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Value Proposition ...................................................

Contents Summary ................................................................. 9
Introduction .................................................................... 2
New Product Development, SIT...................................... 9
Customer lifetime value .............................................. 2
Susbtraction ................................................................ 9
Customer lifetime length ............................................ 2
Task unification ........................................................... 9
Retention and customer satisfaction .......................... 2
Multiplication............................................................ 10
3 Cs .................................................................................. 2
Division ..................................................................... 10
Customer ..................................................................... 2
Attribute Dependency .............................................. 10
Value Proposition .................................................... 2
Customer Behavior ................................................. 2
Measuring customer perceptions ........................... 2
Measuring customer preferences ........................... 3
Company ..................................................................... 3
Name the company ................................................. 3
Define Corporate Mission ....................................... 3
Set company objectives and strategies................... 3
Analyze and design business portfolio .................... 4
Company Resources ................................................ 4
Competition ................................................................ 4
Ports five forces model ........................................... 4
Swot Analysis .......................................................... 4
STP (segmentation, targeting and positioning) .............. 5
Segmentation .......................................................... 5
Targeting ................................................................. 5
Positioning............................................................... 5
Product ............................................................................ 6
Brand ........................................................................... 6
Brand Elements ....................................................... 6
Brand impact at a subconcious level ...................... 6
Product ........................................................................ 7
Stages of product development.............................. 7
What is an insight? .................................................. 7
What is an Accepted Consumer beliefs? ................ 7
What is an observation? ......................................... 7
Structure for writing an insight. .............................. 8
Techniques for creating insights ............................. 8
Insights on a B2B context ........................................ 8
Introduction 3 Cs
Lets remember an important concept: Customer
Value Proposition

Customer lifetime value

This is how much money does a customer generated
over the period of its lifetime as a customer for the Customer Behavior
company. Purchase Funnel
The purchase funnel is used to identify the bottlenecks
that are causing the customer to not buy our product.

An example would be:

Customer lifetime length Measuring customer perceptions

This is the expected duration of the customers lifetime. What’s more important? Objective or perceived
reality? For marketing the most important is what the
customer perceives about reality.

Measuring perceptions is a difficult task, but a few

solutions are:
Retention and customer satisfaction Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS)
CS = Perceived performance - expectations The basic assumption: while people may not be able to
reliably report what attributes drive their choices, they
can report perceptions of the similarities of brand or
Measuring customer preferences
But knowing perceptions is not enough. How are
attributes traded off when choices are made--i.e., what
is their relative importance? How do you measure
which attributes are more important for customers at
your company?.

One way is making surveys like this ones:

Or a quadrant map


Conjoint analysis
Name the company
The name of the company must represent the mission
of the company and its values and objectives.

Define Corporate Mission

Set company objectives and strategies

An example of this, is amazon virtuous cycle of growth:

How do we identify competitors? By considering the

Core Benefit of your company. For example, an airplane
company such as latam core benefit is transport
between large distance. The obvious competitor here is
other airlines, but there are also not so obvious
competitors that offer the same benefit such as trains,
Analyze and design business portfolio busses or even car manufacturers.

Ports five forces model

Explain the 5 most threatening forces toa business
according to Porter.

A good portfolio produces synergies between products.

A clear example of this is marvel movies:

Swot Analysis

Company Resources
STP (segmentation, targeting and


Targeting = in which of the segmented groups are we
going to focus on. Who is our target customer.

Positioning = How we want to be perceived.
Product • Website

Brand Elements should be:

What is a brand? “A name, term, sign, symbol, or
design, or a combination of them intended to identify
the goods and services of one seller or a group of sellers
and to differentiate them from those of the

What is brand equity? Positive brand equity: customers

react more favorably to the product and the way it is
marketed when the brand is identified than when it is
Brand Name
Brand equity is important because it leads to brand There are two things one should consider when
value: choosing a name for the product/company:

How does one create brand equity? By creating Brand impact at a subconcious level

No differences → no brand value.

People that were not aware they we are being exposed

to Dasani photos before being asked to choose a water
bottle were more propense to choose a Dasani bottle if
given the choice the more expose to the brand they
were. This suggest that brand may also impact
Brand Elements
consumers at a subconscious level.
• Names
• Logos
• Symbols
• Characters
• Slogans
• Jingles
• Package
Product What is an insight?

What is an Accepted Consumer beliefs?

Around 70% of new products fail, why could this be?

An example of this, is that more shaving blades in a

razor makes shaving better and easier.

What is an observation?
Stages of product development

Structure for writing an insight.

Value Proposition
Lets remember what a value proposition was:

Techniques for creating insights

Value propositions have both a functional and
emotional benefits that generate value for the target

The functional benefit indicates what the product or

service does. The emotional benefit is what the target
feels when experiencing the product.

Insights on a B2B context

Justification New Product Development, SIT
SIT = Systemative inventive thinking, it takes a solution
and improves on it.


Task unification


Attribute Dependency

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