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I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. author B. other C. they D. there
Question 2: A. narrow B. donate C. hopeful D. boring
Question 3: A. chance B. fan C. interact D. narrow
Question 4: A. composer B. contest C. concern D. celebrity
Question 5: A. meaningful B. finance C. society D. advice
Question 6: A. ancient B. urgent C. talent D. event
Question 7: A. considered B. interviewed C. interfered D. recommended
Question 8: A. umbrella B. university C. unit D. debut
II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. volunteer B. understand C. overcome D. charity
Question 2: A. benefit B. needy C. interract D. urgent
Question 3: A. release B. heavy C. leader D. idol
Question 4: A. priority B. bulky C. apply D. community
Question 5: A. volunteer B. passionate C. audience D. instrument
Question 6: A. community B. donation C. performance D. disadvantaged
Question 7: A. advantaged B. minority C. experience D. education
Question 8: A. volunteer B. passionate C. audience D. handicapped
Question 9: A. disease B. important C. organize D. community
Question 10: A. piano B. agree C. idol D. perform
III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 1: I tried my best in the final test, _______ the result was not as good as I expected.
A. but B. so C. for D. that
Question 2: The artist quickly became _______ when her debut album gains Top 40 in a short time.
A. famous B. reputed C. talented D. incredible
Question 3: Our friends have lived in Paris _______ 2002.
A. for B. since C. in D. about
Question 4: How do volunteers help disadvantaged and handicapped children _______ their difficulties?
A. to know B. to get C. to pass D. to overcome
Question 5: Until now, the disease _______ over thirty thousand people worldwide.
A. has killed B. killed C. kills D. is killing
Question 6: When Jane came to Britain, she has to get used _______ on the left
A. driving B. to driving C. to drive D. drive
Question 7: I think that they will not agree to let you _______ out late at night.
A. go B. going C. to go D. gone
Question 8: He’s one of the most _______ men I have ever met. He never says anything interesting.
A. bored B. boring C. bore D. to bore
Question 9: Nobody was home when I rang Jenny, _______ I left a message for her.
A. so B. but C. for D. yet
Question 10:  You can join the non-profit organization when you _______ a bit older.
A. will have got    B. will get C. get     D. are getting
Question 11: The programme focuses on the _______ story of Mary Shelley, who wrote the horror
masterpiece Frankenstein.
A. fascinated B. fascinating C. fascinatedly D. fascinatingly
Question 12: You’d better do what I say, _______ I will do something bad to you.
A. or B. but C. so D. and
Question 13: The final football game attracted a crowd of over 50,000 _______ coming into the stadium.
A. audiences B. viewers C. composers D. spectators
Question 14: _______ I was waiting at the bus stop, three buses went by in the opposite direction.
A. After B. Before C. While D. During
Question 15: He deftly avoided _______ the question.
A. to answer B. answer C. answering D. answered
Question 16: Henry _______ into the restaurant when the writer was having dinner.
A. was going B. went C. has gone D. did go
Question 17: The railway station was criticized for its lack of disabled _______.
A. trains B. services C. equipment D. facilities
Question 18: While he _______the car, he _______a big case in the boot.
A. is washing / discovered B. was washing / discovered
C. washed/ discovered D. washed / was discovering
Question 19: One major_______of this area is lack of public transport.
A. advantage B. disadvantaged C. disadvantage D. advantaged
Question 20: The company_______to donate fifty trucks to help the flooded area.
A. volunteered B. sponsored C. forced D. told
Question 21: When I got to the hospital, she_______in the waiting room.
A. sat B. has been sitting C. was sitting D. had sat
Question 22: The football match was wonderful at the beginning, _______ it was awful at the end.
A. but B. and C. or D. so
Question 23: He is looking forward_______this result from this contest.
A. receive B. receiving C. to receive D. to receiving
Question 24: It took my teacher nearly 3 years_______his rearch on motivating students in learning English
by using word games.
A. complete B. to completing C. completed complete
Question 25: She kindly offer_______me how_______to the station
A. to show / to get B. to show / get C. showing / to get D. showing / get
Question 26: When you can do something to help others, you will find your life_______.
A. meaningless B. meaningful C. annoyed D. bored
Question 27: Can you play any _______?
A. musical tools B. pieces of music
C. musical instruments D. musical devices
Question 28: Nelson Mandela became _______ in politics and was forced to leave his first university.
A. interested B. interesting C. interestingly D. interestedly
Question 29: The public service announcement called for volunteers to _______ time to look after sick
people in the local hospital.
A. donating B. donation C. donate D. donator
Question 30: I _______ volunteer work since I _______ at high school.
A. do / have been B. have done / was C. have done / were D. did / have been
Question 31: She does _______ work for the Red Cross of her school.
A. voluntarism B. volunteer C. voluntarily D. volunteerism
Question 32: They are producing more and more ____ in the USA and they will soon spread to all parts of
the world.
A. real TV shows B. reality TV shows C. actuality TV shows D. really TV shows
Question 33: Life is sometimes very harsh for _______ families in big cities.
A. lowly-income B. highly-income C. high-income D. low-income
Question 34: The _______ clapped and cheered when she began to sing.
A. audience B. performance C. phenomenon D. melody
Question 35: Computers _______ faster and faster since they were invented.
A. develop B. have developed C. will develop D. is going to develop
Question 36: Smartphone can be a great learning _______ but you need to think of how to use it effectively.
A. choice B. benefit C. invention D. tool
Question 37: Taylor Swift is _______ as the most successful country music composer and singer of modern
A. received B. replied C. recognised D. originated
Question 38: Volunteers become well _______ of the problems facing the world.
A. concerned B. helpful C. interested D. aware
Question 39: Last year, my class _______ to teach the children in a remote area.
A. volunteer B. voluntary C. volunteered D. volunteer
Question 40: Your music is very _______. Can’t you just stop it?
A. annoying B. interesting C. annoyed D. bored
IV. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
‘The best age to start learning the violin is between three and six,' says Margaret Porter, a violinist and
music teacher. 'It's the time when you are learning about the world.' Margaret, who lives in London, prefers
to take pupils at three and four, although she has made lots of exceptions for keen five-year olds. When she
started teaching the violin in 1972, her first class consisted of her children's five-year-old school friends.
Margaret’s pupils have group lessons. Each group has about a dozen pupils and each lesson lasts an
hour, once a fortnight. In addition, each pupil has one individual lesson a week with her. Parents also have to
attend the classes. It is important that the parents take an active interest in the lessons.
From the earliest lessons pupils learn to play by ear. They do not even try to read music until they
have been playing for several years, and for a long time there is a big difference between their playing and
reading of music. Margaret says that her method is not supposed to produce great violinists, and always
suggests that pupils who perform particularly well should leave and study the violin using more traditional

