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The Order of The Black


“The Only Ones who should Judge
are those prepared to be Judged”


To those who are suffering as scapegoats and fighting against evil, due to being reactive,
procrastinating for a long time, waiting for a sudden feeling of motivation to arise and push you
towards action, become creative instead!



Table of Contents
Official Coat of Arms Of The Order Of the Black Knights ................................................................................................ 6
Meaning ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
........................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
.................................................................................................................. 10
The Order’s Manifesto .................................................................................................................................................... 11
Revealing the Hidden Secrets from the VIPs .................................................................................................................. 13
High-Level Organigram (Internal Commissions are Top Secret) ..................................................................................... 14
Code of Honour ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
Develop the Power of The King → Geis (Singular) or Geasa (Plural Irish noun) .......................................................... 16
Sephirotic Tree of Life – Partzufim (Divine Personas)................................................................................................. 18
How you should get rid of your morality, or the hypocrite need of being “politically or morally correct” to be able to
stick to YOUR values and materialise them in the real world......................................................................................... 20
Facing you shadow by executing “Analysis of your dreams/nightmares or neurotic and psychotic episodes” whenever
you wake up .................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Overcoming the “Tension of the Opposites” to become your TRUE-SELF capable of executing at your highest level of
Power without internal emotional, moral, or ethical conflicts with your wishes. ......................................................... 29
The path of the warrior: To achieve whatever goal you set to yourself, the bigger it is, the most pain and suffering
you must be willing to embrace and love it. ................................................................................................................... 36
Embracing our life of masks ........................................................................................................................................ 45
How to fix your life and manifest what you want? ......................................................................................................... 56
Critical Training – I, Vinicio Stefan, 1st Knight of The Round Command you …! ........................................... 56
Conquering “Individuation” to be your genuine self and seize your goals..................................................................... 57
Getting out of the psychopathic & narcissistic societal matrix: ..................................................................................... 63
Identify & Detox from the Addiction of Psychopathic Personalities .......................................................................... 63
Final letter from Master ZERO to the Entire World ........................................................................................................ 64
........................................................................................................................... 67
What is The State? .......................................................................................................................................................... 72
Why The State is The Enemy of the World and why it must be overthrown? ............................................................... 75
What is the “Political Caste”? ......................................................................................................................................... 75
What is a Tax? .................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
What are “Hidden Taxes”?................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
How does a World “without taxes” looks like?............................................................................................................... 79
What is “Fake Social Justice” .......................................................................................................................................... 79
What is the Real Social Justice and how it’s implemented? ........................................................................................... 79
Is the Free Market a human phenomenon or not? ........................................................................................................ 79
How to eradicate homelessness? ................................................................................. 79
How to create riches for every human in the world via the knowledge sharing (know-
how) on specific skills and destroy hunger & poverty? ................................................ 79

Why Keynesian Capitalism only works under Totalitarian Regimes? ............................................................................ 79
What replaces The State from The Order of the Black Knights point of view? .............................................................. 80
What’s the future of work vs employment linked to technological progress? .............................................................. 80
Why the current United Nations is corrupt, useless and against Universal Human Rights? .......................................... 80
For the countries that affiliate to The Order Of The Black Knights new Federation of Nations Charter … What will be
the role of technology in replacement of The State (ZERO State Operation – anarchic arch liberalism), and
which will be the pros and cons? .................................................................................................................................... 80

Official Coat of Arms Of The Order Of the Black Knights


The seed of life from previous millennia of darkness gave birth to the tetrahedral (incarnating the Holy Name of The

Eternal Creator, God, his name The Kabbalistic Tetragrammaton ‫יהוה‬ or YHWH in Four geometrical

dimensions ) red empowered pyramids new seed of life in which the three-dimensional intersection of each edge
from the Aurea Irrational (21st Greek Letter Phi = Φ = 1.618033988749895… ) number brings perfection, beauty, power,
and the creation of a new world dominated by PAX AETERNA which aims for humankind’s transformation into a
more perfect form of species and unification, this means no more internal wars and chaos among them (chaos and
true freedom covers all levels: spiritual, mental and material). Now, it’s of utmost importance to understand that right
now the world as we know it is operating under a fake sense/meaning of “peace” or “freedom” – in reality, there’s a
universal, global dictatorship hiding behind certain ideologies that lie and cover up apparently under “humanistic
(masonic concept of independence from Hashem – God, this is already violent and anti-
freedom, forcing people to live under this system under the condition imposed by The
State that they must not believe in God)” but rather contradictory precepts or axioms – such as Communism (which
supposedly hides behind the idea of “equality” and love towards “the poor” but in reality it only leaves destruction and
more poverty, and fragmented pieces of civilizations, no nation that has implemented it has ever being prosperous)
and Non-Liberal Capitalism (Macroeconomic Theory of Keynesianism: which by the way only works with an efficacy
of less than 50% under totalitarian regimes).

Also, the subtly exploitative hand of the concept of “The State“- which is by nature violent and takes away people’s
fruits, results, productivity and the right to seek happiness (whatever that means to each individual human being) as
well as the basic mechanism of decision making via consensus among society. (TRUE Liberalism)

The EMPTY/NULL/DARK circular background is represented by the Greek letter Epsilon (ε) which mathematically-
speaking is an epsilon nought or epsilon ZERO, this mathematical number is represented as follows:

This looks like an insignificant (because its absolute value leans towards almost 0 - ZERO) yet powerful number used
everywhere in all scientific, marketing and engineering disciplines.

In mathematics, the epsilon numbers are a collection of transfinite numbers whose defining property is that they are
fixed points of an exponential map. Consequently, they are not reachable from 0 via a finite series of applications of
the chosen exponential map and of "weaker" operations like addition and multiplication.

The reason this “insignificant” number was chosen has a philosophy behind it, in which my Master ZERO thru his
incomparable wisdom tied to the psychological profile of the people we must protect as per our Manifesto → “Human
Beings being mistreated, considered weak and that the Strong, usually Psychopaths and Narcissists exploit as
scapegoats to execute their bigotry and sustain their beloved status-quo in the World that they can enjoy being
white-collar parasites causing damage & bloodshed wherever they’re involved.”

So, this psychological persona of the Epsilons in this World, that we’ll protect and help them to take power, because
they’re the most reliable and capable of judging the World thru mercy, caring and selflessness.

Also, the origin of the Greek Letter Epsilon is from Phoenician alphabet, which came from Syriac, which came from
Aramaic and eventually comes from the Hebrew letter “He”

So, our Master ZERO noticed that in the Torah when Abraham is promised by God to be “father of many nations”, God
himself decided to add the epsilon equivalent letter in Hebrew to his name as well as Sarah’s name (her wife) which
both had “pagan” names from Ugaritic languages from Mesopotamia (the City of Ur).

Originally, his pagan name was “Avram”, and Sarah’s was “Sarai” → but by adding the letter “He” from above, they
got the Kabbalistic attributes that this Hebrew letter from the Aleph-Bet (Hebrew Alphabet) represents, which is “part
of the Holy Sacred Name of God, the Tetragrammaton (‫ יהוה‬or YHWH)” so both Abraham & Sarah got the Spiritual
Emanation directly from God (whom also has the HE letter duplicated in his Most Divine Name out of the other 71
Sacred Names) of “DIVINE REVELATION, BREATH OF THE CREATOR, THE GIFT OF LIFE – remember that both were
old and weren’t able to have kids – THIS LETTER CREATES THE VERB ‘BEING’ ”

It represents the life essence in all creation. It symbolizes the effortlessness of the world and is the symbol of divinity,
gentility, and specificity. It contains within it the freedom of choice.

Switching topics, a new era of peace in which humankind will be able to evolve from trivial survival instincts to a higher
level of spirituality. Such spiritual knowledge has been hidden by secret societies for centuries to avoid losing their
control over humankind, henceforth creating a perpetual state of “secret slavery” blinding people to only believing on
the Mirror. Usually, those societies are no longer “secret” per-se but rather “well-known societies that everyone has
at least heard of but that hide the mysteries and secrets, the meaning of their rituals and symbolism”. They justify that
behaviour as “avoiding throwing pearls to the pigs” but it’s just that …. An excuse. In reality there is no need to hide
the real meaning of the secret mysteries as the disciples and students who are ready on
spirit, mind, and body to learn and sublimate knowledge into understanding, will
actually do it and rectify themselves and the World (Tikkun Olam) and “sleeping souls” will not even care about
whether these mysteries do exist or not.

The Mirror is the terrene and mundane world but everything that reflects here in this material world comes from the
quantic and metaphysical world.

This metaphysical world is what Greek philosopher Plato named as “the world of ideas or infinite variants”. These
variants or variables are basically whatever we think and feel consciously and subconsciously, based upon them we
are pushed by sentiment to act or avoid acting whenever we choose a specific variant (decision), then it reflects in our
material world.

