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Bull Eng Geol Environ (2014) 73:1165–1182

DOI 10.1007/s10064-014-0656-y


Block caving-induced strata movement and associated surface

subsidence: a numerical study based on a demonstration model
L. C. Li • C. A. Tang • X. D. Zhao •

M. Cai

Received: 13 March 2013 / Accepted: 4 August 2014 / Published online: 20 August 2014
Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract The block cave mining mechanism and asso- Keywords Block caving  Numerical simulation  Failure
ciated subsidence present one of the most challenging process  Surface subsidence  Stress evolution 
engineering problems in rock mining. Although block Elastic-brittle damage
caving has been in use for many years, there has been
limited research on the impact caving angles have on sur-
face settlement and failure profiles, specifically when Introduction
associated with deep caves and surface propagation (i.e.,
not as part of caving into an existing open pit). We analyse Block caving continues to be a favourable mining tech-
in this study block caving-induced step-path failure nique for maximising net present value from large, lower-
development in a large-scale demonstration model utilizing grade ore bodies. Block cave mining is characterised by
a numerical code based on a finite element technique that caving and extraction of a massive volume of ore, conse-
incorporates an elasto-brittle fracture mechanics constitu- quently inducing major surface subsidence zones directly
tive criterion. Fracture initiation, propagation and coales- above and in the vicinity of the mining operations. A
cence, as well as the breaking of the intact rock bridge and schematic figure of surface subsidence in block caving is
the evolution of a pressure-balancing arch in the stressed shown in Fig. 1. Block caving-induced subsidence may
strata, are represented visually during the whole caving endanger mine infrastructure and is a major concern for
process. Based on numerical results, surface impacts of operational safety. Moreover, changes to surface landforms
block caving, such as subsidence profiles, break angles, brought about by block caving subsidence can be quite
fracture initiation angles and subsidence angles at different dramatic and may lead to pronounced environmental
initial caving depths, are illustrated in this study. impacts. Therefore, the ability to predict surface subsi-
dence associated with block caving mining is critical for
both mining operational hazards and environmental impact
Problems associated with block caving have the fol-
lowing characteristics. First, most practical mining opera-
L. C. Li (&)  C. A. Tang tions related to block caving are on a large scale. Mining up
School of Civil Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, to 1,000 m, even 2,000 m below the ground surface (bgs),
Dalian 116024, China is a very common practice (Lupo 1997; Woo et al. 2009;
Szwedzicki 2001; Villegas et al. 2011). Therefore, in these
X. D. Zhao cases it is difficult to carry out comprehensive tests on
College of Resources and Civil Engineering, Northeastern subsidence and surface breaking behaviour in the field.
University, Shenyang 110004, China Secondly, although several methods, including levelling,
total station surveys, global positioning system (GPS) field
M. Cai
Geomechanics Research Centre, MIRARCO, Laurentian surveys and differential interferometric SAR (DInSAR)
University, Sudbury, ON, Canada techniques, have been used for mining-induced subsidence

1166 L. C. Li et al.

Fig. 1 Conceptual
representation of surface
subsidence associate with block
caving mining, subsidence
characterization terminology,
after Van As (2003)

monitoring, these methods are limited to surface defor- in use for many years, there has been limited research
mation; fracture initiation and propagation, stress distri- conducted regarding the impact that caving angles (e.g.,
bution and failure-induced stress redistribution in the fracture initiation angle, break angle and subsidence angle
stressed strata are still impossible to observe in the field. as shown in Fig. 1) have on the surface settlement and
Ground surface subsidence is the product of a complex failure profile, specifically when associated with deep
rock mass response to caving. Subsidence involves a series caves and propagation to the surface (i.e., not as part of
of strata movements, such as the opening of tension cracks, caving into an existing open pit). This is particularly rel-
development of scarps, fracturing and break back of the evant for environmental reasons and in places where sur-
surface above and around the cave’s footprint, and break- face structures or points of interest could be impacted, as
through of the cave itself to form a large crater (Brown shown in Fig. 2. As illustrated in Fig. 1, three angles are of
2003; Beck et al. 2006; Vyazmensky et al. 2010a, b). interest: break, fracture initiation and subsidence angles.
Owing to scale problems and lack of access, the avail- The impact of block caving on surface subsidence where
able subsidence prediction capabilities and the fundamental open pits do not exist is not clearly understood in regards to
understanding of the complex rock responses leading to determining a relationship between surface subsidence and
subsidence development remain limited. With advances in mining depth. CEMI is interested in determining if existing
computing technology current knowledge of subsidence or newly-developed 2D or 3D modelling codes can cur-
phenomena are being improved by employing numerical rently or potentially accurately model progressive block
modelling techniques. In recent years a number of caving impacts to the surface from varying depths of block
numerical codes, including FLAC (Singh et al. 1993), initiation. This effort specifically focuses on failures to
3DEC (Li and Brummer 2005), PFC3D (Gilbride et al. ground surface without an open pit component.
2005), DDA (Wu et al. 2004) and ELFEN (Vyazmensky The results of 2D numerical simulations conducted using
et al. 2010a, b) have been developed and applied in the the rock failure process analysis (RFPA) code (Tang et al.
modelling of mining-induced subsidence. 2000; Li et al. 2009) are presented in this study to demonstrate
In light of the growing use of block caving and the surface subsidence profiles and failure modes at different initial
importance of increasing knowledge regarding potential caving depths. The capability of RFPA in modelling of block
surface subsidence, there is a genuine need for a compre- caving-induced subsidence is also discussed.
hensive numerical study on the general principles of sur-
face subsidence development associated with block cave
mining (Singh et al. 1993; Li and Brummer 2005; Vyaz- An introduction to the numerical code RFPA2D
mensky et al. 2010b). In 2010 the Centre for Excellence in
Mining Innovation (CEMI) in Sudbury, Canada proposed a RFPA2D represents a two-dimensional finite element code
demonstration project to explore the capability of codes to that can simulate fracture and failure processes in quasi-
simulate rock mass fracture and failure propagation to the brittle rock. Block caving is applicable not only to loose
surface (CEMI 2010a, b). Although block caving has been and fragmented rock but also to intact and hard rock. Hard

