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Weather Monitoring Model

2. Review of Atmosphere Dynamic and Thermodynamic

Many formulations of the problems related Numerical weather model was developed
to weather predictions have been studied based on quantitative theory of weather
heretofore in dynamic meteorology. Efforts system; there arise various problems of
in the hydrodynamic theory of weather formulation, both of the equations
prediction have resulted the series of quite themselves and of the mathematical
complete and physically meaningful methods for their solution. The first
formulations of these problems, and at the problem is associated with the formulations
present accept as the basis for the of the basic equations for the dynamics and
development of numerical methods. The thermodynamics of atmosphere processes,
formulations and methods of weather which involve a variety of transitions
model problem will be continually improved between different forms of energy. This is
by the accumulations of new information primarily a physical problem. And the
and technology about mechanism second problems are computational
underlying atmospheric processes and mathematic application and computer
computer sciences. technology.
Based on atmospheric processes, numerical
weather model has two basic directions
2.1. Atmosphere dynamic processes
being pursued in the theory of short-range
weather predictions. The first attempted to Dynamic meteorology is the study of those
improve the barotropic model by using motions of the atmosphere that are
balance equations; the other tried to create associated with weather and climate. For
baroclinic model using the quasigeostropic all such motions the discrete molecular
approximations (Marchuk,1974). By nature of the atmosphere can be ignored,
evaluating the result of studies in the field and the atmosphere can be regarded as a
of short-range weather prediction, it seems continuous fluid medium, or continuum
proper to conclude that the barotropic (Holton, 1992). A point in the continuum is
models lack a proper physical basis in that regarded as a volume element that is a very
they only consider the redistribution of small compared with the atmosphere
kinetic energy by wave dispersion volume under consideration but still
processes. Baroclinic quasigeostropic contains a large number of molecules. The
models was admitted more complicated in expression air parcel and air particle are
transitions from internal energy to kinetic both commonly used to refer to such a
energy and vice versa. Barotropic point. The various physical quantities that
predictions model only occasionally characterize the state of the atmosphere
predictable, whereas the baroclinic are assumed have unique values at each
quasigeostropic model could be describe up point in the atmosphere continuum.
to 60-70% of all cases of weather
Dynamic process consider with the force
phenomena. Short-range weather
that influences the motions of atmosphere.
prediction has temporal and spatial
Based on the fundamental physical law of
resolution that could not describe for large
conservations of mass, momentum and
area or weather conditions in the future.
energy, the forces that influence’s can be
So, extended-range prediction is the most
classified as either body force or surface
urgent scientific problems of weather
force. Developed from fundamental
prediction, since prognostic schemes for 3-5
physical law, the forces that influences
days ahead must contain features from
atmospheric process can be divided into
both short and long-range weather
two parts.

By Idung Risdiyanto 3
Weather Monitoring Model

2.1.1. The fundamentals force b. Gravitational force

a. Pressure gradient force Newton’s law of universal gravitation states
that any two elements of mass in the
Consider an infinitesimal volume element of
universe attract each other with a force
air, δV =δx δy δx, centered at the point x0,
proportional to their masses and inversely
y0, z0 as illustrated in Figure 2.1. Below
proportional to the square of the distance
Figure can be expressed in a Taylor series
separating them. The equation is:
expansion as :
∂p δx GMm  r 
Fg = −  
p0 + + higher − order exp ression r2  r 
∂x 2
Fg : Gravitational force
 ∂p δx 
FAx = − p 0 + δyδz G : Gravitational constant
 ∂x 2  M and m : Mass of first and second
 ∂p δx 
FBx = + p 0 − δyδz r : distance from center of M and
 ∂x 2  m elements
Fx = FAx + FBx = − δxδyδz (2.1)M
Thus, if the earth is designated as mass
and m is a mass element of the atmosphere,
The mass m of the differential volume the force per unit mass exerted on the
element is a simply the density ρ times the atmosphere by the gravitational attraction
volume: m = ρ δxδyδz. Thus, the x, y and z of the earth is:
component of pressure gradient force per
unit mass is: GM  r 
Fg ≡ g* = −   (2.4)
r2  r 
Fx 1 ∂p
=− In dynamic meteorology it is customary to
m ρ ∂x
use as a vertical coordinate the height
Fy 1 ∂p above mean sea level, modification of the
m ρ ∂y equation is :
Fz 1 ∂p g0 *
=− g* = (2.5)
m ρ ∂z (1 + z a )2
So the total pressure gradient force per unit
mass is : Where :
F 1 g0* = -(GM/a )(r/r)
= − ∇p (2.2)
m ρ r=a+z

