information
or to contact please visit Copyright © Neil Crofts 2008
Build your team
Another lesson we need to unlearn is trying to do
everything alone. What we might now call
collaboration was known as cheating at school.
Independence is not a bad thing, but
interdependence is better.
If you want to be truly wealthy you have to let go
of enough of your independence to truly
collaborate with others.
You probably know what your weak points are,
they will have been drummed into you enough. The
opportunity is to collaborate with people who are
strong where you’re weak.
Collaboration will give you more skills, creativity
and contacts so you can offer greater value to
more people. And therefore attract more energy
to yourself and your collaborators.

This e-book is written and offered by Neil Crofts - coach, consultant and author. For more information
or to contact please visit Copyright © Neil Crofts 2008
Income unlimited
A strong piece of conditioning that many of us
receive is that the income we deserve is related to
the time we spend, rather than the value we
create. Most jobs will limit your income in
exchange for your time and the implication of
But time is finite and value is lasting. It has little
relation to time.
To be truly wealthy you must separate time from
money and work from security.
And look for your greatest opportunity to create
value for others.
"Where your talents and the needs of the world cross,
there lies your vocation."

This e-book is written and offered by Neil Crofts - coach, consultant and author. For more information
or to contact please visit Copyright © Neil Crofts 2008
Neil Crofts
Neil Crofts is a highly authentic, experienced and
innovative coach, author and business consultant.
His style is to inspire, equip, motivate and energise
people and businesses to make breakthroughs and
He has helped thousands of people to find innova-
tive and authentic routes to success and fulfillment
in life and work.
For more details of books and courses or to ar-
range a chat to see what might work best for you
or your business please see:
or e- mail

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