Block caving-induced strata movement and associated surface subsidence 1167

which sudden loss of strength occurs across a plane. Block

caving subsidence is the product of a complex rock mass
response to caving. This response involves widespread
failure of the rock mass in both tension and shear (Vyaz-
mensky et al. 2010a; Li et al. 2010; Zuo et al. 2008).
Therefore, a numerical approach based on elastic-brittle
fracture mechanics and incorporating coupled compressive
and tensile strength criteria is required to conduct the
appropriate simulation.

A brief introduction to the principle of RFPA2D

For heterogeneous rock the material properties, including

Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio and strength properties,
for the different rock elements were randomly distributed
throughout the analysis domain. To analyse the statistical
variability of the bulk failure strength Weibull adopted
statistics of extremes to characterise the local failure
strength using a probability distribution function (Weibull
1951). In modelling with RFPA2D the rock model is
composed of many elements and the material parameters of
these elements follow a Weibull distribution as defined by
the probability density function:
m l m1 l
u¼ exp  ð1Þ
l0 l0 l0
where l is the macroscopic magnitude of the parameters
(such as the Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, strength
properties), i.e., the real values obtained from laboratory
tests, while the scale parameter l0 is related to the average of
the element parameter corresponding to l, i.e., the input
values for the numerical simulation. The homogeneity index
m is a parameter defined by the shape of the distribution
function that in turn defines the degree of material hetero-
geneity; a larger m implies a more homogeneous material
and vice versa. Heterogeneous material can be produced
numerically in a computer simulation for a material com-
posed of many elements. Each element is assumed to be
isotropic and homogeneous. Higher homogeneity indices
lead to more homogeneous numerical samples. Systematic
studies of the homogeneity index m have been published
previously (Tang et al. 2000; Wong et al. 2006).
The finite element method is employed in RFPA2D to
obtain the stress field. Elastic damage mechanics are used
Fig. 2 Macro deformation patterns observed in practice in which to describe the constitutive law of each element. The ele-
topographic effects are minor (i.e., the mining is not as part of caving
into an existing open pit), a circular subsidence, b irregular with ment is initially considered to be elastic and its elastic
scarps but without a distinct collapse structure/glory hole, and properties can be defined by Young’s modulus and Pois-
c irregular with a distinct collapse structure/glory hole (Woo et al. son’s ratio. The stress–strain curve of each element is
2009) considered to be linear elastic until the given damage
threshold is attained. In RFPA2D the maximum tensile
rocks subjected to engineering analysis are generally quasi- strain criterion and Mohr–Coulomb criterion are chosen as
brittle; failure in such rocks is a result of brittle fracture damage thresholds. The maximum tensile strain criterion is
initiation and propagation. Brittle fracture is the process by used first to determine whether an element is damaged. If

1168 L. C. Li et al.

εtu εt0 σ where k is the residual tensile strength coefficient given as

ε ftr ¼ kft0 and ftr is called residual tensile strength. et0 is the
- ftr strain at the elastic limit, which is the so-called threshold
strain for tensile damage, while etu is the ultimate tensile
strain at which the element would be completely damaged
in tension, as shown in Fig. 3a. Ultimate tensile strain is
defined as etu ¼ get0 , where g is the ultimate strain coeffi-
- ft0 cient. Under multiaxial stress states the element still
becomes damaged in tensile mode when the equivalent
(a) the case under uniaxial tensile stress major tensile strain e increases above the threshold strain,
et0 . The equivalent principal strain, e, is defined as follows:
e ¼  he1 i2 þhe2 i2 þhe3 i2 ð4Þ
where e1 , e2 and e3 are the three principal strains, and \[
is a function defined as follows:

x x0
hxi ¼ ð5Þ
0 x\0

The constitutive law for an element subjected to multiaxial

fcr stresses can be obtained by substituting the strain e in
Eq. (3) with the equivalent strain e. The damage variable is
ε ε then expressed as
(b) the case under uniaxial compressive stress <0
> e[ et0
Fig. 3 Elastic-brittle damage constitutive law of elements subject to D¼ 1 etu \e  et0 ð6Þ
: e
uniaxial stress 1 e etu
The degradation of an element can then be calculated by
the element is not damaged in tensile mode the Mohr–
Eqs. (2) and (6). However, it must be emphasised when
Coulomb criterion is then used to determine if the element
D = 1.0 a damaged elastic modulus value of zero can be
damage is shear. The sign convention used throughout this
calculated from Eq. (2), which would make the system of
paper is that compressive stresses and strains are positive.
equations ill-posed. Therefore, in this model a relatively
The elastic modulus in elastic damage mechanics may
small number, i.e., 1.0 9 10-5 is specified for the elastic
degrade gradually as damage progresses and the elastic
modulus under this condition.
modulus of the damaged material is defined as
To describe element damage under compressive or shear
E ¼ ð1  DÞE0 ð2Þ stress conditions, the Mohr–Coulomb criterion is chosen as
where D represents the damage variable, and E and E0 are the second damage criterion.
the elastic moduli of the damaged and undamaged ele-
1 þ sin /
ments, respectively. The element and its damage are r1  r3  fc0 ð7Þ
1  sin /
assumed to be isotropic, and therefore, E, E0 and D are all
scalar. D ranges from zero (0.0) for undamaged material to where r1 is the maximum principal stress, r3 is the mini-
one (1.0), representing full failure. mum principal stress, / is the friction angle, and fc0 is the
When the element is under uniaxial tension the consti- uniaxial compressive strength. The damage variable under
tutive relationship illustrated in Fig. 3a is adopted. Fig- uniaxial compression is described as follows:
ure 3a presents the elastic-brittle damage constitutive (
relation with a given specific residual strength. When the 0 e\ec0
tensile stress in an element reaches the tensile strength ft0 , D¼ kec0 ð8Þ
1 e  ec0
i.e., r3   ft0 , the damage variable D can be calculated as e
8 where ec0 is the compressive strain at the elastic limit, k is
> e [ et0
ket0 the residual strength coefficient, and fcr =fc0 ¼ ftr =ft0 ¼ k is
D¼ 1 etu \e  et0 ð3Þ
: e assumed to be true when the element is under uniaxial
1 e  etu compression or tension.

Block caving-induced strata movement and associated surface subsidence 1169

When the element is in a multi-axial stress state and its re-analysed. The next load increment is added only when
strength satisfies the Mohr–Coulomb criterion, the maxi- there are no more elements strained beyond the strength-
mum principal strain (maximum compressive principal threshold corresponding to the equilibrium stress field and
strain) may be evaluated at the peak value of the maximum a compatible strain field. The model iterates to follow the
principal stress (maximum compressive principal stress), ec0 . evolution of failure along a stress path in pseudo-time.
  When modelling using RFPA2D elements whose ultimate
1 1 þ sin /
ec0 ¼ fc0 þ r3  m ð r 1 þ r 2 Þ ð9Þ tensile capacity has been reached are displayed as cracks
E0 1  sin /
with black colour in the post-processing figures. This
where m is Poisson’s ratio. approach for simulating cracks is similar to a smeared crack
In this respect, we assume that the shear damage evo- model, i.e., the crack is smeared over the whole element and
lution is only related to the maximum compressive prin- no special singular element is used for the finite element
cipal strain, e1 . Correspondingly, we substitute the analysis of these mesoscopic elements; this greatly simplifies
maximum compressive principal strain e1 of the damaged simulations of crack initiation, propagation and coalescence.
element for the uniaxial compressive strain e0 in Eq. (8). In recent years, with the advances in computers, an
Thus, Eq. (8) may be extended to triaxial stress states for increasing number of researchers have attempted to use a
shear damage, as follows: similar principle in solving discontinuous problems through
( continuum mechanics (Fang and Harrison 2002; Ma et al.
0 e1 \ec0
D¼ kec0 ð10Þ 2011). One of the main features of this model is that there is
1 e1  ec0
e1 no need for a pre-existing crack to simulate crack initiation
and propagation. The advantage is that the mesh topology is
From the above derivation of damage variable D, which is
left untouched (Pietruszczak and Mróz 1981; Pietruszczak
generally called the damage evolution law in damage
and Xu 1995; Pearce et al. 2000). A similar principle was also
mechanics, as well as Eq. (2), the elastic modulus of the
addressed and applied in modelling rock/concrete damage
damaged element at different stress or strain levels can be
behaviours (Pietruszczak and Xu 1995; Fang and Harrison
calculated. The unloaded element keeps its original elastic
2002; Ma et al. 2011; Pan et al. 2012, 2014).
modulus and strength. That is to say, the element will
unload elastically and no residual deformation is incorpo-
rated in the element. A basic verification of RFPA2D’s capability
When modelling using RFPA2D the model is loaded in in modelling mining-induced strata movement
a quasi-static fashion. At each loading step the stress field
is first examined and those elements that are stressed RFPA2D has been successfully applied in modelling of
beyond the pre-defined strength threshold levels are hydraulic fracturing, tunnel and slope failures and water
assumed to be irreversibly damaged [the tensile stress (or outbursts in coal mines (Tang et al. 2002; Li et al. 2009,
strain) criterion is used first to determine whether an ele- 2011, 2013). Before modelling block caving a simple model,
ment is damaged. If the element is not damaged in tensile as shown in Fig. 4, is first setup to verify the RFPA2D’s
mode, the Mohr–Coulomb criterion is then used to deter- capabilities. The model is assumed to be composed of hor-
mine whether the element is damaged in shear]. The izontally layered stratum with each stratum having different
stiffness and strength of the damaged elements are degra- physical properties. The model is discretised into a mesh that
ded. The model, with its associated new parameters, is then contains 30,000 elements with a size of 300 9 100 m. The