(x0, y0, z0) a : the mean of radius of the earth

z : the distance above mean sea level
note : For meteorology applications z<< a
c. Viscous force
δy For the atmosphere below 100 km, viscous
force is so small that molecular viscosity is
y negligible except in a thin layer within few
centimeters of the earth’s surface where
x the vertical shear is very large (1992,
Holton). So, for local phenomena, viscous
Figure 2.1. The x component of the pressure force will be influences such as orography
gradient force acting on a fluid element

By Idung Risdiyanto 3
Weather Monitoring Model

rainfall type. The vertical shearing stress on 2.1.2. Non inertial reference and “Apparent”
air can be seen below figure. force
a. Centrifugal force
∂τ zx δz The earth and air on above of surfaces are
τ zx +
∂z 2 rotating system. Application of Newton’s
second law describes motion relative to this
rotating coordinate system, include an
τ zx additional apparent force, it is called
centrifugal force, which just balances the
force of the string. The centrifugal force is
δy equivalent to the inertial reaction of the
δx element on the atmosphere. It could be
y ∂τ zx δz
τ zx − equal or opposite to the centripetal force.
∂z 2
The equations was used to describe their
x force is centripetal acceleration such as :

Figure 2.2. The x component of the vertical dV

= −ω 2 r (2.8)
shearing stress on air component dt
Where :
If the mass of component is ρ δxδyδz, then V : velocity
the viscous force per unit mass owing to
w : angular velocity
vertical shear of the component of motion in
the x direction is : r : radius of the string
1 ∂τ zx 1 ∂  ∂u 
= µ  (2.6)
ρ ∂z ρ ∂z  ∂z  b. Gravity force
Where : A particle of unit mass is at a rest on the
surface of the earth. Observed in a
µ : constant, derived from kinematics referenced frame rotating with the earth, is
viscosity coefficient (ν=µ/ρ) 2
subject to a centrifugal force Ω R, where Ω
u : air velocity is the angular speed of rotation of the earth
and R the position vector from the axis of
rotation to the particle. The weight of a
The resulting frictional forces components particle of mass m at a rest on the earth
(Fr)per unit mass in the three Cartesian surface’s, which is just the reactions force of
coordinate directions are : the earth on the particle, will generally be
less than the gravitational force mg*
 ∂ 2u ∂ 2u ∂2u  because the centrifugal force partly
Frx = ν 2 + 2 + 2  (2.7a)
 ∂x ∂y ∂z  balances the gravitational force. The
equations is :
 ∂2v ∂2v ∂2v 
Fry = ν 2 + 2 + 2  (2.7b) g ≡ g + Ω2R (2.9)
 ∂x ∂y ∂z 
Gravity can be represented in term of the
 ∂2w ∂2w ∂2w  gradient of a potential function Φ, called
Frz = ν 2 + +  (2.7c)
∂z 2 
the geopotensial:
 ∂x ∂y 2
∇Φ = −g (2.10)

If the value of geopotensial is set to zero at

mean sea level, the geopotensial Φ (z) at
the height z is just the work required to
raise a unit mass to height z from mean sea

