Judging and Scoring

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- The pageant competition will be judged and scored by 3 judges. 

- Each area of competition will be scored in 3 subcategories that will be averaged together for a
competition score. 

- The competition scores for each area of competition will be averaged together for an overall pageant

- The overall pageant score determines who wins a national, state, or city title. 

- Ties will be broken by analyzing the scores of each area of competition and then their subcategories;
starting with: Interview, Platform, and Photogenic. 

- The higher score breaks the tie as the winner. 

All applicants will compete in three main areas of competition:

INTERVIEW - worth 50% of the overall pageant score. 

Mrs./Ms./Miss/Teen Beauty Winners must possess a friendly personality! 

- Competition Format: Applicants will answer (5) interview question on their application. 

- Judging Criteria: Applicants will be judged on personality, enthusiasm, and overall impression. 

- Tips and Hints: Questions with "right or wrong" answers will not be asked. Applicants will simply be
asked questions regarding their personality, extracurricular activities, likes and dislikes, etc. Please use
complete sentences. 


PLATFORM - worth 25% of the overall pageant score. 

Mrs./Ms./Miss/Teen Beauty Winners must possess excellent self-expression! 

- Competition Format: Applicants must write a brief one paragraph essay on their entry application. 

- Juding Criteria: Applicants will be judged on self-expression, personality, and overall impression. 

- Tips and Hints: Please use clear and complete sentences. 


PHOTOGENIC - worth 25% of the overall pageant score. 

Mrs./Ms./Miss/Teen Beauty Winners must possess photogenic appeal! 

- Competition Format: Applicants must submit a head-shot photo of themselves. 

- Judging Criteria: Applicants will be judged on beauty, personality, and overall impression. 

- Tips and Hints: This photo can be black & white or in color. Should have good resolution and clarity.
Photo DOES NOT have to be professionally done. 


1. Each department must have two male and two female candidates.  The department shall
be responsible for screening the candidates in accordance to the rules and guidelines
set by the English Department.
2. The contestants, upon the endorsement of their respective Department head must fill-in
the official entry form on the date specified by the English Department.
3. Design of attires and costumes to be worn during the competition should be submitted to
the pageant committee head for screening and approval. The design and sketch will be
treated as confidential. Once the design is approved, it must be worn during the
pageant.  Non-compliance would mean no rating for that particular area of competition. 
Vulgarity of costumes and attires is strictly not allowed and must conform to the
Augustinian standards of prudence and conservatism.
4. The organizing committee has the right to call the attention of the candidates in cases of
any untoward behavior that would cause disturbance of the scheduled activity.

Beauty                                                 -           30%

Personality/Stage Presence                -           20%
Negrense Festival Wear                     -             4%
Augustinian Shoutout Casual Wear    -             3%
Formal Wear                                       -             3%
                        TOTAL                                   60%

Note:  All requirements must be placed inside a short-sized brown envelope.

Each candidate will choose from among their fellow candidates, whom they prefer/consider to
be the friendliest, thus possessing the Augustinian value of Friendship. This will be done
through a secret ballot prior to the pageant. The male and female candidates who will get the
highest number of votes will be declared as the MR. AND MS. CONGENIALITY.
The sponsor’s representative will judge/choose from among the candidates the one who ideally
embodies their product or company. This award will be given by the company representative
during the pageant night.

1. Candidates must wear festival costumes under the concept “Highlighting Negros”.
2. Costumes must be inspired from any festival of a municipality/city in Negros Occidental.
3. To ensure that there will be no duplication of festival costumes, each department must
submit the name of its chosen festival as early as possible.
4. Headdress is allowed as long as it does not exceed the size of 24x24 inches.

Suitability                                             30%
Poise, bearing and projection             30%
Stage presence                                   30%
Over-all impact                                   10%
                        TOTAL                       100%

1. Barong should be used for male.

2. Any design, style, or color for Filipiniana is highly encouraged.
3. Headdress and masks are not allowed.

Suitability                                             30%
Poise, bearing and projection             30%
Stage presence                                   30%
Over-all impact                                   10%
                        TOTAL                       100%
 Pageant Judging Criteria for 2012

The outline presented here is the basis for judging contestants of the 2012 Mister and Miss KPF Pageants.
It is not intended to provide complete criteria but to serve as a guideline. By choosing a well-rounded
panel of judges, we trust that judging will be fair and impartial. Remember: This contest is subjective.
Our goal is to choose a well-rounded panel that can see past personal taste when need be and see the core
beliefs that make Mister and Miss KPF the best amateur pageant title to hold.