Question 1: When did Margaret Porter start teaching the violin?

A. at the age of 36 B. in 1972 C. in 1927 D. at the age of 34
Question 2: What is the writer trying to do in the text?
A. explain why Margaret likes teaching the violin
B. describe a different way of learning the violin
C. give advice on how to find a music teacher
D. explain why Margaret has a lot of pupils
Question 3: What opinion does Margaret have about her best pupils?
A. They ought to find another teacher. B. They will become great violinists using her method.
C. They could try harder. D. They take several years to learn to read music.
Question 4: Margaret’s first pupils were.....................
A. her children B. three-and four-year-olds
C. her own friends D. her children's friends.
Question 5: The word "They" in the paragraph 3 refers to................
A. friends B. violinists C. pupils D. parents

New part-time volunteering opportunities

Are you looking to get more involved with your local community? Do you enjoy working with
young people and children? Are you passionate about big issues affecting society today and building
children’s awareness and self-confidence to cope with the challenges of tomorrow? If this sounds like you
Woodcraft Folk needs you!
Woodcraft Folk is a registered charity offering you the opportunity to help build a fairer, more
peaceful world for all. We run weekly groups for children aged four to sixteen years old and are looking for
volunteers to get involved for a few hours a month, whenever it suits YOU!
Perhaps you would like to contribute a couple of hours as a one-off workshop? Or maybe you would
like to take part in a group discussion night once a fortnight?
We know that your time is precious so we will work with you to make sure you to get the most out
of your experience with us. From working directly with the groups and running your own sessions, to
representing groups at the national level, there are many aspects of the organization you can choose to get
involved with!
If you are a good communicator who shares our values of peace, co-operation and equality, Glasgow
Woodcraft Folk invites you to get in touch. We are running induction events week starting Monday 22 nd
April and would love to see you there!
Question 1: Woodcraft Folk aims at _______?
A. the young     B. the old C. the poor D. the rich
Question 2: What are the ages of children that Woodcraft Folk focuses on?
A. 2-4 years old    B. 4-6 years old C. 4-16 years old     D. 2-16 years old
Question 3: There is a group discussion once every _______?
A. week     B. two weeks C. month D. two months
Question 4: Which activity is NOT available for you to get involved with Woodcraft Folk?
A. working directly with the groups B. representing groups at the national level
C. running your own sessions D. getting money
Question 5: When are the every-week induction events run?
A. Monday 22nd April B. Sunday 22nd April
C. Monday 24 April
D. Sunday 24th April