By Idung Risdiyanto 4
Weather Monitoring Model

z Ω

Φ = gdz
(2.11) 2Ωu cos φ

2Ωu ( R / R )
c. Coriolis force
The mathematical form for the Coriolis 2Ωu sin φ

force due to motion relative to the rotating φ

earth can be obtained by considering the
motion of hypothetical particle of unit mass
that is free to move on a frictionless
horizontal surface on the rotating earth. If
the particle is initially at rest with respect to
the earth, the only forces acting on it are
the gravitational forces and apparent
centrifugal force owing the rotation of the
earth. Figure 2.3. Component of the Coriolis force
owing to relative motion along a latitude
Letting Ω be magnitude of the angular circle
velocity of the earth, R the position vector
from the axis of rotation particle and u the Letting δR designate the change in the
eastward speed of the particle relative to distance to the axis of rotation for a
ground, the total centrifugal force is: southward displacement from latitude φ0 to
latitude φ0+δφ, so the conservation of
 u 2ΩuR u 2 R angular momentum :
Ω +  R = Ω R + + 2 (2.12)

 R R R
δu 

(R + δR )
ΩR =  Ω + (2.15)
The first term on the right is just the  R + δR 
centrifugal force owing the rotation of the
earth. This is included in gravity. The other If δu is the eastward relative velocity when
two terms represent deflecting forces, the particle has reached latitude φ0+δφ, so
which act outward along the vector R. The based on second order differential above
2Ωu(R/R) is the Coriolis force owing to equation:
relative motion parallel to a latitude circle.
δu = −2ΩδR = +2Ωaδφ sin φ 0
Coriolis force can be divided into
component in the vertical and meriodional where : δR = −aδφ sin φ 0 , a is the radius
directions such as in Figure 2.3. Relative of the earth
motion along the east-west coordinate
Dividing through by the time increment δt
produces accelerations in the north-south
and taking the limit as δt → 0 , obtain from
directions give by below equations:
the above equations:
 dv 
  = −2Ωu sin Φ (2.13)  du  dφ
 dt  Co   = 2Ωa sin φ 0 = 2Ωv sin φ
 dt  Co dt
and the acceleration in the vertical direction
where : v = a dφ dt is the northward
 dv 
  = −2Ωu cos Φ (2.14) velocity component
 dt  Co

By Idung Risdiyanto 5
Weather Monitoring Model

2.2. Atmosphere thermodynamic md + m v

processes ρ= = ρ 'd + ρ 'v (2.21)
Atmosphere thermodynamic process is the
where ρd is the density which the same
mechanism of the relations between
mass of dry air would have if it alone
atmosphere element such as temperature,
occupied the volume V and ρv the density
pressure, and air density on the air column.
which the same mass of water vapor would
Thermodynamic of the atmosphere
if it alone occupied the volume V. Applying
consider about the equations of dry air,
the ideal gas equations to the water vapor
water vapor and moist air also their
and dry air also used Dalton’s law of partial
process. Processes that occur in the
pressure will produces below equations:
atmosphere with the relationship between
the mechanical work done by the system p−e e
and the heat the system receives, as ρ= + (2.22)
R dT R vT
expressed by the laws of Thermodynamic
(Wallace and Hobbs, 1977). Describing or,
about atmosphere process will be explained
p  e 
on path 2.1.3, 2.1.4 and 2.1.5 owing
ρ= 1 − (1 − ε )
including dynamic and thermodynamic R dT  p 
atmosphere relations.
where : ε = R d R v = M w M d ≡ 0.622

2.2.1. The gas laws Above equation can be written as :

Relational between temperature, air density p = R d ρTv

and pressure can be described by an
equation of state. All gases are found to T
Tv = (2.23)
follow approximately the same equation of 1 − (e p )(1 − ε )
state over a wide range conditions. This
equation of state is referred to as the ideal Tv is virtual temperature. It has been
gas equation. The ideal gas equation is: appropriate temperature as considering the
fact that mass of water molecules less than
pV = mRT (2.18) mass of dry air molecules (Pawitan, 1989).
If this fictitious temperature, rather than
where :
the actual temperature, is used for moist
p : pressure
air, the total pressure p and density r of the
V : volume
moist air are related by the ideal gas
M : mass
equation with the gas constant the same as
R : gas constant
that for a unit mass of dry air (Rd).
T : Temperature