Fig. 4 Verification model with 1

horizontally oriented strata


70m 10
5m Advance direction 12

1170 L. C. Li et al.

Table 1 Physico-mechanical Rock Homogeneity Young’s UCS, UTS, Poisson’s Density, Stratum
parameters employed in the strata index, m modulus, fc0/MPa ft0/MPa ratio, m q/(kg m-3) thickness,
verification example E0/GPa T/m

1 3.0 6 50 5 0.25 2,480 7

2 3.0 8 60 6 0.25 2,650 10
3 3.0 10 60 6 0.25 2,560 8
4 3.0 2 36 3.6 0.28 2,560 8
5 3.0 8 50 5 0.25 2,560 8
6 3.0 4 45 4.5 0.25 2,600 10
7 3.0 8 30 3 0.28 2,500 12
8 3.0 6 20 2 0.3 2,500 10
9 3.0 4 20 2 0.3 2,600 9
10 3.0 1.5 5 0.5 0.3 2,500 2
11 3.0 1 33 3.3 0.3 1,400 6
12 3.0 10 100 10 0.24 2,500 10

whole model is loaded with the self-weight of overburden considered as a cantilever beam. Under the self-weight of
strata. The top of the model is set as a free boundary. the rock strata the cantilever deflects and sags. One end of
Normal displacements are constrained on the right, left and the cantilever above the rear area of the working face falls
bottom boundaries. To clearly show the effect of mining onto the previously collapsed rock mass. Then the canti-
activity on overlying strata movement the evolutionary lever caves when the other end has been cut off.
process of strata movement in this verification model is The evolutionary process of strata movement is impos-
simulated under step-by-step excavation. The thickness of sible to observe in practice. As an alternative method,
the stratum (No. 11) to be excavated in this model is 6 m. physical modelling of subsidence behaviour has been
For each step the excavation is advanced approximately 5 m extensively employed in studying the development of
and the model is solved in a quasi-static fashion to reach an fractures associated with strata movement (Whittaker et al.
equilibrium state. The mechanical parameters employed in 1990; Tang et al. 2003; Lin et al. 2013). In physical
the modelling are listed in Table 1. modelling the failure criteria and post-failure behaviour are
Figure 5 shows the dynamic process of overburden automatically taken into account by using a direct physi-
strata movement with the step-by-step advancement of the cally equivalent material. The main advantage of the
working face. The elastic modulus and shear stress distri- method is the fact that it can obtain visual impact in terms
bution of four representative excavation steps is illustrated of showing fracture patterns and strata movement. To make
in Fig. 5. The grey scale in these pictures reflects the a qualitative comparison the physical modelling results
magnitude of the elastic modulus and shear stress. The based on physically equivalent material are presented in
brighter the element appears, the higher the elastic modulus Fig. 6. It is shown that the failure pattern shown in Fig. 5 is
or shear stress. When the working face advances a distance consistent with these physical results. Fracture initiation,
of 20 m the immediate roof is directly exposed to the propagation, stress distribution and failure-induced stress
mined cavity and bends and subsides towards the working redistribution are clearly observed in the numerical results,
space under the action of self-weight. Finally, the imme- as shown in Fig. 5b.
diate roof begins to separate from the overlying strata, as
shown in Fig. 5a-1. With further excavation the movement
of overburden strata becomes obvious as the span of the
suspending rock beam increases. Some cracks appear at the Numerical analysis of caving-induced strata movement
heads and the middle bottom of the immediate roof. When and surface subsidence
the advancing distance reaches 50 m the rock beam attains
its maximum suspending span and the beam fails and Background problem definition and modelling strategy
collapses into the excavated cavity, as illustrated in
Fig. 5a-2. In the following the periodic movement stage Ground surface subsidence and associated cracking is the
occurs when the stratum movement similar to the first product of a complex rock mass response to caving. This
movement process of bending, subsiding, separating and response involves complex kinematic mechanisms and com-
falling from the upper strata is repeated in the excavation prises widespread tension, and shear failure of the rock mass
process. With advancing the newly produced roof can be along both existing discontinuities and through intact rock