Country music is one of the most popular kinds of music in the United States today. Maybe country
music is very popular because it is about simple but strong human feelings and events like love, sadness,
good times and bad times. It tells real-life stories and sounds the way people really talk. As life becomes
more complicated and difficult, it is good to hear about simple ordinary people.
Country music is sometimes called country-western music. It comes from two kinds of music. One is
the traditional music of the people in the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern of the United States. The
other is traditional, cowboy music from the American West. The singers usually play guitars when they sing.
Country music became very popular in the South. During World War II, thousands of people from
the South moved to the Northeast and the Midwest to work in factories. They took their music with them.
Soldiers from the rest of the country went to army camps in the South and learned to enjoy country music
there. Slowly, it became popular all over the United States.
Question 1: Country music is very popular because _______.
A. it tells about good times, bad times. B. All are correct.
C. it is about strong human feelings. D. it is about events like love, sadness.
Question 2: Country music is _______.
A. from two kinds of music which haven’t been widely known.
B. sometimes called country-western music.
C. the traditional music of the people in the eastern of the United States.
D. considered as the cowboy music from the American West.
Question 3: According to the passage, it is true to say that _______.
A. country music is very close to people’s real lives.
B. country music is a kind of complicated and difficult music.
C. we cannot sing country music if we don’t know how to play the guitar.
D. only good singers can sing country music.
Question 4: According to the passage, it is NOT true to say that _______.
A. country music gradually became popular all over the United States
B. country music was brought from the South by soldiers
C. country music became very popular in the South
D. factory workers took country music with them from the South
Question 5: The best title for the passage is _______.
A. Music in the United States B. Country Music
C. The Formation of Country Music D. The Benefits of Country Music

V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each
pair of sentences in the following questions.
1. I was so busy. I couldn't come to her birthday party.
A. I came to her birthday party so I was too busy.
B. I was too busy to come to her birthday party.
C . I was busy enough to come to her birthday party.
D. Her birthday party made me really busy.
2. She intended to study music in New Jersey. Accidentally she left and studied music in New York.
A. She left her hometown in New Jersey in order to study music in New York.
B. After studying music in New Jersey, she studied music in New York.
C. She left New Jersey with the intention to study music in New’ York.
D. She was going to study music in New Jersey but then studied in New York.
3. He died in I960. He received the bravery award in 1970.
A. After his death, he received the bravery award in 1970.
B. Because he died in I960, he received the bravery award in 1970.
C. He died in 1960 so he received the bravery award in 1970.
D. Before his death, he received the bravery award in 1970.
4. His mother wanted him to be a doctor. He wanted to become a music composer.
A. His mother wanted him to be a doctor because he wanted to become a music composer.
B. His mother wanted him to be a doctor so he wanted to become a music composer.
C. His mother wanted him to be a doctor but he wanted to become a music composer.
D. If his mother wanted him to be a doctor, he wanted to become a music composer.
5. He sang very badly. Everyone left the room.
A. Everyone left the room so he sang badly.
B. He sang very badly so everyone left the room.
C. He sang badly as a result of everyone leaving the room.
D. He sang so badly but everyone left the room.
6. Angelina Jolie began taking an interest in charity work. She was filming in Cambodia then.
A. After Angelina Jolie began taking an interest in charity work, she was filming in Cambodia.
B. Angelina Jolie began taking an interest in charity work while she was filming in Cambodia.
C. Before Angelina Jolie was filming in Cambodia, she began to take an interest in charity work.
D. As soon as Angelina Jolie began taking an interest in charity work, she was filming in Cambodia
7. They were busy with their schoolwork. They spent time helping the elderly in the retirement home.
A. They were busy with their schoolwork, but they still spent time helping the elderly in the
retirement home.
B. They spent time helping the elderly in the retirement home, so they were busy with their
C. They were busy with their schoolwork, and they spent time helping the elderly in the retirement
D. They spent time helping the elderly in the retirement home, or they were busy with their
8. Some students took part in directing the traffic. Others took care of the war invalids.
A. Some students took part in directing the traffic, so some others took care of the war invalids.
B. Some students took part in directing the traffic, for some others took care of the to war invalids.
C. Some students took part in directing the traffic, and some others took care of the war invalids.
D. Some students took part in directing the traffic, but some others took care of the war invalids.
9. The boy was only 10 years old. He established an athletic programme for children with special needs.
A. Despite his young age, the boy established an athletic programme for children with special needs.
B. Until the boy was only 10 years old, he established an athletic programme for children with
special needs.
C. The boy established an athletic programme for children with special needs because he was only
10 years old.
D. The boy established an athletic programme for children with special needs in case of his young
10. SHARE is a non-profit organisation. It provides thousands of girls in Africa with books and school
A. If SHARE is a non-profit organisation, it will provide thousands of girls in Africa with books and
school supplies.
B. Although SHARE is a non-profit organisation, it provides thousands of girls in Africa with books
and school supplies.
C. SHARE is a non-profit organisation until it provides thousands of girls in Africa with books and
school supplies.
D. SHARE is a non-profit organisation which provides thousands of girls in Africa with books and
school supplies.

VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 1: After a very short time, this kind of music becomes popular among the youth.
A. unkown B. common C. attractive D. appealing
Question 2: She finds herself more confident after standing on stage many times.
A. independent B. alone C. brave D. fearful
Question 3: I met her by chance at the airport.
A. planned            B.   unplanned           C.   accidentally             D. by accident
Question 4: Many people who do volunteer work think they are more fortunate than others.
A. lucky B. blessed C. unlucky D. uncomfortable
Question 5: I got the teaching job in the Happy Child Charity Centre just by chance.
A. accidentally B. purposefully C. easily D. immediately

VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 1: Those volunteers are so devoted that not only the children but also their parents love them very
A. interested B. concerned C. excited D. dedicated
Question 2: The handicapped are in need of help from the community.
A. wicked B. disabled C. sacred D. beloved
Question 3: We are collecting money, clothes and food to help these poor children.
A. lucky B. wealthy C. hungry D. homeless
Question 4: Before he joined our volunteer team, he felt his life was boring.
A. bad B. meaningless C. exciting D. dull
Question 5: Young people are now getting more and more concerned about environmental problems.
A. uneasy B. hopeless C. worried D. nervous
Question 6: Most of the students are making good progress, but Michael is a hopeless case.
A. promising B. successful C. hopeful D. extremely bad
Question 7: Each nation has many people who voluntarily take care of others.
A. optionally B. willingly C. freely D.
VIII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of
the following exchanges.
Question 1: - Have a nice weekend! - _______.
A. No, thanks B. Ok. Yes, please
C. It’s not very long now D. Thank you. The same to you
Question 2: – Stephanie: “Oh, no! I left my book at home. Can I share yours?” – Scott: “_______”
A. No, thanks. B. No, not at all! C. Yes, I do too.           D. Yes, sure!
Question 3: - “It is very kind of you to give us a lift”.
- “Don't mention it. _______”.
A. Yes, I was B. Only pleasure C. It was my pleasure D. It is my pleasure
Question 4. “What a meaningful thing you've done for your less fortunate friends, my son!” – “____”
A. Thanks for taking care of me, Mom.
B. What a wonderful gift you've made for me.
C . I don’t really care. I must go now.
D. Thank you, Mom. That’s just a bit I can do for them.
Question 5. “What can we do for a better community?'' - “____”
A. To ensure healthy lifestyles.
B. Why not protect public facilities such as kindergartens or parks?
C. I hate collecting rubbish in public places.
D. Doing charity work is a must for everyone.
Question 6. “Can I join your volunteer group this summer?" - “____”
A. Yes, of course. B. No, not at all.
C. No, I think so. D. Yes, you are.
Question 7. “Do you mind if I have a look at your project on community development?" – “____”
A. No, not at all. B. Yes, it's a good project.
C. Yes, you're welcome. D. As quickly as possible.
Question 8. “____” - “If I were you, I would teach them how to read first.”
A. What do you think of these street children?
B. What can I do for you now?
C. What are these street children's lives like?
D. What should I do for these street children?
Question 9. "Hi, you look happy. What's going on?” – “____”
A. Well, I loved running. B. I have passed the exam.
C. Take yourself at home. D. Oh yes, I enjoyed it very much.
Question 10. “How have you been?” – “____”
A. Take care. Bye bye. B. Well, talk to you later.
C. Nice talking to you. D. Pretty good. Thanks.
Question 11. "Would you mind turning down the TV please?” – “____”
A. Sure. Here you are. B. Sorry. I didn’t know I was disturbing you.
C. What! You must be kidding! D. No, I don’t like it very mueh.
Question 12. "Do you like playing football?” – “____”
A. That's interesting. B. He’s OK.
C. Yes, I love it. D. Yes, I’d love to.