In addition, it materializes the pillars of:

• Metaphysics of a Black Knight

• Psychology of a Black Knight
• Political Axis of a Black Knight
• Economic Axis of a Black Knight

The Order’s Manifesto
We are real knights with a Code of Honour and Chivalry and a specific milestone to cause a world-wide revolution for
the sake of mankind’s evolution,

Together with our Leader ZERO we do exist in this world and will debut via this book as vehicle,


We declare this Holy War against the VIPs, Financial Elites, Masonry, Illuminati, World Political Leaders, World
Superpowers, and emerging powers who aim to control the citizens of the world for their own selfish deeds. They
conceal the biggest metaphysical principle for human being to be free to manifest their own reality and wishes (Geas),
the most powerful hermetic principle called “CARE which means that you put love, care, conscious focus, and
protective action towards your goals and wishes, e.g., writing a best-selling book, that’s your baby, you must care
about it. It is quite similar to maternal love towards a child, or love towards plants or crops, you will have excellent
HARVEST, but if you start something, manifesting your wish with unstoppable action and mentalization but all of a
sudden you lose the motivation and energy to keep caring about it, this MUST NOT HAPPEN, otherwise you will fail
in everything you set out to do. But to avoid NEGLECT you need to set a goal or wish a desire so badly that you are
even committed to scarify your own life to protect it, this is the level of commitment you must feel, mentalize, focus,
perceive and act upon. If your goal is not that important for you, YOU WON’T ACHIEVE IT. It needs to be something you
are ready to die for”.

Hence, I reveal this principle here to train you to become a real Black Knight who judges the world, whose powerful
individuals and groups will fear meanwhile the weak people who need help to be able to be free to seek happiness
and move forward towards the future which is THE BIGGEST AIM OF HUMAN NATURE and those occultist societies
(no longer secret but hide secrets on plain sight), the enemies want to keep us stuck in the past or the present under
the weapon of FEAR (the enemy of FAITH, as YIN and YANG)

“The Rectification of the Entire Humankind, which is currently in state of Chaos, is my Holy

are reading this, this is the formal proof you are already inside the Order Of The Black
Knights serving Master ZERO TO FIX THE WORLD) The Collective Unconscious is screaming for it indeed, since
millennia ago.

This is the power of the GEASA.

The key is to remember, if you have ever fallen in love with someone in the past, you can understand that you could
only spend your thoughts visualizing every kind of experiences you’d live with that person. Obsessively, your brain
begins to generate oxytocin and other neurotransmitters that cause feelings of pleasure.

So, basically this is all you have to do to cast your GEAS (Wish) and make it a reality, to reprogram your subconscious
mind by falling in love with it as if it was your “quasi-perfect” soulmate. That the strongest weapon to force yourself
to take action and the entire System of Creation (Universes) will reflect what is going on your spiritual dimensional
layer to the physical world, GEASA are real powers.

Our Holy War is the last one to be fought between human beings, this is the mother of all wars and will put an end to
war-waging behaviour.

We are going to recover our innate powers and multidimensional integrity by stealing back from Archons who are
entities which keep humans inside the 3rd dimension and consistently raping humans’ souls, evil (quoting Nag
Hammadi’s codices), being unable to awaken its super powerful nature, which is at God’s image and similarity, humans
will be God-like again.

These archons are responsible of dividing mankind and creating chaos every single second. This is their main modus-
operandi – Divide & Conquer (basically creating a schizophrenic society) and we will use their weapons and
methodology against them.

As a matter of fact, because as they say on their own words “The event of all events in 2023 happens on March 23rd
when powerfully Pluto moves into Aquarius and we officially usher in The Age of Aquarius! ” – They are planning to
launch a cultural attack against Western society by that date based upon the pseudoscience of astrology.

We fight against weaponry traffic (NATO, BRICS), infrahuman conditions of life and political distortion of reality.

When all hatred has been focused to ZERO’s “seed of life” we will get rid of the chain of such hatred no matter
the means required, as every single member of the order is willing to sacrifice him/herself for the sake of justice,
peace, and truth in the New World.

When war is no longer needed as diplomatic tool, it’s the least effective tool, all the resources wasted on waging it are
redirected to cure hunger, poverty, and educate the entire humankind, and to reveal the secrets of mistic power that
Masonry, Rosicrucian Order and Illuminati have been hiding from approximately the 99% of the entire world’s
population, because they if you become an expert on those mysteries, a global revolution and unification for peace
will take place, and they will not be able to enjoy the nice life by avoiding the karma they have been escaping from,
for millennia.


Revealing the Hidden Secrets from the VIPs

Here the scientific research which proofs the metaphysical pillar of this mentorship. Thinking process ALWAYS
impacts the body, the “power of intention” which arises from Keter and Ein Sof (Holy Ghost or Ruaj HaKodesh).

The entire humankind deserves to be free to know these secret principles and laws of God’s creation. I will no longer
let those Archons (Elites & VIP, Secret Societies, etc …) hide them from the entire mankind. When you look at both
faces of the coin: Science and “Faith” (which is the most advanced science from previous species which walked
throughout this planet before our Homo-genre species)

The Truth is more important than “BEING RIGHT”

Now, please proceed to choose one of the Elite Knighthood positions in the high-level structure below and send your


High-Level Organigram (Internal Commissions are Top Secret)


1st Knight of
The Round:
Atara Ben

2nd Knight Of 3rd Knight Of 4th Knight Of 5th Knight Of 6th Knight Of 7th Knight of
The Round The Round The Round The Round The Round The Round

Non-members, Observers of The Order, and Enemies of The Order can only know the
Elite Layer of our structure. Members of The Order know each other perfectly and know the entire structure which
even if one of us is caught by the enemies (the current empires/superpowers), the structure is blinded against any way
of infiltration, sabotage, jeopardizing, and leaks.

Code of Honour

We don’t favour any nation nor political side but rather nations which empathize with our values align with us, our
Noble Order.

We are not aligned to any nation in the world, we are an independent organization.

We are an army which protects justice and truth world-wide.

We are an army which cuts whatever supply of weaponry, money laundering practices or any form of funding to
terrorism aimed to perpetuate genocides, we say NO to more holocausts. Those who are funding these radicals right
now, fear us as thou shalt awaken the wrath of our leader ZERO and of course myself as his right-hand. You’re vanished
from the face of Earth from now on.

We are an army which protects the weak, no matter their ethnic background, religion, gender, sexual orientation,
political views, etc … and fight the strong ones who take unfair advantage of the weak.

We are an army that educates the uneducated citizens of the world, to enable them to make a living by themselves
instead of waiting for a government or political agency to help them. Basically, teach people how to fish instead of
giving them free fish. There is nothing for free, YOU ARE ENTITLED TO NOTHING. EVERYTHING HAS A PRICE, BE IT
MONEY, ENERGY, EFFORT, TIME, etc … Those who trick you with FREE treats are trying to manipulate you and make
without you being aware of it one of their puppets. This is how many nations, and every single person loses their rights:
“Radical supossedly-islamists, XXI Century Socialism, Social democrats, Keynesian ‘capitalists’ who can only thrive on
Totalitarian regimes, and the Global Communism Movements arising everywhere claiming to protect the rights of the
people in need, but their results say otherwise, they use the poor and weak in order to enrich themselves, leaving
destroyed nations wherever they go and whatever they touch becomes shit (would you like to go to live to North Korea,
Cuba, or Venezuela? I don’t quite guess you’d like it, right?) or the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank
(WB) as well as the corrupt U.N – United Nations – “those are just some examples of organisations that promise free
treats without a price tag attached to it, like a pork being slowly jailed and prepared for execution to sell it as SPAM
jam eventually.

We are a real army which fights leveraging weaponry, martial arts, technological innovation never seen before which
includes the best combat planes and robotics, among others, decentralized warriors from all disciplines, sciences, arts
and areas of expertise, marketing, books as vehicle to provide power to our new recruits in the Order and online cyber-
warfare, mind powers, and spiritual weapons such as The Laws of Mentalism, Pendulum, root laws of the Universe
from The Law (The Torah & Talmud), Kabbalah & Merkabah, Sacred Geometry, and Gematria.

We are an army that will take down the chaos and social unrest that the VIPs love to pull the strings as it allows them
to keep control of the masses and it favours them as they don’t like people thinking
freely as individuals in a critical and educated way, if citizens of the world unite, and

they are doing it under the Leadership of our Noble Order and Master ZERO, those masters of shackles will tremble

and be scared, united we will defeat them and release freedom to the hands of entire humankind.
Execute Tikkun Olam (Hebrew concept for Improve/Rectify the World) in every potential aspect possible, thanks to
the variety of members in our Order from different backgrounds, intelligences, wishes, ambitions, desires, and skills.
Full Plurality is one of our pillars of humongous power we exert thru the Collective Unconscious.

Develop the Power of The King → Geis (Singular) or Geasa (Plural Irish noun)
Don’t surrender. Don’t escape. Fix the world.

All Elite Knights Of The Rounds of our Order of The Black Knights have developed over repeated practice this

supernatural power that talks directly to the subconscious minds of the targets and persuades them strongly. It

requires daily and diligent practice to achieve this level of persuasion in order to reach your 100% power but be aware

that with a huge power comes an enormous responsibility as future Knight of The Round.

The supernatural power of any Geis/Geas (Scottish celtic pronunciation) comes from the divine emanations of The

Eternal creator of all Creation, sons, daughters & creatures.

The punchline to manifest this divine power on our world is that we need to reconciliate female and male division via

couple of specific meditations called “Yichudim” and “Kavanot”, God is able to create universe because lacks

gender/sex, it’s androgynous. Whenever we execute this meditation our entire,

personal, soul’s Tree Of Life gets “fixed” or rectified meaning that we become spiritually

androgynous. We “marry” both female and male features or characteristics into a single entity and we do it by

connecting to the infinite “seed of life” in Ein (The Nothingness)

Thus, being able to execute and cast our Geas in Malchut (Terrene, Material sphere according to the God Of Israel)

The more the Geas meditations are used, the more powerful and there is risk of losing control over it, because it

rewires your entire subconscious and supra conscious spirit by rectifying your inner cosmos in the process. Be ready

because there is always a phase in which everybody loses control of it and depending on the type of Geas you have

manifested, you may need to find your own ways to avoid casting and using it by accident, without your conscious

willpower. On my personal case, I do require to use glasses, to avoid casting it over people by accident.