There are ten (10) points in each section. Follow the links below for additional guidelines pertaining to
each portion of the judging criteria.

Creative Pride Wear

There are ten (10) points in this section.

Overall Makeup and Presentation

This is not to be confused with full impersonation of the opposite sex but rather the representation of the
“persona/character” the contestant is representing. The make up should match the person/character that is
being presented.

Proper Use of the Colors of Pride

As a contestant, there should be a working knowledge of the pride colors and the order in which they are
to be presented. If the Pride wear is of an abstract design all colors should be represented equally. If the
colors are in order then the correct order is to be used based on the standardized pride flag. (Failure to use
the correct colors and proper order (if applicable) will disqualify the contestant from this category
resulting in zero points awarded. If there is any question and the colors and order of the flag address them
with the pageant chair person.

Poise and Stage Presence

Did the contestant hit all the marks while modeling the outfit? Does the contestant have confidence while
modeling the outfit?

Fit and Finish

Does the outfit fit properly on the contestant? A gown’s fabric should not sag. A suit should be fitted. A
themed look should fit according to the theme. Does the headdress fit correctly and maintain the proper
position? Does the outfit interfere with the contestant’s ability to model the garment correctly?


This category is all about letting the contestant have total control and creativity over the final product.
Does the final product look creative or does it look like something that was bought off the rack or
something that looks to have been thrown together at the last minute. (This part of the category is very
subjective and in doing so is the lowest place holder point wise so as to be scored fairly.)

On-Stage Question and Answer

There are ten (10) points in this section.

This category is intended to demonstrate the contestant’s reaction to a question that could be asked by
anyone from the community or a member of the media. The ability to answer a question directly, without
elaborating too much, is the quality we seek in the contestant. Simply put, answer the question as directly
as possible, to the point and in the time allotted (one minute for the on-stage question.)

The contestant will also be judged on his or her ability to relay the message of the chosen cause to the
audience during an additional two minute segment. The contestant will not be judged on the cause itself
but on the delivery of its message. We are looking for passion and knowledge of the cause. No props may
be used in this segment with the exception of video.

Answer to the Question

Did the contestant answer the question directly and to the point? Was information given in the answer that
did not pertain to the question? The objective is to answer the question in a manner that is clear and to the

Poise and Stage Presence

Does the contestant have confidence and poise while answering the question? Does the contestant have an
air of confidence that is measurable by the audience and judges?

Cause Presentation

Did the contestant demonstrate full knowledge of the cause being presented? Did the contestant make the
judges and audience aware of the importance of the cause and demonstrate passion for the cause? Did the
information about the cause include its purpose, benefits to others and its personal meaning to the

A note on recognizing the judges: The contestant shall neither be scored higher or lower by saying: “My
distinguished panel of judges, for your consideration…” It is an unnecessary acknowledgement. While we
recognize that many other gay pageants encourage this recognition, contestants will not be scored lower
by omitting such recognition.


There are ten (10) points in this section.

This is and has always been the "IT" category for the Mister and Miss KPF Pageants. One of the ways for
title holders to interact with the community is through entertainment, so "let’s see what you got!"

This is a category that is open to interpretation by the contestant. Talent will be judged on use of medium,
overall entertainment value and audience reaction. We are looking for lip-syncing that is on-queue. If
singing live, the contestant should be on pitch and in tempo. Does the overall costume and props support
or distract from the contestant’s performance?

If backup dancers or singers are used, do they support or distract from the performance? All props and
backup persons should be present only to accentuate the contestant and in no way should they become the
center of attention themselves or otherwise detract from the contestant.

Entertainment Value

Did the contestant entertain the audience? This is open to individual interpretation of the constestant,
judges and audience. We feel that, through the selection process, the judging panel will consist of a
diverse group with the ability to recognize entertainment value.

Overall Makeup, Stage Presence and Props

This is not to be confused with full impersonation for the opposite sex but rather the representation of the
persona or character the contestant is representing. The makeup should match the represented person or

Use of Stage

Did the contestant utilize the stage to its full effect for the talent being presented?

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