Derived from above equation, the density ρ 2.2.3. Specific heats

= m/V, so the equation is: The specific heat of the material is the
p = ρRT (2.19) ratio of rate of quantity of heat (dq) and
temperature (dT). It is defined, in this
For a unit mass of gas, above equation way can have any number of values
could be write: depend on how the material changes
while it receives the heat. If the volume
pα = RT (2.20) of the material is kept constant, a
specific heat at constant volume (cv) is
2.2.2. Virtual temperature
defined by:
Consider a volume V of moist air at
temperature T and total pressure p which  dq 
cv =  
contains mass md of dry air and mass mv of  dT  αconst
water vapor. The density ρ of the moist air
is given by:

By Idung Risdiyanto 6
Weather Monitoring Model

Define by the specific volume (), the dq = dh − αdp

internal energy (du) become equal with dq
dh = c p dT
 du 
cv =  
 dT  αconst h = cpT (2.29)

Based on the first law thermodynamic, both Enthalpy can be explained by developing of
above equation can be written: air column at constant pressure, so that the
air parcel moving in a hydrostatic
dq = c v dT + pdα (2.24) atmosphere neither gains nor loses heat.
If the pressure of the material is kept
constant, a specific heat at constant volume
(cp) is defined by: 2.3. Structure of the Static Atmosphere
Structure of the static atmosphere
 dq 
cv =   determine the relations and values of
 dT  pconst pressure, temperature and air density.
State conditions that influence the relations
The quantity of heat at constant pressure and value can be derived from hydrostatic
can be written : equations, geopotensial terminology, and
dq = c v dT + d(pα ) − αdp (2.25a) hypsometric equations and implemented in
the vertical coordinate.
dq = (c v + R )dT − αdp (2.25b)

So, specific heat at constant pressure can be 2.3.1. The hydrostatic equations
determined by specific heat at constant
volume. The atmosphere is in motions at all times.
In the absence of atmosphere motions the
cp = cv + R (2.26a) gravity force must be exactly balanced by
the vertical component of the pressure
dq = c p dT − αdp (2.26b) gradient force (Holton, 1992). Consider a
vertical column of air with unit cross-
sectional area, the mass of air between
2.2.4. Enthalpy heights z and z+ dz in the column is ρdz,
where the ρ is air density at height z. The
Discuss about it, consider on the process in force acting on air column such as in Figure
atmosphere if heat is added to an air 2.4 due to the weight of the air is gρdz,
column or system at constant pressure, where g is the accelerations due to gravity
then the specific volume of the material at height z. So, the balanced of forced in
increases from 1 to 2, the work done by the vertical requires that :
unit mass of the material is p(α2− α1).
Therefore, the heat added to a unit mass of dp
the air column can be written (considering
= −ρg (2.30)
with internal energy).
dq = (u 2 − u1 ) + p (α 2 − α 1 )
= (u 2 + pα 2 ) − (u1 + pα 1 )
If h is the enthalpy of a unit mass and
defined by:
h ≡ u + pα

dh = du + d (pα ) (2.28)

So, quantity of heat can be written :

By Idung Risdiyanto 7
Weather Monitoring Model

The geopotential Φ (z) at height z is thus

given by:
φ(z ) = gdz
∫ (2.33)

and the geopotential height (Z) is also

defined by equations:

φ(z ) 1
g0 ∫ gdz

2.3.3. Scale height the hypsometric

In meteorological practice it is not
convenient to deal with air density which
Figure 2.4. Balance of force for hydrostatic can’t be measured directly. By use the
equilibrium (Holton, 1992) hydrostatic and geopotential equation, can
Above equations is termed the hydrostatic be integrated pressure at levels p1 and p2
equation. Hydrostatic balance condition as differential vertical layers with
provides an excellent approximation for the geopotential Φ1 and Φ2. Integration of the
vertical dependence of the pressure field in geopotential equations in the vertical yields
the real atmosphere and intense small-scale a form of the hypsometric equations.
system such as squall lines. Integrating p2
from a height z to the top of the dp
atmosphere can be written: ∫
φ 2 − φ1 = − R d Tv

p(z ) = ρgdz
∫ (2.31) R
Z 2 − Z1 = d
g0 ∫T

That is, the pressure at level z is equal to

the weight of the air in the vertical column The temperature of the atmosphere
of unit cross-sectional area lying above that generally varies with height. Thus, the
level. If the mass of earth’s atmosphere variation of geopotential with respect to
were uniformly distributed over the globe, pressure depends only on temperature. In
the pressure at sea level would be 1013 mb, this case integrated a mean virtual
which is referred to as normal atmosphere temperature Tv with respect to ln p will
pressure and abbreviate as 1 atm (Wallace result the equations that expressed the
and Hobbs, 1977) scale height.