Sephirotic Tree of Life – Partzufim (Divine Personas)

We use the 72 names of God

and bind them to each
sephira (sphere which
contains divine emanations
from Keter or Crown sphere)

There’s a specific meditation

for each goal to execute
your Geas/Geis in the
material world (Malchut
sephira or sphere)

From bottom (Malchut) to

top there is a specific name
of God to use in order to fix
the chaos of the Tree of Life,
once all the chain during our
meditation (Yichudim and
Kavanot) depending on the
sphere you want to “break”
in order to receive its divine
emanation like water flows
from top to bottom when
many spheres containing it
are broken, the paths this
emanation takes to achieve
terrene world (Malchut) will
be dictated the way it
propagated following the

different pathways an emanation can take once a sephira is broken during the

meditation, then fixed or rectified, the same way God did at the beginning of Creation, it broke the Sephirot with Ein
Sof emanations and then allowed freedom to its sons & daughters made at image and semblance of God itself. In order
to allow us willpower and freedom, it casted its Geasa on us by forcing us to perform Tikkun Olam (Fix the World) this
way we can achieve (with faith, meaning full conviction and acknowledgment that what is not seen by the physical eye
already exists in the entire creation because “thoughts & feelings” are “things” indeed) our best realisation and be
fully similar to God itself, its Master Plan actually. Perform the same creative miracles as it has.

Henceforth, this means not only the Power of the King exists, but that is also exclusive of mine and my subconscious
desires. There are plenty of different Geasa that can be manifested in this world.

From the beginning of creation, — Midrash Rabbah, Shir HaShirim 5:1

G-d’s presence was principally in our
world, the lowest world.

Before G-d created this world, He — Midrash Rabbah, Kohelet 3:14

created worlds and destroyed them,
created worlds, and destroyed them.
He said, “These I don’t like. These
I don’t like.” Then He created this
world. He said, “This one I like.”

Since the time the world was created, — Midrash Tanchuma, Nasso 7:1
G-d desired that He should have a
home among us, the lower beings.

Critical Training #0 – Preparing for Tohu v’Tikun (Kavanot + Yichudim

Meditations for the: Shattering of Chaos & Rectification of The World)
Read carefully out loud and record the following steps using your mobile or whatever voice notes recorder device you
have at hand and be ready to focus as you will not be able to read the steps while performing the Kabbalistic Geas
Meditation to manifest the power you need and want to spell and cast leveraging Yichudim & Kavanot meditations.


How you should get rid of your morality, or the hypocrite need of being “politically
or morally correct” to be able to stick to YOUR values and materialise them in the
real world.

The first step is to become brutally honest with yourself, this turns you into a fully self-aware person of your internal
conscious and subconscious light and darkness (quoting famous psychoanalyst Carl Jung and his theory of the shadow).

We all have a shadow in our subconscious mind, and we consciously lean towards creating a mask to hide it. But you
must face it and embrace it, even love it, to unleash your true purpose in life and get the unstoppable energy to take
that purpose until the end, without caring about the means you must use.

Once you achieve this, you become the kind of person THE WORLD NEEDS to make the change and achieve world
peace as the current world-wide system is completely rotten.

You must stick to your philosophy from the beginning to the very end.

This also works for your own personal wishes. RESULTS ARE ALL THAT MATTERS, EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO EITHER

Training #1 – Be prepared to confront your shadow RIGHT NOW!!!!

• Write down the first 50 “top of mind” thoughts/emotions or actions you would consider “immoral and/or

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Facing you shadow by executing “Analysis of your dreams/nightmares or neurotic

and psychotic episodes” whenever you wake up

As soon as we wake up after sleeping, we have 25 seconds in which we forget everything we dreamt, unless it had
huge subconscious impact such as traumas, those tend to last longer. You MUST keep this book at hand exactly in this
page to write down with full description of everything you can remember from your nightmare or dream immediately,
keep a pen and this book, and fill out the lines below with every dream. After you finish describing in full detail and
are fully awake – you can write the date of the mental episode. DO NOT DO it the reverse way otherwise your conscious
mind will remove the details of your dream in the critical 25 seconds when you just woke up to be able to capture
everything in your essence (subconscious = 4th mental/collective unconscious dimension).

Put a pen inside this page so you don’t have to look up every morning or whenever you wake up to find the worksheet
to fill out down below.

If you run out of lines, then make sure you have an extra sheet from any notebook in the
middle of this section of the book so you can continue developing your self-awareness

journey years by years, months by months, without stopping, this must become a habit for you for life. To embrace
your SHADOW.

Training #2 – Embrace and love your nightmares and dreams after sleeping and waking

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Overcoming the “Tension of the Opposites” to become your TRUE-SELF capable of

executing at your highest level of Power without internal emotional, moral, or
ethical conflicts with your wishes.

A reconciliation between your real desires, even those ones hidden, that you may even not be aware of because they
are buried very deep within the subconscious mind, all of them must reconcile with the internal war caused by society’s
imposition of what’s good and evil.
This is an extremely important training for you to become a powerful god-like being fully aware of your goals, that
whatever the means you are leveraging to reach them, whether considered “good or bad” by society, you are fully
aware of it and you do not regret it, you fully accept doing it for the sake of RESULTS which is as what matters at
the end of the day.
Thus, a cathartic blow is required to transform you into a real knight, man or woman, warrior and stop being a victim
… a poor and weak kid in your mind always trying to please everyone.
So, I will start with the following confrontation against your “weak-self” → YOUR BRAIN MUST BE BRAINWASHED

Are you feeling Angry right now? Feel IT! Do not hide it … Take this page and remove it aggressively, without
thinking about it! Just DO IT! NOW!!!

“I - Vinicio Stefan - 1st Knight of The Round from The Order of the Black
Knights command you … TO DO IT NOW!!!!”

Is the previous page still there? Why? What’s stopping you from removing it from the book, just cut it, and rip it apart.

You are not a coward, since you are training yourself with this book to become a real warrior capable of doing and
achieving things that the timid masses cannot do.

And achieving all your biggest desires requires courage, that IS the learning from the exercise of ripping the page apart.
If it’s still there.

Please write down at least 30 reasons that stopped you from doing it in less than 1 second of execution time, start
asking yourself why you doubted to destroy the previous page when I commanded you to do so.

If you cannot write the full 30 reasons and reflect on your cowardly behaviour then stop reading this book, rip
it all apart, burn it, throw it to the trash can, grab a beer like all losers do and go waste your time watching Netflix
to forget about reality, to be “entertained and having just fun” that means you are allergic to reality and you are
not material for society and your dreams will never become true, because to make them a reality you must both
visualise, feel and act in that sequence, almost like a formula. You must be able to handle criticism in a humble way,
like the military.

After reading this, how are you feeling, come on, move that ass! Write at least 30 reasons that stopped you from acting
right away, in the present time, without doubts, with conviction, dignity and self-confidence.

The more reasons you fill below, the better and closer you are getting to become a god-like individual who does not
need excuses or justifications anymore, those are weaknesses to avoid acting and making your dreams true, that will
make you material as the kind of human being this rotten society needs.

I told you, if you finish the massive, impactful training of this best-selling book and mentorship,
you will become one of the best warriors of the Order of The Black Knights – you will make

Many people throughout history have said that changing the world is impossible, they gave up because the wanted to
also live a “happy life for themselves”. But that’s exactly what I decided to pay as the cost for world’s peace. To give
my wish for a happy life and also, I sacrificed my humanity by following “another planet’s type of discipline”, it’s the
same decision my Master ZERO took, to save all humankind, return back freedom to all people and destroy the current
corrupted system from the inside out and also in a full-scale war to create the world anew.

Now, I command you to start reflecting on your behaviours and subconscious
self and writing those Reasons NOW!

1. ______________________________________________________________________________.

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The path of the warrior: To achieve whatever goal you set to yourself, the bigger
it is, the most pain and suffering you must be willing to embrace and love it.

Yes, you read this header correctly. As an example, our leader ZERO and myself The 1st
Knight Of The Round both chose the path of carnage to be able to change the world. The
different layers of corrupted power that exist need to be extinguished from their root. This requires someone who
actually does something, not only talks the talk.

As a result, we will lose many loved ones, or will not be able to be near them in order to avoid putting them at risk
from the elites and VIPs we are overthrowing. We are fully aware of it, subconsciously and consciously, that we need
to do evil most of the times in order to achieve good global deeds as final RESULTS, which again, I emphasize, it’s ALL

The same rule applies for you, the bigger your desire or wish, the most pain and suffering you MUST feel and be able
to inflict upon others consciously in order to achieve that wish.

Sometimes you will have to switch contexts, deceive, manipulate, lie, to chance masks depending on whom you
are interacting with, even your closest human beings, be it family or loved ones. All these to keep them safe. Or maybe
it is just a useless attempt …. But you must be able to get rid internally of every single piece of hypocrisy, being
consciously aware of the deceiving you are executing.


Training Session:

I - Vinicio Stefan – 1ST Knight of The Round commands you … to!