IX. Read the following passage and fill in blank with one suitable given word. There are more words than
making doing consist or forgotten and on many much

More and more young people are (1) _______voluntary work abroad. The wild variety of jobs and
destinations available is making it an increasingly attractive option for those who have just left school and
have a year free before university. (2) _______ choose to spend these twelve months working in poor
countries. There they will earn little (3) _______no money. But they will be doing something useful – and
enjoying the experience.
The work may (4) _______ of helping the local communities, for example by helping to build new road or
provide water supplies to isolated rural villages. Other projects may concentrate more (5) _______
conservation or environmental protection. Whatever kind of job it is, it is certain to be challenging and
worthwhile, and an experience that will never be (6) _______.

Question 23: doing

Question 24: many
Question 25: or
Question 26: consist
Question 27: on
Question 28: forgotten
songs released and about but release genre many song

Pop music is the (1) ________________________ of popular music that produces the most hits. A hit is
a song that sells (2) ________________________ copies, and the latest hits are listed every week on the
charts. To get on the charts, a song must be released as a single, although most singles are also (3)
________________________ on an album. Songs that become hits almost always share certain features that
are sometimes called the pop-music formula. They have a good rhythm, a catchy melody, (4)
________________________ are easy to remember and sing along to. They usually have a chorus that's
repeated several times and two or more verses. Most pop (5) ________________________ are between two
and five minutes long, and the lyrics are usually (6) ________________________ the joys and problems of
love and relationships. 

Question 23: genre

Question 24: many
Question 25: released
Question 26: and
Question 27: songs
Question 28: about

mountainous orphanages disadvantaged volunteer

make advantaged mountain for who

Each nation has many people who (1) ________________________ to take care of others. For
example, many high school and college students in the United States often spend many hours as volunteers
in hospitals, (2) ________________________ or homes for the aged. They read books to the people in these
places. Sometimes the students just visit them, play games with them or listen to their problems.
Other young volunteers work in the homes of sick or old people. They (3)
________________________ up their houses, do their shopping or mow their lawns. For boys who no
longer have fathers, there is a voluntary organization called Big Brothers. College students take these boys
to baseball games and help them to get to know things that boys usually learn from their fathers.
Some high school students take part in helping (4) ________________________ or handicapped
children. They give care and comfort to them and help them to overcome their difficulties. Young college
and university students participate in helping the people who have suffered badly in wars or natural
disasters. During summer vacations, they volunteer to work in remote or (5) ________________________
areas to provide education (6) ________________________ children.

Question 23: volunteer

Question 24: orphanages
Question 25: make
Question 26: disadvantaged
Question 27: mountainous
Question 28: for

eacher involve providing also

education learn while as well as an
The Global Volunteer Network currently has opportunities to aim at (1)
________________________ primary and secondary (2 ) ________________________ to needy children
with their partner organization in Uganda. This provides (3) ________________________ opportunity to
experience in Uganda (4) ________________________ working to improve your host community. The
programs provide counseling, care, and education for rural people, orphans and underprivileged children in
small villages. The main activities will (5) ________________________ working with local children and
youth teaching nursery, primary, and vocational education. Volunteers (6) ________________________
work in the areas of sport, art, games and academics. For volunteers with a medical background and
education, placements can involve working in local.