R d Tv  p1  p 
Z 2 − Z1 = ln  = H ln 1 
2.3.2. Geopotential Height g0  p2   p2 
According to Hobbs and Wallace (1977), the (2.36)
geopotential (Φ) is defined as the work that
must be done against the earth’s where the scale height H is define as :
gravitational field in order to raise a mass of R d Tv
1 kg from sea level to that point. In other H= = 29.3Tv (2.37)
word, geopotential (Φ) is the gravitational
potential for unit mass. The basic of 2.3.4. Pressure as a vertical coordinate
geopotential equations is:
Horizontal components of the
dφ = = −α.dp (2.32) pressure gradient force are evaluated by

By Idung Risdiyanto 8
Weather Monitoring Model

partial differentiation holding z constant. General expression for the horizontal

However, when pressure is used as the pressure gradient, which is applicable to any
vertical coordinate horizontal partial vertical coordinate s=s(x,y,z,t) that is a
derivatives must be evaluated holding p singled valued monotonic functions of
constant. Transformation of the horizontal height. In the Figure 2.6 present the
pressure gradient force from height to horizontal distance x the pressure
pressure coordinate can be seen in Figure difference evaluated along the surface s=
2.5. Considering from x-z plane, from Figure constant, is related to that evaluated at z =
2. 5 can be define below equation. constant. The equation is:
p c − p a p c − p b δz p b − p a
= +
 (p 0 + δp ) − p 0   (p + δp ) − p 0   δz  δx δz δx δx
  = 0   δx 
 δx z  δz  x  p Taking the limits δx, δz → 0 , will obtain:
Above equations have the indicated  ∂p  ∂p  ∂z   ∂p 
subscripts that remain constant in   =   + 
evaluating the differentials. Consider on  ∂x  x ∂z  ∂x  s  ∂x  z
evaluating the pressure at the one layers, Using identity ∂p ∂z ≡ (∂s ∂z )(∂p ∂s ) ,
we can use limitation the z value into 0.
above equations can be express :
Taking the limits δx, δz → 0 , will obtain:
 ∂p   ∂p  ∂s  ∂z   ∂p 
 ∂p   ∂p   ∂z    =   +     (2.39)
  = −    ∂
 x  z
x ∂x ∂z  ∂x  s  ∂s 
 ∂x  z  ∂z  x  ∂x  p
Consider with the hydrostatic equation:

1  ∂p   ∂z   ∂φ 
−   = −g  = −  (2.38) s = const.
ρ  ∂x  z  ∂x  p  ∂x  p

pa δx X

p0+δp Figure 2.6. Transformation of the pressure

gradient force to s coordinates (Holton,
δx X 2.4. Atmospheric Processes
Figure 2.5. Slope of pressure surfaces in the Atmospheric process can be defined as
x,z plane (Holton, 1992) change of physical atmospheric condition
that expressed by weather phenomena.
The physical process consider about hydro-
In many numerical weather prediction thermodynamic atmosphere including many
models pressure normalized by the pressure factors that influences it. Like as application
at the ground [σ ≡ p(x , y, z, t ) p s (x , y, t )] of fundamental physic, in this model,
weather phenomena can be simplified to
is used as a vertical coordinate (Holton,
explain a complex system.
1992). This choice guarantees that the
ground is a coordinate surface (σ ≡ 1) even 2.4.1. Concept of an air parcel
in the presence of spatial and temporal
In the atmosphere mechanisms problem,
surface pressure variations.
mixing is viewed as result of the random
motions of individual molecules. Their