1. Print and paste photos of your loved ones, those you

want to protect in the following two blank sheets – write
their names, ages, what you love most about them, what you
love about them and also their flaws. Make some sort of
“collage” →

2. Now, Write the names of at least 50 people or groups you would sacrifice (death) in order to protect your
loved ones above, be as specific as possible, full details, how much bloodshed and corpses you are willing to
leave behind to reach your goal:

i. _______________________________________________________________________.

ii. _______________________________________________________________________.

iii. _______________________________________________________________________.

iv. _______________________________________________________________________.

v. _______________________________________________________________________.

vi. _______________________________________________________________________.

vii. _______________________________________________________________________.

viii. _______________________________________________________________________.

ix. _______________________________________________________________________.

x. _______________________________________________________________________.

xi. _______________________________________________________________________.

xii. _______________________________________________________________________.

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xix. _______________________________________________________________________.

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l. _______________________________________________________________________.

Embracing our life of masks

We don’t behave the same way with everybody we interact with. Isn’t it?
Ask yourself, are you the same with your parents, friends, co-workers, relatives, girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband,
business partners, or perhaps … other people?
Come on … Don’t tell me you are your true self. After all the training you have gone throughout the previous pages,
you must have gotten rid of your internal conscious and subconscious hypocrisy. Human beings’ interactions are rarely
fully genuine. This is because humankind what wants the most is the pursuit of HAPPINESS and a TOMORROW.
We always wear a mask for the sake of achieving our goals, that’s okay, it is not wrong. The wrong behaviour is to lie
internally about it. To internally trick yourself into believing you are always sincere, pure, perfect, and honest. That is
A Knight of The Round, member of the Order of The Black Knights or even someone who wants to make impact in
society be it micro or macro way, will need to adopt a certain mask.
For example, myself, the 1st Knight of the Round of The Order, the Right Hand of ZERO our leader, whenever I put on
my mask, weaponry, and cloth, I behave coldly, charismatically, cruel, ruthless, and “The ends justify the means, only
RESULTS matter” way. Playing chess with my pawns to win battles and the war.
But you don’t know me in other spheres of my life though … And probably you will never know, but I am fully aware,
consciously, and subconsciously that I am a liar because I have a mission and purpose in life that I must and will achieve
no matter what.
Probably in other areas of my life I wear the mask of the humble, soft, kind, and generous, comprehensive, and easy-
going mate or with other people or events I am talkative, while in other scenarios I remain silent as an indirect show-
off of political and corporate power.

Training Work Session
Vinicio Stefan The 1st Knight Of The Round commands you to FILL
OUT WITH FULL DETAILS in the header field the context in which you put a mask on (change
behaviours, verbal, and non-verbal language, hide or show certain emotions, etc …) and then write beautifully with
richness of details what you do and what you avoid on those situations and scenarios, also which kind of people are
inside that context.






















































































































































































How to fix your life and manifest what you want?

The brain does not distinguish between “real” reality and “imagined or visualized” reality. I’m citing here the works
of (Hamilton, 2014) – refer to bibliography for more scientific proofs and works on this space.

Based upon this premise, there’s a technique developed in the past by Neville Lancelot Goddard who was a
writer, philosopher, mistic, and researcher of the basis of the Bible.

Here the training for you to learn to reprogram your subconscious so it doesn’t sabotage the achievement and
manifestation of your goals anymore. Because roughly 90~ of what we think, feel, say and do it’s unconscious, we
are not under control of ourselves. But we can deliberately hack the subconscious to help us develop and act on that
90% of our daily lives to push us and set up us for success almost automatically.

Critical Training – I, Vinicio Stefan, 1st Knight of The Round Command you …!
1. At night, before you go to sleep. Please do review internal analysis of the events that occurred throughout
the day that’s almost over … Write it in paper in chronological sequence as it happened since you woke up
until you got to this point of doing this pre-sleep exercise.
2. When the day is written, like a daily diary, proceed to close your eyes and fix the events that you didn’t like
the way they developed. This “fix” is basically to re-imagine and write another version of the day, again in
chronological order but with those events already “fixed” the way you liked them to unfold.
3. As soon as you finished this “fixed” version of the day, archive the sheets somewhere and close your eyes
and focus on the “fixed” version of the day you’ve just written and focus specifically on “how relaxed,
graceful, and blissful” makes you feel.
4. Then, fall asleep peacefully.

This is the perfect formula to hack your subconscious because your past determines your current present
situation, and the present time’s thoughts, feelings, actions, and decisions are the seed that determines your future.
This is an unavoidable, inevitable truth. So, since your brain forgets the “bad” version of the day because you wrote
and therefore created a new version of the present day that it’s almost over, your brain will take that new version as
the “real reality of what happened” – it’s like living in the Matrix (in which personally, I’m convinced we do, indeed)
and that way you just created a new future because you changed your current present following the metaphysical
principle of “Mentalism” and “Re-creation of reality”.

The punchline here is, and backed by science, that whatever you perceive with your senses is actually information
that is modified unconsciously by your brain to show you a default version of the reality. But you change that using
the procedure above.

Conquering “Individuation” to be your genuine self and seize your goals
Destroying internal hypocrisy and be fully self-aware of our internal shadow and masks is the pre-work for what
the best psychoanalyst genius of all times (The Swiss: Carl Gustav Jung) have proclaimed as “Individuation process”.

Such process consists of the following axioms or facts:

1) There is a humongous potential power inside of each human being, it is unimaginable for you because the

elites, what I call the modern psychopathic Archons don’t want you to know. The steps to become self-aware

of your inner power are:

a. Avoid and ignore consciously and program your very own subconscious to ignore any insult or label

someone shoots at you based upon their own wrath, envy, stupidity, ignorance, resentment, or

whatever inferiority complex. If you must “fake, it until you make it” come and do it RIGHT NOW.

b. Remember that all people around you do not know at 100% your own persona because you already

know you wear masks all the time, so they do the same. Henceforth, just be self-aware that




2) Your desires of Happiness and a Tomorrow, or perhaps self-fulfillment cannot exist WITHOUT the right amount

of DARKNESS and embracing your SHADOW as you already have done before in this mentorship. So, you shall

hug and kiss PAIN because that is what enables the existence of blissful life and happiness – realization of your


a. Majority of weaklings and “sleeping” human beings who don’t read this book / mentorship think and

lie themselves into the idea that happiness is the lack of SADNESS. What a bunch of ignorant dullards!

Sadness is a requirement for feeling glad and achieve happiness because it creates a contrast, like the

Ying vs Yang archetype which complements each other. We cannot know the concept of light if there

was no darkness in the space and skies.

b. Entire life exists because of the counter position, tension of opposites. Even in quantum physics this

is a measured truth and scientific fact. There are matter particles which can only exist if the subatomic

particle exists as well. Otherwise, both would not exist in the Universe as matter and would not be

able to release any Energy.

3) To get the BEST treasure you must let go of “the GOOD” – this means you MUST ran away from your comfort

zone, embrace the feeling of being uncomfortable and that will bring you huge blessings and world-wide

success in whatever goal you set to yourself, this is the highest level of self-gratification.

a. The key commandment here is “Thou Shalt Let Go Your Comfort Zone”

4) The highest privilege in YOUR LIFE is to embrace your complete self, to be YOUR REAL YOURSELF! Again, here

I over emphasize to embrace and love your SHADOW and annihilate your

internal hypocrisy, whatever you feel, think, or do, you will be fully self-conscious of it and the impact to the

entire world. That makes a real Member of The Order Of The Black Knights and our LEADER ZERO.

a. If you think you need to be a clone or a copy of someone else, then you are really fucked up. The only

way to be highly privileged in whatever you set out to do is to acknowledge internally that you are a

unique and unrepeatable being, as for example your DNA is unique, even if you are twins, you have

different neural pathways in your brains, YOU ARE UNIQUE! Understood?

b. The key commandment here is “Thou Shalt Passionately Pursuit a Life of Fearlessness and Free of

Restrictions” – This does not mean Anarchy By The Way. But you must be able to live without

restrictions or chained to the expectations of someone else, that means without internal hypocrisy,

everything you do is always calculated for your own goals whatever they may be.

5) As liberalists that we aim

to be, we all must

acknowledge that


WILL FIT TO EVERY USE CASE, because as I said before, every human being is entirely different, that why there’s

struggle, competition, and the unstoppable march of progress. “Inequality is not wrong” as it makes

humankind rich and diverse, “hypocrite concept of equality” is wrong.


a. Do not fall into the imitation game of copying other people’s life model. The punchline here is the

following: “For certain people’s personal definition of happiness and bliss, it could be a boring

nightmare for others”. In fact, the methods leveraged to get to a certain place or achieving a certain

goal, are not the same for all people, every human being has its own way of reaching it, freely. You

must life your own life, make your mistakes and learn from them continuously regardless of feelings

of shame, drop of all to the trash can and celebrate your achievements.

6) If a problem has a solution, why do you worry? If it does not have a solution, why do you worry? Biggest life

issues do not lean towards being just “solved” like if it was a puzzle to try to prove something to someone

(again, inferiority complexes) but to overcome them, in order to be the strongest version of yourself. Instead

of worrying, just handle the issue at hand with the internal and external resources you have got so far. That’s

it. This is a requirement to avoid the phenomenon of “paralysis by analysis”

7) The tactics and strategies you apply in your life should adapt to the phases of it. It’s not the same being a kid,

a teenager, or an adult. Every epoch of your life has different challenges, and you will have to come up with a

strategy to handle it according to the current conditions and phase you are in.