Question 23: providing

Question 24: education
Question 25: an
Question 26: while
Question 27: involve
Question 28: also
X. Find out the mistake in each of the following questions and correct them.
Question 1: Her fans admit that her voice is beautiful, and her performance is not skillful
and → but
Question 2: Three days ago, Mary asked her teachers give her some advice
give → to give
Question 3 : A number of students regestered this course since last September
regestered → have regestered
Question 4: You can't expect learning a foreign language in a few months.
learning → to
Question 5: The blue files are used for store old invoices.
tore → storing

Question 6: I found the book quite interested though it's not the sort of thing I'd normally read.
Question 7: When thieves were stealing my favourite leather jacket, I felt really upset. 
Question 8: Oliver made me to share my lunch with him and I was pleased.
Question 9: It is difficulty to say what time I will get home.
Question 10: Anna’s a highly intelligent girl, and she’s rather lazy.
Question 11: My father showed us that life is not meaning without work.

Question 29: interested  interesting

Question 30: were stealing  stole
Question 31: to share  share
Question 32: difficulty  difficult
Question 33: and  but
Question 34: meaning  meaningful
Question 12: Jane will be awarded by the headmaster because she just has won the first prize in the English
speaking contest at her high school.
Question 13: Sometimes it is difficult to avoid to drink when we enjoy an informal party.
Question 14: I was listening to the radio when the doorbell ringing.
Question 15: - Are you interested in studying Korean? - Yes, learning a foreign language is excited.
Question 16: You can use a smart phone surfing the Net for useful information for your study.
Question 17: Turn off all the lights and the TV, or lock the door before you leave.

Question 29: just has won  has just won

Question 30: to drink  drinking
Question 31: ringing  rang
Question 32: is excited  is exciting
Question 33: surfing  to surf / for surfing
Question 34: or  and
Question 18: He was walking along the corridor when he was seeing a job advertisement on the notice
Question 19: He decided posting his homemade videos on the Internet.
Question 20: Do you like playing computer games or are you tiring of them?
Question 21: Jane didn’t feel like working, but she suggested spending the day in the garden.

Question 29: was seeing  saw

Question 30: posting  to post
Question 31: registered  have registered
Question 32: tiring  tired
Question 33: passionately  passionate
Question 34: but  so

Question 22: At this time 4 years ago, we donated food and clothes to low-income people in remote area.
Question 23: There are lots of amused ways to volunteer in the arts such as teaching, designing and assisting
with a variety of arts and crafts.
Question 24: Her family and friends advised her concentrate on study.

Question 30: donated  were donating

Question 31: amused  amusing
Question 32: concentrate  to concentrate
XI. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word given in capitals.
Question 1: We were ______________________________ with the new car. (DISAPPOINT)
Question 2: The Vatican has agreed to ______________________________$80 000 in emergency aid to
countries affected by the war. (DONATION)
Question 3 : She hoped the different ethnic groups in the area could live together in
____________________________ co-existence. (PEACE)
Question 40: It promises to be a really ______________________________ match. (EXCITE)
Question 38: DONATE
Question 39: PEACEFUL
Question 40: EXCITING

Question 4: The club runs programs for ______________________________ children in
the inner city areas. (ADVANTAGE)
Question 5: The museum was saved by an anonymous ______________________________.
Question 6: He will not ______________________________ do anything. (VOLUNTEER)
Question 7: Tim showed musical ______________________________ at an early age.
Question 35: CONTESTANT
Question 37: DONOR
Question 38: VOLUNTARILY
Question 39: ABILITY
Question 40: PASSIONATE
Question 8: Those ______________________________ children have many problems and they really need
our help. (ADVANTAGE)
Question 9: There are more and more youngsters who are ______________________________ in doing
volunteer work. (INTEREST)
Question 10: I got some ______________________________ advice from my teacher. It was really helpful.
Question 35: EQUALLY
Question 37: INTERESTED
Question 38: USEFUL
Question 11: This season is very ______________________________. Millions of viewers have watched it
since it first aired. (EXCITE)
Question12: Scientists and ______________________________ have observed things in nature to design
new products to serve humans. (INVENT)
Question 13: I like Taylor Swift. She has such a ______________________________ voice. (BEAUTY)
Question14: There are more and more youngsters who are ______________________________ in doing
volunteer work. (INTEREST)