By Idung Risdiyanto 9
Weather Monitoring Model

mixing is important only within centimeter

of the earth’s surface and levels above the
Consider on temperature changing with
turbo pause ( ≈ 105 km). At intermediate
adiabatic process, can be derived an
levels, virtually all the vertical mixing is
expression for the rate of change of
accomplished by the exchange of well-
temperature with height of a dry air parcel
defined air parcels with horizontal
which moves about in the earth’s
dimensions ranging from a few centimeters
atmosphere while always satisfying the
to scale of the earth itself.
conditions listed. Using the adiabatic
According to Hobbs and Wallace (1977), the process can be derived that changing of
behavior of air parcel of infinitesimal heat is zero (dq=0), and the atmosphere is a
dimensions that assumed to be: hydrostatic equilibrium, so the equation
 Thermally insulated from its
environment so that its temperature (
d cpT + φ = 0 )
changes adiabatically as it rises or sinks
 Always at extract the same pressure as  dT  g
the environmental air at the same level, −  = ≡ Γd (2.40)
 dz  dry c p
which is assumed to be in hydrostatic
equilibrium Where Γd is called dry adiabatic lapse rate.
 Moving slowly enough that its kinetic
If an air parcel expands as it rises in the
energy is a negligible fractions of its
atmosphere, its temperature will decrease
total energy
with height.
When the atmosphere expanded or
2.4.2. The adiabatic lapse rate
compressed adiabatically from its existing
Material changes its physical state without pressure and temperature to a standard
any heat being either added to it or pressure, it will have the potential
withdrawn from it, the changing called temperature. To calculate potential
adiabatic. Different with isotherm process, temperature (θ), can be derived from
compressing volume a system that change pressure (p), temperature (T), the standard
by adiabatic process will be resulted the pressure (P0) and adiabatic transformations.
higher pressure than isotherm process. It
owes that during the adiabatic compression c p dT − αdp = 0
the internal energy increases and therefore c p dT dp (2.41)
the temperature of the material rises. − =0
However, for the isothermal compression R T p
the temperature remains constant. Hence, Integrating above equation from p0 and
TC > TB and therefore PC > PB. Illustration of T=θ,
compression process can be seen in Figure
2.7. T p
cp dT dp
R ∫
T p p ∫ (2.42)
C 0

cp T p
Adiabat ln = ln
B R θ p0

cp R
T p
  =
Isotherm A θ p0
R cp
p 
Volume θ = T 0  , for dry air R/cp=0.286
 p 
Figure 2.7. Representation of an isothermal (2.43)
(AB) and an Adiabatic (AC) transformations The last equation is called Poison’s
on a p-V diagram equation.

By Idung Risdiyanto 10
Weather Monitoring Model

2.4.3. Water vapor in the air es

w s = 0.622
Weather prediction for tropical area should p − es
consider about water vapor, because there
have higher humidity than other area. es
w s ≈ 0.622 , p>>es (2.45)
Understanding about water vapor be p
important to know including the process
that accomplished. So far, to indicated the Relative humidity (RH)
presence of water vapor in the air through Relative humidity is the ratio of the actual
the vapor pressure (e) which its exerts and mixing ratio (w) to the saturation-mixing
its effect on the density of air by introducing ratio (ws) with respect to water at the same
the concept of a virtual temperature. temperature and pressure
a. Moistures parameters w
RH ≡ 100 (2.46)
Mixing ratio (w) ws
The amount of water vapor in a certain Dew point (Td)
volume of air defined as the ratio of the
mass (mv) of water vapor to the mass (md) The air temperature must be cooled at
of dry air. constant pressure in order to saturate with
respect to a plane surface of water.
mv According to Hobbs and Wallace (1977),
md dew point is the temperature at which
saturations mixing ratio (ws) with respect to
mv Mw water becomes equal to the actual mixing
e= p
md M d + m v M w ratio (w).
w s (at temperature Td and pressure p )
w RH ≡ 100
e= p , where ε = 0.622 (2.44) w s (at temperature T and pressure p )
Frost point
Saturation vapor pressure The air temperature must be cooled at
It is saturated with respect to a plane constant pressure in order to saturate with
surface of pure water or ice surface. This respect to a plane surface of ice. It is define
condition occurs owing the air, which is an analogous ways to the corresponding
equilibrium state with respect to a plane definitions with respect to water.
surface. The magnitudes of the saturation Lifting condensation level
vapor pressure depend only on
temperature and they both increase rapidly Rising unsaturated air expands and cools. If
with increasing temperature. it rises high enough and has adequate
moisture, it will be cool to its dew-point
Saturation mixing ratio (ws) temperature and be saturated. The
The saturation-mixing ratio with respect to occurred level is referred to as the lifting
water is defined as the ratio of the mass condensation level, or LCL. If the air
(mvs) of water vapor in a given volume of air continues to rise, we would expect to see
saturated with respect to a plane surface of condensation with a cloud forming. The
water to the mass (md) of the dry air. base of the cloud would be at the LCL and
the vertical extent of the cloud would be
m vs determined by many factors, including the
ws =
md temperature and moisture content of the
air above the LCL (Figure 2.8). According to
ρ 'vs e s (R v T ) NCAR (2001), the Lifting Condensation Level
ws = =
ρ 'd (p − e s ) (R d T ) (LCL) is the level where condensation
(saturation) occurs if one lifts an
unsaturated surface parcel dry-