8) The mere act of thinking it’s quite difficult, it is the most elevated feature of human beings. That is the reason

the vast majority of the masses just judge by the cover of the book, by masks, by appearances & looks, it is

easier. A Knight of The Order must be able to put inside other people’s shoes to understand their situations

and causality on how and why they act in certain ways. This requires lots of mental energy but We, The Order

of The Black Knights are capable and determined to make the impossible possible, to overthrow the layers of

world-wide corrupted power that are stealing our freedom.

9) Whatever irritates you about someone else, it is usually a reflection, a MIRROR of what you do not like about

yourself. Use that human bias & flaw in order to understand yourself better,

your virtues and defects, and exploit both of them to exert much more power and
determination. An example: let’s say you get overwhelmed when you listen to too many people speaking at

the same time, but also you tend to interrupt people whenever they speak, because your ego wants to be the

narcissistic protagonist in the communication exchange.

10) Two antagonists “Love vs Power Control” → When you have goals to achieve, you have to understand whether

you need control (Exert Power over someone else), this will cause the effect that you will start relying on

wearing “masks” as we already went thru that mentorship and that means that also there is lack of love

towards that “someone else” – genuine Love means lack of desires to control someone else’s will. So, you are

the one who consciously decides how to organise your deck, your cards are rigged against your targets.

11) As we already went thru the “get rid of internal subconscious hypocrisy” mentoring … The conclusion that we


lying to yourself.

12) There is a bias that goes like this “something is morally good because everybody is doing it” … The punchline

here is that since the goal justifies the means then that means that YOU AND ONLY YOU can label something

as good or evil. Remember Yin vs Yang (Negative vs Positive) contrasts. Do not fall into the mistake of following

the crowd of domestic masses. The Members of The Order are not driven by what the programmed and

brainwashed masses of people think or do. As Knights, we only judge by our very own Code Of Honour of Black

Chivalry to label our own concepts of Good and Bad.

13) As we discussed previously, every human being is entirely different, that means also that YOUR LIFE

EXPERIENCES, building YOUR OWN SELF-IDENTITY and the masks you decide to wear as well as the conscious

action you will exert and consequences of them are all different from human to human, so you must avoid at

all costs trying to clone other people’s identities. Create your own “masks”, don’t use other people “masks”

they want to impose to you.

14) Everything is relative in the sense that it all boils down on how you look at every event, your cosmovision, not

how they really are. We are biased, every human being in a different way. This means the collective and

individual shadows of our subconscious are looking and guiding our actions and judgments most of the time.

We see what we are programmed to see, not reality. Be very wary of this fact. You must question everything.

Even what it is written in this book & mentorship, develop personal critical thinking. That makes you a real

Black Knight. Do not believe me. Test it out for yourself, be an empiric.




16) Most of the people, the timid and ignorant masses that we are educating as one of the main pillars of The

Order Of The Black Knights is that people always do whatever it takes in order to avoid conflicts their own

shadows and souls. That means since you are reading this book at this page, that you are part of the select

elite that has already confronted your shadow and began to wake up. But others will continue lying to

themselves no matter what. The individual subconscious is programmed by the collective subconscious to

automatically and without logical reasoning put on walls and protections, so humans avoid knowing

themselves at all costs. Because knowing and embracing our shadow unleashes a huge amount of power which

the collective unconscious itself fears, because it is manipulated by the psychological archetype of the Archons

which program people this way so they can stay sitting and pulling the strings of power. Everybody is quite

narcissistic these modern days of social media for example, everybody wants to receive instant, short-term

gratification of recognition from other people, but this is the path of mediocrity. You cannot live to agree with

everybody, if you are a genuine Knight, you will leave behind many corpses (many people who don’t

sympathise with you, and that is fine, you are unique and embracing that is the biggest trigger for power for

any warrior)

Getting out of the psychopathic & narcissistic societal matrix:

Identify & Detox from the Addiction of Psychopathic Personalities

If you perceive the following behaviours in yourself that means you’re trapped by your psychopath who’s controlling
your life – the architype of the Archon:

• Compulsivity: You start noticing a lack of capacity to freely choose your life’s actions, hobbies, decisions, etc
and you find yourself that you cannot stop that “prisoner” behaviour – like being VIP 24/7 Monitored by
her/him all the time.
• Destructive (Recursive) Cycle of Growth: Even though you notice by the catastrophic results of the behaviours
of this person in your life, such as: your own health damage, personal lack of self-realization, losing your job,
professional career or even your entire freedom, you are always reporting to that person whatever you do
and whomever you talk to.
• Obsession & Focalization: Every time your environment is “a bit stable” you get a message or call from your
“psychopath in your life” and you have the unconscious and immediate need to reply to him/her without
hesitation, you are in a position in which cannot longer put boundaries in terms of your personal energy,
money, and time management.

The solution to this is the same to whatever kind of addiction: ZERO CONTACT – don’t interact with this Archon,
gaslight him/her instead. This way is like if you are metaphysically killing the psychopath. Because you no longer
pay attention with your physical senses to his wicked, twisted-mind games & tricks.

Final letter from Master ZERO to the Entire World

Dear Victim of my mathematical, ruthless, and cold-blooded approach towards rectifying The Entire World,

I have lied to you and the entire world about nearly everything. I did this as only a narcissist can wage war on all fronts and win against the other
psychopathic narcissists who are ruling the world for their own benefit, the “Elites who make favours to the Global Political Caste”, since I am
tired of lying I found self-sacrificial death with the perfect ending, final result that will benefit the Entire Humankind, as it’s the only good deed I
am capable of, only someone who suffers the same personality disorder as them can beat and destroy them from the face of Earth on their own

This is the perfect way of getting rid of my heavy burden and psychological pain which drains me every day and night.

I am not sorry for this behaviour because I cannot empathize with you.

I chose narcissism so early in my life that I never had the chance to develop a conscience or the capacity to feel remorse or empathy for the way
I hurt you.

Still. I know it’s wrong on an intellectual level. I just cannot feel your pain. Sometimes I wish I could, but I can’t.

I won’t lie here because I am safe as long as I wear this mask of ZERO, my physical identity that not even my elite Knights of the Round I’ve let
them know in any way:

• I became a narcissist because as a child I felt too vulnerable and made the scapegoat of the family for nearly everything bad that
happened and to keep some level of ‘harmony’ in my ZERO – empty & null – family. I was a Psychological Epsilon.
• I was sensitive. I felt too much and most of it was painful.
• I was made to feel like I was nothing, a nobody.
• I was always in a state of abandonment in some way, it was very varied indeed.

I was hurt, betrayed, abused, just like you. I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t loved, or why I was treated with contempt and like I didn’t matter.

I was also never given a good example of how to become a good person, actually it was considered a weakness, only learnt to play a good person
as a temporal mask towards certain people to win over them, consider it utilitarian charm, like the best move on the chessboard I’ve always been
throughout my entire life.

I lacked a paternal role-model because he abandoned me and my maternal-role decided to abandon me as well but more subtly, by following the
path of addictions after her father (my biological grandfather) died, so. I never had anyone to model in a positive way, I was just a three-year old

Life was so painful for me I that had to do something about it in order to survive.

Something drastic. I had to become strong and never show weakness again because my weakness was killing me, also I could not show any trait
of neither stupidity nor ignorance as winning those scholarships in the future was critical for me to hide behind the mask of power and great

I was trained that being a sensitive person who feels compassion and remorse, a person who can genuinely (I don’t know what it means, for me
it is just a rational decision some people take after 3-4 years of overly obsessive thoughts, drugged on dreams & fantasizing over the target
person, all provoked by neurotransmitters such as dopamine and oxytocin generated by the brain and pineal gland) love others, is a weak person.
I know that for most majority of world-wide population isn’t really the case, but it was how I was trained. I was so young that I couldn’t see how
wrong that might have been.

I reached a point where I had to make a choice. In order to survive, I had to sacrifice my humanity. I didn’t want to do it, but I felt like I had to. I
didn’t want to be hurt anymore. I had to sell my soul.

In order to sell my soul, I had to shut you and everyone else out. I couldn’t allow myself to feel too much. I couldn’t allow myself to be sensitive
anymore, and that meant I could no longer allow myself to love anyone, feel anyone else’s pain or joy, or feel sorry if I did something wrong.

Thus, I learnt how to mask behind fake courtesy, sometimes fake smiles, or fake humility, fake seriousness, use of hard-data and numbers to
execute my plans and leave emotionally driven people in evidence and make them object of embarrassment by society when they couldn’t debate
at the level, I am capable of, as multiple computer CPUs recalling KPIs, history, and statistics to break their “emotional and romantical” narratives.
My favourite is to play with the economics of people, well, because money is the blood which can be used for either good or evil deeds, it transports
the oxygen of the illusion that humans can buy happiness, like science or religion themselves, just tools, not
the goal, but specially money because it’s the most widely so-called fake God to which people live their lives
and serve in the pursuit of and exchanging time with their children and spouses by the 9-5 rat-race instead.

Thus, those children will become similar to me. And will feel similar to me. And will learn how to lie and mask similarly to me. It’s like if they were
my direct children in some way. Even though I don’t have any biological children at all. This is second generation world-wide ZERO.

