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NCS PRACTICES — XI 422 INFORMATICS {a) To show all information about the swimming coaches in the club. date of appointment (DATOFAPP) in descending order, nd bo (@) To list names of all coaches with the fo) To display a report, showing coachname, Pay, a (15% of pay) forall the coaches +9. Write SOL communds for the following on the basis of given table STUDENT . Table: STUDENT! No. Name Stipend Stream ‘AvgMark | Grade ‘Gas | 1 | Karan 400.00. | Medical 75 B | 2 | Divakar 450.00 | Commerce 92 A nc | 3 Divya 300.00 Commerce 68.6 c 22 | 4 | Ann 350.00 | Humanities | 734 B nc 5 | Sabina 500.00 | Nonmedical 906 A MA | 6 John 400.00 Medical BA B 128 | 7 | Robert 25000 | Humanities | 644 c nA 8 Rubina 450.00 Nonmedical 88.5 A 1A | 9 Vikas 500,00 Nonmedical 92.0 A RA | | Moan | 30000 _| Commerce _|_ 675 c ve_| (@) Select all the Nonmedical stream students from STUDENT! (6) List the names of those students who are in class 12 sorted By Stipend. (0) List all students sorted by AvgMark in descending order (@) Display a report listing Name, Stipend, Stream and amount of stipend received in a year assun that the Stipend is paid every month. 14. Write SQL commands for the following on the basis of given table a Table : Library No Title ‘Author | Type pub ay | Price | 1_ | Data Structure Lipschutz | DS Mecaw | 4 | 27 2. | Computer Studies French | FND Galgotia 2 | 3 3. Advanced Pascal Schildt PROG McGraw, 4 350 4 Dbase dummies Palmer DBMS PustakM 5 130 5. Mastering C++ Gurewich | PROG BPB 3 295 6. Guide Network Freed NET ‘ZPress 3 200 7. | Mastering Foxpro Seigal DBMS BPB 2 135 8. DOS guide Norton, os PHI 3 175 os % Basic for beginners Morton, PROG BrB 3 40 10. | Mastering Window Cowart Os BPB. 1 2 (a) Select all the PROG type published by BPE from Library. (@) Display a list ofall books with Price more then 130 and sorted by Qty. (6, Display all the books sorted by Price in ascending order. INFORMATICS PRACTICES ~ X! Give the output of following SQL state (p SELECT LCASE (SPORTS) FROM Club (iy SELECT MOD(Age, 5) FROM CLUB WHERE Sex Fy (i) SELECT POWER, 2) FROM CLUB WHERE Sports "KARATE! ; io) SELECT SubStr(CoachName, 1,2) FROM CLUB WHERE. Datofapp > "1998-01-31 the following table Table : STUDENT! Name Stipend Stream | _AvgMark Karan 400.00 | Medical Divakar 450,00 | Commerce Divya 300.00 | Commerce Arun 350,00 | Humanities Sabina 500.00 | Nonmedical John 400.00 | Medical Robert 250,00 | Humanities Rubina 450.00 | Nonmedical Vikas 500.00 | Nonmedical Mohan 300.00 | Commerce Give the output of followint SQL statement () SELECT TRUNCATE(AngMark) FROM Student! WHERE AvgMark < 75 (ii) SELECT ROUND(AvgMark) FROM Student! WHERE Grade = ‘B’ ; (ii) SELECT CONCAT(Name, Stream) FROM Student! WHERE Class "124 (io) SELECT RIGHT(Stream, 2) FROM Studentt ; 3, Given the following table TABLE : LIBRARY Title ‘Author | Type Pub No 1. | Dota Structure Lipschutz | DS McGraw 2. | Computer Studies French FND Galgotia 3. | Advanced Pascal Schild PROG — | McGraw 4. | Dbase dummies Palmer PustakM 5. | Mastering C++ Gurewich ay 6. 7. 8. Guide Network Freed zPress Mastering Foxpro Seigal Bro DOS guide Norton, ma Basic for beginners | Morton Mastering Window

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