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Name: Niña Francine F.

Date Submitted: September 17, 2022
Course & Year BSED Science First Year


(WEEK 1-2)
STS First Semester, SY 2021-2022

Activity Sheet No: 1

Week 1 - Importance of Science, Technology & Society

Score: 20 points
Due date: Saturday, 17 September 2022
Note: Answer only in three (3) statements & in bullet form.

1. How important is Science and Technology to YOUR course? (6 pts.)

- Science does not only focus on modern technologies today but also on the development of science that
leads us to the technologies in the current era of humanity. I learned, especially in the evolution of
technologies made by man, that everything has an origin, from stone used as a tool to the advanced
technologies we have today.

- As future educators in science and technology, we must put in our minds that science is the systematic
analysis of the physical world via the collection of facts using the scientific process. And technology is
the application of science to the development of pieces of equipment that can handle issues and
complete tasks. Practically, technology refers to the utilization of science.

- Science and technology are mutually beneficial and drive each other onward. Scientific knowledge
enables us to make more discoveries about the world, develop further scientific and technological
information, and create technical advances. Also, it pushes us to view things differently, feel differently,
and perhaps even desire diversity because of science and technology. It has enabled us to cultivate
civilizations, explore social problems such as ethics, art, and equality, and think about different
technologies that could benefit society.
2. What benefits (give at least three) can you get out of studying STS? (9

-STS allows students to explore and understand how the world has evolved through time, from technological
advancements to societal and socioeconomic. It helps students realize their potential that can be used in daily
life and apply this learning to their future professions.

- Science and technology are mutually beneficial and drive each other onward. Scientific knowledge enables
us to make more discoveries about the world, develop further scientific and technological information, and
create technical advances. Also, it pushes us to view things differently, feel differently, and perhaps even
desire diversity because of science and technology. It has enabled us to cultivate civilizations, explore social
problems such as ethics, art, and equality, and think about different technologies that could benefit society .

- It helps students know the relationship between science, technology, and society. It allows students
to investigate the connections between science and technology and the material, societal, religious,
political, and cultural contexts in which these processes occur.

Ideas and

Discoveries Communication Values


Physics, biology
STS ǀ Week 1_Activity 1-Importance of STS_1st Sem_SY21-22

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