I had to craft this mask that I wear, which is a lie. In order to keep that lie intact, I had to treat others badly, manipulate, discard, destroy and
ultimately kill them. I had to diminish you to prop my false self-up. Because my Global Agenda is more important than a single number, just “a
casualty” or a “mathematical miscalculation”

I had to hate you in order to “love” the mask that I show the world because if I didn’t continually prop myself up by making you feel bad, my mask
of lies might fall off and expose the real me, a powerless and vulnerable child which I had to protect at all costs, even if it meant destroying
everyone else around me.

THIS MASK IS EVERYTHING I HAVE SO DON’T YOU DARE TO ASK ME TO REMOVE IT, I WON’T → if you don’t wanna die. This is the only way I can
act my real way without the need of being politically correct, which is one of the biggest blockers to fix the world, as this is used by demagogues
and corrupt integrated psychopaths in the highest layers of power. So, it takes someone like myself, a psychopath, a narcissist to destroy them
from the face of Earth, those predators of innocent people like you who are reading me right now.

I am a bully but inside I know I am nothing. I act like I love myself, but I really hate myself. I only love the mask I wear. I abuse you to protect that
mask. I love the power to show my real self this mask enables me to. It’s like Internet, most people say & do things over there that they would
not dare to say face to face.

You can never get through to my true self because the lies I tell are nearly impenetrable. I have lied so often and for so long that I myself have
come to believe my own lies. I am a walking lie. That is the truth. Please remember and archive this in your most private and interesting thoughts
because this must remain inside the collective unconscious world.

I will never let you get close to what I really feel. I don’t even know what I feel anymore. Most of the time I feel nothing because a lie has no
feelings. But try to destroy my protective armour, and I will try to destroy you. If I must go down in flames, I am going to take you with me. I will
rage and abuse you. I will gaslight you and tell you the most horrific lies about yourself.

I may seem nice at first or when I feel like the supply you give me is threatened or you may leave. I know how to get others to trust me–by acting
like a nice person. I am good at acting like a nice person, but I can’t feel a nice person’s emotions. It’s hard work to act nice because that’s a lie
too, I am always mentally drained because of it, it’s too much investment of psychic energy.

When you begin to trust me, I will start abusing you, because I must keep you at arm’s length and keep my mask of lies intact at all costs.

The only exception is if you are such an almost perfect and so kind human being that you would be able to understand and may be feel pity about
my true-self ultra-complex psychological system.

But I don’t think such a kind human being could ever exist to understand my inner self and that won’t neither judge nor abandon me, it’s almost
mathematically speaking, the probabilities are epsilon (ε), almost very close to ZERO (NULL = ∅ Unicode character U+2205) → impossible.

Both the niceness I show you and the dickhead I become are both lies. I cannot even access who I really am. I have forgotten. I just know that my
true self is there, somewhere, and I can never, ever, let you meet them.

If you mirror back to me too much of the truth about me - if I become aware that you KNOW this mask I always wear is a fake - I will attempt to
destroy you or cut, you out of my life. I cannot afford to have the truth about myself revealed to me.

Nothing terrifies me more than facing the truth about myself, so I have dissociated myself from it. It scares me so much to realize how evil I have
become. It hurts me so much that I had to choose this fake self because of what was done to me. I hate being evil. I really don’t want to be this
way, but I will never, ever admit that. I cannot ever show you or anyone in the world how weak and vulnerable I really am. But deep inside, I know
I am.

I am still an infant. I never grew up. My emotional and moral development was arrested when I was just a very young child, that epsilon kid, so I
only have the emotional maturity of a child at that age. That’s why I can’t care about you. It’s why I must always have my way.

Can a two or three-year-old care about YOUR feelings? Of course, they can’t, and like a toddler, I can’t either. I am like a mentally challenged
person, only my retardation isn’t mental or cognitive, it’s emotional and moral. I’m emotionally retarded.

It’s hard work keeping up my false self. I am paranoid and defensive all the time that I will be discovered and exposed. It’s enormously stressful
to be a narcissist.

It’s stressful and often painful, and I know I have sacrificed the ability to ever feel real happiness in order to never be hurt again. Again, that’s
why I chose to rectify the World as a way of killing two birds on one shot: Die thru self-sacrifice and remove evil, leaving behind a perpetual era
of peace and freedom to mankind, at least I managed to do something the right way by planning my own death.

But still, I hurt all the time. You can hurt me very easily. The only way I dare show my hurt is by projecting it
back onto you through my abuse and through my rages, or very smartly and subtly, my using you then
discard you when you’re no longer relevant and no longer provide me anything useful for me to enjoy and
entertain myself and my goals.

I’m a bully because I always hurt so much. But I can’t hurt FOR you, only for myself. I cannot afford to hurt for you. I’m too busy always licking
my own wounds and trying to keep the lie going. I will hurt YOU if I must, to keep my lie intact.

As I age, I may soften a little but most likely I won’t. I could even become worse. Don’t wait for me to change because I most likely never will.
Once I chose this life, there was no going back. I chose darkness and once that’s done, there is no going back to the light. I sold my soul and there’s
no way to buy it back but through the grace of God himself, that’s the reason I must die young, via the ZERO requiem.

There’s even a small–a very small–chance that you’re abandoning me and taking away the supply I get from you could make me take a look in
the mirror for the first time at the lost child I left behind so long ago. If that happens, I will be in so much pain I may seek the help I need.

Don’t count on it though. Even if I ever seek help, once I start feeling too much pain, I will probably leave counseling. Feeling that pain is too
terrifying. It’s easier to abuse my own mind (and yours) by keeping up the masks and lies. Specially wearing the mask of ZERO to hide my physical
identity, this allows me to act freely, an illusion of being my true self without consequences attached to it.


Great Grand Master ZERO – CEO & Founder of The Noble Order Of The Black Knights.

How did you feel reading the letter from my Master’s True Self?

Let him know via email to zero@black-knights-nwo or via the Order’s official website’s pop-up chat window → (there you can also find all the linked social networks to Our Order)

Introduction to The Complete Liberalist system

Liberalism is a political and economic ideology that upholds the values of liberty and individual freedom. In the context
of economics, liberalism advocates for a free market economy in which individuals are free to produce, exchange, and
consume goods and services according to their own interests.

The Austrian School of economics, which originated in the late 19th century, is a school of thought that is closely
associated with liberalism. The Austrian School emphasizes the importance of individual human action and the
subjective nature of economic value.

According to the Austrian School, the free market is a spontaneous order that arises from the voluntary interactions
of individuals. The market is seen as a self-regulating system that is capable of achieving a state of equilibrium in which
supply and demand are balanced.

Austrian economists argue that government intervention in the economy is unnecessary and can actually be harmful.
They believe that government interference in the market can distort prices, create inefficiencies, and lead to
unintended consequences.

The Austrian School also emphasizes the importance of private property rights and the role they play in promoting
economic efficiency and innovation. They argue that private property rights provide individuals with the incentive to
produce, exchange, and invest in ways that benefit society as a whole.

Overall, the Austrian School of economics advocates for a limited role for government in the economy and a strong
emphasis on individual freedom and the free market.

According to the Austrian School of economics, the most effective way to ensure economic stability is to allow the
market to function freely and without interference. This means that the government should not attempt to manipulate
prices or control the production and distribution of goods and services.

Austrian economists believe that the free market is a self-regulating system that is capable of achieving a state of
equilibrium in which supply and demand are balanced. This equilibrium is achieved through the price mechanism,
which adjusts to changes in supply and demand and ensures that resources are allocated efficiently.

Austrian economists argue that government intervention in the economy can disrupt this equilibrium and lead to
unintended consequences, such as inflation, deflation, and economic recessions. They believe that the best way to
ensure economic stability is to allow the market to operate freely and let the price mechanism work to balance supply
and demand.

In addition to supporting a free market, the Austrian School also emphasizes the importance of private property rights
and the role they play in promoting economic stability. Private property rights provide individuals with the incentive
to produce, exchange, and invest in ways that benefit society as a whole. This, in turn,
helps to promote economic growth and stability.

Overall, the Austrian School of economics advocates for a limited role for government in the economy and a strong
emphasis on individual freedom and the free market as the most effective way to ensure economic stability.

Private property rights provide the best environment for the weak and poor to thrive, as they allow individuals to
freely pursue their own interests and create value for themselves and others. This is because they allow individuals to
freely pursue their own interests and create value for themselves and others. Private property rights give individuals
the ability to own and control resources, such as land, capital, and intellectual property, which can be used to produce
goods and services that are in demand.

Having private property rights gives individuals the incentive to work hard and be productive, as they can keep the
profits they earn from their efforts. This helps to create a dynamic and innovative economy in which everyone has the
opportunity to improve their standard of living.

Private property rights also protect individuals from being exploited or oppressed by others, as they have the legal
right to control their own resources and decide how they are used. This helps to create a more equitable society in
which everyone has the opportunity to succeed.

Overall, the Austrian School of economics believes that private property rights are essential for the weak and poor to
thrive because they provide individuals with the freedom and incentive to pursue their own interests and create value
for themselves and others. So, the best way to ensure that monopolies do not make the poor even poorer is to allow
the market to operate freely and without interference. This means that the government should not create or support
monopolies and should instead allow competition to flourish.

In a free market, monopolies are not able to sustain their market power for long, as competition from other firms will
eventually drive prices down and erode their market share. This helps to ensure that monopolies do not have the
ability to exploit consumers by charging high prices and restricting access to goods and services.