Block caving-induced strata movement and associated surface subsidence 1171

(a-1) Advancing distance: 20m (b-1)

(a-2) Advancing distance: 50m (b-2)

(a-3) Advancing distance: 75m (b-3)

(a-4) Advancing distance: 115m (b-4)

Fig. 5 Numerically-obtained strata movement in the verification example. a Failure mode shown with modulus; b maximum shear stress

bridges. To investigate such a complex process a demon- cave block. In the demonstration model shown in Fig. 7 the
stration model as shown in Fig. 7 was proposed by CEMI mining environment is considered to be a porphyry type
(2010b). In this model it is crucial that modelling is conducted deposit with rock properties as follows and as presenterd in
assuming caving to the surface, i.e., there is no existing open Table 2. The ore is brittle with post-peak strength loss. The
pit above the zone of caving. Draw from the cave will be via a ore body boundaries are not explicitly specified and there
panel method; therefore, we assume three panels drawn from are three faults, i.e., north fault, south fault and west fault,
South to North and that : (a) all three panels are of equal size; as shown in Fig. 7. Undoubtedly, the existence of faults has
(b) the height of the undercut access is 3.8 m; and (c) draw an important impact on failure mode. When a mining face
rates will be uniform across the footprint. encounters a significant fault with a moderate to steep dip
From an environmental standpoint most underground movement will occur on the fault regardless of the cave
methods have the advantage of creating less waste rock angle through intact rock (Song et al. 2010; Vyazmensky
than open pit mining (the exception to this would be if the et al. 2010b; Villegas et al. 2011). However, the main focus
deposit were entirely exposed on the surface. In this of modelling analysis in this study is to determine the
instance open pit mining may be environmentally prefer- failure mode at varying initial caving depths. Analyses are
able to block caving). The primary disadvantage of block carried out to (1) determine surface subsidence profiles at
caving is that it removes much of the supporting rock from varying caving initiation depths to a total depth of 2,500 m
underneath the overburden, which often leads to subsi- in 500 m increments, and (2) determine at each depth
dence of the surface. The area of subsidence is usually increment the (a) break angle, (b) fracture initiation angle
greater than the caved block but not as deep because it is (the limit [0.5 m subsidence is selected), and (c) subsi-
usually partly filled with collapsed rock from above the dence angle (Unlike caving into an existing open pit,

1172 L. C. Li et al.

which is the main area of interest. The model has been

discretised into a mesh with 750,000 elements.
The top surface is set as free. Normal displacements are
constrained on the right, left and bottom boundaries. The
draw is simulated by taking away the rock mass in the
undercut zone step by step until caving develops to the
surface. For each step a rock mass 3.8 m in height and
1,500 m in length (the length of undercut) is excavated and
the model is solved in a quasi-static fashion to reach an
equilibrium state. Plain strain is assumed for all
To determine the fragmentary characteristics of the rock
mass randomly generated joint sets are included in the
model. The average length of the joints is approximately
400 m and the average spacing of the joints is approxi-
mately 100 m. We are compelled to point out that in
RFPA2D a certain type of material is employed to repre-
sent the joints, i.e., the joint is assumed to be a ‘‘weak
material’’ with lower strength and stiffness.
The analysis and microstructural observations conducted
by Wong et al. (2006) required the Weibull parameter m to be
greater than 2.0, but fall within the typical range of
m = 2.0–6.0 reported for engineering materials (McClin-
tock and Argon 1966). Using RFPA2D, a series of numerical
models with different homogeneity indices had been built to
conduct tests on uniaxial compressive strength of rock
samples. It has been shown that a homogeneity index ranging
from 1.2 to 5.0 is common for rock (Liu et al. 2004).
Therefore, we selected the Weibull parameter m = 3.0 to
describe the heterogeneous material properties of rock mass
Fig. 6 Failure mode of physical modeling using physically equiva- in this study. In addition, it is assumed that Young’s modulus
lent materials (Tang et al. 2003)
and strength properties conform to individual distributions
with the same homogeneity index, which means that all of
caving to surface is particularly relevant for environmental the parameters vary independently. The homogeneity index
reasons and where surface structures or points of interest only determines the degree of homogeneity, not the inde-
could be impacted. A more rigid subsidence limit is nee- pendence of variability. The parameters employed in this
ded. In this model the limit[2 mm subsidence is selected). model are listed in Table 2.
Therefore, the effect of slippage along the faults is not
considered and the faults are assumed to be a perfectly Numerical results
bonded interface (strong interface) between adjacent ore
bodies. The impact of a fault on failure mode will be dis- Caving process
cussed further in ‘‘Impact of faults on surface
disturbances’’. Figure 9 shows numerical results presented with an elastic
modulus. The dark elements represent the nucleated flaw.
Fractures form by connection of flaws. The numerically
Model setup obtained failure process shows that an extensive subsidence
mode forming a topographic depression on the surface
Based on the demonstration model, the block caving- (subsidence trough) is observed. The subsidence is large in
induced rock failure process is simulated by RFPA2D in the central area and decreases progressively towards the
this study. Five initial caving depths, 500, 1,000, 1,500, sides.
2,000 and 2,500 m, are selected. Figure 8 shows configu- Numerical results clearly demonstrate the caving pro-
ration of the model with an initial caving depth at 1,500 m. cess, revealing the failure scale and failure mode of the
The model discretised zone size is 6,000 9 2,000 m, strata are dominated not only by the drawing activity but