By Idung Risdiyanto 11
Weather Monitoring Model

adiabatically. Graphically on the skew-T plot − Ldw s = c p dT + gdz

it is the point where the dry adiabat
(originating at the parcel temperature) and dT L dw s g
mixing ratio lines (originating at the parcel =− −
dz c p dz cp
dew point temperature) intersect.
dT L dw s dT g
=− −
dz c p dT dz c p


Lifting Condensation Level dT

Γs ≡ = (2.47)
dz L  dw s 
Constant θ 1+   
Constant ws  cp  dT 
 
where :
Γd : dry adiabatic lapse rate
Temperature -L dws : a unit mass of dry air due to
condensations of liquid water
Figure 2.8. Location of lifting condensation
L : Latent heat
level of a parcel of air at pressure p and
temperature T and dew point Td on a Γs : saturated adiabatic lapse rate
pseudoadiabatic chart (Hobbs and Wallace,
1977) According to Hobbs and Wallace (1977), the
magnitude of Γs is not constant, depends on
the pressure and temperature. Since
2.4.4. Saturated-adiabatic and dws/dT is always positive, it follows from
pseudoadiabatic processes that Γs < Γd. Actual values of Γs range from
When an air parcel rises in the atmosphere, about 4° near the ground in warm.
its temperature decrease with altitude at Such as description about pseudoadiabatic
the dry adiabatic lapse rate until the air process, it is irreversible condensations
becomes saturated with water vapor. So process. When an air parcel is lifted above
far, the air parcel gets to the lifting result in lifting condensation level so that
the condensation of liquid water or may be condensations occurs and the product of its
deposition of ice which release latent heat. fall out, the latent heat gained by the air
This fact will give consequent that the rate during this process will be retained if the air
of decrease of temperature of the rising parcel returns to its original level. This fact
parcel become less. If all of the will give some effect such as:
condensations product remain in the rising
parcel, the process that occur still consider  Net increases in the temperature
adiabatic and its can be called saturated and potential temperature of the
adiabatic-process. In the other hand, if all air parcel
the condensations products immediately  A decrease in moisture content. It
fall out of the parcel of air, the process is indicated by changes of mixing
cannot strictly adiabatic; it’s called ratio, RH, dew point)
pseudoadiabatic process.
 No change in the equivalent
To derive the rate of change in temperature potential temperature or wet bulb
with height of air parcel undergoing a potential temperature.
saturated adiabatic process could be used
below equations:
dq = c p dT + gdz

By Idung Risdiyanto 12
Filename: b02.doc
Directory: F:\MetSat_2009
Template: C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application
Title: II
Author: Idung Risdiyanto
Creation Date: 5/25/2009 10:33:00 PM
Change Number: 8
Last Saved On: 1/4/2010 11:09:00 AM
Last Saved By: Idung Risdiyanto
Total Editing Time: 8 Minutes
Last Printed On: 1/4/2010 11:10:00 AM
As of Last Complete Printing
Number of Pages: 11
Number of Words: 4,177 (approx.)
Number of Characters: 23,812 (approx.)

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