The Austrian School also emphasizes the importance of private property rights and the role they play in promoting
competition. Private property rights give individuals the ability to own and control resources, such as land, capital, and
intellectual property, which they can use to start businesses and compete with existing firms. This helps to create a
more competitive market in which everyone has the opportunity to succeed.

Overall, the Austrian School of economics believes that a free market and strong private property rights are the best
way to ensure that monopolies do not make the poor poorer, as they allow competition to flourish and prevent firms
from exploiting consumers.

Here are ten examples of how the principles of liberalism and the Austrian School of economics can help the poorest
people and the lowest social class to survive and thrive:

• Free trade: Allowing individuals to freely trade goods and services across borders can help to increase
economic growth and prosperity, which benefits everyone, including the poor.
• Private property rights: Private property rights give individuals the ability to own and control resources, such
as land, capital, and intellectual property, which they can use to create wealth and improve their standard of
• Entrepreneurship: The freedom to start and run a business can provide individuals with the opportunity to
create value for themselves and others, which can help to lift people out of poverty.
• Education: Providing individuals with access to education and training can help them to acquire the skills and
knowledge they need to succeed in the job market and improve their standard of living.
• Limited government: A limited government that does not interfere in the economy allows individuals to freely
pursue their own interests and create value for themselves and others, which can help to promote economic
growth and prosperity.
• Legal protections: Strong legal protections, such as the rule of law and contract enforcement, help to create
a fair and predictable legal environment in which individuals can freely pursue their own interests and create
• Innovation: A free market that encourages innovation and competition can lead to the development of new
technologies and products that benefit society as a whole, including the poor.
• Social safety net: A social safety net that provides basic support to those in need can help to alleviate poverty
and ensure that everyone has access to the necessities of life.
• Infrastructure: Investing in infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and ports, can help to create jobs and
increase economic growth, which benefits everyone, including the poor.
• Credit access: Providing access to credit, such as loans and microfinancing, can help individuals to start
businesses and improve their standard of living.

A free market and limited government intervention can help to eradicate homelessness and control inflation. Here's

• Eradicating homelessness: A free market that allows individuals to freely produce, exchange, and consume
goods and services can create economic growth and prosperity, which can help to reduce homelessness. In
addition, a social safety net that provides basic support to those in need can help to alleviate poverty and
ensure that everyone has access to the necessities of life, including housing.
• Controlling inflation: Inflation is the general increase in prices over time. The Austrian School of economics
argues that the best way to control inflation is to allow the market to operate freely and without interference.
Government intervention in the economy, such as setting price controls or
printing too much money, can disrupt the balance of supply and demand and lead
to inflation. Allowing the market to function freely and letting the price mechanism adjust to changes in supply
and demand can help to maintain price stability and control inflation.

According to the principles of liberalism, limited government and strong private property rights can help to
reduce corruption by limiting the opportunities for politicians to sell political favours to businessmen.

Limited government means that the government has a smaller role in the economy and fewer opportunities
to interfere in the market. This reduces the ability of politicians to use their power to benefit certain businesses
or individuals in exchange for favours or bribes.

Private property rights give individuals the legal right to own and control resources, such as land, capital, and
intellectual property. Strong private property rights can help to reduce corruption by giving individuals the
incentive to produce, exchange, and invest in ways that benefit society as a whole, rather than seeking favours
or bribes from politicians.

In addition, strong legal protections, such as the rule of law and contract enforcement, can help to reduce
corruption by ensuring that everyone is held accountable for their actions and there are consequences for
those who engage in corrupt behaviour.

Overall, the principles of liberalism, including limited government and strong private property rights, can help
to reduce corruption by limiting the opportunities for politicians to sell political favours to businessmen and
by creating a legal environment that promotes transparency and accountability.

Here are five examples of how the principles of liberalism, including limited government and strong private
property rights, can help to reduce corruption and ensure that bribes do not take place:

• Legal protections: Strong legal protections, such as the rule of law and contract enforcement, can help to
reduce corruption by ensuring that everyone is held accountable for their actions and there are consequences
for those who engage in corrupt behaviour.
• Transparency: A transparent legal and regulatory environment can help to reduce corruption by making it
more difficult for individuals to hide their actions and making it easier for corruption to be detected and
• Competition: A competitive market can help to reduce corruption by giving individuals and businesses the
incentive to produce, exchange, and invest in ways that benefit society as a whole, rather than seeking favours
or bribes from politicians.
• Private property rights: Strong private property rights give individuals the legal
right to own and control resources, such as land, capital, and intellectual
property. These rights can help to reduce corruption by giving individuals the incentive to produce, exchange,
and invest in ways that benefit society as a whole, rather than seeking favours or bribes from politicians.
• Limited government: A limited government that has a smaller role in the economy and fewer opportunities
to interfere in the market can help to reduce corruption by limiting the opportunities for politicians to sell
political favours to businesses.
• Independent judiciary: An independent judiciary that is not influenced by political or economic interests can
help to reduce corruption by ensuring that everyone is held accountable for their actions and there are
consequences for those who engage in corrupt behaviour.

• Whistle-blower protection: Protecting whistle-blowers, or individuals who report corruption or wrongdoing,

can help to expose corrupt activities, and hold those responsible accountable.
• Public procurement: Implementing transparent and competitive public procurement processes can help to
reduce corruption by making it more difficult for individuals to bribe government officials in order to secure
contracts or other favourable treatment.
• Campaign finance reform: Limiting campaign contributions and increasing transparency in campaign finance
can help to reduce the influence of money in politics and reduce the opportunities for corruption.
• Civil society: A strong and active civil society, including NGOs, media, and other non-governmental
organizations, can help to expose corruption and hold those responsible accountable.
• Education: Providing education and training on the importance of transparency, accountability, and integrity
can help to raise awareness and reduce corruption.
• Technology: Using technology, such as electronic voting systems, electronic record-keeping, and blockchain,
can help to increase transparency and reduce the opportunity for corruption.
• International cooperation: International cooperation, such as sharing information and best practices, can help
to expose and combat cross-border corruption.
• Sanctions: Implementing sanctions, such as asset freezes and travel bans, can help to deter corrupt behaviour
and hold individuals accountable for their actions.
• Corporate social responsibility: Encouraging businesses to adopt strong corporate social responsibility
practices, such as transparency and ethical behaviour, can help to reduce corruption in the private sector.

What is The State?

The State is a necessary institution that is responsible for protecting individual rights,
including the right to private property, and enforcing the rule of law. The state is also

responsible for providing public goods and services that cannot be effectively provided by the private sector, such as
defence, law enforcement, and infrastructure.

The Austrian School emphasizes the importance of limiting the role of the state and ensuring that it does not exceed
its proper sphere of influence. Austrian economists argue that government intervention in the economy can disrupt
the balance of supply and demand and lead to unintended consequences, such as inflation, deflation, and economic

Overall, the Austrian School of economics defines the state as an institution that is responsible for protecting individual
rights and providing necessary public goods and services, but also emphasizes the importance of limiting its role and
ensuring that it does not interfere in the market beyond its proper sphere of influence.

According to the principles of liberalism, the judicial branch of government can be made more powerful than the
legislative and executive branches by ensuring that it is independent and has the authority to interpret and enforce
the law.

One way to ensure the independence of the judicial branch is to establish judicial review, which gives the courts the
power to review and interpret laws and policies to ensure that they are constitutional. This helps to ensure that the
judicial branch is able to hold the other branches of government accountable and prevent them from overstepping
their authority.

Another way to ensure the independence of the judicial branch is to protect the separation of powers, which divides
the powers of government among the three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. This helps to prevent any
one branch from becoming too powerful and ensures that the judicial branch is able to fulfil its role as a check on the
other branches.

Overall, ensuring the independence and authority of the judicial branch can help to make it more powerful than the
legislative and executive branches of government and ensure that the rule of law is upheld.

Examples of how the principles of liberalism, including the separation of powers and judicial review, can help to ensure
that the judicial branch is more powerful than the legislative and executive branches:

• Constitution: Establishing a constitution that clearly defines the powers of the three branches of government
and establishes the rule of law can help to ensure that the judicial branch is able to fulfil its role as a check on
the other branches.
• Judicial review: Establishing judicial review, which gives the courts the power to review and interpret laws
and policies to ensure that they are constitutional, helps to ensure that the judicial branch is able to hold the
other branches accountable and prevent them from overstepping their authority.
• Separation of powers: Protecting the separation of powers, which divides the
powers of government among the three branches, helps to prevent any one

branch from becoming too powerful and ensures that the judicial branch is able to fulfil its role as a check on
the other branches.
• Independent appointments: Ensuring that judges are appointed independently, rather than being selected by
the executive or legislative branches, helps to protect the independence of the judicial branch, and ensure
that it is not influenced by political or economic interests.
• Tenure: Protecting the tenure of judges, which allows them to serve for a fixed term rather than being subject
to reappointment, helps to ensure their independence and prevent them from being influenced by outside
• Impeachment: Establishing a process for impeaching judges who engage in misconduct or abuse their power
helps to ensure that the judicial branch is accountable for its actions.
• Legal protections: Strong legal protections, such as the rule of law and contract enforcement, help to ensure
that the judicial branch is able to carry out its duties and hold individuals accountable for their actions.
• Civil society: A strong and active civil society, including NGOs, media, and other non-governmental
organizations, can help to expose misconduct and hold the judicial branch accountable.

Why The State is The Enemy of the World and why it must be overthrown?