Question 35: exciting

Question 36: independent
Question 37: inventors
Question 38: disadvantaged
Question 39: beautiful
Question 40: interested
Question 15: Almost everyone in the world listens to his music. He is a __________________________
star. (GLOBE)
Question 16: She does ______________________________ work for the Red Cross two days a week.
Question 17: The ______________________________ of warm clothes from students in Tay Ho High
School this winter will be really meaningful to the poor children. (DONATE)
Question 18: Van Cao is remembered as one of the most important ______________________________ of
modern Vietnamese music. (COMPOSE)

Question 35: interested

Question 36: contestants
Question 37: global
Question 38: voluntary/ volunteer
Question 39: donation
Question 40: composers

XII. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
before it. Write full sentences.
Question 1: She hasn’t seen her family for years.
 It’s years___________________________________________________________________________
Question 2: They won't let him leave the country.
They won’t allow____________________________________________________________________
Question 3: Does the project interest you?
 Are you interested___________________________________________________________________
Question 4: Remember to switch the lights off before we come out.
 Don’t forget________________________________________________________________________
Question 5: Somebody has turned on the air conditioning.
 The air conditioning_________________________________________________________________
Question 6: She is bored with opera.
 She finds __________________________________________________________________________
Question 41: It’s years since she (last) saw her family.
Question 42: They won’t allow him to leave the country.
Question 43: Are you interested in the project.
Question 44: Don’t forget to switch the lights off before we come out.
Question 45: The air conditioning has been turned on.
Question 46: She finds opera boring.

Question 7: I graduated from university three years ago.

I have______________________________________________________________________________
Question 8: Mary finds reading books exciting.
 Mary is____________________________________________________________________________
Question 9: Will you lend me your English - English dictionary?
 Would you mind____________________________________________________________________?
Question 10: It's necessary for everybody to clean up the neighborhood once a week.
 The neighborhood needs______________________________________________________________

Question 41: I'm not going to allow some idiot to spoil my enjoyment.
Question 42: I have graduated from university for three years
Question 43: Mary is excited about reading books.
Question 44: Would you mind lending me your English- English dictionary.
Question 45: The parent is calling the teacher to ask some questions about her son.
Question 46: Their neighborhood needs cleaning/ to be cleaned up once a week.
Question 11: Mai spends about 2 hours per week doing volunteer work at Heart to Heart Charity Centre.
 It takes____________________________________________________________________________
Question 12: Although she has a beautiful voice, her performance is not skillful. (but )
Question 13: My father took part in a lot of voluntary work when he was a student. (used to)
 My father__________________________________________________________________________
Question 14: He arrived in the middle of our lunchtime.
 When he___________________________________________________________________________
Question 15: Peter started playing the violin when he was 16.
 Peter has___________________________________________________________________________
Question 16: Linda finds that Minh’s performance is really interesting. (interested)
 Linda_____________________________________________________________________________
Question 41: It takes Mai about 2 hours per week to do volunteer work at Heart to Heart Charity
Question 42: She has a beautiful voice but her performance is not skillful.
Question 43: My father used to take part in a lot of voluntary work when he was a student.
Question 44: When he arrived, we were having lunch.
Question 45: Peter has played the piano since he was 16.
Question 46: Linda is really interested in Michael Jackson’s performance.

Question 17: Don’t stop him doing what he wants.

 Let _______________________________________________________________________________
Question 18: This film is very interesting and I like it much.
 I am very _________________________________________________________________________

Question 41: It takes her about 2 hours per week to do volunteer work at Heart to Heart Charity
Question 42: Some English books have just been bought at the bookshop.
Question 43: My brother used to take part in a lot of voluntary work in mountainous areas when he
a student.
Question 44: He arrived while we were having lunch.
Question 45: Let him do what he wants.
Question 46: I am very interested in this film.

Question 19: During the time of our working in Paris, we visited a lot of famous places.
 While_____________________________________________________________________________
Question 41: Peter has played the violin since he was 16.
Question 42: The teacher was disappointed with her pupil’s exam results
Question 43: While we were working in Paris, we visited a lot of famous places.
Question 44: That film was very interesting.
Question 45: Mr. Puncher doesn’t let his children go out in the evening.
Question 46: Travelling by air made me nervous/ feel nervous.

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