Block caving-induced strata movement and associated surface subsidence 1173

Fig. 7 Configuration of the

demonstration model

(a) the ore bodies and undercut panels

(b) the configuration along section A-B

Table 2 Parameters employed Rhyolite Quartz- Sandstone and Biotite Joints

in the demonstration model monzodiorite Siltstone granodiorite
Homogeneity index, m 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 5.0
UCS, fc0/MPa 205 140 125 145 15
UTS, ft0/MPa 20.5 14 12.5 14.5 1.5
Young’s modulus, E0/GPa 60 50 40 55 1
Poisson’s ratio,m 0.22 0.23 0.25 0.23 0.35
Density, q/(kg m-3) 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 1,000
Residual strength 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2
coefficient, k
Ultimate strain 10 10 10 10 5
coefficient, g

also by joints and rock bridges. Figure 10 shows the stress macro-fractures result in an evident stress concentration
evolution during the fracturing process. The shading around the newly-generated fracture tips. The concentra-
intensity indicates the relative magnitude of the maximum tion area (brighter) extends upwards with the propagating
shear stress within the elements. The stress concentration fractures (Fig. 10b).
initially appeared at the tips of the joints and at undercut Because the variation in failure mode is highly sensitive
ends. During the drawing process it is shown that the to the fragmented nature of the rock mass, the connected

1174 L. C. Li et al.

Fig. 8 Model for numerical x Randomly distributed joint sets

modeling (the case with an
initial undercut depth of z
1,500 m)




Fig. 9 Failure process of the case with an undercut depth of 1,500 m

Block caving-induced strata movement and associated surface subsidence 1175

Pressure-balancing arch

Pressure-balancing arch


Pressure-balancing arch
Pressure-balancing arch

Pressure-balancing arch



Local tension failure

induced by boundary


Fig. 10 Stress evolution in the case with an undercut depth of 1,500 m

fracture pathway is not straight but flexural, and the frac- the isolated fractures in this high-stress field causes the
ture surface is rough. In reality there are two types of fractures to propagate in a complicated manner.
failure for different materials: high-stress failure and low- Once the intensity of the stress concentration in a caved
strength failure. In a homogeneous material failure begins zone of roof strata is released a stress shadow area (the
at the high-stress site, whereas in heterogeneous material, stress-released zone presented with a greyer colour) and a
e.g., rock, failure may start at the weaker locations because pressure-balancing arch (the zone presented with brighter
of the presence of pores, micro-fractures, joints, grain colour) above the caved zone are apparent (Fig. 10b). The
boundaries, etc. Heterogeneity is the main reason for fail- pressure-balancing arch formation and dissipation process
ure that occurs in locations where the stress is not neces- is the evolution of the stress field and can be clearly
sarily the greatest. Therefore, strong interaction between observed in the numerical calculations. The pressure-

1176 L. C. Li et al.

balancing arch must be broken for caving to continue. In drawing process the forming and breaking of pressure-
practice there are two approaches to destroy the pressure- balancing arch is periodically repeated. The stratum
balancing arch: one is to conduct a certain excavation to movement, including bending, subsiding, separating, and
force the support points of the pressure-balancing arch to falling from the upper strata, is also periodically repeated.
move forward (just like the model in the verification During a cycle more than one pressure-balancing arche can
example shown in Fig. 5); the other is to continue drawing be formed simultaneously.
to force the support points to move up. In this demon- In the caving process of metal mines the caving of roof
stration model the second approach, continuous drawing, is strata was usually characterised by periodic failure (Goel
employed to destroy the pressure-balancing arch. With the and Page 1982; Song et al. 2010; Villegas et al. 2011). Its


Newly generated
fractures in rock bridges



Fig. 11 Damage evolution in the case with an undercut depth of 1,500 m (presented with acoustic emission, AE)