As a necessary evil, it is important to ensure that the state is limited in its power and does not exceed its proper sphere
of influence as much as possible, in the other hand, the State also plays a vital role in protecting individual rights and
enforcing the rule of law.

The state is responsible for providing public goods and services that cannot be effectively provided by the private
sector, such as defence, law enforcement, and infrastructure. It is also responsible for protecting individual rights,
including the right to private property, and ensuring that everyone is treated fairly and equally under the law.

While it is important to hold the state accountable and ensure that it does not abuse its power, it is not accurate to
say that the state is the enemy of the world and must be overthrown. Instead, it is important to balance the need for
a strong and effective state with the need to protect individual freedoms and ensure that the state does not exceed
its proper sphere of influence.

What is the “Political Caste”?

A "rotten political caste" is a term that refers to a group of politicians and business leaders who engage in corrupt
practices, such as buying and selling political favours, in order to advance their own interests. In a rotten political caste,
corrupt businessmen, oligarchs, and plutocrats may use their wealth and influence to bribe politicians or buy political
favours in order to secure favourable treatment or policies.

This type of corruption can undermine the integrity of the political system and erode public trust in government. It
can also lead to policies and decisions that benefit the interests of a small group of elites, rather than the broader

Overall, a rotten political caste is a group of politicians and business leaders who are corrupt and engage in practices
that undermine the integrity of the political system and serve the interests of a small group of elites.

For examples - real-life situations that could be described as a "rotten political caste" in which corrupt businessmen,
oligarchs, and plutocrats buy political favours from politicians:

• Pay-to-play schemes: In pay-to-play schemes, politicians may award contracts, grants, or other favourable
treatment to businesses in exchange for campaign contributions or other forms of financial support.
• Influence peddling: Influential businessmen or lobbyists may use their connections to politicians to influence
policy decisions or secure favourable treatment for their own interests.
• Bribery: Politicians may accept bribes from businesses or individuals in
exchange for favourable treatment or policies.
• Cronyism: Politicians may appoint their friends or allies to positions of power or influence, rather than
selecting individuals based on merit.
• Nepotism: Politicians may award jobs or contracts to family members or close associates, rather than selecting
the most qualified candidates.
• Insider trading: Politicians may use their insider knowledge of government policies or decisions to gain a
financial advantage in the market.
• Embezzlement: Politicians may steal public funds or resources for their own personal benefit.
• Extortion: Politicians may use their positions of power to threaten or coerce individuals or businesses into
providing them with money or other favours.
• Fraud: Misrepresenting or lying about information in order to secure a benefit or advantage.
• Money laundering: Concealing the proceeds of illegal activities by disguising them as legitimate funds.
• Tax evasion: Illegally avoiding paying taxes.
• Environmental crimes: Violating environmental regulations or laws for personal or financial gain.
• Human rights abuses: Violating the human rights of others in order to advance one's own interests.

The judicial branch of government can play a role in combating corruption by enforcing the rule of law and holding
individuals accountable for their actions.

• Bribery: The judicial branch can prosecute individuals who accept or pay bribes and impose criminal penalties.
• Influence peddling: The judicial branch can hold individuals accountable for using their position or influence
on secure favours or policies for personal or financial gain.
• Cronyism: The judicial branch can review, and challenge appointments made by the executive branch and
ensure that they are made based on merit, rather than favouritism.
• Insider trading: The judicial branch can prosecute individuals who use insider knowledge or information for
personal or financial gain.
• Fraud: The judicial branch can hold individuals accountable for misrepresenting or lying about information in
order to secure a benefit or advantage.
• Embezzlement: The judicial branch can prosecute individuals who misappropriate funds or resources for
personal or financial gain.
• Money laundering: The judicial branch can hold individuals accountable for concealing the proceeds of illegal
activities by disguising them as legitimate funds.
• Tax evasion: The judicial branch can prosecute individuals who illegally avoid paying taxes.
• Environmental crimes: The judicial branch can hold individuals accountable for violating environmental
regulations or laws.
• Human rights abuses: The judicial branch can hold individuals accountable for violating the human rights of

Overall, the judicial branch can play a critical role in combating corruption by enforcing the rule of law and holding
individuals accountable for their actions.

According to the Austrian School of economics, inflation is a hidden tax on purchasing power that results from an
increase in the money supply. When the government increases the money supply without a corresponding increase in
the supply of goods and services, the value of money decreases and prices for goods and services rise. This results in
a decrease in purchasing power, as people are able to buy fewer goods and services with the same amount of money.

The Austrian School argues that money printing, or the creation of new money by the government or central bank, is
one of the primary causes of inflation. When the government prints more money, it can lead to an increase in the
money supply and a corresponding decrease in the value of money. This can result in rising prices and a decrease in
purchasing power.

Overall, the Austrian School of economics argues that inflation is a hidden tax on purchasing power that results from
an increase in the money supply, and that money printing is one of the primary causes of inflation.

According to the Austrian School of economics, the main cause of inflation is an increase in the money supply that is
not accompanied by a corresponding increase in the supply of goods and services. When the money supply increases
faster than the supply of goods and services, the value of money decreases and prices for goods and services rise. This
is known as demand-pull inflation.

Other possible causes of inflation include:

• Cost-push inflation: This occurs when the costs of producing goods and services increase, resulting in higher
prices. This can be caused by factors such as increases in the price of raw materials or labor costs.
• Time preference: This refers to the idea that people prefer to consume goods and services in the present
rather than saving for the future. When people have a higher time preference, they are more likely to spend
their money rather than save it, which can lead to an increase in demand and a corresponding increase in
• Government intervention: Government policies and actions, such as setting price controls or printing too much
money, can disrupt the balance of supply and demand and lead to inflation.
• Expectations: If people expect prices to rise in the future, they may be more likely to spend their money now
rather than saving it, which can lead to an increase in demand and a corresponding increase in prices.
• Overall, the main cause of inflation according to the Austrian School of economics is an increase in the money
supply that is not accompanied by a corresponding increase in the supply of goods and services.

A "rotten political caste," as previously defined, is a group of politicians and business leaders who engage in corrupt
practices in order to advance their own interests. Inflation and the various causes of inflation can be used by members
of a rotten political caste to engage in corrupt practices in a number of ways:

• Printing more money: If the government or central bank prints more money, it can lead to an increase in the
money supply and a corresponding decrease in the value of money. This can be used by members of a rotten
political caste to enrich themselves at the expense of others, as they are able to buy goods and services at
lower prices before the increase in prices is reflected in the market.
• Manipulating the money supply: Members of a rotten political caste may use their influence to manipulate
the money supply in order to benefit themselves or their associates. For example, they may use their control
over the central bank or the government's monetary policy to increase the money supply and create inflation.
• Manipulating prices: Members of a rotten political caste may use their influence to manipulate prices, such as
by setting price controls or engaging in price-fixing. This can allow them to benefit from the resulting inflation
and increase their own profits.
• Gaining access to resources: Inflation can lead to an increase in the cost of goods and services, which can make
it more difficult for people to afford the things they need. Members of a rotten political caste may use their
influence and wealth to gain access to scarce resources and then sell them at inflated prices, allowing them to
benefit from the resulting inflation.

Overall, members of a rotten political caste can use inflation and the various causes of inflation to engage in corrupt
practices and enrich themselves at the expense of others. To wrap up, a government prints more money in order to
finance its spending, leading to an increase in the money supply and a corresponding increase in prices. Members of
the government use their access to the newly printed money to enrich themselves by buying goods and services at
the lower pre-inflation prices.

A group of business leaders manipulates the money supply by using their influence over the central bank to increase
the money supply and create inflation. They then use their access to the newly printed money to buy goods and
services at lower prices before the increase in prices is reflected in the market.

A government sets price controls in order to keep prices for certain goods and services low. Members of the
government and their associates are able to buy these goods and services at the artificially low prices, allowing them
to benefit from the resulting inflation.

A group of business leaders engages in price-fixing in order to artificially inflate the prices of certain goods and services.
They then use their access to these inflated prices to enrich themselves.

A government prints more money in order to finance a war or other military campaign. Members of the government
use their access to the newly printed money to enrich themselves by buying goods and services at lower pre-inflation

Printing more money: If the government or central bank prints more money, it can lead to an increase in the money
supply and a corresponding decrease in the value of money. Members of a corrupt political caste may use their
influence to increase the money supply in order to benefit themselves or their associates.

Manipulating the money supply: Members of a corrupt political caste may use their influence to manipulate the
money supply in order to benefit themselves or their associates. For example, they may use their control over the
central bank or the government's monetary policy to increase the money supply and create inflation.

Manipulating prices: Members of a corrupt political caste may use their influence to manipulate prices, such as by
setting price controls or engaging in price-fixing. This can allow them to benefit from the resulting inflation and
increase their own profits.

Gaining access to resources: Inflation can lead to an increase in the cost of goods and services, which can make it
more difficult for people to afford the things they need. Members of a corrupt political caste may use their influence
and wealth to gain access to scarce resources and then sell them at inflated prices, allowing them to benefit from the
resulting inflation.

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What replaces The State from The Order of the Black Knights point of view?

What’s the future of work vs employment linked to technological progress?

Why the current United Nations is corrupt, useless and against Universal Human

For the countries that affiliate to The Order Of The Black Knights new Federation
of Nations Charter … What will be the role of technology in replacement of The
State (ZERO State Operation – anarchic arch liberalism), and which will
be the pros and cons?


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