Block caving-induced strata movement and associated surface subsidence 1177

basic development process can be summarised as: slowly Ground surface subsidence
caving (or caving stop) ? sudden caving (or accelerated
caving) ? slowly caving (or caving stop) ? suddenly Field data, e.g., GPS and DInSAR data, would be very
caving (or accelerated caving) ? surface subsidence. useful in the investigation of ground surface subsidence.
Usually before the sudden caving and collapse of the sur- However, subsidence monitoring in the field was not car-
face the phenomenon of slow caving or ‘‘stopped caving’’ ried out in this study. Therefore, only numerical results are
is observed and will last a long time. Therefore, it is clearly presented to predict the variation of ground surface subsi-
shown dynamic evolution of the pressure-balancing arch is dence. Figure 12 represents numerically obtained surface
an intrinsic result of periodic failure. As long as there is an subsidence for different undercut depths at 500, 1,000,
intact pressure-balancing arch the rock mass will not 1,500, 2,000 and 2,500 m. As observed in this figure, the
completely cave to the surface until all of the pressure- area of influence of the trough increases with the depth of
balancing arches are broken. the drawing excavation. Maximum vertical displacements
In the caving process fracture initiation always starts are produced in the central area. Subsidence decreases as
from the joints and propagates into the rock bridges. the distance from the central area increases, tending to
Almost all the pressure-balancing arches are formed along reach zero when this distance is sufficiently large. The
randomly distributed rock bridges. Since the rock mass in corresponding damage mode of the five cases (presented
the demonstration model is a quasi-brittle material with a with an acoustic emission (AE) distribution) with different
high strength after a rock element is damaged there will be undercut depth is given in Fig. 13. In this study the break
a large loss of strength and an evident stress drop. Once one angle of the surface can be obtained based on the damage
or several key rock bridges within a pressure-balancing mode.
arch are destroyed the pressure-balancing arch will be Recent attempts at relating surface subsidence to
immediately broken. Figure 11 shows damage evolution underground mining make use of the concept of a subsi-
within the whole model (red points indicate tension fail- dence trough (Villegas et al. 2011). A subsidence trough
ures, white points indicate shear failures), in which the forms as a gentle depression over a large area. The concept
partially-enlarged view in Fig. 11a clearly reveals the takes into account one of the most important observed facts
failure process of an intact rock bridge. Understanding the regarding subsidence, namely that the surface area affected
sequence of the geotechnical precursors in the caving is larger than the mined area. Locations of subsidence
process is an essential aspect of a successful geotechnical [0.002 m and subsidence [0.5 m are marked on Fig. 12.
monitoring program that allows for timely adjustment of According to these locations, the angles of subsidence and
mine design and implementation of remedial measures. fracture initiation are directly calculated and also marked

Subsidence >0.5m

1050m, 1380m,
64.4° 66.5°

Distance (m)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
-1 230m,
-1.5 50.6°
Surface subsidence (m)

-3 200m,
undercut depth = 500 m
-3.5 45°
-4 1710m,
-4.5 490m, undercut depth = 1000 m
-5.5 undercut depth = 1500 m
725m, 1900m,
-6.5 70.8° undercut depth = 2000 m
-7 33.4°
-7.5 2150m,
-8 900m, undercut depth = 2500 m
-8.5 20.5° 78.7°

Subsidence >0.002m Subsidence >0.5m

Fig. 12 Deformation of the model surface

1178 L. C. Li et al.

Fig. 13 Final damage mode of

all cases with different undercut Break angle
depths (D)

(a) D=500m

(b) D=1000m

(c) D=1500m

(d) D=2000m

(e) D=2500m

Block caving-induced strata movement and associated surface subsidence 1179

90 only occurred along the faults regardless of the cave angle

80 through intact rock. As a result, besides surface subsidence,
there is no evident fracture initiation beyond the faults.
However, with continuous caving potential failure may
Angles (Degree)

60 come into being at the hanging wall zone. The hanging

wall failure zone is the area bounded on one side by the
caved rock zone and the other side by the surface subsi-
dence zone. As shown in Fig. 15c, discrete damage (pre-
30 Fracture initiation angle sented with randomly distributed AE event) has already
Break angle
formed in this area. Surface disturbances in this zone may
Subsidence angle
consist largely of surface cracks, sinkholes and shear dis-
10 placements. The shape of the hanging wall failure zone
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Undercut depth (m) shown in Fig. 15c is conceptualised as a planar shear sur-
face that intersects a tension crack near the surface and the
Fig. 14 Variations of break angles, fracture initiation angles and active mining level at depth. This geometry is similar to
subsidence angles with varying undercut depths
that proposed by Hoek (1974) and Brown and Ferguson
(1979) for sites with comparable hanging wall failures.
on Fig. 12. Then the variation of break, fracture initiation Numerical results indicate in the case of critical geo-
and subsidence angle are plotted in Fig. 14. The general logic structures (e.g., apparent large-scale faults), the pri-
trend is consistent with the findings of previous studies mary failure mechanism occurs along pre-existing geologic
(Lupo 1998). Fracture initiation and break angles decrease structures as well as through intact rock in the caved zone;
with an increasing initial caving depth. Notably, the frac- with shear failure, toppling and wedge failures are present
ture initiation angle is relatively large for the model with an as potential secondary mechanisms. Numerical results
initial caving depth D = 500 m. In near-surface mining it showed that hanging wall and footwall rock mass failure is
is relatively easy to cave to the surface without a wide closely linked to mining activity, movements of caved rock
surface depression; the fracture initiation angle is closer to and the presence of geologic structures.
the break angle. The subsidence zone is the buffer zone
between a rock mass in equilibrium and a rock mass in
failure. Surface disturbances within this zone are caused by Conclusions and discussion
changes in the stress field. Displacements in this zone are
relatively small and consist of horizontal movements in the In this study a demonstration model was used to investigate
direction of the mine and vertical movements as the surface strata movement during the caving process. The RFPA2D,
subsides. The subsidence angle in this study generally based on a finite element technique incorporating an elas-
increases with the increase of initial caving depth; how- tic-brittle fracture mechanics constitutive criterion, was
ever, the subsidence angle curve is convex in shape, which utilised in the analysis of block caving-induced step-path
indicates that with an increase of mining depth, the surface failure development in a large-scale model. This approach
impacts get smaller. This finding is consistent with the allows for physically realistic modelling of block caving
results proposed by Brown (2003). through simulation of the transition from a continuum to a
discontinuum. Fracture initiation, propagation, coales-
Impact of faults on surface disturbances cence, breaking of intact rock bridge and the evolution of a
pressure-balancing arch in the stressed strata are repre-
Another model was built to better understand the impact of sented visually during the whole caving process. The
faults on subsidence angles and surface subsidence. For a phenomenological approach provides supplementary
two-dimensional simulation the north and south faults information on the stress distribution and failure-induced
along section A–B are considered. In this case the included stress redistribution, and shows in detail propagation of the
north and south faults illustrated in Fig. 7 are defined as fracture zone and the interaction of the fractures sur-
severely weak interfaces. Figure 15 presents numerical rounding the mining stope. This fracture modelling can
results of the failure process for this case. The broken rock provide insight into the evolution of fractured zones
mass is concentrated between the south and north faults. impossible to observe in the field and difficult to consider
Because the ore body between the north and south faults is with static stress analysis approaches.
a huge trapezoidal block the tensile stress or frictional force Caving of roof strata was usually characterised by
cannot be effectively transmitted to the surrounding rock periodic failure. Numerical results indicate the dynamic
mass beyond the trapezoidal block; and strata movement evolution of the pressure-balancing arch is the intrinsic

1180 L. C. Li et al.

a trapezoidal block

(a) failure mode presented with elastic modulus

(b) failure mode presented with maximum shear stress

Hanging wall zone

North fault South fault

(c) failure mode presented with acoustic emission (AE)

Fig. 15 Caving failure mode when the faults were taken into consideration (in this case, the undercut depth is 1,500 m)

motivation of periodic failure. As long as there is an intact volumetric swelling (or bulk expansion) of a collapsed rock
pressure-balancing arch the rock mass will not completely mass during block caving will be included and studied,
cave to the surface until all of the pressure-balancing because the volumetric swelling of collapsed rock mass can
arches are broken. Based on numerical results, the impacts presumably influence the periodic failure mode and the
of block caving on the surface, including subsidence pro- magnitude of ground subsidence (Kemeny and Cook 1986;
files, break angles, initiation angles and subsidence angles Li et al. 2010); (b) in order to more accurately capture the
at different initial caving depths, were illustrated. fracturing pattern and subsidence topography the simula-
Although natural cases are often much more complex tion of block caving-related subsidence in 3D is needed.
than numerical models considered here, the study addres- However, 3D simulation in the case of a large geometrical
sed complex rock mass responses to caving. This response domain requires fine mesh discretisation resulting in
comprises global failure of the rock mass in both tension extensive computational times, making this approach not
and compression along existing discontinuities and through currently feasible to run on personal computers (PC). As
intact rock bridges. It appears that the essence of a rock such, modelling based on high-performance computing
mass response during caving is the key to successful ana- (HPC) or parallel processing technique is necessary.
lysis of surface subsidence. Based on the modelling results, Although detailed and realistic mine scale block caving
many factors associated with block caving still need be modelling in 3D has yet to be achieved, a few 3D models
considered in the future. For example: (a) the impact of based on parallel processing techniques have been applied

Block caving-induced strata movement and associated surface subsidence 1181

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irregular geometry. Tunn Undergr Sp Technol 38(9):189–204
Acknowledgments The study presented in this paper was jointly Liu HY, Roquete M, Kou SQ, Lindqvist PA (2004) Characterization
supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of of rock heterogeneity and numerical verification. Eng Geol 72:
China (Grant No. 51279024) and the National Basic Research Pro- 89–119
gramme of China (Grant No. 2014CB047103). The work was also Lupo JF (1997) Progressive failure of hanging wall and footwall
partially supported by CEMI’s caving project, Canada. The authors Kiirunavaara mine, Sweden. Int J Rock Mech Min Sci
are grateful for these supports. 34:184.e1–186.e11
Lupo JF (1998) Large-scale surface disturbances resulting from
underground mass mining. Int J Rock Mech Min Sci 35:399
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